“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lets Think Outside the Box

Mayor Harl announced that he was consulting with the company that mapped La Salle County to look at Peru and to give us some options on how to divide up the city wards to be proportionate. First lets look at the city with a approximate pop. of 10 thousand give or take a few. Does anyone know how long we have been 2 aldermen to each of 4 wards?. Probably since before telephones and when most people walked if they were going somewhere. If true that meant that the representative of the people needed to walk or go by bicycle to see what was going on in their ward, so it had to be a pretty small area.

Now we travel and communicate with each other in multiple ways and can even Instant Message by telephone or computer. As our populations slowly grew, so did our way of travel and the aldermen could now represent a larger area.

I would like to propose that the city eliminate the 3rd ward and divide it up between the second and fourth ward and add a couple of aldermen at large. With a properly functioning city, anyone can call into city hall and get your message to the proper department to get your problem taken care of. If that doesn't work, you contact your alderman or one of the alderman at large depending on the situation. If the problem is severe, call the police.

If the problem is persistent and unsolved, you can attend a city council meeting and point out the problem to everyone, even the news media. Remember Peru City Council still meets EVERY week and there is always a public comment time.


Anonymous said...

Today I witnessed 2 of our summer help cutting grass that hasn't grown in over 2 weeks. Nothing is coming our of their lawn mowers. This is telling me that we don't have enough work to keep them occupied. Rather than saving us money and sending them home we're having them do unnecessary things. This is, in my opinion, a waste of our tax dollars. On top of that is it necessary to expose them to the extreme heat when there obviously is no need for it?

Peru Town Forum said...

To think that our Public Works Dept. would have the summer help working in the sun seems to indicate that there is no one in charge. Wait I believe we already knew that!

Anonymous said...

I thought our mayor was looking for ways to save money! If it's necessary to keep them on our payroll at least give them jobs that need to be done (i.e. weed eating, cleaning ditches along Progress Blvd., empty garbage containers, pick up garbage on roads, etc.). The grass does not need cutting and hasn't needed it for 2 weeks yet we keep sending them to cut it. Where is the leadership?

Anonymous said...

I thought that the mayors expertise was public works?

Anonymous said...

Illinois Statute dictates aldermen requirements per population and wards.


Peru Town Forum said...

But I believe we do have options other than exactly what we have at present.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could have a form of government that would allow city employees to be on the council. We would know what is going on and be able to run the city in a effective manner.

Anonymous said...

We need to keep the quantity of wards and aldermen for each at current levels.

Get off of the kick to screw things up more then they are under this currently elected/appointed administration.

I will vote to change the recent dead beats at the next election. I hope others in their wards also see how these recently elected officials, mayor , city clerk, & aldermen/women, are basically taking the city down a dead end path and are creating a lot of problems, higher taxes .

Thank God the city hall building is paid for . Now I wonder what other garbage some of the folks reading this blog will complain/cry about as we WAIT FOR THE NEXT ELECTION.

Anonymous said...

Who are the alderman that will vote for a tax increase?

Anonymous said...

Thursday is the Mayor's golf outing for campaign cotributions. How many city employees will be out on the links on Thursday? I bet they will be taking a vacation day, or comp time. And we thought Gov Quinn asking employees to sell raffel tickets was wrong?

Anonymous said...

I know of two who support the tax: Perez & Mayszak. Not sure about the others.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:11 - Are you sure the golf outing is on a work day? Surely the mayor would not let that happen. If that's true I would assume the average person would not be able to attend because they will have to work. Was the average person even invited?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:11 Gov. Ryan was the one accussed of selling raffel tickets to employees. Anon 2:07 The average person would not attend the $1OO golf junket, that is for the inner circle like employees, contractors, business agents.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:47....enough said.

Anonymous said...

Mr Perez is advertising in the news trib for volunteers to CLEAN UP the city. I wonder if we can get volunteers to clean up the city , what are the public works employees / summer help doing and why are we paying them a salary?

I guess it will be Mr Perez that will present the issue at the next city council meeting for the city to lay off or reduce our work force on city payroll now that HE IS CLEANING UP THE CITY !
How many people will be reduced in Public works ? Shall we take a poll? Anybody have a number of reductions that will be recommended ?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the "camera queen" will be at the outing to film it? Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:53 would that be comp time or overtime?

Anonymous said...

Technically only two City employees are allowed "off" at the same time per Superintendent's memo; I am pretty certain he dies not enforce it though.

Drive for show putt for dough-oh I do certainly love the game.

"she's a camera queen, young and sweet..."


Anonymous said...

Kristy: If the super is off himself does that mean only one other city employee can also be off. Doesn't quite seem fair to me. That's why I don't understand having it during working hours.

Anonymous said...

7:53 AM If you could control your snide remarks which you have directed to Kristy to the tone of constructive ideas for the city everyone would appreciate them as much as you do. Sad that one evening last winter has upset you and others so much that you can't forget it. Maybe there was a lot more to that night than what has been vocalized besides Kristy and her camera. If so we should all be camera queens.
Most facilities have a limitation to the amount of work force which can be off in the same time frame and it is enforced.

Anonymous said...

Why the negative comments about who's taking pictures? They are only doing their job.

Anonymous said...

The hot weather has taken a toll and that must be why we have all these golf outing comments. Whats wrong with employees golfing with a mayor? Whats wrong with those loyal supporters golfing and supporting the mayor. After all thats how you get ahead. And whats wrong with a few supporters taking photos. Its too hot to work anyway, you might as well putt your way to the top.

Anonymous said...

What you have to understand is that all of the employees are now collectivly bargaining and there raises and benefits are a larger part of the budjet and growing. Even though there are less employees the dollars are much larger. This administration has grown the budget from 30 million to 34 millinoi in two years with a loss of employees. They are just spending too much money to support this tax base.

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that city employees wages and benefits were a large part of the budget and growing before collective bargaining. What specifically has fattened this budget by $4,000,000 in two years?

Anonymous said...

How about employees getting raises of $.95 to $1.50 per hour ! How does that set with everyone ?

Anonymous said...

why is anyoone asking kristie anything? is she employed by the city? is she someones spy? might as well ask the dog what goes on as far as i am concerned. none of this is her business

Anonymous said...

7:12 do (Do) you think that anyoone (anyone) is asking kristie (Kristy) anything because she does her homework and researches the subjects which she becomes involved with. If she is someones spy I would consider her to be my first choice to hire if I ever need one because she does a real good job of disclosing many of Peru's inefficiencies and working on getting them corrected. She also has the trait of presenting these inefficiencies and lack of follow-up at public meetings and to the people who are getting paid to have already completed the job.
A person does not have to be employed by the city to take a interest in the workings of their city nor should they have to be. As far as none of this being her business I disagree. IT IS ALL OF HER BUSINESS, YOUR BUSINESS AND MY BUSINESS. This attitude of I voted or didn't vote and someone has been elected to represent me so I don't have to do anything for the next two or four years if i ever did do anything is exactly why the City of Peru is experiencing the dire conditions it is today. For example: extreme debt, no swimming pool, poor roads, sewer system, no short and long range planning, always in need of money etc. Whoever you are you can stay at home and ask your dog what goes on which by the way is a real sign of intelligence and I'll keep faith in Kristy as a outstanding watchdog for Peru.

Anonymous said...

As far as the question of the raises goes regarding 2 individuals it's a fact. The exact amount is unknown but I understand it can be FOIA'd. The Finance Committee voted 1 for and 1 against the raises so the final decision goes to the Department Heads. In these cases - the Mayor for one decision and the City Clerk for the other. Shortage of money? Does seem so. Wonder what percent raise that ended up being.

Anonymous said...

What is the status of the demolition of the power house on Water Street now that the construction crew has had plenty of time to take everything of value out of the building? I pray that the city administrators as stewards of city finances rec'd the $1.00 which they sold the property for.
It has been often stated that our city payroll is so huge that it eats up all of the retail sales taxes collected. Doesn't anyone realize that a cap is going to have to be placed on each dept head on down and if someone doesn't like it they'll have to test the water somewhere else that has a larger population and can afford them. A lot of this depends on the individuals qualifications as you can buy a enormous amount of manpower for $80,000 per year today. It is time to have a survey of city payrolls of the surrounding cities and a comparison made with Peru's. This comparison should be made for the amount of hours paid yearly and the amount of individuals employed. Should not be too difficult just check the time clock and time cards per employee and add and multiply from that starting point. Excuse me, did you say you can't find the time clock? Oh my!

Anonymous said...

Kristy would you consider someone who gives two (2) city employees raises besides their yearly scheduled raise and continually states that the city has to tax some entity to obtain more money is creating a conundrum.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me ANON 9:28? We're giving out raises and turning around and asking the general public to pay more for the things they buy? Did these individuals also get the 2 or 3% across the board raise and the 1% longevity raise? I wonder if Social Security will be giving out raises this year. From what I hear it's unlikely yet we're going to ask them to pay more for necessities. I think those on S.S. would love for someone to vote them a raise.