“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Peru Township Learning Through Transparency : Fireworks at Peru Town Annual Meeting

Peru Township Learning Through Transparency : Fireworks at Peru Town Annual Meeting


Anonymous said...

At last nights council meeting, Bleck said he was doing bids specs for landscaper to do flowers in Peru and that he was going to send them to a couple landscaping companies. Isn't the legal bid process is that it is to be in the paper so everyone can bid who wants to? It sounded like HE already decided who was getting the job! Corrupt Peru as usual!

Anonymous said...

YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT SUMMER HELP UNDER SUPERVISION CAN DO THIS LANDSCAPING? Not even summer help, full time city employees on their spare time. If hired out, it should be in paper under legal bids. BIDS SHOULD BE SEALED ALSO!!! Probably know the company who is going to get the bid anyway!

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, there is a difference between getting sealed bids and getting quotes from local vendors. That is not corruption, unless the project is required to be bid. I really wish we would stop saying "Peru is corrupt" when it is not. It's far from perfect, but that is not corruption. Good for him for getting some quotes from local vendors. Good grief.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:40 PM

I understand what you mean BUT a little good communication from the department heads and other officials who occupy the City Hall would keep any of the so called misunderstandings from happening. Good grief, you have to literally pull anything out of the SPW, the Building Inspector, the Council and the Mayor. The above mentioned individuals are the big contributors to the so called misinformation that circulates about town. Be honest and upfront and it won't happen.
For instance, there was a quiet comment from Ald. Potthoff about privatizing our park care. Be forthcoming and upfront and we the citizens will then understand exactly what you wish to do and don't suddenly put on the agenda for a vote out of the clear blue sky. This is anything but transparency but than again I don't believe anyone ran on transparency this election, the was the last election and it did not happen. In the dark it looks like corruption so put the light on and show us, it is what it is.

Peru Town Forum said...

And while you are out getting complaints, why has there been no mention of summer hirees. Are we or are we not getting summer teen help? No pool, no park mowing, will there be kids hired for anything and need anyone apply? The grass is growing in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

I give the city council and the committee alot of positive praise for looking at other ways of doing business.

Anonymous said...

You can praise them but they need to do it legally!

Anonymous said...

I heard TEST signed the renewed contract with the city can anyone verify this? If it is true how did the big city contract not go out for bids

Anonymous said...

12:40 Thank you for a logical, intelligent and competent comment. Unfortunately it will most likely be shunned here.

Anonymous said...

More ridiculous comments made from 4:38. Just checked the minutes on the City of Peru web site. Nothing.

Linda said...

9:18 It would be classified as a ridiculous comment if 4:38 had stated the TEST did indeed sign a renewed contract. However, that's not what the poster stated. He or she simply asked a question and is looking to see if anyone has an answer. That's all. Why do people have to make simple things complicated?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:18

Why would that be ridiculous? The city is known for doing things behind closed doors and not following the rules. Maybe they conventienly left it out of the minutes/website. If the contract doesn't go up for bids in the next couple of months as the contract is up people will know and can only assume the contract was renewed with being bid

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell us exactly when that contract is up? and should be put out for bid?

Anonymous said...

I thought I heard it was up this month - wasn't this discussed on the blog 4yrs ago during election time about Baker signing the contract right before he left office?

Anonymous said...

I guess we'll know soon enough if TEST got the contract renewed because the city will have to pay them so there will be a check trail

Anonymous said...

TEST's contract is not up for renewal till 12/31/2013. You will see a check trail for the current agreement. Why doesn't someone contact the company and ask any questions you have? I am sure they have someone who can answer the questions.

Anonymous said...

12:37pm, As TEST is a privately held company there is no reason to contact them. Contact your alderman and ask him/her if they support competitive bidding on "all" multi-million dollar contracts. Or, do they only support bidding for certain city services. Ask your alderman why this contract has never been properly bid. No consistency in matters of competitive bidding sure presents the appearance of unethical behavior by our elected officials. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

The TEST landfill contract was bidded out there should be no logical reason the big city contract TEST currently holds wouldn't go through the bidding process as well.... we shall see

Anonymous said...

As a person who owns a reputable lawn/landscaping company who employs tax paying citizens ( not illegals) I expect if it is hired out I better see it in the paper up for bid !

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:25 If its in the paper it will be in the Peru, New York Sunday copy. Good Luck, you will need it.
Beware of a Mayor elected by a minority of 35% who has influential friends who know how to tie things up for a lot longer than four years as if the next four years will not be long enough as will evidently be proven by the last four.

Anonymous said...

Seems like by reading this blog TEST's contract was signed in Dec. of 2008 right before the election in 2009 - 5 years seems excessive for a big contract like that - was it always a 5yr contract?

Anonymous said...

You would think that both the city and test would not want a five year contract. What are they thinking?