As you can see this is no longer a city park for the taxpaying residents of Peru, it has been given to the pickleball ambassador and his group and the city will now maintain the property and keep other residents from using it for its original purpose of tennis. Large boards have been attached to the bolts and just to make sure no one tries to use it for tennis now, the net has been removed and the gate bolted and locked to prevent any trespassing taxpayers from using it. Now will someone please draw me a picture of the neighborhood residents looking through the locked fence at what used to be a part of their park winter, spring, summer and fall. Everyone always says parks are for children but that does not appear to be the case in the city of Peru, the Leader of the Valley. :(
Kids and parents of kids who used to play tennis at 28th street park you need to know that not only did the adult pickle ball game close your court and tell you to play elsewhere they have now completely shut down your court for the year. Once it got too cold for them to continue playing outdoors they had the city remove their equipment, relocate it to the Y, and have the court padlocked and closed to any kind of usage by anyone other than them.
As a long time resident of Peru and individual who loves this city I am truly ashamed of all who have any association in the support of the pickle ball location.
Peru has a historic reputation as a good town to live in and raise a family but there are no guarantees that it will always remain as such when government representatives and government appointed committees conspire to rule at their own pleasure rather than representing all the people.
Thankfully this blog has enabled the citizenship of Peru a opportunity to be exposed to some of the inner and under workings Of Peru politics, workings which have caused deep scars among neighbors and loss of respect of city representatives. The severity of these wounds and scars will be evidenced at the upcoming campaigns and elections. All incumbents who desire a clean campaign should have known next April was coming four years ago and governed for their desires.
Nov 14,2012 Peru is living proof that you can't fix stupid. To borrow a phase from Jack Webb "Tell me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth".
Simple truism but things seemed to work better in Jacks time than now.
Where can I get a key for that master lock? I use to take my dog inside the tennis court so she could run around without being on a leash and after she did her business, in which I would discard of. I would like to go to this court this weekend with my dog whose name is pickle. sometimes I'm unable to drive to the dogpark, due to gasoline prices and I live a few blocks from this park. I'm well aware dogs are not welcomed at bakers lake in which I think is a crock of crap! So, what are my options? I need a key for my key ring. I can't believe there is a lock on this! How childish is this? Are courts locked at Washington park? Someone has a chain loose. Maybe I should invest in diapers for my dog pickles from my social security check to put on her in case she pisses and craps on court in which the famous pickleball Pro's would be not too ballsey over. Unbelievable. Next thing there will be signs for no dogs! Wake-up council and mayor.
Looks like the beginning of putt putt golf that all age groups would enjoy! Free putt putt golf for all!
This pickle ball issue is an indication of the type of administration that is in charge. If they cannot make common sense decisions over a silly noisy game, how can they make important decsions. April hurry up!
there are no dogs allowed in the park anyway
Look out if something major happens. EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!!!
No dogs in park? Are you referring to the park at baker lake? NO KIDS ALLOWED TO PLAY BASEBALL AT 28thSTREET PARK. NO TENNIS ALLOWED, NO DOGS ALLOWED? WHAT'S GOING ON? I'VE PERSONALLY OBSERVED DOGS AT 28th STREET PARK NUMEROUS TIMES, AND NOTHING IS WRONG WITH THAT. Dogs are a big part of families. Could Peru get a shuttle bus that leaves from 28th street park for tennis players to get them to washington park? And also for people and their dogs and pet pigs to get to the doggie park???? I bet more residents would use this service than the few select pickleball players with it's convenience of court within walking and bicycling range of their estate around 28th street park. Make the parking lot at baker lake (west lot) a pickleball court. It would be further brim people lot lines.
Will every court in Peru be padlocked soon? If the 28th street court cannot be used by the neighborhood it was intended for then no one in Peru should be allowed to use any tennis court until next Spring. Remember - it was constantly mentioned that the pickle ball court and equipment was portable. Was that a fallacy??? If this park is off limits all Peru parks should be off limits!!!
I remember when they padlocked Washington Park senior league diamond. People were in an uproar that they couldn't use a public park. Of course, the Prickleball players always get what they want and it costs you and me. I like the putt putt golf idea. It's the perfect spot for that!
2:37 Did you intentionally misspell pickle ball or are you thinking what everyone else is thinking?
The latter!
PUTT PUTT GOLF. CAN BE PLAYED AT NIGHT TOO! Players can buy balls that glow! Baker Lake parking lot would have been better than where it is now. Bottom line, people are not against the exhaustive sport of pickleball or the persons who are avid with the sport, it simply is it's location without ANY consideration from the aldermen and mayor. Does alderman Ferrari play pickleball? Since this park is in his ward I wonder as why he didn't perform his duties as Alderman to talk with the neighbors whose yards are a few feet from this court.
Because his big brother plays Pickleball. Remember both 1st ward aldermen couldn't wait to talk to the residents around Baker Lake about fireworks only after Perez did it first. Then they accused Perez of lying about what the neighbors said! Ferrari and Radtke need to go right along with Harl.
8:12 That is because the residents around Baker Lake are somebodies, and residents around 28th st. are nobodies. This has always been the feeling since the beginning of this fiasco but the deal was sealed last night with the behavior of the aldermen and mayor.
I hate to hear that a respected physician is a nobody. So if the Bernals lived on Baker Lake instead of Marquette, they would be treated with more respect? Sad, very sad.
The third ward alderman expressed that prickle ball is played mostly by professional people and semi professionals and they do all the correct things. He has avoided the issue of noise as much as possible. Alderman I'm blue collar and I try to do all the correct things also. It just sounds like us wearers of the flannel don't count with you as much as the prickle ball crowd. I do hope that your expressions are evident to the voters of your ward in the upcoming election. If so you will have a lot more time on your hands to play prickle ball next summer. At that time you may be playing on the nail, nickeloid, financers or deli parking lots! SWEET
Today would have been a beautiful day to play tennis in the park. Oops, forget court in padlocked and unusable to anyone until pickle ball re-appears next spring.
This whole weekend is supposed to be beautiful. I bet the pickleball players wish their Ambassador didn't take the nets down. What a bunch of selfish jerks!
Two days have passed and the courts are still padlocked shut. Your city tax dollars at work!
That court will be padlocked until Spring. Don't you get it? That court is now a private pickle ball court in a public park maintained with our tax dollars for the use and enjoyment of some very rich Peru citizens. That is sickening and wrong.
I wonder if the city went and bought a BRAND NEW CHAIN(pretty glittery), and lock. Or maybe they had new ones at the maintenance building.
The court is locked so no one gets hurt by the bolts sticking out of the ground, right?
Well 2:00 technically speaking you're correct but you must know that once this dangerous situation was reported boards were attached over the bolts. Then the tennis net was removed (never happened before) and the gates were locked. All this and let's not forget we were told pickleball and all its' equipment was portable. The ambassador took the paddles, balls, and nets. The city took the stands. But, the nuts and bolts that held the nets in place remain permanently imbedded in the court surface. Result - court unusable for anyone now. Your tax dollar at work.
Correct, the bolts would have been removed, but the decision had already been made prior to the council meeting that this would be a permanent pickleball location. So they decided to take down the nets and lock it up till next spring. The meeting was just a formality, almost all decisions and ordinances in Peru are completely decided outside of the legal public meetings. Apparently the sheep in Peru feel that is strong leadership, effective leadership.. Not burdened by all those wimpy big city laws and things like democracy. The voting blocs are established and there are many examples.
In many cities this would be a concern, violating the Open Meetings Act. But the Mayor in Peru has stated , on the record, that the OMA just gives little slaps on the wrist and is not something he is concerned with. All the while, the people are just lulled to sleep, knowing the big smart leaders make all the right decisions for them.
The bolts have been covered with 2x4s. That court still could be used if it wasn't locked. Little kids could be in their kicking a ball around or riding their hot wheels. It's a public park paid for by all Peru taxpayers. It's turned into a playground for a select few who want to keep it for their private use.
No, they have now covered the bolts with 2x4's and screwed them into the ground.
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