This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.” Samuel Adams
Friday, September 13, 2013
Peru Council September 9 Much Discussed Meeting
Seemed well rehearsed by the two aldermen. Was there a plan to bombard anyone who thought differently? The last councilman that spoke what was his point it didn't make sense to me. There was no comparison.
A negotiated union contract with the police cannot be compared to a private company Alderman Radtke. Just because TEST has always been handed the contract does not mean it should not go out for bid. And who came up with the no increase year one and then a 1.5 for the next four years?, the city or TEST?
Did anyone else notice the minute Local 150 was brought up that is when the mayor put a stop to the debate. Oh baby...that was hitting to close to home.
Can't wait for the entire video to be posted on the city web-site. Mr. Sapienza's speech is worth hearing. Above is just a small example of his what I call a small tirade. After hearing him speak I felt sorry for his constituents who may have phoned him expressing their desire for this contract to go out for bid. You will hear him say something to the effect "other than one person, the others had no good reason to ask me to vote according to their wishes". I was shocked and upset at his tone of voice and attitude (even toward one of his own aldermen).
I agree with you 8:44. I was very disappointed with Sapienzas tirade. He showed that he doesn't listen to his constituents and will only follow the crowd of aldermen.
If that were my alderman, I would never ever call him again to be insulted in that manner. So lets figure this out, almost all the aldermen had their mind made up long before the conversation about the TEST contract was even brought to the public. I'm glad that so many people called their aldermen even though you were speaking to officials who had no interest in listening to you. So we have a Mayor and 7 aldermen who are not the least bit interesting in your thoughts on a very important subject. I just am willing to bet that they believe you are naive and uninformed and that is the excuse for their attitude. This alone is enough to say we need new blood and we need term limits on all the offices in Peru and we need a City Manager to take the place of the Treasurer and maybe even city clerk. Those positions it seems have become outdated.
Lois, the recent vote of 7-1 was Harls answer to the citizens of Peru. Sapienza tear jerking speech was his first poorly acted dramatic "ET TU BRUTE" answer to his constituents of the 3d ward. Radke proved that he doesn't even know the difference between the pivate and public sectors and Waldorf and Lukosus simly don't UNDERSTAND. Poor Mueller is completely lost. Where did you get these guys?
8:44 here. Mr. Sapienza kept telling us how Mr. Perra helped the city with regards to the Westclox fire. I know that the Test building was inside of Westclox but did we allow civilians anywhere near that dangerous situation. I know that personally, as a site-serer, we were forced to move back blocks from the site because of possible toxic gases. So, what exactly did Mr. Perra do? Is he a fireman? And, how does he (Mr. Sapienza) know whether or not another water treatment company's personnal would not have helped? And, surely you do not give someone a contract because of a disaster that just happened to occur during their reign.
1:12 PM Ald Sapienza had told me prior to the election or shortly afterward that he knows he will make mistakes and who will like to tell him that this was a whopper of a first mistake? He has totally changed since he was elected.
AGREE NEED A CITY MANAGER, GET RID OF CITY CLERK AND TREASURE. Save $$$. When a clerks position become a hospitality clerk, they have to go. Boys club is what's going on.
This blog is hilarious. You can talk all you want but the powers that be are just making monkeys out of you, especially when Harl called out to Greg Vaccaro. Can't you see he's just thumbing his nose at you? You just have to wait until the next election. In the meantime let's hear comments why sophomores don't want to go out for football at L-P.
Must be boring down at City Hall, I suggest you take up pickle ball in your spare time. My regular bloggers are doing just right and we have become a very patient group. Harl is insignificant to us. We hardly know he is mayor as he never says anything important or relative and ignores most important topics and votes.
Perez is the only one who understood, about bidding, Sapi is new, but he doesn't know whats going on. Also Radtke made a fool of himself also. None of them understood, the people only wanted to bring this contract to a bid.
4:17. What is hilarious is the fact that Harl knew about how the bloggers were talking about Vacarro getting to talk without filling out a 3x5 card. That proves he is either reading this blog, or he is having somebody read it for him (or to him) and telling him about it. All the aldermen read the blog although nobody besides Perez will admit it.
I drove past the new LP sports complex today. They have tennis courts but no Pickleball courts. Don't they know Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America?
4:17 Football participation is down all over the country. Sadly it is going the way of boxing. Fewer and fewer parents can ignore the chronic head injuries and debilitating effects , and they are not signing the slips or encouraging the kids to play.
No one loves the game more than me, but in twenty years we won't recognize it. It is what it is, colleges will sponsor private clubs and the pro sport will survive, but only by recruiting from the same pool as boxers. Kids with brains are going to protect their brains.
It is what it is. Places like Texas and Florida will deny it the longest. Friday Night Lights and all. Go Cavaliers!
Just watched the video. What were those aldermen talking about? The first guy was off on some Rant then the last guy giving his 2 cents seemed way out in left field.
We need people in those positions with brains. After hearing that rant I've lost all respect for alderman sapienza. I swear common sense is becoming so rare it's almost a super power.
Why don't we just sell the entire water / wastewater utility? Pipes, plants, the whole bloody thing. Let a private company like American Water do it all. I think Streator did that.
After listening to the video it has become very clear to me that the alderman are unable to differentiate the fact that TEST and their employees are not city employees. Why else would Alderman Radtke confuse a negotiated contract with a contract that should have gone out for bid. In his mind they are employees of the city. Does anyone else have a better explanation?
Somewhat off topic, but driving thru Peru downtown this morning, it looks like 2 businesses in our down town that I won't miss are closed. That would be The Smoke Shop and The Gold Shop. If they remain closed which is likely, what type of business would want to open up in that block which looks rather unappealing to anyone wanting to open a shop.
Do you think the full video of this last meeting will ever be downloaded or will this be another one of those mysterious videos that become infected with some kind of disease? I would hope that we would just be honest for once and post it as it should be.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: we NEED a Republican in there. I know some people feel that party politics don't belong within municipal government, but 7 of the 8 alderman have no problem backing our democratic...err...."independent" mayor. Keep thinking that political parties only apply to federal, state, and county governments and don't apply to local municipalities and our current administration will continue to laugh at you. At least republicans understand the benefits of the bidding process and free market system.
this is off topic, but I think it is funny how the trib always runs stories about "former Illinois Valley residents" somehow being involved in the big news story of the day. I think the real story they should run is one about the vast number of "former Illinois Valley residents," why there is a mass exodus of anyone under the age of 30, and why they never come back (except to visit once a decade to get some chicken and gamble at the bars).
6:01, the "brain drain" you refer to is not in any way unique to the Illinois Valley. Young people tend to move toward the suburbs and larger cities. Offsetting that would be more jobs that require college degrees, and that is a very big challenge. Having said that we do have some sharp you people in our area as well.
Personally I enjoy the human interest stories of former Illinois Valley residents.
6:01 Keep in mind that people around here genuflect at the thought of endless bread sticks. Their idea of a good time is to take a bus to a boat. They still refuse to drive Route 6 between Peru and LaSalle at 5:00 PM because they don't want to get caught by "Westclox letting out." The movers and shakers of "The Valley" have the same last names now as they did in 1970. Illinois Valley People still make annual pilgramiges to shop at the ultra modern retail experiences such as Fox Valley, always stopping for spaghettie at the Olive Garden. All in all - everyone around here is stuck in the 1970's - Politically, Economically, and Socially.
I happen to agree with much of what you said and in fact after the vote 2 weeks ago on TEST, I told our City Clerk that this city was dying for lack of "new blood". I see it all around with the way we have always done it. I guess former Ald. Jack O'Beirne was right but he forgot to add "and that is the way we will always do it" Not sure there is that much traffic past Westclox anymore. I do remember we could not pull out of our driveway for about 10 to 15 minutes starting at 4:30 PM because the traffic was so heavy coming from the factory.
Anon 4:51 Everyone else has noticed also except for the PPD, county and state law enforcement, plus local city politicians. The money made in illegal gambling around Westclox area could buy more than 6 swimming pools, all bigger than what Peru has had to downsize to.
8:21 There is reading. Volunteering at Hospice. Taking a class at IVCC. Volunteering at many of the churches and charities.
You could spend more time with your family. Write or paint. Go to the library. Get some self improvement books. Take up an instrument. Fish. Work out. Garden. Take a bike ride. Go to a restaurant. Go camping. Visit Starved Rock. Take a weekend getaway. Go to a movie. Take in a local concert or play. Off road. Hunt.
When Alcoholics first admit they ARE alcoholics, there biggest fear often is what there could POSSIBLY exist for fun or value in a life without drinking. It is the same for gamblers, or any addict.
Local gambling and drinking has destroyed more lives in this Valley than you can count, ruined families, and has been guarded and protected from generation to generation as a way of life. It's a way of death and you are seeing the spiral in Peru.
I toss your comment right back at you, if you run one of the gambling establishments. Get a life.
football tickets should be endourced by the Peru council. They have always been in this area and all the money stays in the area - at least we think so. But the official slot machines takes the majority of the money away from the area.
Anon 2:20 AM Is this correct or wrong? The illegal machines were a split between the distant out of town owner and the establishment with the state and city not receiving anything. The present state machines are paying the state 30% of which the local city gets 5%. Previously the money was divided among the one and the same out of town owner and the owner of the establishment in which the machines were located, both doing their banking in hidden shoe boxes. Presently the state and city are now getting a share which lessens my taxes, and since the machines are legal the owners of the machines and the establishment do not have to fear putting profits back into the economy. Are the illegal local gambling practices a reason that the Illinois Valley area has such a isolationist attitude?
Anon 2:20 AM Football tickets and all other forms of illegal gambling are endorsed by the Peru council. They are aware that it is being conducted and permitting it to be carried on there for they are part of it and guilty by association.
the city and state charged an amusement tax on each machine. the cash profit received by the bar stayed in cash, so it was more likely to be spent instead of put in the bank. now that the state machines are legal, the profit becomes official and taxed, leaving less to be spent locally. do not equate paying taxes as contributing to the local economy. more was contributed to the local economy when the gambling was not controlled by the state.
Anon 1:51 Thank you for you through explanation I am going to forward it to The Illinois Gaming Commission and the Illinois Department of Revenue. I am sure they will agree with you as to why it is advantageous to keep gambling illegal.
The only reason they made slot machines legal was to tax it. If the state actually cared that people where wasting all their money they would have enforced the law. It is just like cigarettes. They tax the heck out of them at the same time they tell people it is bad for them. If the state actually cared about our health, they would have a program to pay 100% of the cost of anti smoking medication. But no... they want to continue to tax t he heck out of the less advantage and less educated population. If everyone quite smoking and gambling they would loose a serious amount to cash.
9:34 I don't run one of those establishments, nor do I frequent them on a daily basis, nor am I a drinker. I assume you have your PhD with the facts you state that frequenting taverns and gambling cause addiction? If I remember correctly, didn't the medical community segregate a human gene that contributes to an addiction problem vs your friendly neighborhood pub? I don't think I am alone in my opinion. Ask the 1,000's and 1,000's of youth that leave the area and don't return. And most of these teens make their decision based on the suggestion of their parents who want better lives for them. Your cause / effect theory is a tad flawed.
8:46 I think the statement that there is nothing to do in the Illinois Valley if you are not allowed to gamble was refuted. My theory that there is a high degree of alcoholism and gambling addiction in the Illinois Valley does not need a PHD to verify. The fact that there is a sub culture of acceptance of both contribute strongly to the conditions.
It it is not a cause and effect relationship, but rather a necessary but not sufficient condition.. Apparently your degree in debate was issued from an institute of higher learning that used research that was a "tad" flawed to support the arguments that enabling behavior does not contribute to addiction. There is no addiction gene that has been proven as causative. The environment here breeds drinkers and gamblers period, through familial and social customs and government tolerance.
Seemed well rehearsed by the two aldermen. Was there a plan to bombard anyone who thought differently? The last councilman that spoke what was his point it didn't make sense to me. There was no comparison.
A negotiated union contract with the police cannot be compared to a private company Alderman Radtke. Just because TEST has always been handed the contract does not mean it should not go out for bid. And who came up with the no increase year one and then a 1.5 for the next four years?, the city or TEST?
Did anyone else notice the minute Local 150 was brought up that is when the mayor put a stop to the debate. Oh baby...that was hitting to close to home.
Perhaps Mr. Sapienza should be more concerned with his water meter staying connected to City services ;)
Can't wait for the entire video to be posted on the city web-site. Mr. Sapienza's speech is worth hearing. Above is just a small example of his what I call a small tirade. After hearing him speak I felt sorry for his constituents who may have phoned him expressing their desire for this contract to go out for bid. You will hear him say something to the effect "other than one person, the others had no good reason to ask me to vote according to their wishes". I was shocked and upset at his tone of voice and attitude (even toward one of his own aldermen).
I agree with you 8:44. I was very disappointed with Sapienzas tirade. He showed that he doesn't listen to his constituents and will only follow the crowd of aldermen.
8:44 AM
If that were my alderman, I would never ever call him again to be insulted in that manner. So lets figure this out, almost all the aldermen had their mind made up long before the conversation about the TEST contract was even brought to the public. I'm glad that so many people called their aldermen even though you were speaking to officials who had no interest in listening to you. So we have a Mayor and 7 aldermen who are not the least bit interesting in your thoughts on a very important subject. I just am willing to bet that they believe you are naive and uninformed and that is the excuse for their attitude.
This alone is enough to say we need new blood and we need term limits on all the offices in Peru and we need a City Manager to take the place of the Treasurer and maybe even city clerk. Those positions it seems have become outdated.
"interested" not interesting in your thoughts.
Lois, the recent vote of 7-1 was Harls answer to the citizens of Peru. Sapienza tear jerking speech was his first poorly acted dramatic "ET TU BRUTE" answer to his constituents of the 3d ward. Radke proved that he doesn't even know the difference between the pivate and public sectors and Waldorf and Lukosus simly don't UNDERSTAND. Poor Mueller is completely lost. Where did you get these guys?
8:44 here. Mr. Sapienza kept telling us how Mr. Perra helped the city with regards to the Westclox fire. I know that the Test building was inside of Westclox but did we allow civilians anywhere near that dangerous situation. I know that personally, as a site-serer, we were forced to move back blocks from the site because of possible toxic gases. So, what exactly did Mr. Perra do? Is he a fireman? And, how does he (Mr. Sapienza) know whether or not another water treatment company's personnal would not have helped? And, surely you do not give someone a contract because of a disaster that just happened to occur during their reign.
1:12 PM
Ald Sapienza had told me prior to the election or shortly afterward that he knows he will make mistakes and who will like to tell him that this was a whopper of a first mistake? He has totally changed since he was elected.
AGREE NEED A CITY MANAGER, GET RID OF CITY CLERK AND TREASURE. Save $$$. When a clerks position become a hospitality clerk, they have to go. Boys club is what's going on.
This blog is hilarious. You can talk all you want but the powers that be are just making monkeys out of you, especially when Harl called out to Greg Vaccaro. Can't you see he's just thumbing his nose at you? You just have to wait until the next election. In the meantime let's hear comments why sophomores don't want to go out for football at L-P.
4:17 PM
Must be boring down at City Hall, I suggest you take up pickle ball in your spare time. My regular bloggers are doing just right and we have become a very patient group. Harl is insignificant to us. We hardly know he is mayor as he never says anything important or relative and ignores most important topics and votes.
Perez is the only one who understood, about bidding, Sapi is new, but he doesn't know whats going on. Also Radtke made a fool of himself also. None of them understood, the people only wanted to bring this contract to a bid.
4:17. What is hilarious is the fact that Harl knew about how the bloggers were talking about Vacarro getting to talk without filling out a 3x5 card. That proves he is either reading this blog, or he is having somebody read it for him (or to him) and telling him about it. All the aldermen read the blog although nobody besides Perez will admit it.
I drove past the new LP sports complex today. They have tennis courts but no Pickleball courts. Don't they know Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America?
4:17 Football participation is down all over the country. Sadly it is going the way of boxing. Fewer and fewer parents can ignore the chronic head injuries and debilitating effects , and they are not signing the slips or encouraging the kids to play.
No one loves the game more than me, but in twenty years we won't recognize it. It is what it is, colleges will sponsor private clubs and the pro sport will survive, but only by recruiting from the same pool as boxers. Kids with brains are going to protect their brains.
It is what it is. Places like Texas and Florida will deny it the longest. Friday Night Lights and all. Go Cavaliers!
Just watched the video. What were those aldermen talking about? The first guy was off on some Rant then the last guy giving his 2 cents seemed way out in left field.
We need people in those positions with brains. After hearing that rant I've lost all respect for alderman sapienza. I swear common sense is becoming so rare it's almost a super power.
Why don't we just sell the entire water / wastewater utility? Pipes, plants, the whole bloody thing. Let a private company like American Water do it all. I think Streator did that.
After listening to the video it has become very clear to me that the alderman are unable to differentiate the fact that TEST and their employees are not city employees. Why else would Alderman Radtke confuse a negotiated contract with a contract that should have gone out for bid. In his mind they are employees of the city. Does anyone else have a better explanation?
10:42 - Yes. The city does not have enough in-house knowledge about the subject to create the bid package.
Somewhat off topic, but driving thru Peru downtown this morning, it looks like 2 businesses in our down town that I won't miss are closed. That would be The Smoke Shop and The Gold Shop.
If they remain closed which is likely, what type of business would want to open up in that block which looks rather unappealing to anyone wanting to open a shop.
A marijauna dispensary possibly.
11:28 that is true. Same with RFQ's for airport engineering. RC always did the RFQ for that because nobody at city hall had the knowledge to do it.
Do you think the full video of this last meeting will ever be downloaded or will this be another one of those mysterious videos that become infected with some kind of disease? I would hope that we would just be honest for once and post it as it should be.
I find it very interesting (and telling) that the last council meeting video is still not on the city website. I wonder why???
Maybe they're trying to protect Radtke from the union boys?
I could think of several reasons the last council meeting is not on the city website. The first being that it is too damm embarassing.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: we NEED a Republican in there. I know some people feel that party politics don't belong within municipal government, but 7 of the 8 alderman have no problem backing our democratic...err...."independent" mayor. Keep thinking that political parties only apply to federal, state, and county governments and don't apply to local municipalities and our current administration will continue to laugh at you. At least republicans understand the benefits of the bidding process and free market system.
this is off topic, but I think it is funny how the trib always runs stories about "former Illinois Valley residents" somehow being involved in the big news story of the day. I think the real story they should run is one about the vast number of "former Illinois Valley residents," why there is a mass exodus of anyone under the age of 30, and why they never come back (except to visit once a decade to get some chicken and gamble at the bars).
6:01, the "brain drain" you refer to is not in any way unique to the Illinois Valley. Young people tend to move toward the suburbs and larger cities. Offsetting that would be more jobs that require college degrees, and that is a very big challenge. Having said that we do have some sharp you people in our area as well.
Personally I enjoy the human interest stories of former Illinois Valley residents.
6:01 Keep in mind that people around here genuflect at the thought of endless bread sticks. Their idea of a good time is to take a bus to a boat. They still refuse to drive Route 6 between Peru and LaSalle at 5:00 PM because they don't want to get caught by "Westclox letting out." The movers and shakers of "The Valley" have the same last names now as they did in 1970. Illinois Valley People still make annual pilgramiges to shop at the ultra modern retail experiences such as Fox Valley, always stopping for spaghettie at the Olive Garden. All in all - everyone around here is stuck in the 1970's - Politically, Economically, and Socially.
5:39 AM
I happen to agree with much of what you said and in fact after the vote 2 weeks ago on TEST, I told our City Clerk that this city was dying for lack of "new blood". I see it all around with the way we have always done it. I guess former Ald. Jack O'Beirne was right but he forgot to add "and that is the way we will always do it"
Not sure there is that much traffic past Westclox anymore. I do remember we could not pull out of our driveway for about 10 to 15 minutes starting at 4:30 PM because the traffic was so heavy coming from the factory.
and checks in the grocery store.
Alot of traffic around westclox on Sundays when I go get donuts. Especially during football season I noticed.
Anon 4:51 Everyone else has noticed also except for the PPD, county and state law enforcement, plus local city politicians. The money made in illegal gambling around Westclox area could buy more than 6 swimming pools, all bigger than what Peru has had to downsize to.
get a life.
there is nothing else here to do in this town!
8:21 There is reading. Volunteering at Hospice. Taking a class at IVCC. Volunteering at many of the churches and charities.
You could spend more time with your family. Write or paint.
Go to the library. Get some self improvement books. Take up an instrument. Fish. Work out. Garden. Take a bike ride. Go to a restaurant. Go camping. Visit Starved Rock. Take a weekend getaway. Go to a movie. Take in a local concert or play. Off road. Hunt.
When Alcoholics first admit they ARE alcoholics, there biggest fear often is what there could POSSIBLY exist for fun or value in a life without drinking. It is the same for gamblers, or any addict.
Local gambling and drinking has destroyed more lives in this Valley than you can count, ruined families, and has been guarded and protected from generation to generation as a way of life. It's a way of death and you are seeing the spiral in Peru.
I toss your comment right back at you, if you run one of the gambling establishments. Get a life.
What about the State of Illinois slot machines?
football tickets should be endourced by the Peru council. They have always been in this area and all the money stays in the area - at least we think so. But the official slot machines takes the majority of the money away from the area.
I see there is a new bingo hall in Peru. Never saw the license for that on the council agenda.
Anon 2:20 AM Is this correct or wrong? The illegal machines were a split between the distant out of town owner and the establishment with the state and city not receiving anything.
The present state machines are paying the state 30% of which the local city gets 5%.
Previously the money was divided among the one and the same out of town owner and the owner of the establishment in which the machines were located, both doing their banking in hidden shoe boxes.
Presently the state and city are now getting a share which lessens my taxes, and since the machines are legal the owners of the machines and the establishment do not have to fear putting profits back into the economy.
Are the illegal local gambling practices a reason that the Illinois Valley area has such a isolationist attitude?
Anon 2:20 AM Football tickets and all other forms of illegal gambling are endorsed by the Peru council. They are aware that it is being conducted and permitting it to be carried on there for they are part of it and guilty by association.
the city and state charged an amusement tax on each machine. the cash profit received by the bar stayed in cash, so it was more likely to be spent instead of put in the bank. now that the state machines are legal, the profit becomes official and taxed, leaving less to be spent locally. do not equate paying taxes as contributing to the local economy. more was contributed to the local economy when the gambling was not controlled by the state.
Anon 1:51 Thank you for you through explanation I am going to forward it to The Illinois Gaming Commission and the Illinois Department of Revenue. I am sure they will agree with you as to why it is advantageous to keep gambling illegal.
The only reason they made slot machines legal was to tax it. If the state actually cared that people where wasting all their money they would have enforced the law.
It is just like cigarettes. They tax the heck out of them at the same time they tell people it is bad for them. If the state actually cared about our health, they would have a program to pay 100% of the cost of anti smoking medication. But no... they want to continue to tax t he heck out of the less advantage and less educated population. If everyone quite smoking and gambling they would loose a serious amount to cash.
9:34 I don't run one of those establishments, nor do I frequent them on a daily basis, nor am I a drinker. I assume you have your PhD with the facts you state that frequenting taverns and gambling cause addiction? If I remember correctly, didn't the medical community segregate a human gene that contributes to an addiction problem vs your friendly neighborhood pub? I don't think I am alone in my opinion. Ask the 1,000's and 1,000's of youth that leave the area and don't return. And most of these teens make their decision based on the suggestion of their parents who want better lives for them. Your cause / effect theory is a tad flawed.
8:46 I think the statement that there is nothing to do in the Illinois Valley if you are not allowed to gamble was refuted.
My theory that there is a high degree of alcoholism and gambling addiction in the Illinois Valley does not need a PHD to verify. The fact that there is a sub culture of acceptance of both contribute strongly to the conditions.
It it is not a cause and effect relationship, but rather a necessary but not sufficient condition.. Apparently your degree in debate was issued from an institute of higher learning that used research that was a "tad" flawed to support the arguments that enabling behavior does not contribute to addiction. There is no addiction gene that has been proven as causative. The environment here breeds drinkers and gamblers period, through familial and social customs and government tolerance.
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