“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Peru Election Process Moving Along

Monday was the day for aldermanic petitions to be turned in to the Peru City Clerk. Actually they allow one more week for those who did not get their petition turned in yesterday. As it stands today the April 5 election ballot will look like this:

Ward 1
Incumbent Jamey Mertel (8yrs) will be opposed by Mike Radtke

Ward 2
No incumbent - Jack O'Beirne retires after 24 years
Those running for this seat: are Rodney Perez, Bob Borostowski, Jim Hurst

Ward 3: Incumbent Dave Waldorf (4 years) opposed by Mary Landsiedel
and Joe Witczak

Ward 4: Incumbent Dave Potthoff (20 years) will be opposed by Steve Weberski


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that we have options in each ward. I'm also glad to see we finally have a female in the hunt (long over due). This, to me, is progress just as the last mayoral election was progress because the citizens of Peru had a choice. Use your vote wisely and study the candidates carefully before you make your decision. See where the incumbents stand on issues that are important to you and seek answers from the new candidates.

Peru Town Forum said...

In the coming months, I do hope we will be able to communicate with some of the people running for the City Council here in Peru and to get their views on problems facing the city. Perhaps in the meantime we can think it over and you can post honest questions about problems.
I will not post comments such as I don't like so and so because I don't like the Mayor, so don't waste your time and mine with such drivel. These are serious times and we don't need to clutter up this blog with whiney repetitive comments.

Anonymous said...


I'm a bit concerned with your statement "communicate with some of the people running for City Council..." I hope that you would communicate with all of the people and put their responses here for all to read. I may be reading more into your statement than you meant, but that's what I got out of it. Thanks

Peru Town Forum said...

My blog will not be run any differently in the months ahead to the election. That comment was written so that people can get a better idea of what each candidate stands for. I would not exclude current council members but we already know what they believe in as they meet EVERY week and have an opportunity to express those views publicly at that time.
I think you are reading something into my words that was not their intent.

Anonymous said...

If you happen to be someone who attends the council meetings have you noticed how short they have become as of late? Why, one meeting only lasted 15 minutes and probably the next three lasted no more than 30 minutes. It's almost funny when you look at the agenda and see virtually nothing (or very little) listed under each committee. It's also, in my opinion, ridiculous to be paying these aldermen to sit there and say "nothing to report at this time your honor". In other words, what I'm trying to say is "save the tax payers some money and at least cut the number of meetings in half." Apparently there is not enough business to settle each and every week of the year.

Anonymous said...

We know how the incumbents voted on the issue mentioned above but that might be a good question to pose to the new candidates - Would you be willing to cut the number of meetings per month?

Steve said...

I would be in favor of reducing the number of regular council meetings per month. My opinion has always been that it is the responsibility of the aldermen to get the actual work done in the respective committee meetings. That is where the "heavy lifting" needs to be done.
You cross the T's and dot the I's in committee and then bring the committee recomendations to the floor of a formal meeting for discussion. Alderman Mikyska is one of the few who actually follows that procedure. The majority of current aldermen do not put the time and research and effort into hammering out quality recommendations in their respective committees before bringing an issue to the full council.
Typically there is no city business to be conducted that could not wait to be acted on with two formal meetings per month. At least then it is much more likely that every comnmittee chair may have some actual business to discuss in open meeting instead of no report at all.

Anonymous said...

perhaps the meetings are so short because the current mayor doesnt know how to run a meeting? i dont see much in the way of new alderman running for the city-seriously the steve guy? mayors little go to man? what a circus that would be hey?

Peru Town Forum said...


I am impressed with the number of Peru residents seeking to be elected to the city council and also with most in their desire to seek and implement new solutions. The candidates are intelligent and will offer to the city a willingness to work through and cooperate with the Mayor, Treasurer, City Clerk and remaining aldermen. At least I see that attribute in most of them.

Anonymous said...

7:12 Why contradict yourself? You state that you are impressed with the new candidates desire to seek and implement new solutions and they will offer to the city a willingness to work through and cooperate with the remaining aldermen. If cooperation of the city council members is what is to be looked for - the ultimate has been reached. 8-0! 5-0 3 abstaining! Two meetings a night every other Monday or every other Wednesday. One meeting at the city building downtown the next is also downtown with a quorum at both. Why all the concern about closed sessions this council has been doing it for years without minutes being taken.

Peru Town Forum said...

Maybe a better choice of words is "to be open minded" and not stuck in the "way we have always done it"

Peru Town Forum said...

I am not surprised that the 2 meetings of the aldermen on nights when the city council meets has been an accepted practice for years and years. Didn't it also include the Mayor in years past? Has the city matured enough to eliminate the "good ole boys night out". Of course there is a quorum at both meetings and I question how legal this really is but those attending don't seem to be concerned, do they?
People are now asking me what will happen if a woman is elected, will she be welcomed. Of course we all know that answer.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it included the Mayor in past years and it also included Chamlin & Associates Inc., Test Inc. and most likely anyone else who did business with the City of Peru and were willing to purchase a cocktail or two. Of course, there were and are a quorum of the city council members present at these social meetings. I'll state that not only is there a quorum of the city council present but a quorum of all Peru City Aldermen Committees. These same rules would apply to the Peru CSO.

Long term familiarity can create a negative situation in politics which does create a thought of term limitation. In answer to your next question, NO Mayor Harl does not attend the 2d meeting of the evening. No Mayor Harl does not belong to the CSO. Mayor Harl was informed by Alderman Akiewicz, the Commander of the Peru American Legion that he was not needed to speak at the Pearl Harbor Day events because they already had a full schedule.

Anonymous said...

Whats the big deal about a few alderman meeting after council meetings for a few drinks. I don't believe any of them plow snow after the meeting. We live in a small town and everybody needs to work for a common goal. Some of your current council members that have been in office understand this concept. Many of your current alderman also support many other groups like the CSO,Rotary,Veterans groups,Little league, girls softball,local high schools,Stage 212, businesss develpoment,etc. They give of their time and money. So before you point a finger at the group of current council members for meeting after a meeting think about how important is that anyway! I would think that the voting record is much more important than geeting along with Mayor Harl. It's funny to think that they are all wrong when they vote and your guy is always right. Place a topic and the vote and what the mayor's public thoughts were, you may be surprised on the result. Dozens of votes are cast every meeting, very few are actually debated.

Anonymous said...

Steve have you ever been part of a committee? In Peru? Not counting the Harl election. We just want to get your experience on these issues. You seem to be a authority on public administration. Didn't you grow up and attend school in the Valley, that would be Spring Valley? Tell us all about what effective governments looks like.

Anonymous said...

Lois, log in on the recent tax increase and why it was needed? Have the new candidates give a one answer question on yes or new on higher taxes? We need real answers. Or higher electric rates that was brought up a few months ago.

Peru Town Forum said...


Does the word "illegal" ever come into your mind?

Peru Town Forum said...


The candidates really need time and information before they publicly state anything about the need to raise or not raise taxes in Peru.
The financial situation in Peru is something I am not sure that even some of the current aldermen understand because most of prior finances were not shared thoroughly with them.

Anonymous said...

ANON 1;57 Why are you asking Steve if he's been on a committee? If you think that's a requirement I would assume most of our present aldermen would not have qualified.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4;33 we should of known that typical questions like taxes would be off the table and Steve's ties to Mayor Harl not a factor. It's funny that when Baker was running for election the topics were wide open.

Peru Town Forum said...

I did not say taxes were off the table, I said give the new candidates a little time to formulate a response to your question, after all petitions were only submitted a week ago. I also said that by judging by the votes the current aldermen have taken that their knowledge about Peru and their financial situation is still something to be questioned. So don't be demanding the new candidates cough up immediate statements.

Steve said...

1:57 p.m. - I have as much "Committee" experience as any other candidate running for his/her first term. And, as much as any of the current aldermen had when they were seeking their first term. I do have a great deal of experience observing and learning how Peru city government has been conducted in the past and who typically benefits and who doesn't. Quite a bit of my understanding of the Good ol'Boy shenanigans of the Baker era was the result of many conversations over the years with my friend, Alderman Dave Potthoff. His knowledge of corruption in Peru goes well beyond his 20 years in office to the knowledge his long-time alderman father passed along to him. I don't claim to be an authority on how city government should run. But, I have seen more than enough to know how a city should not be run. The rest I plan to learn the same way any other newly elected official learns it.
On the job, using practical and professional experience, common sense, and an understanding of what is right and what is not for the city of Peru as a whole.
Yes, I grew up and attended school in Spring Valley and have lived in Peru for 20 years now. I suggest you file a complaint with the County Clerk if you are under the impression that I do not meet all requirements(per state statute)to run for public office in Peru.
Are you for real?

Steve said...

10:03 a.m. - No legitimate issue is "off the table". You try to suggest that because of my involvement with the successful campaign to unseat Don Baker and elect Scott Harl that I should not be seen as a legitimate candidate for alderman? You are mistaken. If you want to disqualify me for supporting Harl, then you must disqualify all those current aldermen who not only supported Don Baker, they provided campaign sound-bites on local radio ads for the Baker campaign. Now that was tacky and embarrassing to the city. The aldermen showed incredibly poor judgement in doing those voice-overs.