There were a lot of eye witnesses to this scene because of the many people who came in to see the swearing in of Sherry Mayszak. You opinion is?
This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Thursday, June 30, 2011
News Tribune - News - Local - Alderman, mayor clash — this time on time cards
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Peru and La Salle Road Repairs this Summer
- Anonymous said...
According to the News Tribune La Salle awarded Len Trovero their street project. Peru has also awarded Len Trovero their street project. The thing I found interesting was that according to La Salle's city engineer they will get roughly 3 miles of road paved at a cost of $502,278.05. According to the minutes of Peru's 6-1-11 council meeting the Peru's mayor stated that we would get roughly 2 miles of road done at a cost of $884,000. Why a difference of over $300,000 for less road?
- 4:20 PM, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Should Peru Take a Proactive Stance to Avoid Rental Problems
Many of the Chicago suburban communities have become proactive and joined Crime Free Rental Associations. Its nice to be close to Chicago for the fun things but not so nice when communities in the suburban and metro area decide to set down strict rules enforced by the law and we find the people moving from there to here and yes it is happening slowly but surely.
Part 2 Cities that are stepping up to the plate
Our sister city of LaSalle has begun the process by registering landlords with a $30 fee per unit and inspections.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Please Take A Minute to Click on the Links
On the Peru F.D., you will see a well organized web site with pictures and information on the firemen who protect our homes, families and businesses.
Now take a minute and try to found some content on the ambulance web site that gives you the same assured feeling that they have it all together. It states it is under construction and it has not changed one bit in the last 3 years that I have been writing about the city. It is always just the same eerie music and nothing of importance about this organization that is providing emergency health services to our community. To me it says something that I am not too comfortable with, does it give you safe feeling?
What Do You Think about all of this?
ESDA - Will Peru disband the organization to save money and turn the duties to the Peru F.D.?
1/2 % sales tax increase, will it become reality? Does the Mayor have enough votes to pass it? First he said we could sunset it by going through a referendum and then said no way will it ever be taken off.
How do you feel about it under those circumstances?
Do you or your family plan on attending the circus or the Big Time Rush Concert? Are they within your budget?
July 3 events coming up. Sounds like fun at Washington Park, will you be attending? And then going to Water Street for the Fireworks? Are you enjoying the use of our parks this summer and if so which is your favorite and why? How often do you go there?
The summer movies started June 20 at Maud Powell Plaza.Did you go or not ? Does location matter to you? Is Monday a good night to have them? How can the city improve on this family event?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Splashing and Wishful Thinking
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Where Do You Stand on Pay Increases as Requested for Select City Employees
Thursday, June 16, 2011
CLOSED FOR COMMENTS Comments on the Demolition of the Old City Power Plant
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
City Meetings Week of June 13-17
Tuesday June 14 @6:30PM Recreation Commission Meeting @ City Hall Finance committee meeting Wed. June 15 @3:30PM Peru City Council meeting Wed. June 15 @7:30PM
Monday, June 13, 2011
YouTube - La Salle Idol
Listen to all the young talent here in case you did not get the opportunity to visit La Salle
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
News Tribune - News - Local - Cooperation key as La Salle goals set
We wish La Salle the very best in all their endeavors to improve their city while not forgetting their proud history and also to retain a spirit of community among their citizens. Also a pat on the back to the volunteers who are stepping forward to be a part of this journey.
Can We Develop a Walk with Your Alderman Program
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Streator starts demolition process on 3 properties -
You may wonder why I would post an article about Streator property in a blog that concerns itself with Peru primarily. It is because due to lack of ordinances and/or enforcement with regard to rental or abandoned properties right here in Peru. I see them in my neighborhood and I would assume that some of you do also.
This could be a very lengthy post but not today but I will come back to it in the future. Most cities that seriously address this issue are adequately staffed with people that are knowledgeable about enforcement regarding buildings and property.
Do you as a resident of Peru feel this is an issue worthy of a discussion?
At the present time, the city employs Frank Taylor as assistant building inspector but we do not even have a full time building inspector. Hard to believe, isn't it? There are usually enought things to do to employ several people as it involves both business and residential. Foreclosures have increased in all cities including Peru and that is more property without care. The inspector must track down who should be taking care of property and sometimes it can be banks states away from Illinois who don't even know they own property here in Peru.
I think it is time to get serious about rental properties in Peru and abandoned property and make our city look respectable in all areas of the city.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
New committee format allows for better access and accountability
Monday, June 06, 2011
How Did the Main Street of Peru Become What It is?
I can't help but think what type of town are we presenting to the youth of this community but maybe I shouldn't worry about it because there is no longer really anything to bring them to the downtown anyway other than a pizza. I am all for free enterprise but somewhere along the line we have lost our way. The downtown redevelopment committee makes sure the businesses have the right decor that will match what was set up in the 1990's. But what have all the rules and regulations brought into downtown that is truly an asset to this town and something we can all be proud of? I was born in Peru and grew up in Peru and we raised our family here and I am very saddened when I see what the town was allowed to become. We may have more big box stores than any other town in the Illinois Valley but there are no prizes given for that. I am not sure we are not at the bottom of the ladder when I look at other towns in the Illinois Valley that have managed to keep a better image that we have. Maud Powell must surely be embarrased looking down at the city that erected her image in their town.
On The June 6 City Council Agenda
Location 4th and Peoria according to newspaper reports
Approve construction of gun range at the landfill. Previous location?
A downtown facelift -
A must read, not new construction but resurrecting the old. Peru still has a few old buildings, can they get the message at this late date.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
How Long Will It Take for 1/2% Increase to Help Us
So we are asking for the tax increase so that we can now borrow money for the infrastructure improvements being visualized. The figure I have heard is that we would need to borrow something like 7 million dollars which we will need to pay back plus interest.
If it is true that our debt has been reduced to 38 million within the past 2 years, that would mean that we would being it back up to the original 45 million of 2 years ago.
Originally there was talk of a sunset after a number of years on the tax but now I hear that the present administration will not take that into consideration.
Do you believe that our current economy will improve enough to allow us to take on this gamble, hoping that we will continue to generate enough sales tax to enable this to take place We have heard no plan.
What roads will be repaired first and then last? What other parts of our infrastructure will come next? Don't just put a tax in place without telling us what you will do with the money and when you will do it?
Is it true that we have businesses that are so desirable to the average consumer that they will always travel to the Illinois Valley to make their purchases to produce that needed tax revenue?
At the present time, this is an aging area with the average rising every couple of years and we do not have enough white collar jobs or even blue collar to have families with large yearly incomes that can be counted on to buy and buy and buy.
Friday, June 03, 2011
Last-minute additions to Ottawa wine fest -
Thursday, June 02, 2011
The Ugly Face of Home Rule
Our infrastructure is aging and needs repair, there is no question about that but our population is also aging and for most of them that means less money for them to live on and with reduced incomes you will be asking them to give the city more money again. This also hits the families in town with children who are now counting their pennies in order to give their children a little bit extra.
And please don't compare Peru to Ottawa that has a higher sales tax as they also have a larger population, they are a county seat and look at their downtown. Sometimes esthetics do matter.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Thank you Mark Cross For The School Location