“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, June 01, 2015

City of Peru Illinois 61354 - Government Agenda, Minutes, Videos, News

City of Peru Illinois 61354 - Government Agenda, Minutes, Videos, News

The information regarding Oval Wacker Consulting is located near the end of the package. Don't pay too much attention to page numbers as they do not appear in the proper sequence.  Easiest to go to End and work from the last to the first. It appears that Oval Wacker will report to the ASM.

Also the Task Force will be meeting Wednesday and will also go into closed session.  It seems that their time has been wasted shamefully and the ASM (city administrator) only needs the elected to give him the official title and probable wage increase. That should be no problem in view of their past history.

Wonder if the Civil War statue or Maud Powell figure are shedding tears for the city they reside in?


Anonymous said...

And to think we could not afford a SPLASH PAD, but we have plenty of money to reward the favored at City Hall.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if this topic was ever discussed openly at a council meeting? How and when was it decided that he (Vickrey) would report to the ASM? This appears to be a big deal and yet citizens only learn about it 2 days before they are going to vote on it?

Anonymous said...

For years different reasons why the young leave this area as soon as they complete the amount of education they aspire. Has anyone given thought that the questionable political movement cited above may be one of the major reasons?