“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, June 04, 2010

If You or Your Children Want To Swim This Summer Where Will You Go

Hopefully we can all rest easy and put the swimming pool on the back burner for the rest of the summer.

Most people who have expressed their opinions indicated they would not be using the pool considering the problems at present anyway.

So where will you and your family be cooling off this summer? At a neighboring community or just in your own yard? Any advice as to the nicest place to go for a particular age group.  All the surrounding communities have been kind enough to say "Come Visit Our Pool" Maybe your comments might help someone else make a choice.

And along the same thought, Will you be taking up the Mayor's offer to visit the Peru Pool and see for yourself  Monday evening at  6:30 PM.


Anonymous said...

NO will not visit the pool. Don't need a bias feedback or story. We need to patch and open. After visiting the pool today , All it would take is someone with some common sense and a minimum construction knowledge to address the issues to get the pool up to code and open.

Final statement , that is all that is needed.
NO new pool is needed.

Anonymous said...

That's what you don't get - A NEW POOL!!! Peru does not have the money and the old pool will not pass the various health restrictions and codes. Give it up - go on with life and find another battle.

Anonymous said...

ANON 2:37 Common sense tells me that you do not attend meetings or totally understand the pool situation. Let's put aside the code and regulation violations and all the experts opinions and warnings and face the facts. That pool has been patched, painted and filled year after year and it STILL CONTINUES TO LEAK. We need to find out where it's leaking, why the bases are disintegrating, and where all the leaking water is going. SAFETY FIRST - EGOS AND VOTES LAST. You need to realize that your aldermen aren't even paying attention to or accepting their legal advisors direction. The city and our pool should NEVER have been able to reach this extreme stage of neglect. WHO'S BEEN IN CHARGE ALL THESE YEARS? WHO VOTED ON ALL THESE ISSUES IN THE PAST? THE SAME 8?

Peru Town Forum said...

I understand we now have grass growing in the swimming pool and doesn't grass need soil and water to grow? Perhaps no solid barrier between the ground underneath and the cracks in the gunite?

Anonymous said...

The pool is dead. But the 7 aldermen don't realize, you have to bury it. Do it now.

Anonymous said...

To anon 4:37

I guess what can one expect with comment that I do not attend the meetings.
In fact if you look around I am in the room, probably sitting close to you..

Anonymous said...

In the Short term, One year into this election term, along with a citizen Group B------G Peru has managed to become #2 in the valley and as I see it, In the Long term Peru , will be behind La Salle, Oglesby, Spring Valley, Mendota and Utica.

Lets see then that will be #5. Why do you want to hurt Peru ????????? Maybe you will like a Ghost town, is that it ?

Peru Town Forum said...

The price of good government is eternal citizen vigilance

This is you answer 12:29 PM.

If being honest and asking for responsible government is something that you think is "hurting" Peru, that is your problem as I see it.

All citizens of Peru should be aware of what is going on and ask for answers and not accept whatever the elected officials are saying unless they believe it is the truth. Ask and then ask again and don't quit until you have the answers you need and believe are honest answers. Enough of "wink wink nod nod" that does not benefit the citizens of Peru

Anonymous said...

Lois, you would think that the majority of people in Peru would be grateful to you. I know I am. You attend the meetings, you are not afraid to ask the hard questions, you provide us with this blog. Thank you, and please consider running for alderwoman! And by the way, I was a upset the other night at the meeting that you were not able to make your point. No one else that spoke was interrupted. You should have been given the same courtesy.

Anonymous said...

Is that the water park in Ottawa?

Peru Town Forum said...


Yes it is Ottawa

Anonymous said...

I still think there is more to the story as to why certain people within city government and employement want to keep the pool open. I honestly believe their reasoning is not for the children who would be using the pool.