“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, July 15, 2013

City Engineer and City Lobbyist Tonight at City Council Meeting

Will you be attending tonights city council meeting to listen to the mayors explanation of why we need this lobbyist who will be present I understand.


Anonymous said...

Peru already has "paid" lobbyists who are supposed to be promoting our city by networking with business and industry and passing business friendly ordinances that encourage people to locate in Peru.
These lobbyists are called Mayor, Aldermen and Economic Developmnent Director.
So long as the Peru electorate keeps enabling the same lazy and ineffective leaders we will never progress. This move is another re-affirmation that every successful candidate in last April's election was a complete bust. Except for Ankiewicz of course. He needed to go. Wish we could have elected those that campaigned on a vision and a work ethic to get something done.
Well, maybe next time right?

Anonymous said...

Who the hell interviewed the candidates for City Engineer. Does anybody realize this city has absolutely nobody with a clue how to screen and interview a quality candidate for this position.
Unless of course it's not really important to our elceted officials that this person be a quality hire.
It may only be important to our elected officials that this guy be willing to do as Chamlin instructs him. I wonder what this guys connection is, because if Kim Reece or any of the elected offials were allowed to influence this decision we are only going to get another Gary Bleck.

Anonymous said...

Been out of town for a couple weeks on matters and just catching up on this town forum. Wonder if there will be a closed session. Read a blog about four city people who went to Florida to look at a fire truck. . When will the city give a report on this trip as far as ALL EXPENSES of trip, and why a select few went. Wonder if they golfed? The blog that this was mentioned said that Hylla, Bartley, fire chief and assistant fire chief went. Why would Bartley and Hylla go is a question I had. How and who can enlighten us taxpayers as to this? Isn't Bartley the record keeper? Maybe he could inform us. Did Liberty Fire Company pay expenses? It's well known this organization requests donations from taxpayers. Has Liberty ever showed taxpayers where all this donation money has been spent over the years? Don't believe that a trip to a fire manufacturing plant is considered fire training. Is a fire truck manufacturing coming to Peru? Apologize for this blog in this section, didn't want issue to get lost in outer space. Maybe a topic of its own. City spending is something that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Anonymous said...

Why bother going to the meeting. The decision has already been made. We peasants have no ability to influence the outcome. I'm more concerned about the ordinance to "forgive the debt" that the general fund / water fund owes to the electric department. And will somebody please explain to me why we need to file a lawsuit against the company that demolished the electric plant. I thought that contract was ironclad. Oh... that's right, its ironclad to get our lawyer more money.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:48, Don't you know that the aldermen on the Public Works Committee interviewed and chose the new City Engineer with just a little assistance from guess who?
That's right, Mike Perry of Chamlin & Associates has chosen the city engineer for Peru.
I guess it's true after all that our Public "Worst" Committee can't even wipe their backsides without proper instruction from somebody at Chamlins office and even then it takes two or three times to engineer the wipe before they get it right.
I wouldn't be surprised if Chamlin billed the taxpayers of Peru for telling us who to hire as an engineer.
Absolutely disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty good 2:12. Disgraceful is a nice way to put it. Very nice event for cops for cancer, parade. Nice article about monies raised from events are going to local people who need help. Having a group of committee members for cops for cancer insures that several people are overseeing the accounting management of funds. Unlike concert for a cause. Which seems to take advantage of the taxpayers of Peru.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the mayors golf outing this Thursday? Wonder how many city employees will take the day off to attend? Would this be a paid day off without taking a vacation day? Imagine the noses being rubbed at this event. Sickening.

Anonymous said...

must be nice to go golfing on a weekday. at least the doctors work on saturday to make up for it.

Anonymous said...

Where are the reformers of our city, we need a new mayoral candidate to step forward now and begin preparing to run in 4 years. Hart, Giordano and Baker are notthe answer we need true reform this time. Do we know anyone showing possible interest in this position Harl can be beat its been shown in last election the Democratic machine was destroyed in Twp how can we get the person that ran that campaign to run the new mayors campaign...we need to boot Harl and reform our poor city

Anonymous said...

The mayor has to rub elbows and party with all the union bigshots. Afterall, This is PERU!

Anonymous said...

RUB ELBOWS? Much nicer termnology than most refer to it.

Anonymous said...

I'd say: packing each other - - s e s !!! (Rhymes with passes).