“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Is It True that Steve's Bakery has Closed?

Has one of the latest businesses in Peru already closed? I remember how the Design and Review Committee assessed this business when they came into town until finally an agreement was made on how it should look. Has it closed or simply on vacation?


Anonymous said...

It's closed along with the Ottawa location.

Anonymous said...

This is EXACTLY what happens when you don't have people in office with a "business friendly" mindset. I don't know the reason for "Steve's Bakery" decision to close, but it doesn't help when you have a federal/state/county/local government with the anti-business mentality, which is exactly what we have. Thank you Illinois voters!!

Anonymous said...

Steve's Bakery in Ottawa is in the process of a relocation. Steve's Bakery in Peru is closed.

Anonymous said...

1:45 This is a bakery, not a Ford plant. You have no idea why it closed, as well as the Ottawa location. My guess it was the competition from, gasp, other businesses.
You can't blame the city for every business failing, or closing.

I do notice a trend of the businesses leaving with no one coming in, that's not hard to see. I do not think we have the right leaders in place to deal with that. There is little doubt that the current leaders, restrictive local policies and union history are not inviting for many business entities.

Anonymous said...

11:06. You basically mocked my perspective, and then came up with your own analysis which followed my beliefs. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Finally some are realizing and admitting that the Unions have run business out of the area. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I know two friends who ordered things from Steve's Bakery in Peru and went to pick them up and the bakery did not have it ready. You can't run a business like that and expect to stay in business!

Peru Town Forum said...

I see that the "rat" has appeared at Burger King in Ottawa.

Anonymous said...

The "rat" has been at Burger King in Ottawa for longer than a week. This rodent wants a monopoly but does not reciprocate with those it visits. If a business gives union contractors and non union contractors a opportunity to bid on a job and only non union bid the "Rat" should not be allowed to be in the area of the business. I have known this to be the situation. Who does the "Rat" really represent in todays society? Truthfully it is not a symbol of non union work being done at a business but a indication that union work has lost another job.
Why a contractor would sign a union contract and what are the advantages of hiring union needs a explanation!

Anonymous said...

I am presently in need of a job. If I apply to the various trades what are my chances of being admitted to be a union brother or sister. Years ago I tryed and was informed that there wasn't a chance unless I was a brother or son of a cardholder, or if a contractor would hire me and attempt to help me get a card. What are my chances today of getting into any of the trade unions? I'd like to be a heavy equipment operator.
I know the blog is not a hiring hall but I am looking for ideas.

Anonymous said...

12:30 you are welcome. I am sorry if you took it as mocking. Was just stating my opinion that using the failure or simple closing of a small bakery in Peru as an example of an anti business climate in Peru or Illinois is not logical or relevant. You stated you did not know the reason, then implied there was a possible connection to our anti business climate and the voters. That just adds fuel to the argument that the blog blames every negative thing on the government.

Anonymous said...

I didn't blame the blog for blaming every negative thing that happens on the government, but it is a known fact that the state of Illinois is an anti business climate. How does it become an "anti business climate?" Well that is a product of bad govt policies, which we have due to the "majority of voters".

Anonymous said...

The number of governors that are offering incentives to coporations located in Illinois to move to their state is a good indicator of the negative business climate of our state.
The entire business structure should be analyzed. Thid includes taxes, laws, unions and political interferences.

Anonymous said...

A certain or certain bloggers have been missing this week-end. No problem they will be back as soon as city hall doors are opened. Don't think that it is the everyday employees we all know it is the mud sucking catfish who inhabit the city payroll in tenure of four year terms, or appointed parasites of the muid suckers. The bottom feeders have disappeared every Saturday and Sunday which is predictable as they only comment on city payroll time.

Anonymous said...

Steve's has not closed its business in Peru as fast as they move out without any indication I'd say Steve's ESCAPED!
A good follow up os why may help Perus' business climate.
There go the three to four jobs Vickery has produced. How much does a volunteer Director of Economic Development really cost?
Why doesn't Peru go to colleges as other cities do to obtain professional assistance for development.

Anonymous said...

11:24 -- Sorry to inform you; but, if you are not best friends of someone in tight or (preferably) a relative you probably will have a tough time joining. You might be the best operator around, but face the facts - it is not what you know but who you know with that bunch of jack---s! Also there is a list of workers unemployed now and has been. If I were you I would get out of here and go where all are treated equal - (hard work) for an HONEST days wages! Why support the BA'S and MAFIA? If you are good you can work for anyone.

Anonymous said...

Is the airport a department in the city? If it is why is it not listed as such? The airport costs the taxpayers a enormous amount of money whether it is city,state or federal taxes. The small airports are such huge financial losses and enjoyed by so few it is a shame that the railroads are not recieving these funds for all to enjoy. I'd much rather have a railrod depot than a airport, of course I am a working stiff not a politician or weekend flyboy.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to the nets at the pickle ball courts?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the pickleball players feel guilty knowing they are preventing so many kids (and adults) from playing tennis just so they can play their game.

Anonymous said...

I will respect union people when they step up and donate some of their talents. I know the city was supposed to have a guy volunteer to demo the pool until the union had a hissy fit. So money that could have gone to the pool BUILDING fund, instead had to be paid to the union to demo it. Why didn't the union offer to demo it for free? Then they would get respect, not by blowing up some stupid inflatable rat.

Anonymous said...

Please do not refer to "The Rat" as stupid. In a test given out at the hall recently "The Rat" scored in the upper 80%tile. And here all along everyone thought this rodent was full of hot air.

Anonymous said...

A few days ago I heard on the scanner a Peru employee calling someone who apparently was trying to help someone else with a water problem, a scab. Don't know what that was all about.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Steves left the area, because it wasn't selling enough. Because the donuts weren't very good and they weren't selling.

Anonymous said...

10:06 How sad. And what is sadder is these employees either don't care or don't know that everyone with a scanner can hear every word they say.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean 5:46 about the pickleball nets. They're up and running.

Anonymous said...

5:46 Can you be more specific as to what you mean? Are they damaged?

Peru Town Forum said...

5:15 Pm

You have great perspective on a few of the people who are commenting on this blog. I had not given it much thought but just received one of those pointless finger pointing posts toward the blog and immediately thought of your post. Thanks for your insight that these are occurring during the week and not the weekend. You and I both know the best place for those posts to be filed. Done!

Anonymous said...


Regarding rail; I visited a friend in St. Louis often but in order for me to have a direct train-ride I had to drive to Bloomington first. I never understood why the area has 2 depots (Mendota and Princeton) that go directly to Chicago but if you wanted to go South (even Springfield) you had to drive to Bloomington or go to Chicago first.


Anonymous said...

Several years ago there was talk about Peru getting a full time fire department because of the airport. What a joke! Imagine taxes. Also, recently the fire chief stated that 4 out of 5 fire calls were auto accidents if I recall reading that in the paper. This was a reason for the purchase of the 525k pumper truck. Should have fixed the one they have and called mutual aid if need be and saved the taxpayers 90K a year. IS THE OLD PUMPER TRUCK BEING SOLD? This was asked several times. With of course again NO ANSWER! Evidently the donated money from taxpayers to Liberty Fire Company(fundraising BOYS CLUB for Peru fire department) wasn't put towards this purchase! Where and what is that donated money spent on???? Nobody has ever answered.!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better yet, show us the expenditures of donated money!!!! From the last 4 years in Harls administration thus far. Who is going to continue to donate with us taxpayers not being answered to our questions? Steaks? Picnics?Beer? Soda? ?????? Can all the people come to the maze parking lot on July 3rd and eat and drink on donated money????? And of course play on fire trucks?

Anonymous said...

To 9:20 on April 28: Union workers have volunteered many times in the community. They have donated their time and experience for the Peru Airport, the Hall High School track and the bathroom facilities at Hall High School football field. I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I am personally aware of. I really don't know what you do for a living, but I do wonder how many times you have performed this work for charity. I don't think it is unrealistic to be expecting compensation for work done.

Anonymous said...

This is 9:20 and I volunteer alot of my time and donate a good chunk of money each year. What kind of volunteer work have the unions done in Peru?

Anonymous said...

To 5:08: My question was do you routinely do your job-what you do for a living- for free? I'm sure many union as well as non-union people donate time and money in Peru. Scout leaders, sport coaches, IVAR workers, the list could go on. However, there is a difference between volunteering for community organizations and performing your craft, whatever it might be, for free. Why aren't you asking doctors, lawyers, optometrists, salesmen, and others to donate their services free to Peru? You seem to single out only the union workers- and I ask WHY?

Each project that I mentioned in my previous post required a group of people who organized the event. Without this organizer, nothing happens. So, I would like to nominate you as the organizer. Instead of whining about how the unions ruin everything, why don't you pick a project and organize the workers, union as well as non-union folks. I hope you will accept this nomination.

Anonymous said...

8:16. I do offer my work skills as a volunteer. Doctors, lawyers, optometrists require a degree. Not anybody can do what they do without a license. I have never seen a doctor, lawyer or optometrist put up a huge inflatable rat when a new doctor, lawyer or optometrist opened their practice. The unions give themselves a bad name when they put up the rat. It's bullying and intimidation. Don't cross our line, or else. No other group does this type of behavior, and it should not be allowed. Did you hear of the young man from Mendota who took his own life because of bullying, the rat represents bullies and it makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

8:16 I think you are right when you point out the non union anger at what unions have become. In the beginning unions were much needed to battle pure capitalistic greed, fighting for wages and benefits that many now would not enjoy, even we non union folk. We owe unions very much.

To this day they keep that function in many ways. But in some areas and with some unions, 150 comes to mind, they have become the exact evil monopoly that they originally fought against. They have become corrupt and greedy, exclusionary, and have caused restraint of fair trade.

They have done what they hated in the beginning, kept money for a few at the expense of the many. That is why there is such anger at them when they picket and obstruct right to work projects.

It's not about demanding they do free work, but instead asking them to step aside when others who are qualified want to volunteer to do things for a common good. Things like a pool. Things that this community needs but does not have or will not give the resources to provide. Those who are not blind see how the retail positioning of Peru has provided a trough where those who have grown up with entitlement mentality can feed. You see and here it in the old guard township arguments, the busywork projects, the lack of competitive bidding, family names getting richer, and the environment and opposition getting crushed under the smoke belching 150 run bulldozers and war chests.

People are used to it because its how it has always been. When people try to stand up and change it, they get shouted down, called mean, troublemakers , complainers and whiners. The unions around here have just gotten on the wrong side of things. Its not for the people as it once was. It is for the company, and the company is the government of Peru.

Anonymous said...

If I made mty living as a tradesman I would not volunteer ny time unpaid in a town that a volunteer fireman gets paid for being in the Xmas parade.
It must be remembered, in all fairness to a union or non union employee, that he becomes his own competitor when he volunteers his skills freely without pay.

Anonymous said...

To 9:09:

People in the building trades, including operating engineers, also need a license to do their work. Not just any person can hop on a machine or do plumbing or electical work without being properly trained. I agree that the rat repulses me. I agree that the union has lost its way on many issues. But, the one thing that the unions do is insist on proper training that continues throughout the worker's career. Would you really want a volunteer running a crane or another piece of equipment without being certified to do so?

Anonymous said...

A non-union worker can be certified equally as well as a union worker.
He is just not on friendly terms with the "RAT". Don't you think that unions would smartin up and leave the "RAT" and air compressor at the hall in their basement where he belongs. Poor public relations.

Anonymous said...

7:20 I agree, however some people brainwash easy and think only union can run a piece of equipment. This area is a sad case.

Anonymous said...

I'm not brainwashed. In my opinion, I can trust that a union worker is certified to do the job. In my opinion, people should be paid for services rendered, even by the city of Peru. In my opinion, the problems of Peru are not caused by the union, but by people who only want to pass blame, but won't step up to do something positive.

Anonymous said...

Sign for Steve's Bakery opening soon at the corner of Route 6 and 23 in Ottawa.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:52 Steve's Bakery has had plans to relocate in Ottawa for some time. What transpired in Peru no one seems to know but Steve and his bakery team. Steve has been in this business all his life and started in Steator. What steps has the Peru Director of Business Development taken to replace this local facility?

Anonymous said...

A lot of noise being made about a bakery leaving town. There are plenty of places in town to get a doughnut to fatten our butts. Let's make some noise to get jobs to come to our area.

Anonymous said...

Sir we are making noise about jobs to come to our area at the same time we would like answers to why jobs are leaving our area. The amount of money spent on the Director of Business Developopment, the IVAC, MCS needs to be answered with jobs or these sources should be discontinued and replasements found immediately.
Peru has become one large cesspool of none producing high wage earners paid by our hard earned dollars. A minority, 35%, of the voters just assurred all of us four more years of the same.

Anonymous said...

Jobs will not come to this area with the UNION CRAP that has gone in the past. The jobs were All run out of town.

Anonymous said...

I would have to disagree with you since how many of the companies north of 80 are union shops?
We need to get more of the manufacturing jobs instead of people always being happy when a retail place opens up. I'm sure that people working retail would much rather have the higher paying manufacturing.

Anonymous said...

10;17 thats a problem on a national scale, thanks to unions making the united states uncompetitive

Anonymous said...

Yes, Many of the companies north of 80 are union shops. Some of these same companies are from the the corridor created by Diamond Star and being of the auto industry and the early 90's were traditionally union shops.
It would be beneficial to our community if a mix of retail, manufacturing, and service occupations was maintained to enable all to work at what is the persons preference.
What must be remembered is that although a wage scale is a very important aspect of a job many other conditions and benefits should be included in the job evaluation.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that there are other states that have not been affected or slowed down by the so-called past recession? OH!! I JUST REMEMBERED!! THEY ARE NOT UNION STRONG!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Which states would those be?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know the names of those states also. One of the comments earler about CEO's and the pay they take as compared to the worker pay- this is so true. I wonder if the lack of union protection and negotiation has led to lower wages and benefits in the manufacturing jobs. I'm sure that some businesses pay a good wage because it is the right thing to do, but I wonder if many take advantage of the current feeling of "you're lucky to have a job so shut up" and reduce pay and benefits-or go to part-time workers only.

Anonymous said...

Try TEXAS, They are doing great! OH! You probably do not want to hear about a place where it is mostly Republicans and Independents and where they carry guns! Also, Unions are not part of the vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

LOL...Nice friendly business environment down there! Just ask the people that were killed in the fertilizer plant explosion. They really don't matter though as long as there were profits.

Anonymous said...

6:05 I agree

Anonymous said...

You want to tell me there have never been bad things happen at union companies? HA! HA! HA! WHAT A JOKE! And yes business is great down there. Crime isn't as bad either.

Anonymous said...

Unions are hanging on to the bottom of the door by their fingernails trying to exist. Presently at a all time low of 11% membership and to have this they are trying to organize groups who they would not talk to a few years ago.
They would never be in this position if they would have taken care of their membership and because they didn't they will never again be as dominant as once known.
At one time you would have thought the union owned the key to the door rather than the company but this has changed as the company has locked the door when shutting down. Sad to say it was a little too late for most employees to realize they had a case of mistaken identity when out of a job. You ought to see the International Reps run than.

Anonymous said...

When the unions are driven out, this country and everyone in it will be doing well.