“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Modern Inventory Control City Supplies


Anonymous said...

What a modern day concept! A way to track inventory, provide accountability, avoid waste, prevent theft, eliminate overspending, etc., etc. Another great post and idea Lois.

Anonymous said...

Perfect! Fastenal is not the only vendor of this service. There are even RFID systems for tools - similar to the tracking devices put in murchandise in a retail store to prevent theft.

Anonymous said...

I'll give you a 100 to 1 Peru odds that the Fastenal concept is taken down the same path as the city time clock. The troops are not going to like this Lois.

Peru Town Forum said...

You may be right, but it is not the job of the city to make the purchases that are keeping a local business IN business while all the other locally owned businesses have to fend for themselves.

Steve said...

Inventory tracking systems are an excellent way to cut wasteful spending habits and improve worker accountability. I beleive the great majority of employees would welcome an organized system. The current system is exploited by a couple of individuals who are allowed to order items without proper approval or knowledge of department heads.
I have used a similar system at my workplace for the past five years. I had hoped to convince the city council of the value of this type of program and others in order to eliminate waste and become a more cost-effective Public
Works Department.
It is very unlikely that the current Public Works Committee would push for such reform. While Alderman Lukosus would be open to the idea, Alderman Waldorf would reject it simply because, "It's not the way we have always done it". How dare an "outsider" make a suggestion or try to contribute.
That is exactly the attitude
that I recieved from Waldorf recently when I suggested to some aldermen that there are many other options to how the city currently operates it's water and wastewater systems.
Alderman Waldorf informed me that I had no business trying to inform elected officials of anything and that he personally is not interested in hearing any suggestions from me.
Waldorf also informed me that Peru is getting a great deal from TEST, Inc. and its contract to operate the water/wastewater facilities. When I inquired "How do you know you're getting a great deal?"
Waldorf indicated that Chris Perra had told him so.
Apparently Waldorf has decided to maintain the legacy of Jack O'Beirne by continuing the time honored Peru aldermanic tradition of protecting the interests of city contractors and consultants over the interests of Peru taxpayers.
This new council is showing signs of moving forward with new ideas and energy provided by the newly elected and appointed members. Unfortunately, the keepers of "The old way" appear determined to prevent real reform. Regardless of the cost.

Anonymous said...

10:56...The comment that a great majority of the employees would welcome the system is similiar to the troops won't like this. I would think that ALD.Waldorf would be concerned why a water tester would have such interest in the city water treatment contract? Did you also let the newly elected members the value of opening the collective bargaining contracts to help our city finances? I bet you forgot.

Steve said...

To 9:17 a.m. - I assume you're attempting to label me a "water tester". You're not even close with that one. You don't know know me or my profession so please don't try to guess.
If you had any clue at all you would know that I am probably the only person attempting to inform and lobby the elected officials who has absolutely no vested interest, other than that of a Peru taxpayer, who knows the city can save by competitive bidding on contract services and consulting. Why do you want to protect the interests of the current contractors and consultants? Which are you? Employee? Stockholder? Alderman Pal? Drinking buddy? CSO friend? What's your connection.
I'm trying to inform aldermen that there are established, honest and above board ways of awarding contracts and services. No monetary gain or benefit for me. Just want to see the aldermen do it right for a change.
How about you?
Collective bargaining is all done above board and on a specific schedule. No secrets.
Agreements with contractors can be reviewed, amended and even terminated at any time by either the city or the contractor with proper notice. Why would you not want a fair and honest system that provides a level playing field for all who want to provide city services?
You should "man up" and identify yourself and tell me why I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone got a good laugh about county board members in Peru that have county tax payer provided perks like health insurance. And how they pledged to cut the board numbers during their campaigns. Some may call this economic development for Peru. Others call it political gain. Many call it a waste of tax dollars. LaSalle County has more taxing bodies than nearly any other county in our State. We have city, county, library, township, fire, parks, schools, water districts and more. How many more taxing bodies can we support or invent? And to top it off these elected or appointed have actual perks like health, life, retirement that we all work for. LaSalle county officials were highlighted in the Newstribune article. And the argument was that many quality individuals would not run without the benefits? If they were quality and enlighten officials would they not have another source of income? The point is that this is a waste of your hard earned dollars and you have elected county officials that are cashing in under the radar.