“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Task Force Mtg Yesterday July 1 Aldermen Will Not Speak to Them

I did attend the Task Force mtg yesterday which was basically an "executive session" and according to our City Clerk Bartley, all was legal.  There were no more interviews because the only people left they wished to interview were the remaining aldermen who has been requested to make themselves available to speak with this group.

Ald. Sapienza presented himself at the last mtg and Ald. Waldorf sent a written statement which was read that indicated he was not in favor of an Adminstrator being hired. The rest of the aldermen indicated they were not interested and would not make themselves available for an interview. Not sure if they just ignored the request or actually verbally denied the request.

Considering that they do not like to have citizens ask questions and refuse to answer them at committee or council meetings, it became apparent that they themselves to not like questions asked of them. To me this is very telling about the attitude of our current council which appears to be, leave us alone and don't bother us with questions and we want to run the city the way we want to.

So even if the residents are not listening, again my reply is "remember this at election time".



Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm surprised the aldermen are not in favor of a city administrator. I thought they were all rah rah for anything Harl wanted. Good for them for standing against Harl. I see what you mean about not being available to the committee though. I feel it would have been better for them to make themselves available to the committee and voice their opposition directly to this group. They took the easy way out.

Anonymous said...

However, 11:26, if they were against a city administrator, why did they pass the ordinance to establish this task force whose soul purpose is to determine whether or not the city needs one? You see, if the task force deems one would be beneficial, the council casts the deciding vote whether to accept the recommendation or deny it. Why interrupt these busy people's lives if you don't want an administrator?

Anonymous said...

Apparently the council members don't care that these busy people are wasting their time, but the council members were not about to waste their own time by being interviewed by this committee.

Anonymous said...

It is clear that the council does not want any executive (Administrator, Manager, or Mayor) running they city. They want to run the daily operations in executive session and approve every action by every employee right down the color of the urinal cakes in the Tobler building.

This is not how our government is supposed to work. The council NEEDS to distance themselves from daily operations!

Anonymous said...

To 1:40 PM, It's not just that most Peru aldermen are lazy and disintersted in making an effort to improve the city. The real truth about these characters is the fact that they believe in the value of never taking a strong postion on any issue of real importance. The most important thing for them to stay in office. How do you stay in office in Peru? You stay in office by never stating a strong position on any important issue. You stay in office as an alderman in Peru by keeping your mouth shut and never standing out as an independent thinker in this crowd of wishy-washy elected officials. These phonies know that when you take strong ethical positions you expose yourself as passionate and committed to doing what is right for the people of Peru. But when you expose yourself as a strong independent with passion you risk alienating Peru voters who are programmed to elect white-bread, non-thinking, go along to get along candidates. Aldermen and candidates for aldermen who possess honest values, a keen sense of right vs. wrong, and are willing to speak out on behalf of those values are not welcome in Peru politics. Currently Peru is represented by no less than eight aldermen who value staying in office much more important than providing quality and ethical representation on behalf of the people of Peru.

Anonymous said...

9:26, I would add that most of them are avid daytime TV watchers. Which is an indicator of their thought patterns and state of mind. I remember attending a finance committee meeting many years ago. Before the meeting they where deep in a conversation about needing to get the meeting over before the Price is Right came on TV.

Anonymous said...

9:26, how does Harl stay in office then.

Anonymous said...

12:57 - that same way Madigan stays in office. The same way Bloggo got elected twice. The same way that Obama got elected.

Anonymous said...

I think the committee requested to speak to the most experienced oldest alderman in Sapienza. He has a good take on the city operations and has lived in Peru the longest.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that living a long time proves is that you are good at avoiding danger and don't take any risks.

Anonymous said...

To 1:40 your comment about the Alderman being lazy is so far off base. They work many hours answering calls from their constituents ranging from flooded basements to property line disputes. along with trying not give "you" complainers anything more to bitch about since you are not willing to stand up and lead.

Lois i have been posting here for a while and you ALWAYS delete any post the slams RODNEY, SHERRY, MIKE, STEVE and every other person who you deem worthy. So your little circle of minions won't get their feeling hurt.

This blog is interested only is saying hateful things about those who are willing to lead and try to make a difference.
I know you wont post this but when I see you in Church I wonder how you can pray for those in need and yet allow people to spew such hurtful comments here on this rag.

Peru Town Forum said...

And in case you haven't noticed, I also delete comments and you cannot believe the number that are directly aimed at somone who is not an elected or one who was previously an elected official.
I happen to believe that elected officials have to become more responsible and responsive to their constituents. I personally know aldermen who do not respond to requests for information. And also know aldermen that will not answer questions in committees. With this kind of response, what do you expect? This attitude is just as wrong as the mean and hateful comments that are sometimes blogged..
And since you have told me you read the blog, maybe you can take a stand and work toward helping the rest of the council to realize and to become aware of the need to communicate. I don't administer this blog because it is fun but because the people at city hall seem to believe they have no responsibility to the people who supply their funds to maintain this city. Take a clue from other cities in the United States. Go to You Tube and watch city meetings, it is an eye opener. Somewhere sometime the comments you don't like like are caused by people who were rebuffed or ignored by city officials or stupid expenditures. I will consider your blog meant for me personally and thanks for your concern.