“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, December 23, 2010

We Want a Govenment That Works For Us

This was written sometime during the administration of Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne (1979-1983) but it seems that a cure has not been found for this disease as some of our elected officials on the Peru City Council seem to have the same symptoms.


Anonymous said...

Can you expand on what are the secretive subjects that the city council will not discuss? What topics are secret? And what is the Mayor's role in these sobjects. I read the newspaper and see no major issues that the Mayor and council have had difference of opions. With the exception of the pool, in which was ridiculous. Do you have a couch that the Mayor sits on and complains? Maybe these individual topics should be discussed. Its too easy to make general statements about council members. Be specific with the topic and be specific with the members of Congress or City Hall. I as a voter what to know how my council member voted and why. We all realize that the objective of the site is to endorse the selected candidates(co-author). It may be more important to discuss specifics and how the problem was handled.

Anonymous said...

What is the freedom of the press being denied in Peru City Hall?

Peru Town Forum said...

10:05 AM

Not all written in the article applies to Peru's government and/or its relationship with the press as that is not a problem as I see it. Most items are covered in a very general forthright manner.
It is the unwillingness of the Council to discuss options that might benefit the city of Peru. As in reducing the size of the Fourth of July fireworks and thus reducing the money spent.
As in just recently their refusal to listen to Fire Chief King and the options he has worked on to benefit the city.
The symptoms are the big egos and arrogance.

Linda said...

10:05 This blog was not started to endorse candidates nor was it started to promote any individual. It's intent is to inform, question, discuss, and possibly solve problems that exist (and have existed for many years). If you want to know how your alderman stands on any issue either call and ask him or start attending meetings. Meetings are the best place to see and hear your alderman in action. Why don't you read this blog with an open mind and you will see that Lois allows both sides of an issue equal time. She posted your comment didn't she?

Steve said...

10:02 a.m. - You say that you read the newspaper. That's a good start. However, if you count "solely" on what you read in the News Tribune as the basis for judging the performance of your elected officials you will remain at least partially uninformed. Every able citizen should attempt to attend council meetings at least a few times a year. You just have to see your representatives in person. For those who cannot attend, the meetings should at least be available via the city website.
You state that you "see no major issues that the mayor and council have major differences of opinion on. Wow! I suggest you review many of the posts on this blog that could help jog your memory a bit. Regarding your comment about this blog endorsing select candidates. You miss the point completely. This blog provides a forum for anybody to endorse any candidate they choose.
Even you! So, how about you endorse me?