“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, July 25, 2011

CC Minutes June 1 re: Proposed Tax

This was taken from the City Council minutes from June 1 and at that meeting several of the council members expressed their opinion on the tax.


Anonymous said...

The latest News Trib headlines;
"As Area Poverty grows Peru Mayor Harl wants to raise sales taxes"

Wow ! That makes no sense .

Anonymous said...

I see on the agenda for wed. they are to approve expenses again, for council members to go to the "party" or I mean convention in sep. to Chicago. What happend to cutting back? lmao!

Anonymous said...

Lois will you please post the minutes from when the sales tax increase was suggested for the swimming pool? Why is it so important for the Mayor to push for a sales tax increase regardless of what it is for? For the pool now infrastructure...


Anonymous said...

Also I heard last week that the Olive Garden officially purchased the property by WalMart. Anyone else hear that?


Peru Town Forum said...

Yes I have heard that Olive Garden is coming for sure but don't know where the land was purchased.

KS said...

Has any word been leaked on the return of post cards regarding the sales tax "vote"? And, if not when would we as citizens be informed of the count?