“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, May 06, 2013

This is still the Peru Town Forum with a new look

Google is always offering new templates for bloggers and I decided to clean up the page a bit and give it a new look.  If you find any problems, let me know or if there is something not working the way it should.


Anonymous said...

How did the phony-baloney drawing for 1st Ward terms end up last night? Tony Ferrari counts on that cash to supplement his income you know. How sad is that?

Anonymous said...

Tony 4 years. Becky 2 years.

Anonymous said...

What a joke. The fix was in on that deal as well.

Peru Town Forum said...

I did not attend the council meeting last evening and if you did, feel free to express your opinion if anything interesting took place.

Justin Loger said...

I did attend. It wasn't fixed. Clerk Bartley had two folded pieces of paper in a hat that was presented to Judge Raccuglia. She picked the four year term for Alderman Ferrari so Alderman Mueller received the two year term. It was a random draw

Anonymous said...

Did Clerk Bartley show the two pieces of paper to anybody? They both could have had 4 on them. I would have been very surprised if it had ended up the other way around. Luck? I'm guessing it was pre-determined.

Sherry Mayszak said...

9:13. There is nothing sad about Ferrari supplementing his income with the money he makes as an alderman. I think one of his daughters is close to college age.

I was using my alderman pay to make car payments for my daughter who is under-employed with huge college debt. I'll be looking for something else to supplement my income now!

Justin Loger said...

9:03. Yes, clerk Bartley did show the pieces of paper to the audience, even the one that obviously would of had the 2 on it.

Anonymous said...

Justin: I agree with you that the pieces of paper were shown to the audience but were they big enough for anybody to actually read? Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting or even hinting that deceit was used in this process. I'm just wondering since the question has been brought up.

Anonymous said...

Sherry - You miss my point regarding Ferrari and the salary paid to aldermen. I don't have a problem with elected officials being compensated at a modest salary. My point and my problem is with aldermen who are there for no other reason but that modest salary and pension benefit. Just the idea of any municipal elected official not considered "full time" accumulating pension benefits is infuriating to me. I know Tony Ferrari and most of the aldermen pretty well and I have attended enough council meetings to get a pretty good indication of the character and abilities (or lack there-of) of these guys. The great majority of these people bring absolutely nothing to the table, yet they are compensated for providing "nothing" other than attending meetings and casting a few votes. I want my elected officials to "DO SOMETHING!" "MAKE AN EFFORT!" "HAVE AN IDEA OR ORIGINAL THOUGHT!" "WORK TO IMPROVE SOMETHING!" SHOW SOME INITIATIVE!" "ENCOURAGE CITIZEN VOLUNTEERISM TO SET AND ACHIEVE SOME COMMUNITY PROJECTS!".
I look back at Sherry's time on the city council and here is what I observed. Sherry Mayszak and Rodney Perez made an honest effort to represent Peru by "working" to improve our city by being independent, making suggestions, asking questions and trying to bring issues up during council meetings in hopes of encouraging the city council to openly discuss the issues at hand and address those issues.
What did Sherry get for her efforts and hard work? She was cast aside by the "power clique" that is the Peru city council. She was labeled an outcast and considered a trouble maker by her peers and a mayor who hasn't the slightest clue how to lead in a diplomatic style.
Sherry got beat-up on by fellow aldermen because she broke rule #1 in Peru politics which is, "Don't rock the boat. Keep your mouth shut and cast your vote as the mayor sees fit. If you make waves we will cast you out". Just as they have cast Rodney out. Why? Because Rodney Perez wants to make a difference on a city council that has no intention of changing anything in terms of how they have been doing business for decades. This mayor and this council want nothing to do with progressive attitudes or ambitious aldermen with initiative and an actual work ethic. Sherry got her walking papers because of a flawed and gerry-mandered ward map where it was no coincidence that her opponent in April turned out to be Mike Radtke. The bigshots wanted Sherry out and they had a great opportunity to get it done by re-drawing the ward boundaries in Peru. It was actually quite easy for them.
Their next target for elimination is Rodney Perez. They are already lining up potential candidates to challenge Rodney in 2015. There is no shortage of empty heads ready to do as told. Candidates who will come into office with the same mind-set of those who have been re-elected time and time again in Peru. That is, check your ideas and ambition at the door before you enter Peru council chambers. To hell with trying to improve your city and be aware that if you strike out as an independent we will make sure you will be here one term and gone.
This city is so screwed up it may actually be too late to right the ship anytime soon. Can anyone save us now? If so, who will it be in 2015 and 2017?

Justin Loger said...

Yes, it was big enough to be read. It was brought up on speculation but the fact remains that it was a fair, random process

Art said...

It is a persons own personal business to what his needs of money are and what he does with the money he has earned. This is true if the person is earning it through a public or a private source.
If earned by a public official I would interested in the quality of representation the individual grants to the public much more than the officials needs.
I personally know that the Alderman mentioned put in extensive hours at the Westclox fire which was in his ward and that he has made himself readily available when constituents have been in need of representation or a maintenance issue such as a broken sewer line happens in his ward.
The remark of a fix in process over a two or four year term is ridiculous and too flaky to comment further by myself and I hope by anyone else.
There are too many useful purposes for this blog that true participants do not have to resort to unrealistic nightmares.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:15 "because of a flawed and gerry-mandered ward map". Isn't this the same ward map done by a professional service which Peru paid over $10,000 for and it was state law to process?
The ward map had to be approved by the council. Would you please reply to how Sherry voted Aye or Nay. Personally I don't think Peru has any politicians who think that far ahead.

Anonymous said...

Alderman get a pension from the city? Do appointed positions? For example the fire chief, assistant fire chief? What percentage, etc... ? Was reading the above blog and it caught my eye.

Anonymous said...

11:42 as far as sewer problems in 07-08, alderman ferrari walked around the streets, took a look, then at a couple council meetings had a couple comments about flooded basements. Then, after the The smoke settled, no more basically was said or done. Obviously, now there is still major problems!!!! Regarding spending endless hours at the westclock fire. Really? Doing what? Trying to look important. Did he pick up a house? Or run errands? please explain 11:42? Look at 28th street parks condition and lack of maintenance and mowing over serial years! Look at PICKELBALL issues! CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG, ISN'T THAT ALDERMAN FERRARI's WARD???? DID HE DO ANYTHING ???

Anonymous said...

11:15 Everyone who could make a difference in the present time got beat this election. Change is coming, I promise you.

Sherry Mayszak said...

1:05. I voted "Aye" to the redistricting map. I'm sure it was unamimous.

5:03. I remember driving by the Westclox fire and seeing Tony Ferrari standing in the middle of Route 6 directing traffic in the freezing rain. I was unable to help with anything because I injured my back. I know, likely excuse, but it was true. Tony also organized and opened city hall for the residents who were evacuated because of the fire.

Tony also worked his butt off at last year's Fun Fair, the fundraiser for the swimming pool.

I have a friend who said Tony was very helpful during the first floods when their basement filled with sewage.

Anonymous said...

To Sherry, It is very admirable for Alderman Ferrari or any other elected official to show up at a fire or the Fun Fair and to listen to a residents complaints on any issue. Wonderful and admirable, and I'm sure we all agree. However is that all that this city expects from an alderman or mayor?
Should we not expect more from all our elected officials? Has the electorate of Peru voters "dumbed down" the expectations of our officials so low as to require only the most basic required actions from them.
I commend Tony Ferrari for being concerned about fires and flooding and showing up at a fair, but I want more. I demand more. I want my aldermen and Mayor to fix problems and make improvements to every aspect of my city. Not just be witness to problems and provide moral support.
I want them to "lead this city" in order to improve this city. We have 8 aldermen, a mayor, a clerk, and a treasurer. Not one of whom appears to have the drive to lead or the ability to bring people together in order to achieve great things.
We definately have a quantity of elected officials. What we lack is "quality".

Peru Town Forum said...

8:52 AM

I understand what you are trying to say and if you are depending upon the "news" from any city council meeting to inform you about what is going on, you are wrong. I have learned the only way to find out anything at all is to attend committee meetings because that is where information is discussed and there is always a public comment without 3 x 5 cards listed on the agenda and it does happen.
By attending the public property meeting last night, I saw not only the 2 alderman on the committee but the SPW, the Mayor, Doug Biederstedt and Bob Vickery. You really do get more information and you see attitudes and you see the obstacles that arise and see politics at work. Two committees I find interesting are the Public Works and the Public Property and neither has a regular meeting date, you have to check the city web site and the agendas frequently. Sometimes I will post on the blog. Do this and you will get an understanding of how our city does or does not function. Last night I saw how the conflicts can happen.

Sherry Mayszak said...

8:52. I understand what you're saying. But you cannot group Rodney Perez in the group that appears not to have the drive to lead or the ability to bring people together. I am already getting some great feedback and volunteers for the flower program. Check out Rodney's or my Facebook page if you're interested in the responses we are getting. I also have received Facebook messages from people interested in helping. The best thing the mayor and other aldermen can do is either pick up a shovel and help us, or get the heck out of our way!

Anonymous said...

Flower planters need a foreman! Which alderman will come to the plate? A person such as alderman showing their face during critical situations doesn't make them a good alderman! Probably hoping for a photo opt! How can a alderman live a couple blocks away from a park and ignore it's lack of maintenance over a period of several years? And do nothing! Poor leadership in my opinion.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:11 PM

Excellent idea, since there are approximately 2 parks in each ward and 2 aldermen in each ward, make one alderman responsible for checking one park and making sure that repairs and upkeep are done. With their influence they would be able to get repairs and upkeep done much easier than any other resident in town. Just like being on a committee is part of their job, give them a little more to help the city. If they care about their wards, this should be a no brainer, just do it.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:05 PM

I don't know who had input into those maps but there was not one good redistricting among the lot. But just maybe Harl wanted the redistricting done prior to this election to get Sherry out, good thinking and we took it on the chin with the ward changes. These changes pretty much defeat the purpose of aldermanic government.

Peru Town Forum said...

11:15 AM on May 08

Thank you for your insight on the city government and you are right on and sadly the mayor lost whatever integrity he was elected with by becoming a part of how Peru functions today. A strong person would have held onto their beliefs and ideals and the people would have respected him. Why the people turned on Sherry is beyond my comprehension and I will always believe that she and Steve were defeated by the same people and for the same reason. And it literally turns by stomach to think we have this going on in our city.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how some alderman have a blind eye to the obvious condition of our parks. Use some of that aldermans pay from us taxpayers and get a new eyeglass prescription! Also if a different person were elected mayor it's my opinion that some appointments would have been different. But, when one personally donates money to a campaign fund, that person is more than likely going to be re-appointed. Had to laugh about the above blogger using the word foreman. Isn't that usually a union position? Lol