“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Old Brewery Tunnels on Lower Pike Street

On Oct. 20, the N.T. did an article titled Sinkholes reveal old brewery tunnels. According to the story, "Two sinkholes on the lower end of Pike Street in Peru revealed an old stone arch tunnel that once was used by the Star Union brewery which closed in 1966." According to records, The company brewed beer from 1893 until it was shut down in 1966. I went down to get my first look at the sinkhole today after talking to a local couple about what they might possibly have been used for. Is this what a sewer system would have looked like circa 1893? It doesn't seem practical that Star Union Brewery that was a very small brewery at that time would have required something the size of those tunnels to transport sewage into the river. These tunnels were definitely meant to last a very long time. If the tunnels extended in all directions from the current sinkhole, why? Anyone heard stories through the years through families about these tunnels? Is it history that should be further explored?. What is on top of the tunnels looks like tons of fill. Definitely fascinating to see and wonder about.


Anonymous said...

Around 40 years ago I remember hearing in a conversation that those " tunnels " were used by the brewery to keep beer kegs cool

Anonymous said...

Lois, it is fascinating to hear these stories. I hope they are not destroyed.

Anonymous said...

I heard those tunnels were part of the coal mine.

Anonymous said...

There is another entrance to those tunnels behind the old power plant

Anonymous said...

Do Not Disturb signs should be placed above entrances of the tunnels as the last sighting of Elvis was between the Star Union Brewery and the power plant tunnel. DON'T TELL ANYBODY!