“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Tuesday December 4 Caucus Day for Peru Twp

Township officials and prospective township candidates will gather today to select candidates.

Democrats will caucus at Peru City Hall and doors will be locked at 6 PM

Republicans will caucus at 2123 Fourth St Peru - Oval Mirror building (empty half) also @ 6 PM, no entry after that.

The only agenda I was able to secure was the one printed above. I understand the central committee to be the township board. Anyone that can give additional information would be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Standing on the outside looking in it appears that much of modern day politics is structured by tradition and law created by those in office to protect the interest of themselves rather than the good of the people.
We as a country on a national level are gallant in our efforts to change much of the world but lack interest by most in the stewardship of our state, county and local levels.
Could you explain with more depth how candidates are chosen by party for the Township Board, what this board costs the taxpayer, and what it accomplishes besides creating a huge payroll for part time, non qualified, professional politicians.

Anonymous said...

Locked doors? So much for open and honest government!

Anonymous said...

From the slight knowledge I have of these caucuses they just don't seem politically right to me. Does anyone know why the township elections are not traditional like all other elections? It almost appears to be a controlling factor as to who gets elected and for how long. Can someone please explain the reasoning behind this type of government?

Anonymous said...

What procedures would independent candidates have to follow to get their names on the ballot?
Is their a third goup such as conservative representatives available to vote for? The cost of the present system is much higher than the amount received from it. It has been stated that the twp. road commissioner is still present because of a long ago favor. How many miles does this office maintain and what is it paid/year?

Anonymous said...

Most people work an honest job with honest pay that reflects honest hours. Does the township operate with this work integrity? Door closed after 6? Open meeting act?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:55 The best reasoning behind this type of government is that if you are born of the correct last name, have joined the proper direction for those in a political party, and are willing to barter rather than express your conscience openly those in power will do the best they can to take care of you from the womb to the tomb. The individuals who comprise this form of government are of the gray matter who must depend on each other to maintain their combined status alone they are the brain dead, spineless, waste of human flesh known as a parasite.

Anonymous said...

aldermen should do this

Anonymous said...

as an incumbent- no matter who it is- he has the right to run again- if someone wnats to run against him- go for it- would say thats a favor.

Anonymous said...

indy canidates- have to have their own caucuses i believe- just as the dems and repubs- and file it i believe.

Anonymous said...

i kinda agree with the lock doors either get their on time or dont.

Anonymous said...

i dont agree with the last name comment- never heard of harl- he became mayor!

Anonymous said...

parasite? ill see you at the repub caucus tonight!

Peru Town Forum said...

Did anyone notice that the candidate who brings the most supporters to this caucus and therefore has the largest show of hands wins the right to be on the ballot?

Anonymous said...

thats what a caucus is i thought but they have to b voters who voted in the primary for that politcal party

Anonymous said...

cant bring anyone- they have to have voted in the primary for that party they will have a list there i am sure

Peru Town Forum said...

The committee must have proof of how all of us voted in the last primary because I believe that is how they know you are a registered Repub or Dem. Wouldn't it might nice if we could eliminate declaring yourself at the primary? How would they decide who could vote for twp? Would that eliminate these caucuses and people could file their petitions at the county court and be on the ballot in April?

Anonymous said...

they will have a county list im sure- shows how u voted next to your name with a d or r for the primary

Anonymous said...

you can get a list from the county for the primary those who declared will have a d or r next to the time name

Anonymous said...

Just an example of another political fiasco. I thought we were a government of the people, by the people, for the people. I guess it depends on who the people are. This situation is disturbing to me. How do others feel?

Peru Town Forum said...

It makes no sense because I know there are both Republicans and Democrats who will seek a twp seat as Independents. There are Republicans in name only seeking twp seats and there are Independents seeking Democratic backing and people with no affiliation seeking seats.
How about the next primary election we just all think about how influential we could be on the local level thinking about who you would like on the twp board and know for which party he/she would affiliated with and then have the credentials to be a part of that caucus.
Better yet lets work for doing away with party identification in primaries. What would happen then with twp. caucuses?

Anonymous said...

What would be involved in completely eliminating the Township governmental body? Is it mandatory?

Anonymous said...

its state law i looked it up

Anonymous said...

whole lasalle county would have to b eliminated- not gona happen

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:37 Did you ever hear of Chris "Red" Zenzen. He was a operating engineer who ran for Mayor of Peru and when living had a grandson named Scott Harl who is presently Mayor of Peru. Don't become confused by the Paternal-Maternal relationship, thankfully most do not have the same last name.

Anonymous said...

Why is everything politically in Peru a closed session? Who is in charge of all these sessions Nikita K. or Adolph H.? Things are a little too hush hush to be on the uppity-up.

Anonymous said...

Nothing has "CHANGED". Still a bunch of backroom deals.

Anonymous said...

The problem here is misinformation...independents require 200 signatures of Peru registered voters to be on the ballot...party affiliates just require the caucuses run by two politicians vickrey and biderstedt....this allows very little choice at least independents have done the leg work.

Anonymous said...

The rules for elections can be found in the 2013 IL Candidates Guide issued by the state board of elections. There are four Independent candidates running for township positions. Travis Nelson for township supervisor, Mary Landsiedel, Eddie Mitchell and Art Rigby for trustees.

Anonymous said...

I believe any independent who ran on the platform of getting in to oversee the smooth transition of services and abolishment of the township would win easily , as well as get 200 signatures in a few days.

Anonymous said...

There are positive to a well run township look at the example that lasalle township has set. No one else has ever been in charge I think it's time for a change and the time for political parties to stay out is now! These independents have been to my door and I will give them a shot...I'd rather see new blood and a chance to correct 20 years of screwed up politics

Anonymous said...

Mr, Vickery showed his true colors tonight at the Republican causus changing the rules that he put in the New Tribune on August 31,2012 the snake still slithers along but not for long.

Anonymous said...

What did Vickery change?

Anonymous said...

Who's Vickrey?? Hahaha

Anonymous said...

Anom 10:05
Your right and he did not even get nominated for another term as twp. clerk. He could not even run the caucas last night and he was going to get all 16 million owed the county as circuit clerk. Who is he kidding. He is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Now we have steve weberski running unapposed due to a special rule change just for him. I guess if you can't win anything by running the normal way get your buddies to change the rules!

Anonymous said...

Art Rigby - didn't he cost us $500,000 in unusable accounting software while he was on the county board? How much money would he cost/save the township board?

Anonymous said...

Art? Which "he" are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

Joe senior better enjoy his last few months. The Republican Party will expose all his wasteful spending. Matt Debo will crush him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

its gona be hard for any republican to get in- i am a repub and that is just how it is.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious big change will be entering the TWP building in April. The overpaid secretary better start job hunting along with a few others who depend on that wage and benefits.
I sure hope city officials open their eyes to this because they're next!

Anonymous said...

gona be tough to beat any of these incumbents. just being realistic

Anonymous said...

I think it will be a land slide. People are tired of Hearing Ozzie and Dooley brag about the easy money.

Anonymous said...

3:48 at least state who you are- sure joe has a race- but he has always been helpful with the roads when he needs to be- and has helped anytime anyone else has asked.

Anonymous said...

really? 348 who are you? i have a feeling who you are- but at least state who you are and back up your comments.

Anonymous said...

known joe for years and i have always voted repub- never heard him brag of easy money- he is their to help more than anyone.

Anonymous said...

it prolly will be a landslide- joe knows everyone in this town back and forth.

Anonymous said...

easy for joe cuz he has the experience and knowledge to do the job.

Anonymous said...

2:07 Did you take note on which president won LaSalle County? I do believe it was a Republican.

Anonymous said...

@2:11 are you serious? Attend a TWP meeting and see if there's any movement at the meeting.The trustees are simply puppets and haven't a clue of whats happening around them.They should all be challenged to a public debate so the public could see that the 80 year old trustees don't have a clue what the TWP does. I'd pay to see that entertainment debate.

Anonymous said...

Lasalle county. Peru is always heavily dem

Anonymous said...

If I remember right Joe said he doesn't touch a shovel!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have the total township budget? I believe the movement to completely abolish the township will be the best move in the long run.
I know Kristy had gotten some info on salaries, maybe Caufield has some info he would be willing to share. Put some feelers out to other cities who voted to abolish their townships and how they did it.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please post when the next township meeting will be. I hope they have a back up plan. I do believe we will pack the house.

Anonymous said...

why should he? he is the boss- and i believe after he said that 5:55 it states but he is their everyday- which is true. no one puts more time than hime.

Anonymous said...

The boss of WHAT exactly? You could spend a man hour on every few feet of roadway for that budget and salary.
They were exposed in a newspaper and NEVER SAID WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DO!

They never even argued the point, only said times are tough so we do not want to HURT ANY OF OUR TOWNSHIP employees by lowering pay and benefits. Talk about an entitlement mentality!

Anonymous said...

So he is a non-working boss. Thanks for the information Matt Debo has my VOTE!

Anonymous said...

I see his worker sleeping behind the barn by the gold course every summer.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was tired lol. But really tho. Bsides maybe the trustees. Its gna be tough to beat the incumbents.

Anonymous said...

Non workin? He is their more than anyone. I hav only dealt with him a few times. Joe that is. He has always helped me promptly. Just sayn.

Anonymous said...

Matt Debo lives near me. He spends pretty much every waking moment doing something productive. He has one hell of a work ethic- maybe that attitude will spread amongst the other municipal employees once elected.

Anonymous said...

he has the experience so i will vote for joe- but really none of these candidates are gona change anything= so i will vote for the one with the experience and knowledge to do the job . only my opinion tho

Anonymous said...

post the whole shovel comment- the remainder says he is there more than anyone to do the job- at least post the whole comment

Anonymous said...

hello, i am a independent- i will vote for joe for the commish just because he has the knowledge for the job- thats just me- but i do also believe townships should be done away with- they arent necessary-i think thats how most people feel- its not one person- its the type of govt- even if new ppl get in- which in my opinion i think they wont- but if they did- they arent going to change anything. its the way of govt- not the person.

Anonymous said...

if anyone needs to go- its hocking- and beiderstedt.

Anonymous said...

Note to the current Peru Township leadership.
Please direct some of our tax dollars on spelling lessons for Dooley and Joey Jr.
It is becoming more and more embarrassing trying to read their comments on this blog and it would likely be a much more productive purpose for our tax dollars than what you currently spend money on.
My goodness. Set up a chalk-board in that shop down there and hire an out of work Primary School Teacher who is cerified to work with the learning impaired.
I'm not kidding. Those people will be all over this blog in the months to come attempting to defend their "meal-ticket" and "phoney-baloney jobs" and it is sad to see how these people try to express themselves.

Anonymous said...

1:54 helped you with what? Why will no one say what the hell they do?

6:39 and 6:43 experience and know how TO DO WHAT? They have no website, no published responsibilities, no formal job descriptions. Let SOMEBODY post that! In the Trib if you don't trust the blog, in a pamphlet, on POSITIVE IN PERU. Anywhere!

Just sayin. Apparently Joe does not have the know how to just post his job responsibilities here. Maybe it is a lot. It is not in the Trib article. They don't give money to the poor. Perhaps the 6 miles of road are paved in gold? Lets hear some REAL answers.

Anonymous said...

12:21- i live in Lynnwood sub division- and i am a repub- whether it is clearing the culverts- picking up dead animals-repairing shoulders on roads- plowing snow promptly- removing branches of roads- salting promptly- repairing signs that were hit- trimming- anything- it has been done. now do i think the township needs to be done away with? perhaps yes i do- but as far as joe doing his duties and keeping the roads and what not up to and beyond par he has done a great job- whether he has 6 miles- 1 mile- or 20 miles of road- he is dealing with the hand he was dealt and doing a great job of it.

thank you.

Anonymous said...

it is hard to trust the trib lol- caulfield is also a big time repub

Anonymous said...

The size of the township board is a sorry joke. With six miles of road why can't they get by with only three trustees? One present member practically needs an ambulance to get him to the meetings. And sign-in must be a challenge for him. Nobody said politics was clean. Old habits are very, very hard to change. Anyone know why the clerk is out?

Anonymous said...

1:42 the hand he was dealt was Jim Dooley's I wouldn't release that to the public. The sand pile Dooley has in the bed of his truck is the same pile of nothing he hauls around all summer.Fact check that!

Anonymous said...

I did fact chek it. I live on the road. And they are taken care of in great prompt fashion. Thank you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It looks like Ozzie and Dooley ruined Liberty Fire Comany. Now they ruined the Township!!! What's next.