“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, June 10, 2011

Can We Develop a Walk with Your Alderman Program

Recently the mayor of Ottawa hosted a Walk with your Mayor program where on each walk he went to a different part of the city and walked with residents through their neighborhood and discussed problems that might exist or maybe give possible solutions. I suggest instead that Peru develop a Walk with your Alderman program. Walk and talk and show him where the problems exist in your neighborhood. Point out to him problems with anything you are bothered about. Could be streets, alleys, unkept property or abandoned property, ordinance violations and anything you have in mind. The best thing about all this is that they would show a physical presence in their ward. Each alderman knows people in his ward that could help coordinate such a program. Something like this would help to develop a community awareness and when problems were pointed out by residents, the alderman could take them to the council or to the right department to be solved.


Linda said...

Lois: Another excellent post, another good idea by another town, another way for citizens and their leaders to work together. Isn't that what a community is all about? Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic idea Lois! I can see so many great ideas develop off of this idea.