“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, May 10, 2013

Public Property Meeting 5.8.13


Anonymous said...

So, what decision, if any, was made regarding the landscaping issue? Will they let volunteers help? Will they let other landscaping firms bid on the project? Will they go with Peru Greenhouse? Will the summer help be able to help by maintaining the planned flower beds? What I don't understand is when did this become such a big issue? I don't recall Peru having pretty flower beds that were well maintained in the past. How come such a big issue now that the horticulturist is gone? Didn't the summer help use the city's watering equipment in the past without supervision? How come they can't use it now? Lots of questions, not many answers.

Anonymous said...

It appears to me Bleck has no backbone or supervisory skills to get anything done!!
And I will never shop Peru Greenhouse again!!!!

Anonymous said...

Becky needs to realize that it doesn't matter whether the company wants to work with volunteers or not, if that is the way it is presented for bid, they either go with it or they don't submit a bid.

Anonymous said...

So according to the greenhouse lady, volunteers are okay for IVAR but not for planting flowers.

Anonymous said...

Did he say $18,000.00??? The City just can't wait to spend spend spend.

Peru Town Forum said...

And that would not including hanging baskets, in fact I am not sure what it would include.

Anonymous said...

Let the volunteers plant the flowers and donate the $18,000 to the pool fund.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that the SPW would make a statement that he has taken a huge cut in summer help. Remember two summers ago the city hired 38 summer help personnel with the expectation that a swimming pool would have to be maned. The swimming pool was shut down for the summer and the city officials maintained the work force of 38.
The following summer a election year it was a known fact that the pool would not be reopened but the summer help program was raised to 41 and no readjustments made when grass seldom had to be cut
So this summer the numbers have been diminished to a amount of employees that should be hired and it is called a drastic cut. It is time to make it evident that Peru has people in the position of creating employment that do not know how to evaluate manpower or they have come to the sad state of doing everything politically.

Anonymous said...

Make the kids that work 40 hrs a week at the fire station maintain the flower beds. Typical city employees doing nothing while someone's kids do their work. We don't need kids washing the windows and fire trucks when there is a guy there that gets paid $40+ an hour to do it! Stupid Peru citizens wake up and take control of your town! Bleck needs fired!