“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Minutes from Public Health & Safety from 5-28 that I found interesting


Anonymous said...

Recently there was $567,000.00 unclaimed at the Peru Airport. Since no one claimed this money the Peru Police Department is to receive 65%, $357,000.00 of it.

I understand that there were no charges or arrests made in this incident so at best there is simply a large sum of money unclaimed.

If and when this money is turned over to the Peru Police Department will Peru being a Home Rule form of city government take this money and use it to help pay off debt.

It has been stated that the water and sewer dept is over $800,000.00 in debt, the city has continuously taken money from the electric dept and than had to borrow $2,500,000.00 for new generators. The city took over $300,000.00 from the pillow tax and applied it to street improvements and when a alderman asked if this was even legal Mayor Harl answered with two words "Home Rule".

Since the Police are a department of the City of Peru it will be interesting to see how this $357,000.00 is utilized to the entire cities best interests under home rule. I believe that under home rule once the Police Dept gets this money it becomes the cities money to use. It surely would be a nice emergency fund for the unexpected, or a additional sum to put into street repairs, or a good bump into our city debt.

Personally I would have liked to see arrests made. The American way was not meant to be that you can buy your way out if you have enough money. I do hope that this situation concludes much better than it appears presently.

Anonymous said...

Finally someone is thinking. No arrest....no can keepie! That whole affair was very very strange, on both parts. I could buy into the explanation that the DEA were checking this out further but then should the money have been dispersed? Very very strange on all fronts.

Anonymous said...

A very good idea 10:32 but I believe it has been mentioned that the money has to stay with the police department and used for drug enforcement. Maybe this is something else that can be looked into.

Steve said...

There is no question Peru needs to create and enforce tougher codes for all properties in the city as well as enforcing all existing building and property codes. For a city of 10,000 all of these duties should be the responsibility of the Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer, or whatever title you want to give him. "One" qualified individual with the knowledge, expertise and energy to oversee and enforce the codes. Since Frank Taylor has indicated that he is unable to fulfill all of his duties it's time to move on.
The city of Peru should advertise for applications for a full-time/appointed position of Building Inspector so that a qualified individual can be installed in that vitally important position.
To allow Frank Taylor full-time status and hire a "second employee" to share the duties for which Mr. Taylor is already responsible would be a terrible management decision.

Whether or not to allow Frank Taylor to remain on the payroll as a "part-time employee" after a qualified full-time Building Inspector is hired is a decision that will have to be made at that time.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Frank needs a raise. Last week it was the community development director, the week before the treasurer, also a fire chief. Well the irons are hot with the new aldermatic positions, I will believe that the new elected positions will grant these request. And your mayor is in the middle of this promotion, just like the early retirement buyouts. Make everybody happy and they will worship you until they want more. Sales tax increase....bigger city with more jobs for those selected positions or appointed payroll. Its management when you run a city not political clout!

Peru Town Forum said...

Steve you have it exactly right but for our "assistant" building inspector to publicly make the request seems at least to me that he feels like he will get the job. Not only is Frank past retirement age, his training has strictly been on the job when former Mayor Baker hired his retired neighbor for the job as assistant to Wayne Kasza who was then building inspector. I believe Mr Kasza was retired from the state of IL Dept of Transp.
To expect him to do the job in a full time capacity is unreal and the Mayor has not hired a replacement to the man he dismissed who was the building inspector with the qualifications to do the job. Almost 2 years have gone by and no replacement yet, what is the problem? I believe residents going through the current budget have found enough waste that could be cut to pay for an inspectors salary.
Not a lot the average citizen of this town can do except.
It is way past time to get qualified professionals into our city government. When was the last time you saw a job available for any type of professional to work for this city?
We have room for a city engineer, a building inspector and a city manager. Let's put our money where it will work for us. Do we as a city have the courage to do this?

Anonymous said...

We need professionals and leaders.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:30 I believe that it is along stretch of the imagination that the money has to stay with the PPD and used for drug enforcement.
Reasons being:
1. No one has been proven guilty of breaking any drug laws in fact no one has been proven guilty of breaking any laws.
2. If a law has been broken why isn't there anyone in court to be proven guilty or innocent of the law which has been harmed?
3. The unclaimed money was found in the City of Peru and given to the PPD a department of the City of Peru which is governed by HOME RULE which allows city officials to move its money from department to department.
The Constitution of the United States of America calls for the separation of powers within our legal system - the legislative, the executive and the judicial branches - and the last 215 years have proven that it works. Please Powers of Peru don't try to change it to your own interpolation.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever asked the Building Inspector if given this position would he perform his duties on a volunteer service basis? He must realize how challenged Peru is in this down economy since there are no new buildings going up to keep him busy on a part time basis. O! Wait! Your kidding! He wants a full time position with pay? He already has the pay of a full time position with part time working hours why does he want to ruin it? His yearly pay on this part time job is higher than the majority of full time jobs in the area. Let's not get any more silly or foolish than we already have. This is taxpayers money being spent, your money and my money. If there are any raises given out please remember who voted for them in the next election and vote with your pocket book.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're right 3:01 but I was only repeating what I believe I heard at a meeting (that the money has to be used for drug enforcement). However, you bring up some very good points. Manybe you could present them at a meeting if the money go strictly to the police dept. and not the city as a whole.

Anonymous said...

I do not know how you could associate the Peru Airport incident with illegal drug activities since there were no arrests or legal drug enforcements.

Anonymous said...

Lois what I found interesting is there was a commitee meeting and the mayors wife is listed in the report. It is also interesting that there was no comment from the mayor listed. Who is running this city anyway?

Anonymous said...

4:39 - Are you kidding? In your little world, is the public banned from attending committee meetings?

Anonymous said...

4:00 I agree with you wholeheartedly but read the reports and listen at meetings. I will be very surprised if that money becomes the property of the city and not just the police department.

Anonymous said...

Read the article in the news tribune. It refers to the money as drug money and our police chief states, and I quote, "I will use the money for drug enforcement".

Anonymous said...

The mis-information you spew is embarassing. When Mr. Kaza "left" as Building Inspector, John Micheli was hired to replace him. When the assistant Bill Meagher retired, Mr. Taylor was hired. When the mayor and deputy mayor ran John Micheli off he wasn't replaced. Your lack of any interest in this city up until six years ago is remarkable. Maybe if you had paid attention the last 20-30 years the city would be better off. Don't blame me for it, I was in grade school.

Peru Town Forum said...


You only repeated what I said, whats your gripe?. I chose not to mention John Micheli by name but since you have I know when he was hired and that he was let go and lets leave it at that. I did miss Meagher and who is the deputy mayor? My interest in this city goes back a lot longer than you are aware of evidently. Know your facts before you spew things you are not aware of. Since you are now out of grade school, maybe it is your turn to take an interest in the city.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:19 PM 6/15/11 anyone can say what they wud use the money for. I am sure every dept cud put in a request for a need. The bottom line is how do we know it was related to drugs? Maybe it had to do with transport of illegal aliens. (I believe they pay quite a bit of money to have access to the US. Stretching in farther, how about the illegal contraband of fake purses, etc. It could have been anything. Where is the proof and if they have the proof why not a court date with a conviction.

Also lets take it a step farther....say the police get to keep it for drug enforcement. What kind of accounting will be done to be able to prove that money was spent in the appropriate way and what is classified as "appropriate". Are there laws/ordinances that outline what can and cannot be done? Another step...because of Home Rule, wouldn't be kept in the engorged General Fund.


Anonymous said...

The money HAS to be used for drug enforcement under the forfeiture laws.....no way around it.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:16 AM

Help be a part of the solution not part of the problem. What's YOUR problem? I offer you the opportunity to voice your opinion on problems within the city, I don't offer you the opportunity to be insulting or demeaning. You are done....fair warning.

Anonymous said...

There are laws that govern how forfeiture money can/will be used. That could be new equipment, funding for the K9, drug investigations, anything that you can link to drug enforcement. You can't repave roads etc.....It would be nice but not possible.

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting for the 1st time last night in a long time. I was impressed with the discussion and involvement of the council members and the general public. The meeting discussed many topics with actual problem solving. The alternate mayor was direct with city staff and council was very professional. It looked like a well run democracy last night.

Art said...

THE FORFEITURE LAWS APPEAR TO BE A SURE FIRE MEANS OF LEGAL PAYOFF. If someone permits this (illegal drugs) they will be provided with that ($$$$$$$$$$$'s) with no further questions asked once it is stated "I don't know where that money came from" or "That money is not mine" Do not think that illegal drug dealers are stupid, but believe that they are quite intelligent in the scumbag life they have chosen to lead and their heartless means of ruining the life of others for huge financial sums.
I have full faith in the Peru Police Department and its leadership that this type of bartering is not taking place in Peru, Illinois but I do hold our State and Federal Congress liable for all laws which hinder our court system and our police forces from performing their responsibilities as they are so well equipped to perform.

Anonymous said...

10:38 - Well then, so much for you being anonymous.
And nice job as the alternate mayor's public relations person.
It's never to early to start campaigning is it Kristy?
By the way, you can still be charged with "felony trespass" to private property for your little adventure where you have no business being, again!

Anonymous said...

How nice of you to compliment last nights meeting. I am sure everyone involved thanks you for your positive and kind expression. Come to more meetings, nice people are always welcome.

Anonymous said...

Kristy , Thank You for volunteering your time to check out the light plant and making sure that it is fenced off for the safety of everyone. I heard about your presentation last night at the coffee shop early this morning. Have a pleasant and safe 4th of July.

Peru Town Forum said...


Sounds like Kristy was doing the job the city should have been doing, especially since they were aware that this was not a responsible company. The company may legally be responsible for injury to person or property since they do own the property until the project is finished but the city that hired them should know what they hired and have been on the alert for possible problems.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that the City does NOT own the property. I thought the attorney made that clear last night. Kristy was trespassing as far as I am concerned. She had absolutely no business entering somebody's private property and taking photos. Didn't she learn her lesson once before? I think she seems to be a "little challenged" when it comes to staying away from private functions when she is not welcome or liked. And more important, I wonder who is feeding all this information to her? Does she have a mole working in the water department? I know that I would definitely press charges if she broke into my home and photographed my personal belongings. I drove past the demolition site and there was red tape and markings all over the sidewalk and entrances. That was enough notice for me to stay the heck away from that area. I understand that contractors have to take extra measures to keep the "challenged" off their property, but they shouldn't have to. As for the 4th of July, parents SHOULD BE with their children. I can't imagine why anybody would let a child roam freely down on Water Street by the river unattended. The construction company will be told (per the council meeting last night) to take a few extra precautionary measures to protect those in public that don't have the common sense to stay away from dangerous areas.

Anonymous said...

Most children 6th grade and beyond will not be with their parents at the fireworks but will be with their peer group. You sound as if you do not approve of the fireworks location " I can't imagine why anybody would let a child roam freely down on Water Street by the river unattended".
Thank you Kristy for spotting this situation and following it up before it became a mishap.

Anonymous said...

4:46. I like the fireworks on Water Street. Why would you comment that I don't? Have been going to the fireworks at the river for over 20 years. And no, I don't understand how a responsible parent would allow a 6th grader to walk unattended next to the river. Guess I'm old fashioned. And I still believe that Kristy was trespassing on private property and definitely crossed the lines when she broke into a person's business and photographed the contents. Is she going to post unauthorized pictures of someone's personal property on the internet? I wonder what would have happened to the property owner if she got hurt while trespassing on his property in an area that was off limits to the public? Wait, maybe she was trying to get hurt on purpose. Never thought about it from that angle. Nothing would surprise me anymore.

Anonymous said...

Who said Kristy was in the building, have you driven past the building to see the current condition? Open windows, broken doors, etc. Gee why would you be so anti-Kristy if she is concerned and working for the safety of our families? Sounds like you are allowing your personal emotions to conflict with responsibilities to the residents and employees.

What information did she provide that would make you assume she is being fed information and big deal if she is? Maybe you should also become concerned with the community instead of your just yourself. Regardless of your personal feelings, Kristy is contributing to this community

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a real safety issue and Kristy being right or wrong needs to take second place. Well maybe even 3rd or 4th, now that there is a question about the company involved. How can city government always seem like it is in a mell of a hess? And just for the record, I don't believe water street is a good place to hold family recreation. Again another safety issue!

Anonymous said...

I think its time for Frank Taylor to go. He knows nothing about the job hes supposed to be doing. He doesn't even know the location of some of the streets. Time to let him go, Bakers not there anymore, he put him in this position when the man never knew anything about what is supposed to be done.

Anonymous said...

10:10 If what you say is true (and I believe you) why is he still on our current payroll?

Anonymous said...

6:31 Kristy herself said she was in the building and I would like to know how she is contributing to the community. This blog, if anything, is giving citizens a place to ask questions, seek answers, express opinions, make suggestion, get involved. It is, in my opinion, contributing to the community and I applaud Lois (and Steve) for their time and effort.