“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

La Salle to force compliance from absentee landlords - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

La Salle to force compliance from absentee landlords - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Looks like a full and interesting council mtg. Particularly regarding rental units and this is exactly what Peru needs to do and to put the information out publicly. How many rental properties do we have?  Do we have standards that landlords need to comply with and do they comply ? Do we charge them a fee?

Years ago I was told by an official that La Salle has the most problems but it wasn't true then and isn't true now. The boundary between the cities does not exist for those who live in the area.


Anonymous said...

Why is it that oppressed property owned by absentee owners is allowed to exist forever and the only changes it produces in a neighborhood is to increase, residential problems multiply and property values fall rapidly p;us overall appearances of the area deteriorate.
The days of associating ghetto living only with the big city are in the past as they now exist in all areas.
To be quite frank the legal system strengthens the absentee owners by creating practices that when the large city's available living spaces are filled by Section 8's the state infiltrates these individuals to our area and into living quarters owned by absentee owners. Are the absentee owners bonded? It appears that they are the true problem.
Another problem is corporations such as Casey's in Peru which by their corporate stipulations can tie up vacant property for 15 years, because when they sell there are to be no competing products sold which are in a near by in operation Casey's for 15 years. That limits the vacant properties interest.

Anonymous said...


Please list the state or federal statute that allows Casey's to do such a thing. What property are they in such control of?
Thank you

Anonymous said...

probably talking about the old Harpers gas station. I don't know about the laws, but if it is true it would be the smart thing to do. They did remove the gas tanks which will make it more expensive for somebody else to open a gas station there.

Anonymous said...

Absentee ownership applies to houses as well as business properties. Sadly those who rent do not take the pride in property as home owners and our area is showing evidence of such. This evidence is not only in property appearance but also in the conduct of the renters.
Many people are taking full advantage of government give aways and are satisfied to do nothing on their own. Misuse of government aid should have the strictest of penalties and merchants who allow their business to conduct these misuses should be put out of business.
The illegal hand outs must be stopped or we will all be in the same conditions.