“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Help

For those of you who have wondered about the supervision of the young people working for the city...I talked to SPW and he stated that Parks and Recreation is still in charge of those workers who were formerly associated with the swimming pool. I believe that Russ Schmidt, Don Orsini, Mike Watts and one more oversees them. So if you have complaints, you might direct them to one of the above city employees.


Anonymous said...

I see quite a few of the summer help around (3 and 4 in a group) but I have yet to see the adult supervision. I'm not saying they aren't there but if you know teenagers they need to be proded just a little. Has anyone else witnessed these kids being supevised by an adult?

Anonymous said...

I think it's inappropriate for a city worker to be working without a shirt on. Does anyone else feel this way?

Kristy Mrowicki said...

For the record, since you knew the first three employees do you know Lois who is "and one more" employee? What that persons name is? Are you telling me the Super did not know the names of the individuals who work for the City and our responsible for our summer part-time employees? Dear God I can't believe that to be true?

Peru Town Forum said...

Relax Kristy,

Yes he knew the name of all the employees but I wasn't familiar with the person and I did NOT REMEMBER and as you know I haven't been talking to any city officials lately.

Anonymous said...

Are the summer help kids dressing for the work environment or will they be allowed to dress as going to a beach party.

If something happens and things can get out of hand maybe a legality if condoned by the supervisors of the city . The current summer help worked last year at the pool maybe now the dress code is the same ?