This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.” Samuel Adams
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Sewer Separation Lambrecht Change Order Costs 4 & 6
Read carefully people. This is your consulting engineer being exposed again for shoddy and incomplete work. Note the words, "inauthentic" and the phrase, "adequate planning and site investigation was not completed prior to". The devil is in the detail and this is proof positive that the our elected officials have failed to protect the taxpayers of Peru by not bidding engineering services for this massive project. The Infrastructure Committee suggested that an engineering firm from "outside" Peru be allowed to make a presentation to our aldermen and mayor in early 2010. This well respected company was interested in providing engineering services for this project. The aldermen refused to hear it. Chamlin was given the work and they performed as they typically do, poorly. Just like the TEST contract, we pay much more than the true market price and the taxpayer gets screwed again. But hey, Chamlin and TEST are local so we have to subsidize them right? That's just the way it is in Peru. Then Sapienza goes on a tyrade blaming the mess that the city council created on the contractor because they are from out of town. Another clueless alderman makes his debut, and more of the same bullshit of waste and inefficiency. If we don't get more people with ethics and common sense on this council soon we are doomed to remain the laughing-stock community of the midwest.
7:28 I'm interested to know if Perez raised up on not Bidding this one too? Or is it just the water treatment contract he was after? I know you are reading these Perez come on and tell us or better yet maybe you or Lois can post the minutes to show who and how this was voted on. Will wait response.
This needs to stop! I know there are a few engineering firms in the area, who have employees that live within Peru, but get little to no work from the City. Why not consult with them? Why are we are always looking to Chamlin to do our engineering work? It is the same story over and over with this firm. It also doesn't help Harl puts Waldorf and Lukosus ahead of Public Works. What do they know about Public Works?!?! One cuts hair and the other runs laundry mats in the area. Obviously they both know NOTHING about construction or engineering, so they are forced to rely on whatever Chamlin tells them. Any logical Alderman or person of authority would look elsewhere after such a costly mistake. UNLESS THEY WERE ON THE TAKE... This could also explain why they are hired to do a project and a few years later re-hired to correct the errors that came from the original design. Wake up people and take back YOUR City!
It would be best to keep Sapienza's, Radke's, Lukosus', Muellers' and Waldorf's presentations current. People tend to forget over time and the unjust representation that people have received from these five in the current absence of bidding in regard to a $3 million contract should not be allowed to be forgotten. When did Sapienza move to Peru? It could not be very long ago as he did prove himself to be absolutely clueless about Peru city politics. Why would someone who has such a distorted picture of political ethics run for a political office? It is unbelievable that in the same presentation city official Sapienza could represent open competitive bidding and non competitive bidding and than in the same evening vote against open competitive bidding. Harl also attemped to keep a lid on tranparency when he demanded a halt to the disclosures Sapienza was starting to make in his verbal assault toward Alderman Perez. If this controvery would have been allowed to continue there is strong possibility that Sapienza would have disclosed truthfully why the council was using the "super majority vote". Thank you Alderman Perez for representing the peoples wishes as you always do. Wish the Mayor had allowed you to continue with Sapienza as we all would have been enlightened. You handeled yourself well as you always do, sure proved that next time you should go for a bigger fish as Sap was too easy.
No video of the meeting yet, it should have been posted days ago, lacking a little or maybe a lot of transparency. With regard to bloggers expressing their opinions, I have this to say. When you decide to run for a political office, you are putting yourself in the limelight for whatever you might say in the political arena. Perhaps our officials could work on establishing a better relationship with their constituents. I recently visited a city web site where one of the notices was for Coffee with the Board when one day each month was set aside for the public to visit city hall and talk about their concerns. The only aldermen who have done this are Aldermen Perez and former Alderman Mayszak. Problem is that the official deciding to do this must be open minded and have respect for the people who attend and to be willing to have a conversation.
11:29 am. Please let me reply for Alderman Perez. Did you see the date on the change order? May 18, 2010. Do you know when Rodney was elected? April 2011. Tell me, how could he have possibly voted on that?? If you're trying to make Rodney look bad, you're failing miserably and making yourself look totally stupid in the process.
Every aldermen looked "confused" when I requested accountability at the meeting and started reading this letter or gave figures regarding overages on airport projects for engineering services. Chamlin was also approved for engineering for the entrance road to the airport that evening.
The 4&6 project was $2.0 million OVER bid and IEPA approval not to mention legal expenses. This project was federally funded either under the ARRA or stimulus and STILL no accountability from any local, Stats, or Federal representative. Dear Congressman Kinzinger start worrying about your district instead if Syria!
Kristy, you should run for mayor or at least alderman. You should run against Potthoff, you could beat him. He has turned onto another Harl yes-man. We need somebody who can think for themselves and has the backbone to stand up for the people!!
Perez has voted many times to award engineering contracts to Chamlin without debate. There must be more to this TEST vote. A lot of people think this was a political ploy by three people who lost an election and can't get over it. When Engineering was actually bid for the airport, Perez voted to move the Engineering services out of the area even though there was no cost difference. You see, the FAA sets the cost of Engineering services at a fixed percentage of the project, so no matter what firm you use, it is the same cost. I can't believe an Alderman would want to push jobs or profits out of the area. That's like the US Senate voting to buy supplies from China.
I am not certain you are totally accurate regarding engineering services and cost. A perfect example is Chamlin's payroll and overhead burden for DOT projects at 223.51%; not all firms have the same salaries, overhead, and profit. This is calculated with each invoice and includes attachment G sent to IDOT IDA. IDOT approves these charges and also signs off on the engineering contracts. Perhaps this is another problem with the State.
Anon 6:02 who were the lot of people who thought that was a ploy? If you consider the 5-10 from City Hall and the 3 from TEST and the 3 from Chamlin then I question your mentality. I would consider the photo on the news tribune at the last meeting being a lot of people. By looking at that photo I recognized a few but know of many more that feel as I do, the ploy has been at city hall, but you would already know that because it doesn't take much to see you're one of the above named. Alderman Perez' credibility continues to show. I'm sure most who pay attention to Peru Politics know Perez is credible and works to do the right thing, unlike the cowards and hypocrites sharing that stand. Chamlin's needs to go as much as Harl and a few others do.
6:02 there is more to this TEST vote. This was a continuation of spending millions in excess , over decades, while other public needs are neglected.
Who thinks this is about people who lost an election? I didn't lose an election , nor did that audience. This is a load of BS , and you should not get upset with people wanting to do he right thing now.
If Perez voted wrong before, he voted right this time. maybe has learned that really all you have to do is cote against anything the others are voting for and you are guaranteed to be right?
The reason Perez voted no for Chamlin to receive the airport engineering contract was because the other firm had vast more experience in that field. There was no comparison in qualifications. My take on it is this: If you make a $356,000 mistake, and you have a state agency state publicly in writing that you were unauthentic in filling out the application form (ie lying) and also that your engineering plans are flawed, and the final cost of construction is millions of dollars over the bid price, and you don't get fired by city that hired you; then you will never get fired by that city. I can only conclude that some of the aldermen are on the take. If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, acts like a duck, then it must be a duck.
9:05. You are exactly right. The other airport engineering firm that sent in RFQ's for the airport project were way more qualified than the engineers at Chamlin's. Chamlins has messed up so many projects up there, but the city keeps handing every job to them on a silver platter. Lets not forget which engineering genius came up with the Venture Drive change. I still avoid that intersection.
9:05 Thanks!!. Lol I recall the vote that 6:02 is referring to; and what you stated is indeed a fact! The reason I voted No was soley due to the overwhelming amount of experience, and expertise in the field of aeronautics the other firm had; no comparison within the RFQs.
In addition I didn't feel the process was thorough. It was clear the minds were made up even before the bids went out. I do appreciate all this defense on my behalf from the other bloggers, and Kristy... Keep up the good work!
Speaking of the Venture Drive intersection have you noticed the 2 new bright yellow additions to the already eye pleasing pylons? Could that intersection get uglier and confusing?
Also, another thing I spotted around town that I thought was quite amusing was the "NO DOGS OR CATS ALLOWED IN PARK" sign on the entrance to Veteran's Park. (Now remember that's the park where the doggie park is located)
I'm being 100% honest here. I avoid going to the businesses around the Ventura intersection. Since the change I did go because some brain o at city hall(can't remember who (?) ) say people will get use to it. Bull crap! It's a disaster and not accomodating to drivers. How stupid of the city not to see this and amend it. Pylons are smashed, what does that tell you city hall. Can't even imagine what out if towners think. And the city encourages out of towners to shop in peru. I'll leave my offensive thought and language to your imagination on what I really wanted to say on this blog! Because the blog ambassador pretty much wouldn't publish it.
People have grown used to the intersection. The other day I sat in the bank lot after doing some business there. In twenty minutes I counted 6 turn arounds in the lot. All because the road backed up three holiday weekends a year. It's nuts.
6:02 Hello? Could you debate the post from Kristy, Alderman Perez and anons ? If you're going to make assumptions and accusations you should really respond back to their rebuttle. It would also be great if you would sign your name to it as they did. Or at least which group you are with: Chamlin's, Test, or Good Ole Boys Club?
Yes people please do not put Lois in that category. By the way does anyone know how you become a pickle ball ambassador (you know = what are the qualifications you need?)?
Funny you should inquire about the requirements of being an ambassador for things in the city of Peru. I would guess it is similar to my appointment, so if you are thinking about being an ambassador here is my advice.
First, you must wake up and want to do something. Then, you must pick a name and name yourself something impressive. It helps if you believe that you are impressive. Then it is best to quietly see if it is a position that needs to be elected. If so you need to see if you have an allowed last name, union affiliation and have enough money to pay to get elected. If not, then you go ahead and name yourself and see if anyone notices. If they don't, it helps to find other people who once wee really popular in the area, like in high school, and see if they want to do it with you. Then, if you can you try to get the city to pay for it. It helps if it has to do with partying, drinking, shooting, gambling, hanging with famous people or digging things with big trucks. Then you just start doing it!
If it seems like a good idea to you, and everyone you are good friends with, then the Mayor can be approached to see if he wants to say it was his idea.
Then you just start doing it, louder.
If you have time , you can see if it's legal, but that is not mandatory. I recommend getting a hat, but that is totally up to you.
Double beaked hats always make someone seem smarter, so I would recommend them not only for all the town ambassadors, but the alder folk and Mayor as well.
It's a great idea. I think some other fine positive blogger mentioned they thought he city needs more cowbell? Perhaps the two suggestions could be combined on a 3 by 5 card for public comment during the next meeting.
Maybe one of the Mayors special friends could bring it up during Friends of the King special chat times they have added to the meeting. I think it gives the meetings a more folksy, North Korean Dictator style when you suppress boring chemist people and let your friends talk whenever they want. Especially if it has to do with instilling proper firearm training for all our young Peruvians. I think we are all in agreement that the apocalypse will be starting here, and we all need to be able to defend ourselves. If you teach young people about the joys of shooting things and shooting them well, there is no limit to the things they can kill that are attacking our Illinois Valley way of life.
Sadly, these great leaders will not live forever, and if we do not continue to teach the young ones that we need to fear old ladies, foreign bidders and non union labor , it is only a matter of time before deer or non English speaking people will take over.
Oh and I don't mean Mexicans. I meant our high school students, or as we like to call them , The future GED students of America club.
Read carefully people. This is your consulting engineer being exposed again for shoddy and incomplete work. Note the words, "inauthentic" and the phrase, "adequate planning and site investigation was not completed prior to". The devil is in the detail and this is proof positive that the our elected officials have failed to protect the taxpayers of Peru by not bidding engineering services for this massive project. The Infrastructure Committee suggested that an engineering firm from "outside" Peru be allowed to make a presentation to our aldermen and mayor in early 2010. This well respected company was interested in providing engineering services for this project. The aldermen refused to hear it. Chamlin was given the work and they performed as they typically do, poorly. Just like the TEST contract, we pay much more than the true market price and the taxpayer gets screwed again. But hey, Chamlin and TEST are local so we have to subsidize them right? That's just the way it is in Peru. Then Sapienza goes on a tyrade blaming the mess that the city council created on the contractor because they are from out of town. Another clueless alderman makes his debut, and more of the same bullshit of waste and inefficiency. If we don't get more people with ethics and common sense on this council soon we are doomed to remain the laughing-stock community of the midwest.
7:28 I'm interested to know if Perez raised up on not Bidding this one too? Or is it just the water treatment contract he was after? I know you are reading these Perez come on and tell us or better yet maybe you or Lois can post the minutes to show who and how this was voted on.
Will wait response.
This needs to stop! I know there are a few engineering firms in the area, who have employees that live within Peru, but get little to no work from the City. Why not consult with them? Why are we are always looking to Chamlin to do our engineering work? It is the same story over and over with this firm. It also doesn't help Harl puts Waldorf and Lukosus ahead of Public Works. What do they know about Public Works?!?! One cuts hair and the other runs laundry mats in the area. Obviously they both know NOTHING about construction or engineering, so they are forced to rely on whatever Chamlin tells them. Any logical Alderman or person of authority would look elsewhere after such a costly mistake. UNLESS THEY WERE ON THE TAKE... This could also explain why they are hired to do a project and a few years later re-hired to correct the errors that came from the original design. Wake up people and take back YOUR City!
It would be best to keep Sapienza's, Radke's, Lukosus', Muellers' and Waldorf's presentations current. People tend to forget over time and the unjust representation that people have received from these five in the current absence of bidding in regard to a $3 million contract should not be allowed to be forgotten.
When did Sapienza move to Peru? It could not be very long ago as he did prove himself to be absolutely clueless about Peru city politics. Why would someone who has such a distorted picture of political ethics run for a political office? It is unbelievable that in the same presentation city official Sapienza could represent open competitive bidding and non competitive bidding and than in the same evening vote against open competitive bidding.
Harl also attemped to keep a lid on tranparency when he demanded a halt to the disclosures Sapienza was starting to make in his verbal assault toward Alderman Perez. If this controvery would have been allowed to continue there is strong possibility that Sapienza would have disclosed truthfully why the council was using the "super majority vote". Thank you Alderman Perez for representing the peoples wishes as you always do. Wish the Mayor had allowed you to continue with Sapienza as we all would have been enlightened. You handeled yourself well as you always do, sure proved that next time you should go for a bigger fish as Sap was too easy.
No video of the meeting yet, it should have been posted days ago, lacking a little or maybe a lot of transparency.
With regard to bloggers expressing their opinions, I have this to say. When you decide to run for a political office, you are putting yourself in the limelight for whatever you might say in the political arena. Perhaps our officials could work on establishing a better relationship with their constituents. I recently visited a city web site where one of the notices was for Coffee with the Board when one day each month was set aside for the public to visit city hall and talk about their concerns. The only aldermen who have done this are Aldermen Perez and former Alderman Mayszak. Problem is that the official deciding to do this must be open minded and have respect for the people who attend and to be willing to have a conversation.
11:29 am. Please let me reply for Alderman Perez. Did you see the date on the change order? May 18, 2010. Do you know when Rodney was elected? April 2011. Tell me, how could he have possibly voted on that?? If you're trying to make Rodney look bad, you're failing miserably and making yourself look totally stupid in the process.
Every aldermen looked "confused" when I requested accountability at the meeting and started reading this letter or gave figures regarding overages on airport projects for engineering services. Chamlin was also approved for engineering for the entrance road to the airport that evening.
The 4&6 project was $2.0 million OVER bid and IEPA approval not to mention legal expenses. This project was federally funded either under the ARRA or stimulus and STILL no accountability from any local, Stats, or Federal representative. Dear Congressman Kinzinger start worrying about your district instead if Syria!
Kristy, you should run for mayor or at least alderman. You should run against Potthoff, you could beat him. He has turned onto another Harl yes-man. We need somebody who can think for themselves and has the backbone to stand up for the people!!
Perez has voted many times to award engineering contracts to Chamlin without debate. There must be more to this TEST vote. A lot of people think this was a political ploy by three people who lost an election and can't get over it. When Engineering was actually bid for the airport, Perez voted to move the Engineering services out of the area even though there was no cost difference. You see, the FAA sets the cost of Engineering services at a fixed percentage of the project, so no matter what firm you use, it is the same cost. I can't believe an Alderman would want to push jobs or profits out of the area. That's like the US Senate voting to buy supplies from China.
I am not certain you are totally accurate regarding engineering services and cost. A perfect example is Chamlin's payroll and overhead burden for DOT projects at 223.51%; not all firms have the same salaries, overhead, and profit. This is calculated with each invoice and includes attachment G sent to IDOT IDA. IDOT approves these charges and also signs off on the engineering contracts. Perhaps this is another problem with the State.
Anon 6:02 who were the lot of people who thought that was a ploy? If you consider the 5-10 from City Hall and the 3 from TEST and the 3 from Chamlin then I question your mentality. I would consider the photo on the news tribune at the last meeting being a lot of people. By looking at that photo I recognized a few but know of many more that feel as I do, the ploy has been at city hall, but you would already know that because it doesn't take much to see you're one of the above named. Alderman Perez' credibility continues to show. I'm sure most who pay attention to Peru Politics know Perez is credible and works to do the right thing, unlike the cowards and hypocrites sharing that stand.
Chamlin's needs to go as much as Harl and a few others do.
6:02 there is more to this TEST vote. This was a continuation of spending millions in excess , over decades, while other public needs are neglected.
Who thinks this is about people who lost an election? I didn't lose an election , nor did that audience. This is a load of BS , and you should not get upset with people wanting to do he right thing now.
If Perez voted wrong before, he voted right this time. maybe has learned that really all you have to do is cote against anything the others are voting for and you are guaranteed to be right?
Takes a while to learn that.
The reason Perez voted no for Chamlin to receive the airport engineering contract was because the other firm had vast more experience in that field. There was no comparison in qualifications. My take on it is this: If you make a $356,000 mistake, and you have a state agency state publicly in writing that you were unauthentic in filling out the application form (ie lying) and also that your engineering plans are flawed, and the final cost of construction is millions of dollars over the bid price, and you don't get fired by city that hired you; then you will never get fired by that city. I can only conclude that some of the aldermen are on the take. If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, acts like a duck, then it must be a duck.
9:05. You are exactly right. The other airport engineering firm that sent in RFQ's for the airport project were way more qualified than the engineers at Chamlin's. Chamlins has messed up so many projects up there, but the city keeps handing every job to them on a silver platter. Lets not forget which engineering genius came up with the Venture Drive change. I still avoid that intersection.
To: 6:02, 9:05, and ??
From:Rodney Perez
9:05 Thanks!!. Lol I recall the vote that 6:02 is referring to; and what you stated is indeed a fact! The reason I voted No was soley due to the overwhelming amount of experience, and expertise in the field of aeronautics the other firm had; no comparison within the RFQs.
In addition I didn't feel the process was thorough. It was clear the minds were made up even before the bids went out.
I do appreciate all this defense on my behalf from the other bloggers, and Kristy... Keep up the good work!
Thank you!!
Alderman Perez
Speaking of the Venture Drive intersection have you noticed the 2 new bright yellow additions to the already eye pleasing pylons? Could that intersection get uglier and confusing?
Also, another thing I spotted around town that I thought was quite amusing was the "NO DOGS OR CATS ALLOWED IN PARK" sign on the entrance to Veteran's Park. (Now remember that's the park where the doggie park is located)
I'm being 100% honest here. I avoid going to the businesses around the Ventura intersection. Since the change I did go because some brain o at city hall(can't remember who (?) ) say people will get use to it. Bull crap! It's a disaster and not accomodating to drivers. How stupid of the city not to see this and amend it. Pylons are smashed, what does that tell you city hall. Can't even imagine what out if towners think. And the city encourages out of towners to shop in peru. I'll leave my offensive thought and language to your imagination on what I really wanted to say on this blog! Because the blog ambassador pretty much wouldn't publish it.
People have grown used to the intersection. The other day I sat in the bank lot after doing some business there. In twenty minutes I counted 6 turn arounds in the lot. All because the road backed up three holiday weekends a year. It's nuts.
Don't forget the businesses who have lost revenue. I drive to lasalle for ice cream instead of DQ .
6:02 Hello? Could you debate the post from Kristy, Alderman Perez and anons ? If you're going to make assumptions and accusations you should really respond back to their rebuttle. It would also be great if you would sign your name to it as they did. Or at least which group you are with: Chamlin's, Test, or Good Ole Boys Club?
2:34 Just an fyi, Lois is not the blob ambassador. There are only ambassadors in pickle ball. Please do not confuse Lois with that group.
Yes people please do not put Lois in that category. By the way does anyone know how you become a pickle ball ambassador (you know = what are the qualifications you need?)?
Ambassador of Deer Spotting here
Funny you should inquire about the requirements of being an ambassador for things in the city of Peru. I would guess it is similar to my appointment, so if you are thinking about being an ambassador here is my advice.
First, you must wake up and want to do something.
Then, you must pick a name and name yourself something impressive. It helps if you believe that you are impressive.
Then it is best to quietly see if it is a position that needs to be elected. If so you need to see if you have an allowed last name, union affiliation and have enough money to pay to get elected.
If not, then you go ahead and name yourself and see if anyone notices. If they don't, it helps to find other people who once wee really popular in the area, like in high school, and see if they want to do it with you.
Then, if you can you try to get the city to pay for it. It helps if it has to do with partying, drinking, shooting, gambling, hanging with famous people or digging things with big trucks.
Then you just start doing it!
If it seems like a good idea to you, and everyone you are good friends with, then the Mayor can be approached to see if he wants to say it was his idea.
Then you just start doing it, louder.
If you have time , you can see if it's legal, but that is not mandatory. I recommend getting a hat, but that is totally up to you.
A of DS, would this particular hat be of the double beaked style which no one can tell if the wearer is coming or going including himself.
A of DS and 7:53. Thanks for the laugh!
I can't believe that one was so popular in high school. High school has been over a loooong time for him. Time to grow up!
Double beaked hats always make someone seem smarter, so I would recommend them not only for all the town ambassadors, but the alder folk and Mayor as well.
It's a great idea. I think some other fine positive blogger mentioned they thought he city needs more cowbell? Perhaps the two suggestions could be combined on a 3 by 5 card for public comment during the next meeting.
Maybe one of the Mayors special friends could bring it up during Friends of the King special chat times they have added to the meeting. I think it gives the meetings a more folksy, North Korean Dictator style when you suppress boring chemist people and let your friends talk whenever they want. Especially if it has to do with instilling proper firearm training for all our young Peruvians. I think we are all in agreement that the apocalypse will be starting here, and we all need to be able to defend ourselves. If you teach young people about the joys of shooting things and shooting them well, there is no limit to the things they can kill that are attacking our Illinois Valley way of life.
Sadly, these great leaders will not live forever, and if we do not continue to teach the young ones that we need to fear old ladies, foreign bidders and non union labor , it is only a matter of time before deer or non English speaking people will take over.
Oh and I don't mean Mexicans. I meant our high school students, or as we like to call them , The future GED students of America club.
A of DS
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