“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

I Thought the City was Responsible for Our Parks Was I Wrong?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who a citizen should approach when they see things that are questionable, broken, or in a sad state of disrepair or just a simple question on something they witnessed? Some time ago I mentioned a broken bench in one of our parks that could be dangerous for little children to be around. Several months later that bench is in worse shape. Is it the cities responsibility, public works department, recreation commission, aldermen, park board, who? Some of our park equipment is in dire need of restoring and a fresh coat of paint. Who should be responsible for that? Just asking where to seek answers?


Anonymous said...

I think this question would belong under this category - Is it customary to remove garbage cans from parks this time of year? And, if so, why only certain parks?

City of Peru Tax payer said...

Why were the wooden bleachers at the senior league field in Washington Park broken all year and when it comes time for central states they get fixed right away? Why weren't they fixed for the parents of our kids baseball games? Since we are the tax payers. You always had to watch where you stepped and sat so you would not fall in a hole where there were missing or broken boards.

Anonymous said...

Didn't we have something like 41 kids working for the city this summer? Wouldn't that have been something they could have fixed? Lots of questions! Who has the answers?

Anonymous said...

That bench should be removed. Why is it still there?

Peru Town Forum said...

I didn't realize that both sides are bad and only took the pic of the one. The other side is supposed to be worse. We only seem to fix our public parks when we are trying to impress someone. Considering that this is in the 28th Street Park, you would think this would have taken care of. I have been told that some of the other equipment doeesn't look so great either. If you enlarge the last pic, you can see kids playing in the park.
I'm going to bet that this bench is going to be removed quickly now that everyone has been told about it. I will watch and let you know.

Anonymous said...

Just wondered if anyone noticed both La Salle's and Peru's "Annual Treasurer's Report" posted in the news tribune resently. Could someone explain why 2 virtually identical towns have such a difference in payroll (Peru - roughly 237; La Salle - roughly 124)?

Anonymous said...

11:22, I couldn't figure out how much was paid out in TIF funds. Where can one find that information? Also, do the aldermen get paid? I saw a a lot of there last names on the payroll.

Anonymous said...

11:08 yes the aldermen get paid

Anonymous said...

I must say how nice LaSalle looks,and the roads are nice also. Their parks are also looking good. I live in Peru and my car needs new struts from our roads,and my park are filthy.Now LaSalle has almost half of the employees that peru has and they truly are the leaders of the Illinois Valley.