No surprises tonight except for Alderman Potthoff joining the clique. I really thought he was a thinking man but I guess I was thinking of the aldermen of the people he used to be.
Ald Sapienza needs to learn when people call him to express their opinions, they are calling him to solve a problem not to have him turn the tables by asking them how they would solve the issue before him. I think his loud demanding tone of voice might have discouraged anyone in the audience from voicing even one thought. He was nasty and should apologize to all who took the time to call him.
Ald Waldorf really looked pretty smug. Pulled one over on the people he represents and who cares if they don't agree.
Ald. Radtke tried to compare it to the police and fire going out for a contract.
Lukosus, Mueller and Ferrari were pretty quiet. Wonder if maybe they were thinking about all those people who wanted it to go for bid but they didn't have the hutzpah to vote for that solution.
Mayor Harl sat there in a chair, saying nothing, and I wonder if he was thinking about the times he said yes he wanted to have this contract go out for bid and how now he just couldn't jeopardize his office by expressing what he said when he was running for office. So now we all think he is just any old politician who would say anything to be elected and then throw all honesty and integrity out the window.
Atty Schweikert assured us that Christ Perra was 100% of the ownership. ??? I actually felt bad for Chris Perra that this city council put him on display when it wasn't necessary.
Last spring they should have started getting together information to go out for bids and explain to Chris Perra that the city needed to start following the rules they are supposed to and since this is a large contract extending for many years the city is required by Illinois Municipal law to do so.
In fact Ald. Sapienza further embarrassed Chris Perra by stating he had helped the city fight the fire at Westclox. Please remember that at the time of the fire TEST has an office in the Westclox building and I am sure he was trying to save and protect his own business.
An additional thought:
The council chambers were full to the brim with standing room only and yet during the last public comment, I thought perhaps a few people would express a comment pro or con and it was utter silence. After thinking about this, I believe that most of the people there had already talked to or emailed their aldermen and expressed their ideas to them and were there only to observe them as they discussed and voted on the TEST decision. If they were disappointed, I am sure they will share that with family and friends as will they talk to them about the attitude shown by their representatives.
Now the funny part which shows how uninvolved the mayor is, when no comments came forth, Mayor Harl sees his friend Vaccaro at the back of the room and says, Greg do you want to add anything about the BB gun club. Now why would he even say that?
It was almost like I want to talk about something I like or am interested in and I am not interested in water or waste treatment.
Blogger Lois said...
Kristy gave a comment during the first comment period and the people gave her a round of applause as she is the only one who spoke for the people.
Rodney was the only voice of reason on the council and that line of thought does not work with the present group sitting in the council chambers. Thank you Rodney, we appreciate your independent thoughtfulness and consideration for the people.
That was a complete joke. I'm amazed at how such an uneducated group became members of city council.
We need to try a City Manager because there is no one and I repeat no one who is capable of leading us in the right direction down at city hall. Somehow I feel that they have no clue as to the knowledge of the residents and how silly they frequently sound when they start protecting a vote they are about to take. A comment was made earlier today that goes into much more detail on that possibility.
In Federalist Paper #51, James Madison wrote that it is essential to liberty that the Government “should have a common interest with the People; so it is particularly essential that the [Congress] should have an immediate dependence on, and an intimate sympathy with the People.”
I am disappointed that the council did not vote to bring water and wastewater services back to where they belong – the City! This test company is just taking excess profits that could otherwise be distributed to hard working city employees and morer importantly city employee unions. There is a glimmer of hope though that the actual deal has been brokered behind the scenes with the expectation that this test company hire more people and require them to join a union. The union leadership deserves more after all.
I would like to know how the people who ran for alderman and lost would have voted on this contract. The only group of people who can change what happened is US, and unless we do something the same bullshit is going to continue at city hall.
TEST should now stop giving campaign contributions and dinners to the elected officials, period. Then the accusations of bribes would stop. Because it does come across as they need to donate money to get the contract.
I cannot believe Radtke would compare a private company with our police force. The police are employed by the city and their contract is negotiated Mike. no comparison, unless we are paying TEST employees
I heard Harl's comment at the end to Vacarro. What a SLAP in the face to the citizens to mock the comment card system that Harl created. Arrogance at its finest!!!! That's ok. We all know the truth about his serious lack of capabilities to effectively manage anything.
As for Radtke - what the hell is he thinking? Put all of the contracted labor agreements out to bid? Way to make friends and secure votes from the city employees, Mike. If I am not mistaken, doesn't the majority of your family come from organized labor and prevailing wage agreements? Before you bash organized labor, try putting in a full day of hard labor work in the real world. Then you might have the privilege of discussing the topic with those that you slammed last night.
As for Sapienza, I am more disappointed now than when I called him. I honestly thought we had a fair conversation on the phone and respected each others comments by the end of the call. (I wanted the contract to go out to bid and he clearly pointed out to me that he has nothing to lose since he probably wouldn't be an alderman at the end of this term anyway.) He was speaking quite loudly on the phone and I noticed that he kept saying "let me finish" as we were talking together. It wasn't until last night's meeting that I realized that he was reading his speech to me on the phone!!! No wonder he asked me not to talk during our conversation. He was having a hard time following his letter.
And yes, poor Perra, how embarrassing to have your lawyer and accountant there to prove your business structure. I wonder who set him up for that. Even more, I was shocked at the lack of logic used to defend TEST in order to avoid bidding. Helped at the Westclox fire? It was their building, not the city's. Helped at the water treatment plant? Shouldn't they? There were more city employees there anyway. If Sapienza was so concerned that we were 1/2 inch away from disaster during the flood, then where the hell are our professionals (TEST) that should have the knowledge to build up that flood wall up a little higher. Also, don't we have safety procedures in place to shut down or reduce the system capacity in emergencies like this? Based on last nights comments from Kristi, this city lacks quite a bit of planning. Who continues to design these failures again and again and again yet keeps taking a check to fix their own errors. And the logic that we would lose 5 employees and their $30,000 contribution from taxes to the community. Wouldn't there always be 5 employees living in the area even with another company? That argument didn't fly with me. TEST has probably always done a good job for the value but based on what comparison? You can't make a comment like that unless you have a comparison. And this city seems to lack comparison for some odd reason. I'm not sure I believe there are kickbacks as a result of these continual no bid problems, but rather, more of a lack of knowledge from the leaders to properly organize a project of this magnitude. I kept hearing about the lambert fiasco last night. THEN WHERE THE HELL WAS THE ENGINEER THAT DESIGNED THIS MESS AND LISTED THE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT? I BET THEY TOOK A CHECK FROM THE CITY THE ENTIRE TIME EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE IN CONTROL OF THIS VERY EXPENSIVE DISASTER. AND WHERE WERE THE ATTORNEYS THAT REVIEWED THIS CONTRACT AND MAKING SURE CONGINGENCIES WERE IN PLACE FOR FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT? WHILE STILL TAKING A CHECK FROM THE CITY???
The city is a spiral down pattern and it is only getting worse week by week. Last night was proof.
Because everyone knows how much we pay Test and therefore we cannot put the water and wastewater treatment contracts out for bid I guess that means Test is here forever. So why even put it up for vote? Just add another rider. I feel sorry for those constituents who phone their alderman Mr. Sapienza. If he treated them even remotely like he acted last night they should be totally offended.
Last night Waldorf wanted to inform the crowd that "Nobody up here is on the take".
I want Mr. Waldorf to know that I don't believe the aldermen who enjoy such a "cozy" relationship with TEST as being "on the take". As far as I'm concerned your relationship with TEST is an indication that you are simply incompetent and unable to make an informed and unbiased decision.
Having obviously elected at least seven other incompetent and unqualified aldermen and one mayor, as well as a treasurer and a city clerk who have decided to act as a Public Relations firm and cheerleader for TEST. The Peru electorate has nobody to blame but themselves. If the citizens of Peru don't actively "work" to elect good people in 2015 you are going to continue to be disappointed for the forseeable future.
Oh, your elected officials will continue to use your tax dollars to subsidize a private company while excessively overpaying for water services.
The reason for Harl to ask Greg about the bb club was a downright slap in the face to all those in attendance.that was also slid through. Harl has zero class, zero honest leadership capabilities! Very disgusting. Wonder if those city officials are teaching their kids and grandchildren the Ten Commandments?
I thought it was alderman Ferrari who asked, not the mayor
It was the mayor who addressed Vaccaro. Ald. Ferrari said nothing last night other than his votes.
Anon 8:34 Thank you for your excellent comment and the amount of time that you must have spent putting it together.
Upon leaving last nights council meeting the magnitude of disguist and helplessness was expressed by the stillness of those who attended and was the worst I have ever witnessed.
Simply put now is the time when the strongest and best leaders will not surrender but will appear and will lead.
It was positive to see the participation of younger people at the meeting. I am sure they will make their own evaluations of what they witnessed with good judgement. This age group is one which is open to fair evaluations of themselves and have high expectations.
Although the council tryed to twist the issue it was and will remain that people where interested and focused on the water treatment contract being determined on open competitive biding.
The councils attitude toward the citizens will be answered as time goes on and and conclusion will be decided upon by a vote of all the people.
Well If it is true that these Alderfolk are not on the take from Test, or the Concerts, or anyone else, then they are dumber and lazier than I thought.
Ripping off the city for your own gain is one thing, but simply running it into the ground for the fun of it seems just mean spirited.
I suggested once that a quick service review be performed, so the City could be assured that it was getting value and then determine if a bid was warranted. The argument that since all costs are known making sealed bid impossible is the most ludicrous public service comment I have ever heard. He is essentially stating that all service contracts must now be evergreen, and only one time, unusual projects can ever be subject to bid.
In the private sector, many times the current costs are known to all parties before a bid. It has very little to do with the outcome, with the main factor being the number of qualified bidders.
The disrespect for the voters intelligence is obvious. They rely on it. This is the only city I know that does not worry about the continued lack of progress Meeting standards in the high schools. They DEPEND on it.
For those who do not know, can you give background on the Lambert fiasco?
11:49 ??? What is the Lambert fiasco?
11:59 AM
Hopefully Kristy will see your post and post on it. Basically it was a sewer and storm water separation mandated by the EPA.
Did anybody else think it rude of Harl to not get off his lazy duff and shake the hand of the man from Del Monte who gave this city $10,000??
Is Radtke nuts? Comparing contract with employees to a contract with a private company out to make a profit?
TEST not only provides a nice dinner to the alderfolks each year, but last year a big shindig in Chicago. Plus they give them birthday gifts and Christmas gifts. No kickback my a**!
Sapienza was downright rude! How can he compare the water he buys from Hy-Vee to TEST's water services? He was making a claim that they are local and he trusts them. Does he personally know the people who bottle the water for Hy-Vee. He was better when he kept his mouth shut.
Did anybody else notice Mueller finally went against the crowd on a vote? Did you also notice that that was because Biederstedt also voted nay on that one? hmmmm, makes one wonder............
If nothing else comes of this, at least there was a full house of interested Peru citizens to see how our aldermen are acting. They had many phone calls and many people at the meeting hoping for a bidding process, and they didn't care. They think they are smarter than the average bear, and our opinions don't matter. Bye bye Waldorf!
HEY ALONSO!!!! Take your UNION and shove it! What's the matter are you upset because the union isn't getting a cut from this contract? Add them to the works and you can probably increase the price an additional 100 thousand!
What Sapienza was referring to was the Areas 4&6 Sewer Seperation Project a couple years ago. The city and the contractor squabbled about cost overruns and whose responsibility it was to pay for said overruns. One example of an extra cost that was added to the project was the fact that Chamlin failed to identify the rock formations on the bluff where a main trunk sewer line was to be run. Ya, who in Peru didn't know there was rock along the bluff that would have to be excavated? Another engineering fiasco for Peru's consultant extraordinaire. I think that was a $300,000 extra but there were others also. So Sapienza and those other nit-wit aldermen decide that things like that are the fault of the contractor and that must be becuase they were the low bidder and they are from out of town so its all their fault because we are Peru and we have Chamlin & Associates. So the aldermen have twisted a situation that is actually their own fault into this smokescreen that competitive bidding was the cause of all the problems. They allowed Chamlin to create bid specs that were incomplete or incorrect and that resulted in disagreements between city and contractor.
So Sapienza thinks they need to learn a lesson from that situation. So instead of learning a lesson that it was their own damn fault, they blame it on competitive bidding to justify the TEST no-bid contract.
I would love to see them try to give some of that work to their favorite suck-ass contractor Michelini by pulling some bid-steering bullshit on one of the upcoming sewer seperation projects that are funded with federal loans, unlike the TEST contract which steals only local tax dollars. The FEDS would have those morons in jail for bid-rigging so fast it would be hilarious.
I thought they were referring to the power plant demolition fiasco. Of course that one is only just beginning. You won't believe where it will end up.
Lots of excavation to come... Just keep diggin
Just heard that TEST was able to obtain another municipality contract through the public bidding process. Is this true? If so, why was it ok for TEST to bid somewhere else but make such a huge stink about bidding in his own city. I am so confused.
If TEST had their attorney and accountant present to offer information then maybe we should just ask for current and past financials on the company through the foia process to see the truth. If I remember correctly, most govt agencies require this information as part of the contract in order to insure sustainability of the vendor. Of course, unless, someone decided to remove that requirement for some secret reason or another.
Alonso, since the contract is complete, why don't you get the RAT and protest against TEST being non-union? NO BALLS???
My fellow Peru Citizens:
Democracy is dying in Peru. As you have all noticed, correct and ETHICAL procedures are not taking place, as well as ordinary, harmless citizens getting bullied when only attempting to address the council with concerns they feel are important. I was relieved to see so many citizens in attendance last night, I'm sure most were there against the support of the TEST contract, but stopping there is not an option if you want to see REAL change. I know it has been mentioned before, but what is stopping people from organizing a PAC? Hell even a place to meetup every so often to discuss certain topics would be an improvement! Something needs to be done, and nothing will be unless WE THE PEOPLE make it happen. Forgive me but I see so many VALID and IMPORTANT comments on this blog, and where does it go?? There was ONE CITIZEN WHO SPOKE AGAINST THE TEST CONTRACT, and that person didn't represent anyone but themselves. We NEED to ORGANIZE. We NEED STRUCTURE, and we NEED NEW LEADERSHIP, even if our "leader" isn't a member of city council, because if that one person is representing any substantial number of people, then you can bet your ass city council WILL LISTEN.
5:53 PM
I was told just today that any private company that serves a municipality can have records between that city and the company obtained thru foia.
Don't you people understand that the Alonso posts are satire? The person posting under that persona is making fun of some of the more "progressive" people in our community. At least I hope that is the case :)
5:49 PM
More facts needed as to city before research can be done. The TEST web site continues to show the same 7 cities they serve and of them some are only waste water treatment facilities.
We may have been given the correct ownership by Atty Schweikert but there is more that was not told. That is like being asked who runs our city and the answer given would be Mayor Harl, period. We know it takes many more people working to run the city and I believe it is the same with TEST. We were told about 100% ownership but what were we not told. Who was Don Piano representing?
5:49 TEST did not make a stink. Your representatives made a stink. Contractors rarely have power in cities where real men and women represent.
The poor excuse for leaders here either cave to pressure or stubbornly fight opposition. I have seen better leadership on high school senior councils.
I have left comments on this blog several times in the past. It's been a few months since my last comment but read the paper on line and figured this blog was lit up.
The photo showed a room full of concerned tax payers during that meeting and obviously left with nothing more than disgust. Reading through that debate to renew a rider was comical. Three of eight city officials argued over doing what the city should have done in the first place? Alderman Perez is obviously not intimidated or buys into the BS the two clowns arguement after all who would? Were those two all you people had to choose from during the election?
I have said this several times and I will say it again. For there to be change in your town someone needs to form a PAC like the above blogger said, then get behind only one strong, well liked and known candidate. I said this over a year ago, i have known Alderman Rodney Perez since HS. Always a man of his word and still seems to think for himself. He's the one you need.
8:40 I agree, but I think sometimes the best and brightest of opposition prefers to stand alone. It is the only explanation there has not been a group of like minded citizens doing what you say.
I am not trying to cast aspersions at any voices of dissent here, only sharing what I have heard from the very mouths of the big wigs in Peru. They believe, rightly or wrongly. That Kristy, Perez, Lois are grandstanders who like attention most of all, and never work well with others to effect real change.
I would love to see the opposition band together and prove them wrong. I would bet with the amount of dirt Kristy has, and what Sherry knows, and all the years of blog experience Lois has you could really become a force to be reckoned with if you could find the right attorney or reporter to help you.
Whether you do or you don't, nobody can deny you all do more for the city than most of these so called leaders.
re watching the video on newstrib and it makes me sick. Any individual with a back ground in finance or economics (hint: Weberski or Loger or Hart or Giordano) would have chewed up Radtke and Sapienza and spit them out. I pray for the day these four are on city council/ mayor position.
9:10 PM
Weberski should be 4th ward alderman but Mayor Harl as has been said before called in all the chips to keep Steve off the council. Steve was not only running against Lukosus but he was running against city workers, city contractors and Harls friends and Harl himself. I hope someday all this dirt sees the light of day. Steve would not have followed the leader but been his own man like Ald. Perez.
9:22. Hey Lois: keep telling yourself that! Look what happened to EVERY council member except Perez. They all turned. Even Sapienza turned his back on what he promised during his campaign, and that took 4 months!!
What we need is a republican candidate and someone who will follow that parties ideologies to a "t"
@Anon 9:05
Alderman Perez needs to get off the stand and stop throwing the mayor and others under the bus making them look bad. The key for Perez to win a mayors race is for him to quiet down a bit, join the mayors club and work as a team to get special interest projects pushed through. By Perez doing this keeps controversy out of the media which will prove he's a team player. I do see he's well liked with controlled temper, he just needs to join the club.
This is funny Lois have you seen this
7:09 AM
Never in a million years do you throw support to people doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons
Join the Peru Town Forum on FB. Right eventually wins and that is where we are headed with Ald Perez.
No pool , this contract is why !!!
Doug Schweickert is a liar. An employee in Bushnell, IL has/had shares in TEST, Inc. under the previous owner.
Peru City Council and Maryor ( dictionary )
The "out-of-towner" walks in craftilly. They are used to this type of thing and they do it very well. They take a look at the public records and they know precisely what their competition is getting for a contract. "You are getting ripped-off," they exclaim. And before long the mob mentality sets in. "If you're paying $500,000., I can do it for $400,000." So the local guy is boxed into a corner and now has to consider doing his contract for $350-$375,000. Break even on the contract is maybe $475,000. Are you following me? It's OK for the local guy to lose his shirt, and the out-of-towner is laughing out loud and will be back again with the same line in another year or two. Your leadership team in Peru knows what they're doing. This competitive bidding thing is a dirty and grim business.
Being intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers .
( Janis Joplin 1942 to 1970 )
By following the leader we get where we are today. No transparency, no open door policy, aldermen who publicly make stupid statements, degrading remarks being made from alderman to alderman, favoritism,etc. etc. etc. Citizens of Peru you do realize don't you that we are NOT the LEADER OF THE VALLEY?
@ Lois
Its your opinion that Perez is doing the right thing. It's mine and many others that say the right thing is for him to stop grandstanding and work with Harl and others to get things done. That's the key to his mayor seat.
I like Perez and only saying this to help or he may not even win a seat at his next election. Harl got what he wanted in the last election and could again at the next one.
here is your conundrum, your voice is too small. You need to build your voice more publicly. Right now it is not being heard by the people you want to influence, it has not really been heard since you ran Baker to the ditch. No elected official is even wary of you. It seems there are less that 20 regular voices in a town of near 10,000. You would need at least 1000 voices contributing to said causes. If you can build your page to somewhere near this, believe me politicians will take note and keep their ears open to your desires. Until then this is little more than an old phone party line with a constant din in the background of mumblers. Hopefully this will offend enough of you to raise your voices so others can hear you better. I look to this web page 7th on my list of pages to read, you need to become calmer when you lose, quieter when you win and wiser from now on. screaming at or about each other only turns a deaf ear your way. save the screaming for the ones you love not the ones that hate you.
1207 I think it's time for the mayor and the other alderman to be accountable for there actions. They are elected by the people.
10:38. You are wrong. This is a service contract. The pricing is easy to gauge, and the buyer should know exactly what the market rate is prior to bid.
In this case the out of towner has had experience with knocking TEST out. They know TEST over charges for analytical and bills extra unnecessary tests. That is the savings of thirty percent.
Labor in this case seems even dirtier, with 2 seeming phantom employees and unnecessary labor. The labor is billed usually in such companies at a 70 to 100 per cent mark up.
This business only gets dirty when you are bidding without an experienced PA. Or for one time contract jobs. This contract job has a long , measurable history. By the end of the year, I can personally guarantee that everyone will have the opportunity to see the numbers, and the savings these leaders ignored.
No competitor would throw out there numbers here while their was still a chance, buy since it is clear how deep in patronage Peru will always be, now they will help get real figures from the other municipalities, and people will be able to see in simple terms just what is going on. It won't make the Tribune of course, but there are other ways to disseminate info.
The vote really just buried these guys, because no competitor has anything to lose anymore.
It has become clear the blog supporters have no real conviction other than to be against every thing the City wants to do. Are they Tea Partiests who dont want to see any govt spending? If you look at the bike path issue you would think so. Or are they socialists who think a local buisiness man must be making too much money because he lives in a nice house? They cry about the concerts leaking too much money to outside the area, then they demand we should create opportunity for an out of area company to take away Peru jobs and send profits out of the Illinois Valley. They are Ron Paul one day and Barrack Obama the next. This is why no blog supported candidate will ever get elected. They blame the Mayor, blame the Unions, blame the "uneducated" voter for the "dirty politics" that kills their election chances, but they never look alone in the mirror because they might not know which way to feel if there was no one there to set a direction for them to oppose. It is not "patriotic" to be against EVERY single action your govt wants to take. It is disruptive and obstructionist. I fear Perez will fall if he doesn't distance himself from these people soon.
To: Lois, 7:09, 10:38, and 12:07
From: Rodney Perez
First and Foremost, I find humor in some of these posts that relate to me... especially words such as "grandstanding, and mayor" used in one post.
I will continue doing as I do,; I will publicly communicate issues, concerns, and praises regardless who is on the other side of the aisle. If someone gets hit by the bus it's probably because they were part of the issue, or concern...So, that path they chose to take...put them under the bus.
"If " the Transparency, Passion, and Morals I have to do what's right for my community make some Say, or ASSUME that I do what I do because of some hidden agenda I have to run for Mayor... Is WRONG!!
I was raised to care for others, the passion I display is real and natural.
"I currently have no intention to run for mayor". I say "currently" because I'm a believer that the Holy Spirit takes us down pathways we may not see today...believing we are all placed in areas, and, or positions in this life for a reason.
My current plan is to run one more term, while opening the eyes and saving lives through Operation Prom-Ise Inc.
Lastly- I'm a team player, and will always cross the aisle to compromise on differences; If differences are one sided with some hidden, non-transparent agenda? then Im not afraid to leave the pack to be "The Lone Wolf" :-)
I will never change my values in hopes of being accepted:-)
In regards to 10:38: Shame on Us if we received bids then chose the lowest bidder without doing thorough background checks on that company.
Been fooled once...ok, maybe twice;-)
Rodney Perez
We are in desperate need of a republican candidate, plain and simple. Everyone up there bows down to our union and democratic mayor and look where it got us.
Did you vet the company that Steve Weberski invited to the council meeting several weeks ago? Do you know of any other providers, (please do not ask Steve for the answer), that may provide the same service as TEST to the City.
I heard Sapienza goes to fire department meeting trying to secure votes. From seeing him in action at the last council meetings he's gonna need all the votes he can get come election time.
When's the next fire department meeting? They're open to the public right? Just like any other city meeting.
834 I couldn't agree more. I also feel that a solid republican/libertarian candidate would be a step in the right direction. I can't take this "big brother" mentality and the local/county/state government always breathing down my neck. It sad but a true fact that children in this area can't wait to leave when they are old enough. Do you ever stop and wonder why that is? Why are our children so anxious to leave? They feel restricted here, closed off and unable to fully express themselves without government throwing down the gavel. You can turn your head to that fact, or, if you have children and grandchildren, you can ask them what they want to do with their life. I bet 90% of them who are old enough to leave are either dreaming of leaving, or are already in the process. This cycle has to stop, and it will only change from the top down.
The problem is that our local Republicans are actually Democrats that are not "liked" by the local Democrat Party officials. Take a look at our former township clerk and current economic development director for instance.
Peru's Mayor and Aldermen positions are in a city of 10,000 people which has no need of party politics or determining the qualifications of a candidate by whether they are union or non union. Agree or disagree with the individuals opinion but vote for him/her by their qualifications, ideas, motivation, interity, judgement, background and willingness to work with others and constituents etc.
The whole country needs a Republican leader and get rid of the crooked unions!!! Look at IL and how corrupt we are as a state!!
9:25 PM
This is the company, they are online and will welcome your questions.
Midwest Environmental Management Services LLC
P.O. Box 82
Carlyle IL 62231
Phone 618-972-1512
Fax 866-761-1195
The brochure also states "We will evaluate your system at no cost to you. Midwest's evaluation includes the following in a comprehensive report etc.
From:Rodney Perez
FYI- I did not vet any company. The responsibility would've been up to the public works committee to move forward with the bidding process. After the companies submitted their RFQs/ RFPs, "We" would've had our input, and opportunity to research at that time.
and No, I'm personally not familiar with other waste water services, as my committee is building and grounds; unfortunately, being bidding was voted down, I never had the opportunity to research.
Thank you!
Alderman Perez
Anon 1:49 AM Alderman Sapienza, a Peru City Aldermen Committee Member, presently serves along with Alderman Ferrari on the Public Health and Safety Committee which covers Police, Fire, ESDA, and ambulance. This would a reason for his attending this meeting.
What means is is using to secure votes at these meeting? Are the means such that they are unethical, illegal or I'll do this for you if you'll do this for me.
Each committee and its two person membership is presented at the bottom of the blog.
There are four companies that could realistically offer the service that TEST does. One could probably not do both plant operation AND analytical. Another could provide complete chemical management, offering possible savings in consumables as well.
All have been contacted, all are well aware of TEST and well aware of the situation in Peru. It is a big deal to us here, but when companies know a city is bought and paid for, they do not spend a great deal of time selling, preparing bids, etc. It is a waste of time for them.
The best that the marketplace can do is shine a light on the premium we give TEST, or possibly the great hometown deal TEST provides if their prices are actually great, or even fair. That is our job as concerned citizens to research and present to the people before January, since the City is too busy. At first blush, given the size of the town, it seems like we pay a pretty penny for water management.
There is a very strange union mentality here that paying less for the same service, even if it benefits many , is worse than making a few rich and privileged people make a little less. Protectionist, against competition, and very very short sighted.
but the point is to keep the business close to town. It is worth paying more if you give it to a local company.
My concern is that when the issue was brought up in regards to purchasing a $700,000(approx) pumper truck for the fire department at taxpayers expense why didn't the committe members question this? Why werent other bids from other companies given. just order from e-one??Referring to monies from the donation organization such as Liberty Fire Company to help defry cost from taxpayers. Wasn't it recently on this blog site that liberty has $650,000(approx) in account?? This amount was blogged prior to the recent request by mailers sent out. Wonder what donations are that have been recently donated. We never hear about this. Oh once a amount of what is in account was blogged!!!! Who has since 2009 been overseeing the fire department and liberty fire company? Over the years there has been so many unanswered questions. Hasn't Ferrari been on committee for a long time?
Sapienza and Ferrari on fire, safety, ESDA committee now. Prior to this last election Perez and Ferrari were on committee I believe. . I question why Perez got off of being on this committee.
1:11 PM
Is you answer because it is better to be close because that benefits 6 employees and the owner of the company.
Anon 1:11 I do remember a blurb that one of the requirements for anyone to get awarded the contract would have to be full time and would have to live within city limits. If that's the case then Peru would benefit even if they hired an out of state or some company 200 miles away. Obviously they would hire locally or transfer people into Peru to work.
Win Win!
Poltitics is very much like taxes , everybody is aginst them , or everybody is for them as long as they don't apply to him !!!!
The other companies would hire locally. TESTs profits from the contract would be considered leakage , but it really gets down to that money going to one (ahem) local person, or saving money for all of the taxpaying public.
Those saved dollars would also multiply through the local economy. If we saved 10 per cent it would be well worth it. What taxes does TEST pay directly to the city? It do all of their employees live in the city of Peru? Did they threaten to leave the city?
Maybe the other contractor would even use TEST for some sub contracted analytical work. We need to to approach this like grown ups and not like kids whose feelings get hurt when we consider changing contractors. It has nothing to do with TEST doing bad work. It has to do with knowing what the going rate should be.
Did anyone read Dankert's article on the editorial page regarding the city and TEST contract? And does anyone know what he was trying to say? I read it twice and could not make heads or tails out of it. It was in last nights paper, so after the vote.
Rodney Perez had great comebacks in his last comments on here. I was watching the you tube video this morning then became concerned about Mike Sapienza's temperament towards Perez. He appeared off the wall and out of control. As of yesterday the city still hasn't posted the last meeting and maybe they won't . How sad that is.
Where was Mike Radtke trying to go with his debate? Was he being serious with his comparisons? We really need to see the whole debate.
Great job to Rodney Perez for speaking out and watching our tax dollars. I hope you decide to run for Mayor. the support is behind you I hear it every time we discuss politics at the office.
Anon 1:11
So if a local company was ripping you off personally, you would still do business with them because they were local?? If I, as a cosumer, was doing business with a local company to be loyal to my community and that company ripped me off well shame on them and they just lost the priveledge of getting my business!! It's called ethics LOOK IT UP!! If I was the owner of TEST and knew what I was doing was shady I wouldn't show my face let alone in church acting like a good christian and playing the part!
To go to church , sit in a pew and pretend to be a saint, when a person is far from it. Karma will come back at those type of people(always does, takes a while sometimes). Large contracts should be bid out, even if companies are not local. How stupid was this council? Not wanting to save taxpayers money possibly. This town is going to he(double toothpicks). Very corrupt! Anybody who thinks not, they're stupid. End of story.
He must know what everyone thinks of him now - by not being honest and going with the ethical thing to do he looks corrupt - like father, like son!
It is not nice to talk about these people on the interweb. It is their own business. It aint costing me no more money to have tests run the place of have Captian Kangaroo run it. Who cares? It is all the same to the people paying the bill. As long as the toilet flushes and I get water out of the faucet. If a few people from around here get to make some money then good for them.
4:28 So glad somebody mentioned that article. I have never seen a better example of the poor writing in that paper! This was a journalist and he literally sounded like a drunk a a bar, making no point! I was reminded of Steve Martin yelling at John Candy . Have a POINT!
On the other hand, did you read the article by the lady covering the Dalzell meeting? Send her to Peru! She made the minutes of the Peru Meetings look like garbage. You felt like you actually got some information!
Wow! Politically this is way to deep for Peru politics, seperation of church and state. The contact should have been bid out.
8:27 It is wrong. We cannot afford a public pool and could have it paid for with savings from no bid contracts. A few people making money vs the majority suffering. That is the problem. Unfortunately too many in Peru have your mentality.
The competitors are well qualified. Talk to their representatives. No wait, they are not allowed to speak here. I am sure you have no problem with that either.
Why can people not come on here and just be critics of the policies and votes, and not make it personal? We are now going to criticize a business owners church attendance and faith? On what basis would that be? What law has been broken? Where is the proof of all of the "corruption" and evil doings of these people. I am not saying they do everything right, but they put themselves out there and I really do believe most want nothing but a better city to live on. Oh wait I forgot. They are all benefiting personally so greatly by their vast corruption. Really.
I find most city council members to be good people who want to do the right thing. I do not always agree with them (the TEST contract is an example) but I am not going to call them names like some of you people.
Lois, this is why no one will ever take this serious. People come here for the gossip, as someone posted yesterday. Nothing constructive here, and I am a critic of public officials who go wrong. But please stop the name calling and nasty talk. Pretty sick.
To 7:55 am - There will always be a few ridiculous comments that most of us will never take seriously. They come from people who are hoping to get a rise out us. You, I, and 99% of readers will not mtake them serious. If I were Lois I would not print that stuff but it's up to her.
I want to respond to your comments about the character of our aldermen. I disagree with you very strongly that most of them want to do the right thing. It is clear to me that what most of them want to do is what they are programmed or conditioned to do because they lack the intestinal fortitude to stand up as an individual and take a long hard look at the facts of an issue and vote for what is most ethical and in the best interest of the city as a whole.
Last Monday seven of the eight aldermen voted to approve a no-bid contract based on nothing more than the fact that this is just the way it has always been done, or because harl encouraged them to becuase he recieves campaign money from TEST, or because Chris Perra is friends with some of them.
Even if you are correct in assuming our aldermen want to do the right thing, I am even more convinced now that at least seven of them knew what they were doing last Monday was wrong and the real indicator of what kind of people they are is the sad fact fact that they went ahead and did it anyway. Only one alderman out of eight who possesses an ethical understanding of his duty is a terrible ratio.
I cannot agree with you that they want what is best for the city of Peru. They voted selfishly and displayed an arrogance while doing so that should outrage any reasonable person.
2:28 PM
Do you remember when Harl first took office and that the Public Works Committee was discovered to be holding their meetings privately at the TEST offices in the old Westclox. When changes were made, the cry from the aldermen were "that is the way we have always done"
This decision not to bid out the water/waste water contract is very much like that comment. The same attitude continues to linger at City Hall, some players have changed but the attitude remains.
2:28. You are exactly correct!
Lois, wouldn't you think with new people getting elected (Radtke, Sapienza and Mueller) that maybe, just maybe, one of them might be an individual thinker? But no, they are all followers. I'm especially disappointed in Radtke. He's young, the baby of the council. Why does he think like a good ole boy??
Have you called Bartley to find out why the video isn't on the website yet? Needs more editing?? Sapienza should be hiding his head! Bring back Ankiewicz!!!
There is an exceptional amount of name calling and venting that is posted, but there are many good and well reasoned posts. There are many posts that would spur true journalists to follow up to prove, or disprove.
Unless Lois is intentionally withholding contrary opinions, on most issues I never see much reasoned counter arguments. It is easy to say no one takes this blog seriously, but there is gossip on any political blog. People should NOT take comments here as Gospel, but there are questions raised that do deserve better answers from those in authority. They deserve investigation by a real paper and not a couple citizens.
Many like me, come here to see if anyone wouod ever reply. Where there is this much smoke there is usually a fire or two, and so many of these accusations could be shut down by a post or two from the City Attorney or the Mayor. They are not lending credibility by answering on this forum, but they are allowing issues to fester by staying off the blog.
And the arrogance has become more dominant than it ever was.
Mayor and City Manager with only 4 @large Aldermen would change everything for the betterment of Peru.
Lets give these two positions to Perez and Hart or Hart and Perez. Either way its a win win for the next election.
Peru is in need of a city manager. Also 4 aldermen at large replacing 1 alderman from each ward would prove itself beneficial. I think I would keep one ward representative per ward for a total of four plus 4 at large thru out the city.
I agree that the aldermen all 7 voted the way they were told not what the people in their wards, wanted. my two, you could tell had their minds made up, or made up for them. Not a brain or any intelligence in any of the seven who voted no bid.
You are exactly correct 6:15, the city attorney informed us of the super majority vote the night Waldorf gave his dissertation on TEST. That deal was already signed sealed and delivered.
I would testify to these facts:
Saturday, September 7, 2013 (2 days prior to TEST contract vote) at approx. 4:25 p.m.
I was given money at my house by a person who does business with both Doug Schweickert and Ann Baker (and others) and told "not to ask questions and that she did not want anything". I placed the money in an envelope indicating I could not accept the money signed it, dated/timed it, and returned it at 4:34 p.m. I have 3 witnesses to the entire event.
Monday, September 9, 2013
I travelled to the State's Attorneys office in Ottawa at approx. 10:15 a.m. to speak with Mr. Towne to file a complaint and discuss the issue. He refused to speak with me and had another attorney Mr. Kessler (?) speak with me. A complaint/investigation did not occur; most likely due to Mr. Towne's connection with the individual who offered me the money.
My concern is if a resident/former 10 year employee/compliance officer of TEST was "given" money for no reason 2 days prior to a no bid contract; what possibly is occurring with actual voting members on the City Council?
Kristy Mrowicki
OMG! Kristy that is really something unbelievable. I mean I believe you, but it's incredible. Incredibly wrong. You did the right thing returning it. Dirty, dirty Peru politics. How embarrassing for our town.
I received a post at 9:38 AM and I mulled this over through the day as he was very critical of a blog that was signed and yet they must have expected me to publish their comment even though they remained anon. Sorry if you want to sign your name and address the comment, I will consider it but as it is you are being deceitful and I don't like when people hide and criticize. Sign you name.
Criticizing your elected officials is one thing because they make decisions affecting you. But making comments without your signature against some who blogged with their name is a no go.
My comment above was not implying anyone is "on the take" or specific individuals or companies were involved with the chain of events. I stated the facts. Whoever or whatever the reason for offering me money I was offended, speechless, and shocked by the brazen attack on my character.
Whether "special discounts" on meals or vehicles, free tickets or plane rides, "reduced charges" for professional services or contractors...I am convinced politics at any level is a dirty, disgusting, thankless job dealing with individuals who are deceitful and lack integrity.
Why would you accept the money and then put it in an envelope saying you didn't accept it? This makes no sense! If someone came to my door, no matter what they said I would never accept the money. I think you are completely making this up.
8:24 I have not released the name of the individual (besides to the SA office) or the details of the event and recall the devil is ALWAYS in the details.
You are accurate this monetary "offering" made no sense and the individual/s involved clearly underestimated my character.
Perhaps your naive nature or " dissenting opinion" towards morally challenged "power people" in Peru is exactly why this type of behavior thrives in Peru politics?
Lois I really don't care that you didn't post what I said about Kristy's "accusation" but I find it very ironic since your blog would not exist without anonymous people posting what amounts to a lot of nasty things. The vast majority of it is completely baseless and is nothing but rumors that mostly start right here.
That individual has made the most ludicrous accusations and you are going to give her this forum to make an accusation like that with nothing to back it up? You defend a person who has just made a libelous comment but you will not publish a statement from a concerned citizen who dares call her on it? All because I would not sign my name. Please.
Sadly that is what you don't get. There are plenty of thoughtful, intelligent people who share some of the concerns with our city's direction, but they will not participate in the forum you provide here.
I've tried to post a couple of times but you have a difficult time with criticism, unless it is only more ridiculous comments degrading our city leaders instead of doing something constructive. It's too bad you are more interested in generating interest in your blog by this type of stupidity rather than actually doing something.
I will go away now and wait with baited breath for more debates on concerts, fireworks and everyone's favorite complaint, pickle ball.
"Perhaps your naive nature or 'dissenting opinion' towards morally challenged 'power people' in Peru is exactly why this type of behavior thrives in Peru politics."
I have no ideas what this sentence means, as it seems to contradict itself. I am far from naive and if you are going to try paint yourself is the "moral" one in all of this, then please share your proof and show us all once and for all the vast corruption. You had it come right to you door after all.
You chose to come into a public forum and make your statement (which also makes absolutely no sense) so back it up. You have done this so many times and nothing ever comes of it.
And if those people are motivated enough to give you "hush money", what are they wanting to "hush" that you know? Please share it! If not then one might think you are in on the big conspiracy.
Oh wait, I forgot, it's all at the states attorney's office and he is in on the scam too right? Right.
You made a potentially libelous comment about a private citizen with nothing to back it up. Spill it. You said the "devil is in the details", so let's have them now or as soon as the state's attorney who is on the scam drops the charges. What have you go to loose?
It is not potentially libelous when I speak the truth; another word you seem to be unfamiliar with?
This woman is a neighbor who cuts hair in her basement and former Mayor Baker has dropped his wife off at the residence. Also the neighbor utilized Schweickert's office when she had a basketball hoop break.
GO ON THE NET TO ILLINOIS BAR ASSOCIATION, MAKE COPIES OF FORMS IN REGARDS HAVING THE STATES ATTORNEY OFFICE IN WHICH YOU WENT TO OTTAWA. KRISTY, the forms are easily to fill out and also you send in any other documents pertaining to what you would like investigated. A friend of mine who had a case in lasalle county filed a complaint on three attorney's and a judge. As a matter of fact, there has been an ongoing investigation. On attorney/firm offered $$$$$$ through a third party to have them dropped from the complaint. Sometimes one has to go further than states attorney office.
Kristy isn't going to discuss something on here that is t true. Anybody who doesn't believe that pay offs or bribes don' t happen is living under a rock.
What does anything you posted at 11:49 have to do with facts? Someone who used Schwieckert as an attorney like hundreds of people do? Someone who cuts hair in the neighbor's basement? What the heck?
No in fact it is potentially libelous, and I don't need to use Google or Wikipedia to look it up first thank you. You tied the name of a private citizen to an alleged crime. So far the only "fact" is that you have made the accusation.
As stated before we all look forward to hearing all of your facts on this.
1:32 I am a critic of government officials but there is not one ounce of evidence to "payoffs or bribes" and if you think Kristy tells the truth then you should go back and read all of her accusations in the past about all of the people who were going to jail. Remember that? She had the goods on all of them. Never happened. Ever ask yourself why?
Even if I am living under a rock I will stick to facts and truth but if Kristy is going to make accusations like this then she has to back it up. She didn't just spread a rumor. She accused a private citizen of a crime in a public forum.
If you believe her 1:32 then she will show you the evidence right? Let's all keep our eyes open for that.
I ALWAYS back up with documentation and the documentation very seldom is on the blog. I never said anyone was going to jail nor did I make accuse a private citizen. Please don't negate the facts or the chain of events.
When more follows it will not be posted on this blog; similar to other "issues" that were filed and not posted.
Thank you for your "concerns" 12:49 and 2:04. Stay posted there is ALWAYS more...
2:04 I am a big backer of Kristy and her efforts. I have found her research to be very accurate.
But I am in agreement with you from a legal perspective, her accusation in a public forum is potentially libelous. Stating that something is POTENTIALLY libelous is not that big of a deal, so I don't understand why Kristy would get bent out of shape by it. When accusing people of criminal acts you do need to have proof, and it sounds as if she has witnesses and has presented her side to the authorities.
Libel is not that easy to prove if there is a reasonable amount of diligence behind the accusation. It sounds like there is, so I am unsure of why you are lumping this post in with all the other wild accusations on the blog. Most of her past accusations have proved to have considerable merit, at least as far as meriting deeper investigation. She may very well have gone overboard predicting punishments and sentencing, but she is a very accurate researcher.
In this case, I personally would not be surprised if there was an attempt to silence her given the unusual degree of protectionist behavior surrounding this no bid situation. Try to look at this accusation separate from these many other ones you believe did not pan out.
She risks a great deal by standing up to these guys. You may want to ask yourself why? People don't offer to testify unless they are pretty sure they can back it up.
Thank you for the thoughtful response 4:11. Perhaps something did happen. If it did and Kristy is going to follow up in another forum then why post it here? Why tip off those she is accusing? And again I ask why not just share what it is that needs to be hushed?
Ann Baker is a private citizen. She is an elderly person. The fact that her husband was the mayor at one time does not open her to scrutiny that is any different that other individuals.
If you have found Kristy to be a credible person when she puts things like this out there then time will tell if that holds true.
Kristy, again we will be waiting for you to come through with the "ALWAYS more...." You own this one, you and your witnesses. Should be an easy one.
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