“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, June 16, 2011

CLOSED FOR COMMENTS Comments on the Demolition of the Old City Power Plant

Since Kristy brought this topic up last night at the council meeting and it was written up in the News Trib, I thought that you might like to post your comments on this. Evidently an unreliable company that is short of cash that legally owns this old power plant until the demolition is complete is in charge until they transfer the property back to the city for $1.00 when the project is finished.. It seems that we have a half razed building with asbestos that was not removed because the company ran out of funding and no barriers in place . They misjudged the value of the contents according the news coverage and it sounds like financial problem occurred that supposedly are now remedied.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the wake up call Kristy you mischievous, inquisitive citizen. I would say that you must have created many embarrassed individuals at the council meeting. Was the power plant demolition on the agenda or did Kristy bring up the subject on her own and how?

Anonymous said...

I don't think those individuals were embarrassed. I think they were holding their head down so the others couldn't see them laughing under their breath and rolling their eyes. "Oh boy, here she comes again. The entertainment package has arrived to the party! Quick, get your cameras out!"

Anonymous said...

Maybe they were grateful? I heard the council was receptive and concerned and discussed solutions like a council and citizens should in a productive community. The attorney seemed annoyed with her concerns, after all wasn't he the one who was stated in the paper about doing research on the contractor and didn't notice any alarming information on the company?

Anonymous said...

10:01 What Kristy presented was very serious business. I hope that those individuals took it as such and not with your immature attitude.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:01. Since when has a concerned citizen become an entertainment package? And what party were you attending? This is going to be another costly mess. The only ones who will profit from this will be the attorneys.

Anonymous said...

At the council meeting, kristy stood up and said she was in the building and took pictures. Why would any average citizen just break into a building and take pictures? It's almost like somebody told her to go in there and do it. Of all the important issues in our city right now, she seems "really focused" on the inside of that building for some reason. Trust me, I have driven past many buildings and properties in this town that look just as bad, if not worse. Old Westclox building ring a bell anybody? Been on the south side of that one lately? Why didn't kristy walk through there and take pics? What about one of our x alderman's properties. Lots of dangerous junk car piles there. What about all the road construction and sewer line construction at the west end of Peru. That's not a danger to the public? Broken doors & windows? Been past any of the rental properties that need to be cleaned up - Big Time! Some of those yards look like jungles. God only knows what public hazards are lingering on those properties. Is she breaking into those homes and reporting on issues? To be honest, i don't know kristy at all other than the comments I hear in the community about her. I've sat at council meetings and didn't know who she was. I'm not the one mocking her but I do know that some of the members of the community thinks she is "entertaining" to say the least.

Peru Town Forum said...


You bring up some very good points about neglected properties within the city that are ignored by the city government. Do we not have ordinances on the books to correct what appears to be violations?
It is well known that our police department only acts upon complaints, so I guess that is where we must start. If something looks like it should be cleaned up and is very likely a hazard, particularly if there are children in the area who have access to the yard or building. If it looks dangerous to you, it is probably a public safety issue. It is really time for all of us to open our eyes to unsightly and possibly dangerous properties and report them to the proper authorities.
We do have an asst. building inspector who is evidently overwhelmed by the number and the amount of work he is being asked to do. Please talk to your aldermen and ask him to begin the process of hiring additional help. We are not helpless residents of Peru, we can make a difference by speaking up.

Anonymous said...

If we try to understand the real motivation behind the "Gotcha" moments that the "Trespasser" likes to spring on our unsuspecting elected officials, it's all fairly obvious how and why she does it.
First, she is fed tidbits and factoids of information of city business from her resident "Mole Rat" employee in the water department. She then uses that info to convince the uneducated and uninformed among the elected officials and the general public that she has discovered a huge rampant incompetence and mismanagement on the part of Peru city officials.
Thanks anyway Kristy, but I don't need you to convince me of what I already know!
You and your minion will continue to sneak around the city hatching your surprise attacks. You will unleash an occasional "Gotcha moment" at a city council meeting and you will cause city leaders to stumble a bit. But they will never be threatened enough by your antics to ever consider putting you on the payroll.
This city is screwed up, but it not's that screwed up.

Anonymous said...

Lois you realize you discourage others who may want to participate and become involved PRIVATE citizens when you allow unproductive comments about those who are making a difference in the City?

It is apparent certain individuals have a personal vendetta against PRIVATE CITIZENS and city employees. If you were at the meeting why not explain how City council and Kristie actually discussed the problem and ways to rectify the situation. My undersea ing is that it was not revered to a committee or the attorney but actually discussed in front of people. Isn't that what the purpose of this blog is?


Kristie said that the doors were open in back so technically she did not have to break in. Why hasn't a building permit for demolition been issued? Why isn't the building inspector monitoring the property instead of the superintendents? Why doesn't anyone know if the EPA or iDPH has been notified as required BY law? Seriously get off your personal vendetta with Kristie and realize the environmental factors (friable asbestos) that are affecting the residents and the potentially large volumes of people at the fireworks?

If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem!

Peru Town Forum said...

To eomeone who would like to carry on this conversation about the old Peru Electric Power Plant, I am reminding you that the city does not own the building and has no control over the demolition and the manner in which it takes place unless laws are being broken. We can close off the sidewalks and streets but believe that would be the limit. If I had a vendetta against the person who brought this forth, I would not have made the initial posting the day after the council meeting.
Peru has many issues that they can actually do something about if they would enforce ordinances that already exist.

Peru Town Forum said...


Anonymous said...

This topic does not belong under the light plant heading but should receive a heading separately.

My topic heading is MERIT WAGES VERSUS VALUE PROVIDED by Peru city employees During FINANCIAL SHORTFALLS:

Recently on two occassions the finance committee members discussed "Merit Increase" for 2 specific employees; ONY 2 EMPLOYEES! , not all employees.
To justify a merit raise request, documentation was submitted to support FOR 1 OF such a request. Again STRANGE.
This action by the Dept Hd presents wonderment of "what exactly an employee has to do to RATE a merit raise?" I thought that all employees just got raises in May ?

Outside of the 2 employees nominated for a merit raise, I BET NONE OF THE OTHER EMPLOYEES know what is expected to deserve a merit raise or are aware how these 2 employees deserve such a raise as MERT in these times of financial retraint.
The action for a selected 2 is NOT A MORALE BUILDER BUT A DOWNER. Is this mangement leadership building a respectful team ?
I would say NO! What this shows is FAVORITISM.

I guess when a few years ago in the previous administration these favorite 2 employees were only part time NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY HAVE A FULL TIME JOB WITH ALL OF THE BENEFITS,"CREATED", they should get a merit raise . Come on, now.
The vague duties for each of these converted part time jobs to full time has one to wonder because I believe there is not enough work even today to fill a full 8 hrs @ 5 days a week. Now we need a merit increase ? What ?

The management direction assigning work needs to be investigated. It is our tax dollars funding "BUSY WORK"

To All: Remember all employees were asked to give up their raises last year so to help the city conserve dollars and help the city to recover. Now the city is seeing some light at the end of the tunnel and provides for a modest wage increase , everyone treated the same should be satisfied. BUT WAIT A MINUTE WE HAVE 2 EMPLOYEES BEING TREATED DIFFERENTLY and are being considered to receive a 2nd raise! What have they done so special that deserves our tax dollars to go for something called MERIT, again I ask ?
Most all of the city employees have worked a long time for the city and as they gain experience with senority, they are given salary increases, why not THESE 2 SELECT EMPLOYEES? With time if they progress satisfactorily, they too would get salary increases but not till then.
During this time of unemployment and economic conditions of the city and the nation, I would think that ALL employees including these select 2 employees would be very HAPPY JUST TO HAVE A JOB.
I would hope that the city clerk , having a business of his own, knows and can relate to the issues presented. Hopefully better judgement will prevail by the city clek to recind any MERIT INCREASE action. This is no way to build a solid team. This action too
select employees outside of the norm is destructive and is a strong waste of our tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

What is the status of the application for the swimming pool grant? How much has been donated privately to the swimming pool fund? What is the financial figure needed for a new pool including demolition of the old pool, parking lot etc. - the complete financial cost of the total package.How many years is the city administration looking into the future before they have a pool in Peru.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you totally 3:00. It would be sensible to build a splash pad because even if we did get the grant we still need to come up with the total cost of the new pool upon completion (probably around $4 million). Then we would be re-imbursed. (I think it was something in the neightborhood of $2.5 million) The idea of a splash pad was brought up at a meeting but seemed to fall on deaf ears. At this time it is a much more feasible solution than a pool.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure the City even has the available cash to fund a small splash pad right now. Is there a possibility of having some type of arrangement with the YMCA in the interim? Could they charge a small fee for Peru citizens similar to the outdoor pool fees? Maybe the city could subsidize a small portion of the Y's incremental cost of staffing/insuring/maintaining the indoor pool during the summer. Just a thought.