Look off to the right side and click on Gary Gearhart and Rotary Park. I was not at all informed as to what would be included in this park and how large it is and how much volunteer labor including that of 150 was donated to make this park a reality.
Before all the Peru Peru residents jump all over me, this is important for the future development of Peru sports activities. When that park will have 2 regulation size soccer fields and 5 baseball fields, how much money do we want to invest in more of them in our city. Of course we will continue to have leagues for all ages but this could be an opportunity for the cities to work together. It is also time for us to be aware of what is available close to our city.
This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Looking pretty
Beautiful landscaping that someone called me about and wondered if I would show what a city with determination can do. We have about 3 of these trees around the Red Cross in Peru and a couple scattered in the next block. The major portion of downtown needs a facelift.
Will the new landscape firm be asked to include the downtown as well as the parks?
Will the new landscape firm be asked to include the downtown as well as the parks?
Monday, April 29, 2013
It's April and Its Grass Mowing Time.
The Park Department is responsible for all Park maintenance, i.e. grass
cutting, park equipment repair and replacement, and playground equipment
maintenance, etc.
The above is taken directly from the city web site but several weeks ago Ald. Potthoff said the city would be going out for landscaping bids. Well not really going out for bids but more like seeking local mowing services for prices. Can we hire someone to take care of our city grass for under $20,000 which is the price at which the city must seek bids.
Mum is the word down at city hall. There has been a question about hiring of summer help as usual, I have not officially heard this mentioned as in previous years. The deadline on the application on the city web site is April 30 or tomorrow. But that application has been online since 2011 and it may not mean anything.
Any bids received for Landscaping will have to go to the Public Property Committee and neither of the curent members will not be returning to the council. So at this point there is no committee to receive those bids so it can be sent to the council for approval. New aldermen will be sworn in on May 6.
I don't know about your grass but we have already had to mow it about 2 or 3 times. Who will now plant the flowers, trim the shrubs and mow the grass while we wait for the process of government to act in a legal manner.
La Salle had announcements for summer help on the radio weeks ago. Peru has made no announcement that I am aware of.
It seems that if you plan on going out for professional services it is something that must be in the works months before the weather warms, the rains begin and the grass grows by leaps and bounds. Keep your eyes and ears on this topic.
I have always been in favor of professional lawn service open to all in a fair bidding process and I hope that is what is being done.
The above is taken directly from the city web site but several weeks ago Ald. Potthoff said the city would be going out for landscaping bids. Well not really going out for bids but more like seeking local mowing services for prices. Can we hire someone to take care of our city grass for under $20,000 which is the price at which the city must seek bids.
Mum is the word down at city hall. There has been a question about hiring of summer help as usual, I have not officially heard this mentioned as in previous years. The deadline on the application on the city web site is April 30 or tomorrow. But that application has been online since 2011 and it may not mean anything.
Any bids received for Landscaping will have to go to the Public Property Committee and neither of the curent members will not be returning to the council. So at this point there is no committee to receive those bids so it can be sent to the council for approval. New aldermen will be sworn in on May 6.
I don't know about your grass but we have already had to mow it about 2 or 3 times. Who will now plant the flowers, trim the shrubs and mow the grass while we wait for the process of government to act in a legal manner.
La Salle had announcements for summer help on the radio weeks ago. Peru has made no announcement that I am aware of.
It seems that if you plan on going out for professional services it is something that must be in the works months before the weather warms, the rains begin and the grass grows by leaps and bounds. Keep your eyes and ears on this topic.
I have always been in favor of professional lawn service open to all in a fair bidding process and I hope that is what is being done.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Is It True that Steve's Bakery has Closed?
Has one of the latest businesses in Peru already closed? I remember how the Design and Review Committee assessed this business when they came into town until finally an agreement was made on how it should look. Has it closed or simply on vacation?
Friday, April 26, 2013
How Will We Pay For This ? Mayor To City Treasurer
Cash, we will write out a check. This happens to be Woodridge not Peru unfortunately. :(
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
L-P Going To Try Electric Aggregation « AM1220 WLPO News
L-P Going To Try Electric Aggregation « AM1220 WLPO News
Not only businesses not liking Peru's electric rates, it sounds like LPTHS is not too happy either. Fortunately most of the school is in La Salle and can go out for better rates like Ottawa. Does this now mean that producing your own power is not so cheap?
Not only businesses not liking Peru's electric rates, it sounds like LPTHS is not too happy either. Fortunately most of the school is in La Salle and can go out for better rates like Ottawa. Does this now mean that producing your own power is not so cheap?
City of Peru Flood Action Plan
City of Peru Flood Action Plan
Peru City Officials have announced the immediate action plan for addressing storm related issues:
Start televising and cleaning sewers from the West Ravine sanitary trunk sewer north at:
Rock/Plum (ending south of Shooting Park)
West Street north to north end of Plum (ending north of Shooting Park)
North through Centennial Park ending at Sunset.
Simultaneously begin smoke testing and visual manhole inspections on Marquette from Shooting Park north to I-80 at Menards.
When televising and cleaning is done on the west side of 251 as outlined above we will begin televising/cleaning Marquette Rd., north of Shooting Park to I-80, priority given to smoke testing results.
Repairs will begin simultaneously as located, beginning with sink hole behind 1819 Plum Street.
A map will be kept with problems identified and the City will begin meeting with each resident that filled out a sheet and additional residents if flood related debris is located in front of their homes or as directed by the Superintendent of Public Works.
Peru City Officials have announced the immediate action plan for addressing storm related issues:
Start televising and cleaning sewers from the West Ravine sanitary trunk sewer north at:
Rock/Plum (ending south of Shooting Park)
West Street north to north end of Plum (ending north of Shooting Park)
North through Centennial Park ending at Sunset.
Simultaneously begin smoke testing and visual manhole inspections on Marquette from Shooting Park north to I-80 at Menards.
When televising and cleaning is done on the west side of 251 as outlined above we will begin televising/cleaning Marquette Rd., north of Shooting Park to I-80, priority given to smoke testing results.
Repairs will begin simultaneously as located, beginning with sink hole behind 1819 Plum Street.
A map will be kept with problems identified and the City will begin meeting with each resident that filled out a sheet and additional residents if flood related debris is located in front of their homes or as directed by the Superintendent of Public Works.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Flood Issues in Peru's Storm Water Sewer System Created $$$ Damage
Tonight a room full of residents brought to the mayor and the council all the complaints of water backing up into their basements and the amount of damages they have suffered because our sewer system is not draining and cannot handle heavy downpours + inadequate. For some people it was the first time since they have lived in their home that water backed up into their basement and for these people it may have been 10 or 20 years or more. For others this was a repeat performance, second and third times. Destroying furnaces, water heaters, washers and dryers in addition to personal belongings and irreplaceable items.
Many questions and few answers. The question about who is the one contractor who was has designed most of our sewer systems was not answered and it appeared the mayor did not like that question at all. The people there wanted to know but that discussion was immediately squelched. Of course the answer most likely is Chamlin Engineering.
The mayor read from a prepared paper all about the La Salle County flooding and about a trip to Marseilles where Gov. Quinn had traveled to see first hand the damage from the river flooding. Yes Scott Harls favorite activity of being Mayor of Peru, traveling to the towns where he can rub shoulders with those in higher political office.
This performance tonight was worth about 35% of the vote.
Many questions and few answers. The question about who is the one contractor who was has designed most of our sewer systems was not answered and it appeared the mayor did not like that question at all. The people there wanted to know but that discussion was immediately squelched. Of course the answer most likely is Chamlin Engineering.
The mayor read from a prepared paper all about the La Salle County flooding and about a trip to Marseilles where Gov. Quinn had traveled to see first hand the damage from the river flooding. Yes Scott Harls favorite activity of being Mayor of Peru, traveling to the towns where he can rub shoulders with those in higher political office.
This performance tonight was worth about 35% of the vote.
City of Peru 2014 Budget Vote City Council Mtg
Rodney Perez
City of Peru 2014 Budget Approval:
On Wednesday April 17th. The City of Peru voted to approve the 2014 fiscal year budget. The vote was 7-1 with my vote being the only No vote.
Over the past few days I've been questioned on the reason for my NAY vote. I will take this opportunity to explain:
Over the past year I have asked Mayor Harl to consider implementing "Strategic Planning, and Round Table" meetings amongst: full council, department supervisors, budget director, and our economic developer to discuss the future of Peru.
( as in any business, or, our personal finances there needs to be a vision, short-long term budget goals of how we will move forward and plan for the future)
In my opinion... "spend as we go" is not a fiscal responsible, nor a transparent way to manage tax payer funds.
The way our process works: each committee... which consists of two aldermen per committee; reviews budget line-items from their city departments committee. I currently serve on the Public Health and Safety Committee along with Alderman Ferrari. We review the budget line-items that the police and fire chief's figure in for the following year.
When the annual budget comes before the full council for approval, each alderman votes to approve the "entire budget." In my opinion, since each official is responsible for approving the entire budget, the process should equally involve each alderman... working together of how "all" funds will be spent, and not left solely up to each committee.
In mid February during budget discussions I made another request that we schedule a round-table meeting to discuss our 2014 budget.
Mayor Harl stated he would get dates together to present to the council.
After two weeks had past, I asked Mayor Harl if he was able to put meeting dates together; Mayor Harl stated there was no need for round-table discussions to discuss the budget.
Over the next 5-10 years The City of Peru will need to purchase large public works equipment, emergency vehicles, and most importantly the city should have funds going into a "Rainy Day Fund" this past storm is a great example of that. If we lost our Hydro, and, or waste water treatment plants, this would have been a major devastation, and financial blow to the City of Peru.
Over this next year the City of Peru plans to demolish the Kings Inn and possibly the old Howard Johnson's Hotel.
The city will spend nearly $250,000.00 to demolish the Kings Inn Property. My research leads me to believe the city would lose approx. $200,000.00 ( after land is sold)This would not be a loss to the city if we found an investor/ Developer.
If this sort of financial loss is estimated from the Kings Inn. Imagine what it would be for the Howard Johnson's property.
The City should not be in the real-estate business. We have many incentives to offer investors, and developers to purchase and raze properties.
In addition; when a municipality purchases these properties, that property becomes tax exempt, several taxing bodies lose that tax revenue; revenue schools can't afford to lose!
In addition, I believe there are several items throughout the budget that the council should've discussed further before approving.
Lack of planning, excessive spending is my reasoning for voting Nay for the 2014 budget.
Thank you,
City of Peru 2014 Budget Approval:
On Wednesday April 17th. The City of Peru voted to approve the 2014 fiscal year budget. The vote was 7-1 with my vote being the only No vote.
Over the past few days I've been questioned on the reason for my NAY vote. I will take this opportunity to explain:
Over the past year I have asked Mayor Harl to consider implementing "Strategic Planning, and Round Table" meetings amongst: full council, department supervisors, budget director, and our economic developer to discuss the future of Peru.
( as in any business, or, our personal finances there needs to be a vision, short-long term budget goals of how we will move forward and plan for the future)
In my opinion... "spend as we go" is not a fiscal responsible, nor a transparent way to manage tax payer funds.
The way our process works: each committee... which consists of two aldermen per committee; reviews budget line-items from their city departments committee. I currently serve on the Public Health and Safety Committee along with Alderman Ferrari. We review the budget line-items that the police and fire chief's figure in for the following year.
When the annual budget comes before the full council for approval, each alderman votes to approve the "entire budget." In my opinion, since each official is responsible for approving the entire budget, the process should equally involve each alderman... working together of how "all" funds will be spent, and not left solely up to each committee.
In mid February during budget discussions I made another request that we schedule a round-table meeting to discuss our 2014 budget.
Mayor Harl stated he would get dates together to present to the council.
After two weeks had past, I asked Mayor Harl if he was able to put meeting dates together; Mayor Harl stated there was no need for round-table discussions to discuss the budget.
Over the next 5-10 years The City of Peru will need to purchase large public works equipment, emergency vehicles, and most importantly the city should have funds going into a "Rainy Day Fund" this past storm is a great example of that. If we lost our Hydro, and, or waste water treatment plants, this would have been a major devastation, and financial blow to the City of Peru.
Over this next year the City of Peru plans to demolish the Kings Inn and possibly the old Howard Johnson's Hotel.
The city will spend nearly $250,000.00 to demolish the Kings Inn Property. My research leads me to believe the city would lose approx. $200,000.00 ( after land is sold)This would not be a loss to the city if we found an investor/ Developer.
If this sort of financial loss is estimated from the Kings Inn. Imagine what it would be for the Howard Johnson's property.
The City should not be in the real-estate business. We have many incentives to offer investors, and developers to purchase and raze properties.
In addition; when a municipality purchases these properties, that property becomes tax exempt, several taxing bodies lose that tax revenue; revenue schools can't afford to lose!
In addition, I believe there are several items throughout the budget that the council should've discussed further before approving.
Lack of planning, excessive spending is my reasoning for voting Nay for the 2014 budget.
Thank you,
Meeting Tonight City Hall Regarding Flooding Within the City Start Time 6 PM
If your home suffered water damage due to recent heavy rains, Peru is offering you the opportunity to bring your questions to a meeting this evening at 6 PM at city hall.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Is This the New Pattern of Rain Cycles Not 100 Years
The pictures are of the runoff water draining from the streets and fields and into the large ravine running through east Peru. All you had to do was stand above and listen to the torrents of water as they raced through below to realize the ferocity of the drainage. Normally this is a trickle of a stream or at most a couple of feet wide.
I have always lived within a few blocks of this area and as a child walked through it to Washington Park, the stream was just a trickle always but due to expansion of the city and having buildings instead of pastures and fields, it has increased the water flow after a heavy rain. Looking at this and thinking about how our drainage could not handle the large amount of rain even though statistics are giving Peru 4.5 inches of rain compared to more to areas about Peru.
Looking forward to the meeting on Monday and the explanation of why areas that were supposedly clear after the last devastating rain runoff 5 years ago had a recurring problem.
I have always lived within a few blocks of this area and as a child walked through it to Washington Park, the stream was just a trickle always but due to expansion of the city and having buildings instead of pastures and fields, it has increased the water flow after a heavy rain. Looking at this and thinking about how our drainage could not handle the large amount of rain even though statistics are giving Peru 4.5 inches of rain compared to more to areas about Peru.
Looking forward to the meeting on Monday and the explanation of why areas that were supposedly clear after the last devastating rain runoff 5 years ago had a recurring problem.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Rain and More Rain, Flooding in Many Areas of Peru
Due to excessive rain yesterday and night, many areas of the city have experienced flooding on streets and basements also. Illinois River on the rise and could maybe affect Water Street.
Flooding in the northern parts of the city. How are you doing?
Flooding in the northern parts of the city. How are you doing?
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Recreation Board Changes Coming - More New People Coming Onboard
Since last summer there have been 3 members who have already resigned and rumor has it that one more will be leaving soon (just confirmed another resignation). This is the Board that the mayor stated during his appearance at the Library Forum was doing such a good job. In spite of numerous oma violations in the past and possible another last week, when it appeared that the city building was locked and members had to tap at the door to gain entrance each time another appeared for the mtg.
Since this is a volunteer board, I really feel it needs to have oversight and a lot will now depend upon the 2 new members of the Public Property Committee as the current 2 will not be returning to the council. I also feel that the mayor is failing to take his leadership seriously by not making sure that either he or an appointed individual with experience is present. But the problem is as publicly stated by Mayor Harl, he gives his department heads free rein to conduct business as usual and I guess that means volunteer committees also. Their expenditures should always be approved, even those below $5,000 in the name of transparency and responsibility to the taxpayers.
Since this is a volunteer board, I really feel it needs to have oversight and a lot will now depend upon the 2 new members of the Public Property Committee as the current 2 will not be returning to the council. I also feel that the mayor is failing to take his leadership seriously by not making sure that either he or an appointed individual with experience is present. But the problem is as publicly stated by Mayor Harl, he gives his department heads free rein to conduct business as usual and I guess that means volunteer committees also. Their expenditures should always be approved, even those below $5,000 in the name of transparency and responsibility to the taxpayers.
Reposted from October 8 2010 Excellent Post Please Read Message Applies More Today
riday, October 08, 2010
"We" are the answer!
Lois has posted a number of articles on this blog from local newspapers
that point out the successes that arise from citizen involvement in
their own local government. The common theme in all the stories is as
follows. When citizens get motivated and involved things get done. It is
so clear. We wonder why we have gridlock and obstructionism on our city
council on the most
important issues affecting our city. We wonder why many of our elected
officials seem to be completely disconnected from what our priorities
should be considering current financial conditions. So when we see a
story of success in another community we ask ourselves, why can't we
achieve such things? The answer is we can and we must. Citizen
involvement is the driving force behind the majority of successful
initiatives in communities around this country and we all need to
embrace it and welcome it. And when I say "we", I mean everybody from
the mayor on down. I know we have volunteer organizations in town who do
good work. The CSO, the Lions Club, and others. Some of those
organizations provide excellent community service and others are more or
less self-serving as far as I'm concerned. But when it comes time for
taking up a cause and seeing it through, the people are the ones who get
the job done. It's really up to us. There has been much said on this
blog about the importance of attending council meetings and staying
informed of the issues. That still stands. But we all need to step it up
a bit. There is no shortage of issues that need to be addressed. We
need input and participation in so many areas in Peru. We have no
downtown business association. It will take citizens to create it. We
see geat potential for business and recreation opportunities on our
riverfront. It will take motivated citizens to make that happen. We want
bike and walking paths in some areas of town right? Instead of calling
on citizens to take up the cause through volunteerism, our elected
officials only response is to throw thousands more dollars at Chamlin
and the project "dies" immediately after the check clears. What the hell
was that? Chamlin isn't going to bring additional recreation
opportunities to Peru, we are! We have so much to overcome. Including
this narrow minded pattern of behavior that we have to "engineer" our
way in and out of every situation. Why is that? We obviously have many
elected officials who have no idea of the potential resources and energy
that exists in our community just waiting to be tapped into. One of the
sessions offered at the recent IML Convention focused on how elected
officials can encourage and cultivate ideas and volunteers in their
communities to achieve great things. I wonder if all six of our guys
attended that session. I am convinced that the majority of Peru aldermen
would be horrified by the very thought of calling on us citizens for
anything. Furthermore, I believe if this concept was suggested to the
current city council they would see it only as a threat to their
"authority" and would reject it immediately. So, I ask you all. What now
are we to do?
Posted by
Monday, April 15, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
I Believe the Losing Candidates are the Victors
As I listen to the fallout from this past election and in my own way, made sense out of the seemingly illogical results, I know how the election was won and I also know most of the serious candidates who participated in this election. Those that lost can leave their positions and/or their interest in the city knowing that they have maintained their integrity throughout this campaign and walk away with their heads held high.
I also have a much better understanding of those who were re elected to office. Perhaps most of you will in time see what I now see. Maybe this is just politics as some people see it, but it is not how I perceived city government to work in our city. It is not sour grapes as I am sure some will say, it is the realization.
I also have a much better understanding of those who were re elected to office. Perhaps most of you will in time see what I now see. Maybe this is just politics as some people see it, but it is not how I perceived city government to work in our city. It is not sour grapes as I am sure some will say, it is the realization.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Plans For the City Hall Basement are in Place $90,000 in the Proposed Budget
The construction and equipping of a room in the basement of the municipal building has been included in the budget in the amount of $90,000. The meeting room will be able to accommodate up to 90 people and is planned to be used as a training facility for City employees and outside organizations.
The amount is located in the Buildings and Grounds Expense Section of the General Fund budget. (from the proposed budget for 2014)
The request for this room was made by Doug Bernabei, Peru Police Chief. He will try for a grant but if he doesn't get it will the city pay for this new room. Is it mostly for the police, you might ask.
Will they be asking if the LaSalle police can use it too?. I understand they train at the YMCA, ride bikes and jog weather permitting.
The amount is located in the Buildings and Grounds Expense Section of the General Fund budget. (from the proposed budget for 2014)
The request for this room was made by Doug Bernabei, Peru Police Chief. He will try for a grant but if he doesn't get it will the city pay for this new room. Is it mostly for the police, you might ask.
Will they be asking if the LaSalle police can use it too?. I understand they train at the YMCA, ride bikes and jog weather permitting.
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Peru Mayor Scott Harl Wins Re Election with His Chosen Council Members
The election is over and the mayor has been re elected with only 35 % of the vote, meaning 65% of the population voted for someone else. He is a minority mayor and he does not have a mandate. Following is something I wrote last night and it has happened and I hope all those who encouraged Don Baker are happy with the results, you should have known this would happen, I did.
"Those who favor Don Baker have a big decision to make as those votes given to him may put Mayor Harl back into the mayors office for a second term. This time around it is not enough to vote for him because he served this city well in past years. He could certainly serve a new mayor in an advisory capacity and for this he would be well suited. And somehow I believe he knows all of this and I know that he was discouraged from running by some of this previous advisers. We can't turn the clock back" Posted last night.
Campaigning for Mike Hart is something I would gladly do all over again for the reasons I wrote last night. It has opened my eyes to our problems of Peru. Be watchful of your government because there is no longer a watch dog other than Ald. Perez on the council and he will always be over ruled. No one to watch your money as you have replaced Ald. Mayszak with Ald. Radtke and he is an automatic yes for Harl.
"Those who favor Don Baker have a big decision to make as those votes given to him may put Mayor Harl back into the mayors office for a second term. This time around it is not enough to vote for him because he served this city well in past years. He could certainly serve a new mayor in an advisory capacity and for this he would be well suited. And somehow I believe he knows all of this and I know that he was discouraged from running by some of this previous advisers. We can't turn the clock back" Posted last night.
Campaigning for Mike Hart is something I would gladly do all over again for the reasons I wrote last night. It has opened my eyes to our problems of Peru. Be watchful of your government because there is no longer a watch dog other than Ald. Perez on the council and he will always be over ruled. No one to watch your money as you have replaced Ald. Mayszak with Ald. Radtke and he is an automatic yes for Harl.
Monday, April 08, 2013
Election Day April 9 in Peru This is Not an Ordinary Election
When I took on this blog several years ago first with a friend and then alone, I had no idea the journey it would take me on. Peru City Council members were not used to anyone looking over their shoulder and above all questioning them about decisions they made or were about to make. As in any group there are leaders and followers and a few that don't fit into either. You may not have always agreed with them but always gentlemen and those that I put in that group are no longer here, Alderman Ron Wren and Alderman Joseph Mikyska, the 2 that always carried themselves with dignity. The followers many times followed the wrong leaders.
Ald. Sherry Mayszak filled the empty seat in the second ward of Ald. Mikyska and she has filled that seat with dignity and always thinking of the residents, the taxpayers. She is a slight woman with very broad shoulders when it comes to sticking up for you the Peru taxpayer. On this election eve, I hope the second ward is not fooled by the fact that her opponent has time and financing to do more campaigning than she has. The opponent is being moved to second due to redistricting and he need not have run because he is assured of a alderman at large position. If the redistricting had not happened, I don't believe he would have been re elected in the first. If those of you in the second choose her opponent, you will be loosing someone who only thought of how she could help you, never a thought of herself. This has not been easy because many times she has found herself voting against the Mayor and his followers and Mayor Harl wants her out for his agenda.
The campaign to be mayor in Peru has very distinct choices that can be made. As in many elections the voters don't know the candidates personally and I am sure this is no different, except for the former mayor Don Baker. Mayor Scott Harl has the advantage of being in power and accumulating a humongous war chest that pays for huge ads in the NT night after night after night. Personally I don't believe he has been a mayor for the people and I don't believe he realizes what being a leader means. You are all aware by now what his values are and I don't need to list them, but it certainly seems it is not the people in Peru but he certainly values his far flung important contacts.
Those who favor Don Baker have a big decision to make as those votes given to him may put Mayor Harl back into the mayors office for a second term. This time around it is not enough to vote for him because he served this city well in past years. He could certainly serve a new mayor in an advisory capacity and for this he would be well suited. And somehow I believe he knows all of this and I know that he was discouraged from running by some of this previous advisers. We can't turn the clock back.
What I know about Jim Giordano is no more than what you know.
My choice for moving this city forward is Mike Hart and if you have not decided yet at this eleventh hour who you will vote for, please give him consideration. He is an intelligent man with a great personality. Once you have met him and visited with him, you know the potential he has to put us once more on the right track. He is honest and fiscally responsible and he will put the right people into jobs that now suffer from people either being in the job for too long or being in it for the wrong reasons. We desperately need a city engineer and he will hire one. We need a properly trained building and zoning inspector to help us with the housing issues. Look around your city and see the many decaying properties that are being ignored. This position is no longer a want it is crying for the right person. I also believe we need a new city attorney, Atty Schweikert has served the city long and well but we need new blood someone who will be actively involved in the legal affairs of the city and also one who actively takes part in city council meetings without being asked, one who sees the need for an opinion and offers it because he sees that it is needed.
It is time to elect Michael "Mike" Hart
Ald. Sherry Mayszak filled the empty seat in the second ward of Ald. Mikyska and she has filled that seat with dignity and always thinking of the residents, the taxpayers. She is a slight woman with very broad shoulders when it comes to sticking up for you the Peru taxpayer. On this election eve, I hope the second ward is not fooled by the fact that her opponent has time and financing to do more campaigning than she has. The opponent is being moved to second due to redistricting and he need not have run because he is assured of a alderman at large position. If the redistricting had not happened, I don't believe he would have been re elected in the first. If those of you in the second choose her opponent, you will be loosing someone who only thought of how she could help you, never a thought of herself. This has not been easy because many times she has found herself voting against the Mayor and his followers and Mayor Harl wants her out for his agenda.
The campaign to be mayor in Peru has very distinct choices that can be made. As in many elections the voters don't know the candidates personally and I am sure this is no different, except for the former mayor Don Baker. Mayor Scott Harl has the advantage of being in power and accumulating a humongous war chest that pays for huge ads in the NT night after night after night. Personally I don't believe he has been a mayor for the people and I don't believe he realizes what being a leader means. You are all aware by now what his values are and I don't need to list them, but it certainly seems it is not the people in Peru but he certainly values his far flung important contacts.
Those who favor Don Baker have a big decision to make as those votes given to him may put Mayor Harl back into the mayors office for a second term. This time around it is not enough to vote for him because he served this city well in past years. He could certainly serve a new mayor in an advisory capacity and for this he would be well suited. And somehow I believe he knows all of this and I know that he was discouraged from running by some of this previous advisers. We can't turn the clock back.
What I know about Jim Giordano is no more than what you know.
My choice for moving this city forward is Mike Hart and if you have not decided yet at this eleventh hour who you will vote for, please give him consideration. He is an intelligent man with a great personality. Once you have met him and visited with him, you know the potential he has to put us once more on the right track. He is honest and fiscally responsible and he will put the right people into jobs that now suffer from people either being in the job for too long or being in it for the wrong reasons. We desperately need a city engineer and he will hire one. We need a properly trained building and zoning inspector to help us with the housing issues. Look around your city and see the many decaying properties that are being ignored. This position is no longer a want it is crying for the right person. I also believe we need a new city attorney, Atty Schweikert has served the city long and well but we need new blood someone who will be actively involved in the legal affairs of the city and also one who actively takes part in city council meetings without being asked, one who sees the need for an opinion and offers it because he sees that it is needed.
It is time to elect Michael "Mike" Hart
Sunday, April 07, 2013
A Vote for Mike Hart .....Working Together for a Better Peru
After watching this question and answer of the Mayor candidates, I am absolutely certain that Mike Hart will be the best choice to steer Peru through the coming years. We need to regain a sense of community which has not been nurtured during the last 4 years. We want to feel a sense of pride in those we have elected to this office and in return we want to feel that we will be treated with respect and honesty.
There are no degrees awarded for How to Become a mayor but I feel that Mike has the attitude, life skills and willingness to work for the best for all residents of Peru.
Mike wants the best for you and will work with you and for you.
There are no degrees awarded for How to Become a mayor but I feel that Mike has the attitude, life skills and willingness to work for the best for all residents of Peru.
Mike wants the best for you and will work with you and for you.
Is The Mayor Blaming this Blog for his Failures in Leadership
One of the questions asked of the candidates was about the lack of festivities, festivals and community activities here in Peru, unlike La Salle and Ottawa.
I have rerun my tape and here word for word is Mayor Harl's answer to that question.
"It's all about volunteerism. One of the problems we have here in town and I have to say this right now, the most vocal group is a negative group. I talked to my good friend, Bob Eschbach, Mayor of Ottawa (he then detailed all the community involved activities that city has), and I would love to see that happen but once again, it has to start with the glass half full people and not the glass half empty. We have a very large contingency and very vocal group of that.
Mayor Harl I would like to inform you that this group only has power at the ballot box, you have all the power in your hands right now to establish committees and ask for volunteers. To offer to get right in there with the private and business communities and work to get that community involvement going could be your choice but instead you like to blame others for your failures.
I have rerun my tape and here word for word is Mayor Harl's answer to that question.
"It's all about volunteerism. One of the problems we have here in town and I have to say this right now, the most vocal group is a negative group. I talked to my good friend, Bob Eschbach, Mayor of Ottawa (he then detailed all the community involved activities that city has), and I would love to see that happen but once again, it has to start with the glass half full people and not the glass half empty. We have a very large contingency and very vocal group of that.
Mayor Harl I would like to inform you that this group only has power at the ballot box, you have all the power in your hands right now to establish committees and ask for volunteers. To offer to get right in there with the private and business communities and work to get that community involvement going could be your choice but instead you like to blame others for your failures.
Mayoral Candidates at Peru Public Library
Very nice turnout of Peru residents for this afternoons question and answer for the Mayoral candidates. Not really a debate because no rebuttals were allowed.
No surprises and it was interesting to watch mannerisms, paper shuffling and body language. Other candidates for Peru offices were present including Travis Nelson, Ed Mitchell, Sherry Mayszak, Mike Radtke, Justin Loger, Jim Lukosus, Tony Ferrari and if I forgot anyone, my apologies.
Mayor Harl brought enough papers to fill the file cabinet. Others a few sheets of information to refer to.
A question about Venture Drive was asked as: Will you readdress the Venture Drive issue?
Baker was not aware of issues and thought it was about street addresses. Giordano gave a lengthy answer but believed a round a bout was the answer. Mayor Harl said it was fine and accidents had been reduced by some number in his file cabinet. Hart was also in favor of a roundabout and felt it was in need of further study.
There was a question about the Columbarium at the cemetery and no one except the mayor could answer that as they had no previous understanding of the issue.
Frequently issues came up which stressed the need for volunteerism with the examples of La Salle and Ottawa by Hart and Giordano. I think it was at this point that Mayor Harl made reference to the Negative Influences within the community instead of positive and that his door was always open.
No surprises and it was interesting to watch mannerisms, paper shuffling and body language. Other candidates for Peru offices were present including Travis Nelson, Ed Mitchell, Sherry Mayszak, Mike Radtke, Justin Loger, Jim Lukosus, Tony Ferrari and if I forgot anyone, my apologies.
Mayor Harl brought enough papers to fill the file cabinet. Others a few sheets of information to refer to.
A question about Venture Drive was asked as: Will you readdress the Venture Drive issue?
Baker was not aware of issues and thought it was about street addresses. Giordano gave a lengthy answer but believed a round a bout was the answer. Mayor Harl said it was fine and accidents had been reduced by some number in his file cabinet. Hart was also in favor of a roundabout and felt it was in need of further study.
There was a question about the Columbarium at the cemetery and no one except the mayor could answer that as they had no previous understanding of the issue.
Frequently issues came up which stressed the need for volunteerism with the examples of La Salle and Ottawa by Hart and Giordano. I think it was at this point that Mayor Harl made reference to the Negative Influences within the community instead of positive and that his door was always open.
Saturday, April 06, 2013
Is the Electric Department Taking in Laundry Now?
On the disbursements of 8/29/2012 there is a payment for a water softener for a pressure washer in the amount of 605.40. And following that a monthly charge for 58.30 or 699.60 per year.
People put in water softeners for many reasons, usually so water suds more easily when washing clothes or even to keep their cars from spotting from the hard water when washing them.. Just curious if it is laundry, dish washing or car washing? And why we have to pay for it. Just give me a logical explanation.
During the same year there was an expense to Apple Press for 206.00 of supplies listed as Trader Joe's. For what?
And don't even get me started on the fence around the old power plant which thankfully is down, isn't it?
People put in water softeners for many reasons, usually so water suds more easily when washing clothes or even to keep their cars from spotting from the hard water when washing them.. Just curious if it is laundry, dish washing or car washing? And why we have to pay for it. Just give me a logical explanation.
During the same year there was an expense to Apple Press for 206.00 of supplies listed as Trader Joe's. For what?
And don't even get me started on the fence around the old power plant which thankfully is down, isn't it?
Friday, April 05, 2013
Vote for Sherry Mayszak - Working Together for a Better Peru
Whether you live in the 1st ward, or the 2nd, the 3rd,or the 4th alderwoman Mayszak will listen to your concerns. She will take the time out of her busy day to try and find answers to your questions, solutions to your problems, or lead you to the person who can help you. She will be neither arrogant or rude, condescending or sarcastic. If you want an alderman who will not follow the leader but one who will fight for what she believes - Mayszak is the answer. She takes her role as alderwoman seriously because she knows and understands who she works for and represents - YOU THE TAXPAYER.
Linda Dzierzynski, Jill Bernal, Lois Carroll
Linda Dzierzynski, Jill Bernal, Lois Carroll
Who Is Really Leading Peru......Who is Watching the Store???
We are very close to the municipal election for Mayor of Peru and 5 Council Members also are on the ballot plus an Alderman at Large will also be put into office but not by election.
Today the city physically is cleaner than it has been in at least 4 years because for the last couple of weeks city workers have been as busy as bees cleaning and picking up trash, the pool is down, the old power plant is gone and Westclox is being cleaned up all for election day, the roads, ditches and parks may be cleaner but no so much down at city hall where some of our leaders in combination with friends decided to spend your money on a BB gun club in the City Hall basement. I have not seen it but understand it is top notch and did not come without a cost to you in spite of pronouncements that the city would only be responsible for about $3000.
The donation money is still in the Peru Police Enforcement Account and the Treasurer has acknowledged that. I honestly don't know about the money that was to come from the PPD Drug Fund. So at this point the city has paid for all expenses but we can hope for some disbursement into the General Fund as promised.
It has been acknowledged that all the work has been done by Peru City Employees, some of the aldermen tried to brush it off as done "in kind" but we all know they were paid with your taxpayer dollars, they did not work for free. So far the city has not supplied us with that employee cost to you.
I am showing 4 invoices for some of the purchases that were designated for the BB gun club. One of them is quite controversial but but 2 of them have the stamp and signature of the Department Head responsible for those purchases. There are many more purchases beside these. The city has been reimbursed for the Lee Valley Tools. I ask that you omit any employee names in any comments.
Please refer back to earlier posts for the list of donations and expenses etc

Today the city physically is cleaner than it has been in at least 4 years because for the last couple of weeks city workers have been as busy as bees cleaning and picking up trash, the pool is down, the old power plant is gone and Westclox is being cleaned up all for election day, the roads, ditches and parks may be cleaner but no so much down at city hall where some of our leaders in combination with friends decided to spend your money on a BB gun club in the City Hall basement. I have not seen it but understand it is top notch and did not come without a cost to you in spite of pronouncements that the city would only be responsible for about $3000.
The donation money is still in the Peru Police Enforcement Account and the Treasurer has acknowledged that. I honestly don't know about the money that was to come from the PPD Drug Fund. So at this point the city has paid for all expenses but we can hope for some disbursement into the General Fund as promised.
It has been acknowledged that all the work has been done by Peru City Employees, some of the aldermen tried to brush it off as done "in kind" but we all know they were paid with your taxpayer dollars, they did not work for free. So far the city has not supplied us with that employee cost to you.
I am showing 4 invoices for some of the purchases that were designated for the BB gun club. One of them is quite controversial but but 2 of them have the stamp and signature of the Department Head responsible for those purchases. There are many more purchases beside these. The city has been reimbursed for the Lee Valley Tools. I ask that you omit any employee names in any comments.

Please refer back to earlier posts for the list of donations and expenses etc

Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Council Will Not Review Current Sign Ordinance
A few interesting comments on a rather short meeting.
Alderman Perez asked whether the city might want to review their recently passed sign ordinance because of all the political sign violations taking place now. Only Ald. Potthoff and Ald. Radtke responded and it is their choice to leave it as is because of all the time that went into it. This is in spite of the fact that violations are widespread and no enforcement of the ordinance is taking place. You figure that one out.
Ald. Mayszak asked the council to consider reviewing the current manner of the city reimbursing aldermen in total for all of the expenditures while they spend days at the convention of the IML in Chicago. She suggested that we use the amount suggested by the IRS which are must lower.Without a doubt there has been abuse for many many years.
Additionally talked to the candidate for alderman in the Third Ward, Mike Sapienza and he assured me that he is with Ald. Perez on the issue of former Witczak Bros. Garage on 3rd and Putnam and would like to see it cleaned up. Also stated that he is neutral in the Mayoral race and will be willing to work with whomever is elected by the residents of Peru.
Alderman Perez asked whether the city might want to review their recently passed sign ordinance because of all the political sign violations taking place now. Only Ald. Potthoff and Ald. Radtke responded and it is their choice to leave it as is because of all the time that went into it. This is in spite of the fact that violations are widespread and no enforcement of the ordinance is taking place. You figure that one out.
Ald. Mayszak asked the council to consider reviewing the current manner of the city reimbursing aldermen in total for all of the expenditures while they spend days at the convention of the IML in Chicago. She suggested that we use the amount suggested by the IRS which are must lower.Without a doubt there has been abuse for many many years.
Additionally talked to the candidate for alderman in the Third Ward, Mike Sapienza and he assured me that he is with Ald. Perez on the issue of former Witczak Bros. Garage on 3rd and Putnam and would like to see it cleaned up. Also stated that he is neutral in the Mayoral race and will be willing to work with whomever is elected by the residents of Peru.
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
The Paper Trail Where it Began and Where is the End - Finances of BB Gun Program
It recently has come to the attention of some of the blog readers that the establishment of the BB gun club, while maybe a good idea, has lots of financial holes that are not being disclosed. It began long before the program was brought up in a Public Property Meeting on 12/12/12 and this is what is known and what we are unable to establish as the entire funding process.
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