“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

TEST riders onto original contract video


Anonymous said...

If you don't want to listen to Schweickert, skip to about 8 minutes in. Listen to Waldorf, listen to the beginning of the discussion, especially as Sapienza begins his speech. He said he received many calls and only one person had an idea that he agreed with, but he never stated what that idea was and why he didn't go with it even if it was only short-term. They could have made the contract for one year and actually did some research, but they took the lazy way out.

Anonymous said...

My question is that several of these people who attended this meeting did so because they were asked to by certain people (possibly by city officials) with absolutely no knowledge of what really has been going on. Just to take up a seat, or were related or a close friend of some alderman. The truth is the truth, and I would not so ever be surprised if this did happen.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you that several of the aldermen's wives were in attendance (meaning those who have not attended a meeting before).

Anonymous said...

Moving my family to Peru less than a year ago, which inclues three children I have become inquisitive about the water treatment program. A program which has been a huge topic on whether it should be awarded by tradition or by contract biding.
I believe it is a lack of knowledge of the city representation to never, never elaborate upon the standards, health and safety issues of Peru water.
Living here only a brief period of time I am in question of why this area has such a high percentage of cancer and have wondered if it has any association with water. Who besides the firm which is responsible for conducting all health tests on the water ,TEST, does a secondary test to assure that the first test is correct.
Who tests and calibrates all equipment which is used by TEST to assure it is within the indutries standards. How many corporations are utilized by TEST as outside sources and who tests and calibrates all of their equipment to make sure they are meeting all government standards. What standards have been set by the City of Peru and how are they checking that these standards are being met? When and how often does it issue reports on the quality of the water it sells the citizen.
I notice that Peru has a unusually high amount of water main breaks and would like to know what assurance I have that my family is receiving the same quality of water that it was when it left its source and was tested. Is the water tested from faucets at random homes in random areas.
Having worked in the medical field I believe Peru has a high cancer rate and their has to be a reason.
Would the city publish a report that explains the health standards of its water and supply it to the public?

Anonymous said...

Ald. Sapienza said that only one person had a solution and it was short term. Ald Sapienza the only reason people were calling you was to express their desire for the council to award the water treat contract utilizing competitive bidding.
Competitive bidding was the solution and everyone is in question to why you don't understand this. Being a rookie alderman is no excuse because all others who are not aldermen do understand it. Most likely you do understand but choose to vote the way you were told by whom you were told. Great start alderman!

Peru Town Forum said...

3:12 PM

I would love to have a conversation with you about the topics you have brought forth.
This morning I called the Hygienic Institute to ask if they test municipal water and she said no and then I asked whether they had in the past and the answer was yes. So who does the back up or check up on the water we have. Briefly checked the IDPH but found little information. Can someone tell me where to go for this information. I have heard about the high cancer rate and the water has been suspected by many for years. I am certainly looking where to go from here.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Sapienza will not have to work very hard in making sure this TEST situation does not happen again as he voted for a five year contract and will not be in office when the contract is up. He was so worried that TEST was not thrown under the bus that he ran over the populace of Peru.
He displayed a complete lack of knowledge of bidding for a contract as Alderman Radke showed the same in his confusion in treating public and private entities as one and the same.

Anonymous said...

I have read these comments and disagree with most. I don't know the aldermen or anyone at TEST but with my background with competitive bidding, the lower bid does not always equate to the best service. The city publishes a report on its water quality every year. Call the clerk's office as they have to do so.

I think throwing in cancer rates is going way too far. I've heard this in every community I've lived in. So you are saying that Peru's cancer rate is higher than LaSalle's or Spring Valley's? Lois you said the area's is higher? Higher than what? The national average?

Companies like TEST and the city have to meet so many regulations and I get the argument about bidding so now you are going to pursue cancer rates.

This has to be a joke.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:00PM If you had a background in competitive bidding you would understand that the issue was not to accept the lowest bid but instead was to have the contract awarded by bid.
Once again I will repeat the question of a previous blogger, "What assurance is there that the water is of the same quality it is at the testing source as when it comes from my faucet". Peru is having a high frequency of water main breaks because of old lines.
Yes, Peru has a high cancer rate but this will not bother or involve you until someone close by or you yourself have it.

Anonymous said...

Lois try the county health department. Maybe they can give you some direction.

Anonymous said...

Lois, does the city still give to the Hygienic?

Anonymous said...

Alderman Sapienza, it is not up to the residents to solve the problems, that is your job, and all you have to do is follow what the rules regarding bidding are, and most importantly do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:00 Yes, the city publishes a report on water every year which I believe it has to do by law. This report is published in technical termnology rather than consumer friendly. Therefore 90%+ do not understand it.
Your presentation is generalization after generalization with unsound reasoning mixed in for creative flavor. Perus' cancer rate is so high that it has been mentioned to patients at the clinic in Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

If i remember correctly about a story a friend shared with me about 20 years ago, Peru is considered a "hot spot" of cancer based on information told to.them at Mayos. Not sure its the water, but i believe a census of homes in Peru within the last 40 years would confirm their statement. Especially certain locations.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:36 PM

Hygienic no longer tests municipal water supplies. You can get a copy of what they call a Consumer Confidence Report required by the IEPA. It does contain a table of allowable limits on reulated contaminants. One of the contaminants was radioactive contaminants as a violation likely a source of contamination. I think I need that one dissected and explained to me. You can foia the city hall and get your own copy of the last report very quickly.

Anonymous said...

I have been unable to find any published reports that Peru in paricular is a hot spot for cancer going over thirty years of records. There is a high incidence of cancer but not statistically significant when adjusted for average age and the EUC site/workers. Also there is no statistical difference in cancer occurrence in the Peru water district compared to surrounding districts. I think Kristy could verify this.

TEST labs are well respected within the industry, and they could give citizens a more generalized explanation if needed. Contact your local Oncology clinics and the ACS for more specific information about any hotspot for a particular type of cancer,

Anonymous said...

For those of you criticizing my 5:00 p.m. statement, you offer no basis or facts for anything related to cancer. What someone said at Mayo 20 years ago? No one close to me has died of cancer?

The biggest BS and lies in our community can be found right here. All I was saying is if you are going to throw out nasty accusations like freaking cancer, you had better back it up with some actual facts. There are many causes of this horrible disease and you are trivializing it with your personal political views about a water testing contract.

7:46, what generalization. I am asking for some facts! And I love how some of you feel "attacked" by your aldermen but the minute someone comes on here with a common sense view, they basically get attacked.

Oh wait. I must be in with the bad guys, those nasty aldermen who want to destroy our city. So much for a healthy debate. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Probably 25 years ago I witnessed the city spreading sludge / waste from the treatment plant on the field south of K-Mart. It was at least five big tanker-truckloads. About a week later, the EPA criticized the city for having an excess of heavy metal in the sludge. I.E. lead, chromium, zinc. A call to the paper & alderman brought no interest. Today, there's a well field in that area of dumping.

Anonymous said...

Sapienza held a meeting at the Peru High Rise yesterday. He was conducting damage control on the no-bid issue. He towed the Harl line into the meeting and used the "Fear Tactic" telling the folks that our water quality would be compromised if any company other than TEST was hired. Disgusting.
Also, Elaine Edler, the woman who wrote the Open Forum letter exposing Peru elected officials for attempting to intimidate her and two other women at a recent meeting informed me that she called Sapienza before the vote was taken and he went off on her on the phone. He told her she was lying about what happened to her at the meeting and he did not believe a word of what she wrote.
What a guy! I never thought I could even imagine that I would think we were better off with the Butcher in the 3rd ward. That is an argument for establishing at-large aldermen if there ever was one.

Anonymous said...

2:00 are you serious? Look at it this way then- They know what's going on now! I guess according to you council meetings should only be attended by those who know it all?
Your remarks are about as intelligent as the two aldermen Radtke and Sapienza. Maybe someone can post a sign that says "Please enter meeting if you know what's being discussed and not affiliated in any way with this administration"

Anonymous said...

Personally I don't care how well the TEST Labs are respected within the industry, although now that you have brought it up prove it by stating your particular references.
What I do care about is how well they are doing their job and what is their secondary check and balance system for quality standards. Also I am interested in the same with all outsourcing that they are doing as their normal business practices. As for all the rah rah they recieved at city hall I'll name it for what it is "Bull to convince you and me that the council and city attorney did the correct thing".

Anonymous said...

9:21 You can contact the IEPA, PTL, or any of TEST partners or competitors. They do good work and it is well run. I do not think anyone ever said otherwise.

I object to the scare tactics being used implying "the water is unsafe, there are not sufficient secondary checks, they are causing cancer" BS. It feeds into the charge that the blog is paranoid, anti everything.

You have a solid issue here, a wrong no bid contract. You dont NEED to go all Erin Brokovich on TEST. Stay on point!

Anonymous said...

It's laughable to think that these aldermen believe there are no other water treatment companies that can do as good a job as TEST. What's not laughable is we will never know if we could be saying some money.

Peru Town Forum said...

I do have concerns about the sodium in our wateer

Anonymous said...

8:42-this is 2:00. In no way shape or form I said on my blog that only people who know what's going on should attend meetings. All taxpayers who are pro-active in their community should take time to be informed and try attend council meetings. DON'T READ MORE INTO MY BLOG AND DONT TURN IT AROUND BECAUSE YOU MAKE YOURSELF LOOK STUPID! And a blog after mine if you took the time to read, a blogger commented on some people who were in attendance who have a close affiliation with some alderman(2:59's to be exact). And my answer to your question to me is, "yes, I'm serious."

Anonymous said...

Sodium is a major issue with high blood pressure, heart problems etc. What is the sodium level in Perus' water which many drink, swim in, shower in comparison to other surrounding towns. What are the parameters for safe drinking water. I do know that you are not to have your drinking water filter through a salt water softener.

Anonymous said...

11:02 should read "saving" not "saying"

Peru Town Forum said...

1:41 PM

According to the reports from July 2013 from Peru La Salle and Ottawa, this is what is shown.

La Salle is 62 and range is 53-62

Ottawa is 33 with a range of 17-65

Peru is 312 with a range of 142-312

All reports from all cities are dated 2011

The first single number in each is given as the highest detected. I assume this is ppm but not sure

Anonymous said...

The sodium in water from the plant is well within established guidelines. Most sodium in water that we drink comes from our personal water softeners. You can switch to potassium for your softener.

Anonymous said...

I had never seen is over the 140 amount, which I believe would classify an 8 oz glass of tap water as a low sodium food (8 oz serving). If it is constantly over 300 that may be a slight concern. Has anyone asked TEST to explain it? Or is it just more fun to complain about it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lois.

Peru Town Forum said...

3:44 PM

Are you in a position where you know the amount of sodium in our water on a daily or monthly basis?.
People who control their diet within 2000 mg limit need to know this because drinking 8 glasses of water could be a substantial increase in your sodium intake and yet we are told to drink 8 glasses of water daily and now add your food intake. This is important. Anyone else notice you are thirsty after drinking Peru water?

Anonymous said...

Lois this is ridiculous. If you are hosting a blog about healthy living then keep going. If this is about TEST, it's over but please stick to the bidding issue. Cancer and sodium? Come on!

Peru Town Forum said...

8:16 PM

Makes a lot of sense to me when the city contracts with a company to take care of our water and the water adversely affects the residents, it is a topic for discussion.
Who do you think should be handling this issue? Wake up!
The city seems to find lots of things to involve itself that don't affect them as much as water does. We should all be be looking for ways to improve our health and this could be one of them which is not controlled by a pharmacy but the city who controls one of the most important things in our life - water, can't exist without it.
If the city should not be involved in health, why do we have an ambulance service?

Anonymous said...

Again, has anyone written to TEST to discuss the readings for sodium, and why they are apparently higher than nearby cities? We are paying a great deal of money to them. They are not necessarily like our elected leaders, and possibly might give a real answer about the sodium levels, what the frequency of testing is, and why they are higher.

All I can go by is the guidance provided by the EPA , and it is not considered a concern currently. Everyone needs to make up their own minds about what they put in their body, and if the City Contractor i s running the plant improperly, that is breach of contract and a cause for termination of the contrat. It certainly is a topic for discussion, as is cancer rates.

But try to be fair and reasoned in the discussion and avoid paranoia.

Anyone on a restricted sodium diet should not be drinking 8 glasses of tap water a day in addition to their normal intake of low sodium foods and drink, BTW. It runs counter to the diuretics that are needed by most patients.

Anonymous said...

Lois, do you really think water is that important. You can live days without it, although I must admit that you can live without food longer than you can without water. Why are you so adamant that Peru water has a low sodium content - a high sodium level is only connected to heart problems, high blood pressure and many other life threating illnesses.
The water treat issue should be decided in one night because it has always been this way. Now lets get back to some of the important challanges of city government such dog sled races, concerts at the airport and a new road and increase in parking space (what creates the need of another road and more parking space at the airport), and another biggie has been the time consuming fireworks involving location and purchase. The fireworks finally went out for bid being $20K or higher but next year look out the super majority has been introduced. I could go on with many more waste of time projects that government should not be involved with but it may give someone a idea that they will make a motion on get it seconded and passed 7-1.

Anonymous said...

You chicken littles are funny, now you are insinuating that peru's water is causing a cancer cluster and it's Test's fault. What about companies like Westclox,Carus Chemical, M&H Zinc, Electric Utilities, Foster Grant,National Metal Wears, Go Dan manufacturing, and that just a few of the past and present companies that were here in the LaSalle -Peru area. I had an aunt that was a dial painter at Westclox putting phosphorus on our clock dials,she died from stomach cancer. or was that Test's fault too because they rented the building thirty years after it closed, might be guilt by association. To those poeple that assume they know what they are talking about when they try to associate Test with a supposed cancer epidemic in Peru, well Lois you know what happens When you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME so ASS-U-ME AWAY!

Anonymous said...

Believe me 3:19 I'd much rather make a ASS out of U and ME than have cancer so that alone makes it worth questioning.
Why are you so fearful of the questioning about the quality of Perus water? Is there more than a high sodium content in our water that peole in the inner circle know about and don't want the rest of us to know? Is this the real reason that the TEST contract was such a hurry up issue and no one else was allowed to be considered for the contract and only a 5th rider was utilized for legalities.
ASS-U-ME-AWAY take notice that 5 of the 7 corporations you note are no longer in existence which proves it is better to ask than allow. You only have to fear the questions if you have SOME-THING-TO-HIDE.

Anonymous said...

On the topic of area cancer, how many of retired workers of Sundstrand(Sauer Danfoss) have died of cancer since shutdown? The number would surprise you.It is quite high.

Anonymous said...

7:54 you have to fear questions from paranoid idiots. They can drain away your life. It is hard to hide water quality results from EPA certified labs.

People say cancer deaths would surprise you, they are quite high.

Here is the big question. High compared to what? Is it a statstical hotspot, or did a few of your friends die of cancer. One person you know who dies from cancer means a great deal to you, as it should. But it does not provide evidence of a cancer hotspot.

Look at what is being discussed... Sodium. Not a priority pollutant, and essential component for life, in quantities that are openly stated to be safe! You would need to drink 6 liters a day of just our water to get the sodium in a few bites of your favorite burger!

How subjective is the statement... Does anyone notice you are still thirsty? Cmon. We are mad at the city and the company TEST because our water does not quench our thirst? When twenty people say you are sane, and 6000 say you are nuts, it's not proof your wrong. But it does require you to look in the mirror.

This stuff, I am sorry, but it just buries the true issues and makes people able to dismiss the very good points that are brought up on this blog.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:06 PM

No one send sodium was a pollutant and to me it is an element that occurs in abonormally high numbers. Actually I believe the report calls it a regulated contaminant.
Actually I would like to see a private contractor do what the Hygienic used to do and that is make a public notice of the sodium in our water supply so that those that need to know would be aware.
An I don't mean the report sent to the city because no one there pays any attention to it, just filed away and yes sent to you but many like you do not realize the implications involved.

Anonymous said...

just go to the IEPA website and look at any and all information you want. stop the scare tactics and leave test alone. don't blame test..they are just relaying the message.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:18 I don't understand your comment that test is just relaying the message. What are the assigned responsibilities of test that Peru is paying them $600K/year for performing?
Recently the number of city council meetings per year was greatly reduced which results in a derease of tests expense account for treats to city officials after meetings. Why wasn't this taken into consideration for tests cost/year. They will recieve a huge cost savings in this fact alone. Now if the IML could be eliminated.