“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, September 26, 2013

EPA warns modernizing Chicago water system may boost levels of lead - Chicago Tribune

EPA warns modernizing Chicago water system may boost levels of lead - Chicago Tribune

This is not only about Chicago but many cities in the U.S including the Illinois Valley.  The complete article is in todays Chicago Tribune and is almost a "must read" especially since water is on our mind. Meeting the EPA limits on lead is not good enough. Any time your water system is disturbed as a water main break, lead can be released into your water flow.


Peru Town Forum said...

Surprised not to get comments of the possibility of lead being in our drinking water. Someone not too long ago suggested in was insane to think about getting samples of water from varied locations about the city at designated times. Perhaps after a water main break, pick a home or 2 in that area. A safety check surely would not be a bad thing. Remembering back to the lead concerns for our children evidently is a concern again and this is a need to be monitored even locally.

Anonymous said...

Lois...you are not qualified to suggest to sample randomly around the city. Pleases do your homework before sitting down and typing. Have your partner Steve explain to you that the water IS most certainly tested everyday randomly..tested after every water main break and lead and copper testing take place based on the scheduled set forth ( that means as suggest by) the EPA. Enough of misleading health scare tactics. this is nuts!! Please help get a pool or anything else besides a very exact, highly trained industry such as drinking water. leave that to the pros!

Peru Town Forum said...

9:13 PM

I have the Chicago Tribune on my desk and have read the complete article, have you? If so then we will talk about it.

Anonymous said...

Testing from a tap, which is what was suggested allows many variables because of the individual residence piping. And it also is pretty crazy.

Testing at sample points in the mains is done as required.

Testing really does not matter because those who hate the city and TEST will not believe the results anyway. The verdict is in deep in your brain and you have decided our water system is poorly designed, has unnecessary sodium, won't quench our thirst, is poorly tested and monitored- and now is killing us with lead.

Far be it from me to argue with someone who has read a whole big newspaper, but who would not know a chain of custody form or GC mass spec report if it was cut up and put on a 3 by 5 card to give to Scotty and Argonuts.

Concern with bidding is one thing. Implying the city and TEST are out to get us all is another. I think that is the point 9:13 is making.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:36 PM

If you do indeed want some credibility, I suggest you sign your name, I don't carry on discussions with a no name. Get off your bandstand and if you want to inform the public of your knowledge, you have the ability to do so.
Of course I don't know the technical terms of which you speak but you are just trying to show your importance to the bloggers. That is not going cut it. Sign you post with your name and position and you will get the respect you think you deserve.
I suggest you write to the reporter and tell him that he does not know what you know and that he should also shut up.

Anonymous said...

Lois..right from your newspaper article:

"The city's warning, which appears at the end of a packet of information handed out by work crews, says opening all household taps for three to five minutes will remove "any lead particulates that may have come loose from your property's service line as a result of the water main replacement."

But the EPA says it is important for households with lead service lines to flush their pipes for several minutes any time household water hasn't been used for several hours — not just one time after a repair.

Two simple ways to do that are to take a shower or do a load of laundry. Then, before drawing water to drink or to prepare baby formula, the tap should be flushed for another 35 to 45 seconds to clear any remaining water sitting in the home's pipes, according to the EPA's recommendations.

Chicago has a sprawling network of pipes laid before the harmful effects of lead were fully accepted. The city's building code required lead service lines as recently as 1986. Yet Chicago has not recorded a violation of the Lead and Copper Rule for nearly 20 years. Nor have most other cities."

Have a nice night and sleep tight!!

Peru Town Forum said...

Your write well and have and definitely have some knowledge of the processing and distribution of municipal water supplies so I am making an assumption that you could be a part of TEST. My thoughts are is that this is information and a lots more that should be coming from TEST as the city contractor of our municipal water supply. Their PR is so totally lacking with respect for the people that are paying your salaries and bonuses.
Why do we only see the close association of the company with our elected officials both on official business and off in non business related social hours.
Why not several times a year put out an informational paper to be sent to residents or make a website for Peru only where information can be found specific to their city. There are cities that do exactly that. When people know what is taking place and you take them into your business and educate them, things run a lot smoother. You may owe your contract to the city council but you owe information to the people of Peru.
If you are not from TEST, then I hope that some employee is reading this.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if they still do it but years ago, in La Salle, a bottle was left on your doorstep and you were told to fill it first thing in the a.m. with tap water and then place it back on your porch and the city would pick it up. I assume to test tap water.

Anonymous said...

What would the cost of providing ALL drinking water consumed in Peru free of charge as a bottled product such as the city council gets or in 5 gallon jugs to all households in comparision to the millions of $'s paid to test for their services? Waste water disposal should not be a major cost.
How many area cities perform this service with city employees in comparision to farming it out? All other cities cannot be always wrong and Peru always correct.

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting topic. It would be more interesting if the EPA tested the original pb/cu points PRIOR to the City being approved for reduced monitoring ;)...oh the secrets we keep in this City

Anonymous said...

More of the same from the insane. Let me guess that the person who was interested in the water services contract has made a point to scare everybody with EPA articles? And wants you to believe that the generalized terms apply directly to your water supply. You may have had a few gullible ones to drink your koolaide, but most see clear right through the wastewater your swimming in.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:38 You are correct once and only once. If you want public swimming in Peru it will have to be in waste water commonly referred to as the Illinois River. Peru does not have a swimming pool anymore since Ebenizer Scrooge pulled his chain across the bottom of the last one we had. Ebenizer would like to have a referrendum on one but also he reminds all that property tax would be raised approximately $60/100K as a negative incentive to vote no. Of course, as always, Ebenizer is staying impartial and letting the people have a choice of their own. Maybe we can get a solar cover for the river.
Interested parties claim that competitive bidding would have saved the city $600K (a overzealous quote of 20%) in round figures on the recent 5 year 3million dollar contract signed under the super duper majority legislation. This would have been a great starter upper for the swimming pool. Incidentally where has the $277K that was budgeted for the running of the pool per year gone in the last 3 years? $277K X's 3 + $600K + 1/2 of a pool paid for. Now shall we look for more $'s? Their not too hard to find. How much does 1, ops now 2 dump trucks cost? How about a retirement party with a open bar and food for all?

Anonymous said...

Peru, you have a bad case of political problems. Has anyone in your city ever mentioned the advantageous of hiring a city manager. There are many good ones available and they will save you a fortune. Plus they professionally develop your city.

Anonymous said...

Peru does not need a swimming pool. LaSalle already has one. Why not take all the money and give it to LaSalle to help run that pool. On top of that, Peru and LaSalle do not need independent Police and Fire Departments. Why not combine them to reduce costs. While we are at it, why not combine the public works deparment. If we get that far, the why not combine everything. People outside the area think we are stupid because we have two cities - it should be ONE!

Peru Town Forum said...

9:06 AM

that would be an efficient way to run this government with one city manager over the whole area.
Recently heard that Peru wanted to cut our city council meetings down to 2 per month and still pay the aldermen the same amount as when they had 4 meetings. Is that called a pay raise?

Justin Loger said...

9:26; basically, but I'm not sure if cutting down the meetings per month is a correct avenue to take. Maybe if our government was getting smaller it would be an improvement but unless we get new people in office I don't foresee a smaller government happening

Anonymous said...

Lois when the work load is reduced by more than 50% and the pay beomes salaried rather than by number of meetings met. YOU HAVE A PAY RAISE, Politically a incumbent is not to raise his pay in the same term that he is serving.
This law is seldom enforced and only needed for government bodies which become ethically misdirected and are only in office for their own self gain rather than public service.
I know that you are a resident of Peru but I doubt that you are referring to a Peru issue. I have never associated Peru with such ideas. Has the legal adviser of the town where this is happening been questioned publicly at a meeting pertaining to this issue? Please advise his answer on your blog I'll be watching. You would be surpised how often a inquiry is started by a comment on the blog or a telephone call.
Your question has always been a good one but with the upcoming issue of ObamaCare becoming a reality situations such as you describe will be feature stories. Many upcoming decisions will be setting precedent in the health care program of the USA and will have to be more precise than ever.
Strict discipline will be enforced with a unmovable measuring stick.

Anonymous said...

4:10 All due respect, but you sound a little off? If you believe that Daddy government gives a rats butt about a little town, or that Obamacare has anything to do with Peru politics, you are just wrong.

And your careful eye and upcoming report will mean about the same as Kristys well researched complaints.

No one cares!

Aldermen are paid to be representatives. The scheduling of meetings, number of meetings, these are things that will vary based on need. It would be the same as if a sales rep had a boss who went from 4 meetings a month to two meetings. It is only a part of the job, not the whole job. There is not an attorney in the land that could successfully present this as a raise, based on precedent alone!

Before you threaten this group, have something to threaten them with. There are things, but the stuff so many of these blogs focus on have zero potential from a legal standpoint. There will be no change until suits are filed and that will NEVER happen here.

Anonymous said...

Lois and Steve,

I love the way you guys traverse the subjects here..start with crappy water and wind up with council meetings and raises! Keep up the good work. We wouldn't want any credibility here now would we? Oh yeah, send my regards to Kristy for all of her on-point topics!!

Anonymous said...

9:45 - it is called a conversation.

Anonymous said...

The stolen dump truck is funny. I heard there is only a $25,000 insurance policy on it and they are worth over $130,000. See if that hits the council floor

Anonymous said...

7:57 Read the mission statement of the blog. It is not supposed to be a free conversation. If you want losers without facts complaining about everything you can hang out at any of our local pubs.

The blog is supposed to be bringing truth and illumination to city issues. Unfortunately it occasionally drifts into paranoia and propaganda. Lois is usually pretty good at allowing people to point it out the crazy, even when they say it about her.

I notice that most who complain about the blog rarely support the administration with any facts. They just cry foul and say Kristy is a Comspiracy theorist. But rarely any real responses from the city.

It's not just entertainment here. And not everybody who reads it posts. I wonder what happened to perupages blog? When the blogs go away, you will only be left with the News Trib. That IS scary.

Anonymous said...

Peru has always thought its better than lasalle. Never would peru combined services such as police and fire with lasalle. There are a lot of hootie tootie (so they think) people in peru. Hope to be around in ten years from now and see what peru is like.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:44 PM

I sincerely hope we are working on outgrowing that bad attitude and I think the younger generation will not carry that on, it just drags everyone down.
Let the past be the past and move forward.

Anonymous said...

LaSalle, "LEADER OF THE VALLEY" - Proud to be a citizen. Take some lessons "Leaders of Peru".

Anonymous said...

3:50. The "younger" generation aren't oblivious to what is going on in the Peru area, that is why they are all fleeing. Peru is a lost cause, everyone in this town is a "good ol' boy" and that is why we end up with the same council member mentalities. The faces are changing, but the bullshit continues. Thanks to obamacare the 21-30 crowd are now a lost generation. They are gonna start waking up, and the true innovators aren't going to take this crap anymore. You want real change? Vote in a young person. I'm not impressed with how this country has been ran into the ground by the baby boomers. We need someone who hasn't been corrupted by this big government mentality.

Anonymous said...

"Let the past be the past and move forward." Really? You host a site that's purpose is complaining about everything that has happened in the past. There is no vision for the future here whatsoever.

And 5:59, nice try. Sadly, this bog hurts us in the area but thankfully it is only a few people who feel this way. I'm a very proud Peru citizen, but it is not a contest. Go start a LaSalle blog about how awesome you are.

Anonymous said...

Did I read a statement from someone on here that said the water is tested at every watermain break? I would like to see a log of that information please. Compared to the actual number of breaks that occur on a daily basis.
P.S. please include the address of the water sample site if you could.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:25 PM

I would say NO that is not true. There was a break about a block from my home and I would bet no samples were taken. I guess I should have watched the whole process to be sure of that.

Anonymous said...

7:18 How can you blame the first step to have health care available to everyone , as it is in almost every developed nation, for Peru mismanagement and the moral failing of an arbitrary 9 year demographic. Fight Obamacare by pouting and shutting down the government, like the rest of your Tea Party Nazis.

The problem here,in our little corner of the world is not big government but poor government. Too many black and white thinkers, no compromise, rigid conservatism, have and have not class battles, and way too many big fish in a very small pond.

Anonymous said...

9:28; just because other nations have made the mistake of "socialized" medicine doesn't mean we should follow. We should have smaller government, have you ever heard of the constitution? It's a sad day for America when you are FORCED to buy something or face a penalty.

Anonymous said...

9:28 - we have tried "rigid liberalism" for 45 years and look what we got for it. A welfare state, an impossible debt, single parent households, and several generations that belive they are entitled to a free ride. I resent your association of the Tea Party with the National Socialist Nazi Party.

Anonymous said...

5:23 I am hardly a liberal and consider myself a lover of the constitution. I believe rigid conservatism generates a class warfare reminiscent of fascism.

Your including of single parent households being a result of liberalism and the welfare state really allows anyone with eyes to see the veiled racism and xenophobia.

I long for the days when fiscal conservatives valued compromise and diplomacy. But the Tea Party spiral is beginning, and our govt shutdown will be one of there greatest victories on the march to Tea Party fascism. Guns God and Freedom is the cry of ultra conservative religions of all types, and there core is hate.

If life liberty and pursuit of happiness does not mean we can care for our sick first and foremost, then I do not know what function of government is necessary in your smaller government view.

Above all, my point was blaming ACA for Peru politics is irrelevant. Debate it all you want on your way to shutting down the government , the first step in political terrorism.

Justin Loger said...

To 5:23; I will say this much; our current system (that would include the past 45 years) is NOT any form of liberalism, capitalism, or a free market.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:23 What specifically is or are the free rides that you think several generations believe they are entitled to and please identify these generations?

Anonymous said...

There is no way the government is going to shut down. Period.

Anonymous said...

The liberals are the real bigots.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to "Peru Pages", is it going to come back online? Brian Foster did a great service for Peru. Thank you Brian.

Anonymous said...

Has your Peru Electric bill seem a lot higher this Month?
The average killo wh charge in IL is 5.9 cents. With the surcharge Peru residents are paying over 9 cents pkh. Is the Hydro dam really profitable? Or is it just a money pit?

Anonymous said...

Last Peru City Council meeting video being shown is 8/19/13 today is 9/30/13. Has Peru city government already shut down?

Anonymous said...

How many have not been posted or a malfunction has suspiciously occurred since connecting point was hired? This is the real question to ask.

Anonymous said...

3:16 Congratulations. There is no way to argue such a statement when presented without any rational or cogent thought.

You can be assured that it will resonate well with those who have already accepted your way of thinking, and will be viewed by all other rational humans in the same way most react to similar statements muttered in the psych wards.

You can also be assured that that your line of thinking was shared by Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. Virtually every dictator has come to your realization and done away with all those brainy liberals first thing.

Brian Foster said...

I'll be back. Probably after the new year. Changing the scope to concentrate and dive in deep on one issue at a time. It will require a great deal of research to do correctly. I will probably discuss one or two topics per quarter.

John Galt said...

Here are some thoughts about modern liberals - Modern liberals should not be confused with classic liberals like Thomas Jefferson and the other founders of our republic. As often happens, the definitions have changed over time.

1. Liberals view hooking people on welfare and food stamps as a core part of their election strategy, which is terrible for the country, shows they have no character and requires more than a little hatred for poor people.

2. There's a reason why the average homeschooled kid gets a better education than he would in a public school run by liberals. It's because the kid's parents are interested in educating him while his liberal teachers view public schools as just another way to indoctrinate children.

3. Liberals talk up Hillary Clinton as the most prominent and important female politician in America; yet her entire political career is based on the fact that she married Bill Clinton. That's actually kind of pathetic.

4. Liberals think black Americans are inferior to whites, which is why the worst, most crime-ridden places to live in America are inevitably run by liberals. That's acceptable to liberals because they don't think black Americans deserve any better.

5. The average middle aged Tea Partier who's going to rallies, talking about the Constitution and calling for reduced spending cares more about "the children" than 99% of the liberals out there who demand that we support one stupid program after the other "for the children.

6. Because liberals are unable to ever admit they're wrong, they systematically ruin and destroy everything they become involved with and then either point the finger elsewhere or demand even more government involvement to fix the problems they created.

7. Detroit – Yes, liberals did that.

8. Only liberals would be cruel enough to pick on kids running lemonade stands without a permit, children putting on Christmas plays at school and the Boy Scouts.

9. Liberals are actually bothered by people who do love America. On the rare occasion when you do see a liberal waving a flag, look for a camera.

Anonymous said...

7:49 You do more damage to us conservatives with these foolish statements than good. Your bitterness and simplistic statements play well to the ultra conservatives and simply turn off the moderate middle.

I detest conservatives like you and liberals like Pelosi. You are two sides of the same stupid coin. Neither a liberal or conservative seem to be able to admit making a mistake.

I will admit one right now. I wasted a minute of my life reading your stupid list.

John Galt said...

There is no such thing as a "moderate liberal." No matter how you slice it, liberals believe in replacing civil rights with the false sense of security provided by government control. Life is not fare and people deserve to fail as much as they deserve to succeed. The modern liberal desires to shield us from failure thinking that this shield gives us advantages. Instead, while providing safety, the shield of government control stifles creativity and promotes mediocrity.

Anonymous said...

"Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views." W.F. Buckley

"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from life what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government agencies to do good." D.P. Moynihan

Anonymous said...

Fictional John Galt. If you have been reading the blog, you will find one common demonminator. Most expect or blame government for their woes. I guess the liberal pro-union, anti-business isn't working for most and you have changed your name to represent the goals and ideals of the conservative party. Throw away your card, your party title, your political office and come out of the closet to support local business.

Anonymous said...

Back to local political business.

Friends for Peru Pool wanted to make a presentation before the vote for the referendum at next Monday's meeting. Harl said no. A member of FFPP can speak for 3 minutes during public comment at the beginning or end of the meeting, but no presentation. Why???? What is he afraid of????

Anonymous said...

10:52 AM - you should refer to the quote from William F. Buckley posted at 5:40 AM (above).

Anonymous said...

Are you serious 10:52? If this is indeed true would someone from the Friends for Peru Pool verify this? I reiterate 10:52 "What is he afraid of?"

Anonymous said...

As a moderate conservative, I am appalled at the lack of compassion and rigid thinking displayed by the Tea Party thinking. There is no such thing as a moderate liberal? To say that is to say there is only ultra conservative and wrong. Only two options.

Of course if a liberal is dead and far enough removed, like those founding fathers you describe as liberal, you can tolerate them then.

There is so much blatant lack of research and such a slant in that list above it is a waste of time to address it. But if you just look at the demographic of the Tea Party, I think its safe to say your message of respect for us people of color hasn't gotten through to us poor ole folk. As Ebenezer Scrooge said we failures had better get busy dying and decrease the surplus population. Leave it all for you hard workin success stories John Galt. You and Ward Cleever.

There but for the grace of God... Sleep well in your warm bed tonight knowing you have given such an equal opportunity of success and failure to the poor and down trodden. God bless you.

Sherry Mayszak said...

1:10 p.m. I can verify that it is correct that Mayor Harl will not allow a Friends for Peru Pool presentation next Monday.

John Galt said...

So 2:08, I guess it is true. The Republic is lost. I'll make one more effort. The dictionary definition of liberal is "one who is open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values."
The liberals that founded our country, embraced the new ideals of individualism, civil liberties, and freedom. They threw off an oppressive government that attempeted to control them through taxation and denial of their natural rights and their liberties as Englishmen. That is what a liberal was in the 18th centrury.
Today, liberals desire more government control. Control over almost every part of life, right down to what you drink with your lunch. The liberals of today use law and power to deny individuals of their civil rights. They keep the poor in chains through an unescapable welfare system. They belive that more government is the anwer to all social and economic problmes.
That is the difference. And that is why the liberalism of today is rotten to the core and needs to be stamped out at all costs.

Anonymous said...

8:43 the key to this blaming liberals madness is in your last sentence. They must be stamped out "at all costs.
". They are the problem, the free thinkers , the bleeding hearts the intellectuals.

Stamped out at all costs. That is a path of rationalization that leads to the actions of Facists. The words are one step away from dictators rounding up free thinkers and killing them.

History is littered with ultra conservative, afraid of ideas and reacting by blaming and suppression at all costs. It is no coincidence that the evils of conservatism are most often aligned with religions , an they commit heinous crimes for a God as they conceive it. Bombing abortion clinics, terrorism... These are stamping out liberal ideas at all costs.

Believe it or not I am a conservative. But I stand by my comment that the Tea Party and whoever put together that list is a danger to true conservatism, for a conservative that cannot argue for preservation of values without respect for those with other views is on the road to racism and race war. I need only point to ultra conservative Christians, Muslims, Jews, Catholics.

They are as dangerous as the black panthers of the 60 s. The sickness of Conservatism is facism, the sickness of liberals is anarchy. They both result in death and suffering. Only compromise and change can keep a republic alive.

Anonymous said...

Change your name from friends of peru pool to vacarro and you can speak all you want without registering a comment card or getting put on the agenda. just another example of the arrogance of our mayor. He is so insecure and afraid. such small minded failure.

Anonymous said...

But it is the liberals that want to take away freedom. They want to regulate everything. They are not free thinkers - they are control freaks that think they know better.

Anonymous said...

If that list and the Tea Party represent true conservatism, then even I must admit that the liberals DO know better.
If Rush and Michelle are our free thinkers, we as a group are doomed.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sherry for your quick response. I cannot believe our mayor is being so openly, blatantly biased. I hate that it's a fact that our leaders show favoritism and that it depends on who you are in this town if you want something done. There are many citizens out there who would like to become involved to make Peru a better place to live but the door gets slammed in their face. Our representatives and our mayor forget that they work for us. They have become a private club and unless you are one of the chosen ones, you're not allowed to join.

Anonymous said...

I was at the grocery store and noticed that they are selling all kinds of candy all of a sudden. I asked the manager if they are limiting the amount that a person can buy and he said NO! Candy is bad for people and stores are allowed to sell it to anyone that wants it! The government needs to do something about this. WE NEED A LAW to restrict how much candy a person can buy!

Anonymous said...

5:34 while you all pat yourselves on the back for such humorous stories about liberals passing laws, you might want to actually focus on why the civil rights act was passed, why social security was developed, why income taxes were promulgated in a progressive fashion, why banking regulations were instituted after the great depression (and again after this last case of rich conservatives bleeding the banking industries outside the law),why public works projects were enacted, why drugs are outlawed nationwide, why children must attend school by law, why segregation was overturned, why slavery was abolished , why we have an army instead of just arming all our Tea Party militias to the teeth, why there is a clean water act and why there is no state religion.....

Sure you can focus on the Pelosi too much sugar in our pop laws to try and justify and ignore the fact that we have allowed good God fearing success stories like all of you self righteous conservatives to do whatever the hell you want and surprise surprise, it hasn't always worked out that your conservative values kept the nation safe and sound.

People who have a lot generally want to be left alone. I get that. I am a conservative, and I like it that way too. But there is a whole new breed of dangerous right wing stupid in our party , the same kind that rose up in Iran, in pre world war two Germany, and in countless other examples in history. They blame, they cannot work with liberals, and they are rigid without any sense of compromise or diplomacy.

Use your brains and control the change. Don't scream and shout , longing for a past that really exists only in your brains. If you only appeal to white middle aged men, you are guaranteed of passing out if history.

Anonymous said...

8:26 - the problem is that today, the liberal's answer to everything is to spend more money.
Instead of paying for day care, why not give incentives for parents to be married and for the mother or father to stay home?
Liberal programs to pay for college are responsible for artificially inflated tuition rates. Instead of subsidized student loans, why not devise a plan that incentivizes students to pay their own way? Why do liberals insist that we burn food in our gas tanks? Instead of complaining about wars for oil - why not take advantage of the resources we have in North America? Instead of having a dysfunctional income tax system full of thousands of loop holes, why not simplify it so it fair for everyone? A great conservative thinker, came up with the idea of a negative income tax for the working poor. The plan would promote productive work while guaranteeing a minimum income. For example, if you worked a minimum wage job you would pay no income tax - rather you would get a negative tax to bring your earnings up to a minimum level. Consequently, there would be no deductions for anyone earning more than the minimum. No child care credits, no mortgage deduction, no deductions period. You just pay your tax and that is that. But the liberals would not stand for that. Because liberals want to keep the poor in chains and beholding to the government. I could go on and on and on...

Anonymous said...

12:35 I am proud to be a conservative fiscally. But when I read your statements I know that my party is doomed.

It is doomed by simplistic and uncompromising rhetoric. You want incentives for people to stay married and stay home, instead of caring for children when both parents work. But you think it's wrong for govt to tell people what to do. Except when it is telling women they should stay home and have the baby.

Perhaps we could have them watch Ozzie and Harriet during the day as well. Keep burying your head in the sand, keep listening to Rush and trying to ignore reality , trying to have things The Way they ought to be, instead of the way they ARE.

The few centrists in our party will continue to try and come up with rational and progressive conservative ideology while the Tea Party relegates the entire republican party to a giant dysfunctional memory.

Keep goin rogue, the NRA will make sure you are well armed for the coming race wars. You are going to need to recruit more skinheads tho, the middle aged white core may not make the best guerilla warfare soldiers.

Your post may play well to this crowd, I don't know. But it seems more that you define liberal as one who spends your tax dollar.

Your negative tax theories main problem is that the minimum amount proposed is ridiculous and the loophole closure are always blocked by the richest. Also, there is insufficient employment opportunity, so govt created workfare is required to provide the jobs .

VAT and education funding not related to property tax, using online curriculum and curriculum development specialists to equalize education opportunities Should be the hallmark of the new Republican. Not Guns God n Freedom.

We should have been in the lead with Romneys Insurance pool program, instead of bashing it , calling it Obamacare and fighting it. We have buried our head in the sand with health costs and drug costs while it has bled our nation dry and been the single biggest threat to the American dream. We are supposed to be the business thinkers! Where is the real solution?

To be relevant you must appeal to the electorate, not constantly try to redistrict your way around the massive poor people on govt assistance. We need conservative values and new compassion, not a convoluted search for a time machine.

Anonymous said...

2:11 - you are not a Republican and you are not a conservative. You are either a RINO or you are just raising a false flag to spew your liberal talking points.

Anonymous said...

The new liberal attack ploy is to call anyone they don't agree with a terrorist, an anarchist, or a racist.

Anonymous said...

Liberal teachers in Connecticut ban kids from saying "Hump Day."

Anonymous said...

Doesn't it bother you that our party has litmus tests for how white... Er republican... we are? Unless we agree and are conservative enough we are called RINOs.

Unless you agree on all gun rights, abortion, and taxes with the ultra conservative members of the party , you are called a RINO?

The racism and misogyny just drips from the stements above... And I simply called out the warning that the next step is terorrism, fascism and racism. If you read carefully, I called liberal edtremism anarchy.
You cannot see it because you are blind, not because of any disagreement within our party. These same arguments are going on right now in the House, with the Tea Party spouting crazy and the rest of us trying to remain relevant and not shut down the govt at all costs.

Anonymous said...

6:28 Right wing conservatives burned books. We could both go on citing whack jobs on both sides all day.

Stretch your brain and try to understand your alleged enemy , see if you can find common ground and if you can't, be glad you live somewhere that allows both sides free speech.

Anonymous said...

Does it bother you that we have "non-essential" government employees. If their task is not essential, why do we do it anyway?

Anonymous said...

4:57 Non essential is term used in many emergency response plans. It means that the absence of that function will not cause immediate and irrecoverable failure.

Like oil in your car. If your breaks go out , you can't drive. But if the oil is old, or even low... You can drive for a while and not destroy the vehicle.

The degree of government hatred and education hatred around these parts is amazing. If the insurrection needs recruits, just head on down to the Illinois Valley. Follow the big trucks and head to the gun stores. We have like million of them, more gun ranges per capita than Beirut in the 90 s. And all the liquor you need to preserve that American way of life in these soggy ancient brain cells.

Support the troops!

Anonymous said...

A Cobb County, Georgia high school senior is facing felony weapons charges for bringing fishing gear to school. Not in school; to school. Specifically, in a tackle box, in his car, in the parking lot. The 17-year-old student at Lassiter High School, was charged with the felony of bringing weapons into a school zone after police found fishing knives in a tackle box in his car. Police found the fishing knives while performing a random sweep of cars in the parking lot.

Anonymous said...

Here is some more examples of how liberals are sucking the taxpayers dry:

For the government shutdown, Federal agencies created new websites to tell visitors that they don’t have enough funding to run their old websites. They also posted park rangers at the WWII memorial to prevent rogue veterans from getting in.

The city of Philaddlphia requires all bloggers to purchase a $300 business privilege licence.

In Milwaukee Wisconsin, you need to pay for a special license to shut down your business.

Anonymous said...

8:23 you dont get it... You like to sit around listening to Rush and Michelle, picking at every stupid government law and blame liberals.

You and your kind drift into irrelevancy, sadly, slowly... The same as the ultra liberals finding every book burning, forced morality law, or 600 dollar pentagon toilet seat .

In the end, you just don't want to be told what to do and you don't want anyone takin your stuff. I get that. But actually believe that only liberals are ruining the country, only liberals can't admit making mistakes, only liberals are evil.

You have become what you hate, infallible, blaming and not part of any workable future. Enjoy living in the past. It is all you will ever have.