Today the city physically is cleaner than it has been in at least 4 years because for the last couple of weeks city workers have been as busy as bees cleaning and picking up trash, the pool is down, the old power plant is gone and Westclox is being cleaned up all for election day, the roads, ditches and parks may be cleaner but no so much down at city hall where some of our leaders in combination with friends decided to spend your money on a BB gun club in the City Hall basement. I have not seen it but understand it is top notch and did not come without a cost to you in spite of pronouncements that the city would only be responsible for about $3000.
The donation money is still in the Peru Police Enforcement Account and the Treasurer has acknowledged that. I honestly don't know about the money that was to come from the PPD Drug Fund. So at this point the city has paid for all expenses but we can hope for some disbursement into the General Fund as promised.
It has been acknowledged that all the work has been done by Peru City Employees, some of the aldermen tried to brush it off as done "in kind" but we all know they were paid with your taxpayer dollars, they did not work for free. So far the city has not supplied us with that employee cost to you.
I am showing 4 invoices for some of the purchases that were designated for the BB gun club. One of them is quite controversial but but 2 of them have the stamp and signature of the Department Head responsible for those purchases. There are many more purchases beside these. The city has been reimbursed for the Lee Valley Tools. I ask that you omit any employee names in any comments.

Please refer back to earlier posts for the list of donations and expenses etc

While the Electric Department installs new lights on the little league field, a back hoe sits idle most of the time. Did the SPW plan ahead and use it to relocate the water line to the drinking fountain so the new pickleball court can be readied ?
City Scam covered up!
Pay for play. This is how "Hurl" pays his supporters. How many little jobs are done and little invoices paid with nobody noticing?
That bb gun club is a scam to get something else into that basement of city hall, and nobody is going to tell me anything different
What is the city scam cover up ?
What is the salery paid for each job we are going to elect on april 9th?
can anyone list them all
Peru Voter
I wouldn't stop at just one lee valley invoice. I wonder what else was bought from this company over the years. Please tell me why we needed an expensive pen for a bb gun club? Seems odd that we buy from this vendor when we have menards, debo's, home depot, maze, etc in town. Fishy, fishy, fishy.
@6:28 I'd imagine 5:17 is referring to the city not filing charges against the employee who was caught with their fingers in the cookie jar and was caught then fired. Evidently it was a large amount of $$$ that employee should've been thrown in jail.
We can thank Alderman Perez and Alderwoman Mayzack for digging into those sendings. Sounds like a cover up to me.
9:35 PM
I agree with you but possibly these items did not go to the BB gun club, notice I said the city had been reimbursed for these expenses once it was brought into the open.
You want to know how really disgusting the palm greasing is in this town? Go to the Illinois State Board of Elections and look at the contributions list for 61354. You will crap yourself when you see who donated to the HURL committee and coincidenally got new contracts with the City this year. It's all there in black and white folks. Bought and sold. Look at the link between names. Sad, Pathetic, half ass bribes in my opinion.
BB gun club, Vacarro, Huge expenditures from Harl committee to Apple press. Hmmm....
9:44 PM
Not fired left of his own free will as in "quit".
speaking of bribes whats going on with the big city contract TEST has I thought anything over $20,000 has to be bid on?
"Quit" as having a noose slipped over his bagged head with the floor being knocked away as the hanging judge is pulling the handle.
This guy was caught with more in the cookie jar than out of the cookie jar. When your caught you should not be offered the opportunity to quit. It is to late. The proper procedure is to prosecute and give him the chance to prove he is innocent. His alternative is to ask for a opportunity to prove that he wasn't stealing. Presently "quit" is just a four letter word for finally getting caught. Those who are letting him off are just as guilty and possibly involved.
Like many voters, I have read and followed many issues on this blog. I have heard the issues trivialized by the current power brokers and I am not naive. I expect a certain amount of politics in a smaller town
But I really think there is something wrong here. These leaders just seem to drip arrogance and incompetence.
I think voting for a change in leadership is very important. You do not have to be an investigative reporter to see how the cover ups and revisionist history get used whenever they get called out.
I have researched these mayoral candidates very thoroughly and endorse Hart. He is the most likely to bring the people into this government. There is a strong need for more citizen involvement here. it trumps every other consideration.
10:38 I cannot comment on proper criminal procedure in your locale, but here in the good ol' US of A, the burden of proof is on the accuser.
"possibly involved" is an understatement
Who approved this Lee Valley invoice and why would anyone need 4 plumb bobs for one project? Wouldn't you think someone would have questioned this before it ended up on the disbursement sheets, approved, and paid for? I have always felt that we need to revamp our "check and balance" system as I don't really think it is that effective as it stands today. I'm not putting the blame on anyone but I do feel that too many questionable expenses, such as this Lee Valley one, seem to sneak through the cracks before being noticed. My opinion and my opinion only!
I absolutely could not believe what I was unable to read
In a paper this morning. And I dont care who is going to dog my blog, but here I go. Why would anybody who
Is running for mayor in Peru have a campaign ad in a
Newspaper in a a foreign language? Don Baker, are you kidding me-I actually thought it was a mistake. You had
44 years. VOTE FOR MIKE HART FOR MAYOR. FYI: I'm bi-lingual!
Anon 10:38 Yes the burden of proof is on the accuser. But considering this particular incident if I was the person involved and I wasn't guilty and the accuser was not prosecuting I would be taking action to force the city to clear my name. The City of Peru through the treasurer not accepting disbursements from the alderman at a council meeting and by the finance committee calling a special meeting
on a Friday afternoon have created and enforced all the suspicions. Was this Friday afternoon meeting a closed session? I have never heard of a city going through this extensive procedure before because a employee quit.
Too bad everyone didn't get to see all the details of every invoice for the BB gun club. Lots of extra's on those invoices.
A city employee doesn't even know what a plumb bob is for! Let alone several of them!!
pretty clever going bilingual if you ask me-have to serve ALL citizens not just the ones with money and power
We need a NEW REC. board. If you want to clean house at City Hall start there. That is were the under the table deals are done. & others get passed over for money.
Peru is all for baseball.Forget the rest of the things that go on in the city. OH thats right that is all that goes on in PERU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you speak two languages, you're bilingual. If you speak only one language, you're an American.
com esta frijole (how you bean ?)
Wouldn't this invoice have to be approved even before it's ordered? Why would some department head approve 4 plumb bobs let alone approve ordering them from a catalog when they can be purchased anywhere in town? Too many unanswered questions with this bb gun club. Like "where is the cost estimate for the labor involved in it"? Must have been a lot of labor if we needed so many bobs.
That is happening, one by one. I hear there are more changes to come on the rec board.
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