This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Thursday, November 29, 2012
L-P Board Looking At Raising Property Taxes
Posted by wlpo on November 28, 2012
It’s not exactly a fiscal cliff but the L-P High School part of property tax bills is headed up.
The L-P School Board Wednesday night passed a tentative tax levy where the rate per 100 dollars assessed valuation goes up from $1.84 to $1.89. Despite the proposed increase, Superintendent Steve Wrobleski says L-P has the fourth lowest tax rate out of 26 school districts in La Salle County.
The school district wants to collect over $8.3 million in property taxes next year, nearly 400 thousand dollars more than they got in property taxes this year.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Deal With It, No Furthers Changes Planned
Peru intersection passes first big test
Drivers learn to navigate the new three-way stop last week at Venture Drive and 38th Street in Peru’s shopping district. Police said there were few problems and no backups on 38th Street east to Route 251.
Drivers learn to navigate the new three-way stop last week at Venture Drive and 38th Street in Peru’s shopping district. Police said there were few problems and no backups on 38th Street east to Route 251.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Issue With Damaged Property in Peru
I just watched the video of last weeks meeting and the discussion regarding the rental property that was damaged by fire last year. This building from my understanding of the property has been a multi unit rental for many years but sometime along the way it became non conforming and it sounds like this type of unit is not longer allowed in the city of Peru.
Most of the discussion seems to center around the current value of the residence and the amount of damage that was done. We do have a building and zoning inspector who was not a part of the discussion, as most of the conversation was between the atty and the alderman. Watching a couple of the other aldermen who seemed a bit peeved that this discussion was taking place, I wondered what was wrong with having an open and honest discussion so other residents would understand the situation and not only the alderman which is what would have happened if most had had their way.
It wasn't mentioned but I wonder if the home owner was in favor of this manner of solving this issue or was it the city alone who wished to send this into the legal system which will be a mostly costly proposition.
Sadly I remember when we had a building, zoning inspector who could have handled this situation.
Most of the discussion seems to center around the current value of the residence and the amount of damage that was done. We do have a building and zoning inspector who was not a part of the discussion, as most of the conversation was between the atty and the alderman. Watching a couple of the other aldermen who seemed a bit peeved that this discussion was taking place, I wondered what was wrong with having an open and honest discussion so other residents would understand the situation and not only the alderman which is what would have happened if most had had their way.
It wasn't mentioned but I wonder if the home owner was in favor of this manner of solving this issue or was it the city alone who wished to send this into the legal system which will be a mostly costly proposition.
Sadly I remember when we had a building, zoning inspector who could have handled this situation.
Friday, November 23, 2012
La Salle-Peru athletic facility a go; Cost not known - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
La Salle-Peru athletic facility a go; Cost not known - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Is this where you want the money you pay for schools to go?
Is this where you want the money you pay for schools to go?
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving to all my blogging friends
I get a day off tomorrow and I hope you will all enjoy your Holiday.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Peru council to raise tax levy
The city of Peru proposes a property tax rate hike and increased levy to cover lowered property values and increased pension payments, including paying into Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.
Ancel Glink Interpretation of Release of Closed Mtg Minutes
Releasing Minutes
Every governmental body authorized to hold closed meetings must review the Minutes of those meetings periodically, but no less than semi-annually, and the review may take place in closed session to determine whether there is still a need for confidentiality as to all or part of those Minutes. If there is no need for such confidentiality, then it must be reported in an open session that the Minutes or portions thereof no longer require confidential treatment and are available for public inspection. This is usually done by a motion or resolution, which specifically lists the Minutes that are being released. In some governments, the resolution also lists the Minutes which are still being retained.
To date, we have little precedential authority as to whether governments have reasonably exercised their rights to continue to hold Minutes confidential for an extended period of time. Governments must remember that the general policy stated in the first section of the Open Meetings Act, is that it is the intention of the Act to protect the citizens' right to know and that exceptions to the Open Meetings Act requirements are to be strictly construed against closed meetings. On the other hand, a government should be able to keep confidential the contents of closed meeting minutes which, if released, would clearly endanger the public interest, invade personal privacy, or the guaranteed rights of individuals.
Every governmental body authorized to hold closed meetings must review the Minutes of those meetings periodically, but no less than semi-annually, and the review may take place in closed session to determine whether there is still a need for confidentiality as to all or part of those Minutes. If there is no need for such confidentiality, then it must be reported in an open session that the Minutes or portions thereof no longer require confidential treatment and are available for public inspection. This is usually done by a motion or resolution, which specifically lists the Minutes that are being released. In some governments, the resolution also lists the Minutes which are still being retained.
To date, we have little precedential authority as to whether governments have reasonably exercised their rights to continue to hold Minutes confidential for an extended period of time. Governments must remember that the general policy stated in the first section of the Open Meetings Act, is that it is the intention of the Act to protect the citizens' right to know and that exceptions to the Open Meetings Act requirements are to be strictly construed against closed meetings. On the other hand, a government should be able to keep confidential the contents of closed meeting minutes which, if released, would clearly endanger the public interest, invade personal privacy, or the guaranteed rights of individuals.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
April Election - Does Peru Need or Want an Alderman at Large
According to the News Tribune current Alderman Michael Radtke has chosen to run against the current alderman Sherry Mayszak and other hopefuls Megan Keeney and Samantha Nelson. The paper also states that if Radtke loses in the April election, he will then become Alderman at large. It was explained to a friend (by the city clerk) that it was no different than an alderman running for mayor and losing and still retaining his seat on the council as an alderman.
I look at it a little differently. Is it necessary for Radtke to run against the others and lose in order to get the Alderman at Large position or would it be his either way?
If it is not necessary, he loses nothing but just crowds the current number of people who are running for that position and win or lose he stays as alderman. If he loses and becomes at large, it is just another expense the city has added, an additional expense compared to the alderman who runs for mayor and loses and there is not additional cost to the city as he just stays in the Aldermanic position. We don't add him as an extra because he already has a position.
There is another issue that has not been raised that I am aware of and that is the position of Treasurer. When Hylla took that position it was at a very minimum salary of something like $6000 per year but recently he received an increase in salary and an additional title beside Treasurer as Treasurer Comptroller (I think) at $24,000. Does this mean that everybody who runs for the Treasurer position runs and gets the salary of $6000 or the salary that current Treasurer is receiving? or do they run as Treasurer Comptroller with specific financial background requirements?
I look at it a little differently. Is it necessary for Radtke to run against the others and lose in order to get the Alderman at Large position or would it be his either way?
If it is not necessary, he loses nothing but just crowds the current number of people who are running for that position and win or lose he stays as alderman. If he loses and becomes at large, it is just another expense the city has added, an additional expense compared to the alderman who runs for mayor and loses and there is not additional cost to the city as he just stays in the Aldermanic position. We don't add him as an extra because he already has a position.
There is another issue that has not been raised that I am aware of and that is the position of Treasurer. When Hylla took that position it was at a very minimum salary of something like $6000 per year but recently he received an increase in salary and an additional title beside Treasurer as Treasurer Comptroller (I think) at $24,000. Does this mean that everybody who runs for the Treasurer position runs and gets the salary of $6000 or the salary that current Treasurer is receiving? or do they run as Treasurer Comptroller with specific financial background requirements?
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Corruption in Illinois, Very Interesting
This is a just posted video to you tube but it is very interesting but long so allow at least an hour or more to listen. As I listen I can't help but believe this has filtered down to the local level.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Peru City Council Meeting November 14, 2012
I will be posting video of part of this city council meeting that you will not want to miss. It will truly be a testimonial to the attributes possessed by some of our alderman and mayor and give you more than enough reason to vote them out of office in April.
Again Alderman Mayszak and Alderman Perez showed us their excellent character and ability to work for the citizens to the best of their ability.
A side note is that Alderman Radtke has decided to run against Alderman Mayszak for the second ward seat. I am pretty sure she is a fly in the business of some of the aldermen and mayor. If he loses he will not get the alderman at large position, I am told.
The vote on keeping pickleball at 28 th street park was 6-2 and you don't even need names. The city of Peru in effect tonight voted to spend much more money because the lawsuit will now begin and pickleball will become a very expensive game.
Again Alderman Mayszak and Alderman Perez showed us their excellent character and ability to work for the citizens to the best of their ability.
A side note is that Alderman Radtke has decided to run against Alderman Mayszak for the second ward seat. I am pretty sure she is a fly in the business of some of the aldermen and mayor. If he loses he will not get the alderman at large position, I am told.
The vote on keeping pickleball at 28 th street park was 6-2 and you don't even need names. The city of Peru in effect tonight voted to spend much more money because the lawsuit will now begin and pickleball will become a very expensive game.
How Deep is the City of Peru in this Pickleball Fiasco??

As you can see this is no longer a city park for the taxpaying residents of Peru, it has been given to the pickleball ambassador and his group and the city will now maintain the property and keep other residents from using it for its original purpose of tennis. Large boards have been attached to the bolts and just to make sure no one tries to use it for tennis now, the net has been removed and the gate bolted and locked to prevent any trespassing taxpayers from using it. Now will someone please draw me a picture of the neighborhood residents looking through the locked fence at what used to be a part of their park winter, spring, summer and fall. Everyone always says parks are for children but that does not appear to be the case in the city of Peru, the Leader of the Valley. :(
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Have You Ever Wondered How the Fireworks are Chosen?
We have been told and again and again that the fireworks for the July 3 city program should be handled by the Recreation Board because they have been doing it for so long and doing it well. This year and last year the new aldermen Perez and Mayszak starting giving it a little scrutiny and decided to set some new rules over the objections of several aldermen, particularly Ald. Ankiewicz. With persistence they were able to demand that the fireworks go out for bids and that the bids be done by September or October and that this year would be the first time. This only makes sense because the pyro companies fill up their calendars rather quickly by fall and then proceed to make plans for the scheduled cities summer fireworks.
It seems that there was some poor communication in October and the Recreation Board decided to wait until November to open the bids. Tonight was the night and there were bids from 3 companies and one had a representative present. They asked if he wished to speak and he acknowledged that he did and would like to speak after the bids were open and the board refused that and he was required to speak early in the meeting.
Now keep in mind that the board has been hiring the pyrotechnics for years and it was usually the same company. The bids were opened and they appeared not to understand or be able to determine what was being offered by the company we usually use. After some mumbling and stumbling, they decided that they would not tell us the company who was the successful bidder because evidently they were unable to figure it out is my only guess. I'm sorry but I smell something in all this. Why should they be confused by the bids which were evidently to be chosen by shell count? Not sure if they actually took a vote to table the bids or not but it was put off for another month.
Alderman Ankiewicz seemed to be sitting on the edge of his seat all evening and while Ald. Mayszak asked for and received a copy of all the bids, Ald. Ankiewicz said he didn't need copies as he trusted the Rec. Board. I'm sure I need tell you no more, it appears that there is more than seen by the naked eye.
It seems that there was some poor communication in October and the Recreation Board decided to wait until November to open the bids. Tonight was the night and there were bids from 3 companies and one had a representative present. They asked if he wished to speak and he acknowledged that he did and would like to speak after the bids were open and the board refused that and he was required to speak early in the meeting.
Now keep in mind that the board has been hiring the pyrotechnics for years and it was usually the same company. The bids were opened and they appeared not to understand or be able to determine what was being offered by the company we usually use. After some mumbling and stumbling, they decided that they would not tell us the company who was the successful bidder because evidently they were unable to figure it out is my only guess. I'm sorry but I smell something in all this. Why should they be confused by the bids which were evidently to be chosen by shell count? Not sure if they actually took a vote to table the bids or not but it was put off for another month.
Alderman Ankiewicz seemed to be sitting on the edge of his seat all evening and while Ald. Mayszak asked for and received a copy of all the bids, Ald. Ankiewicz said he didn't need copies as he trusted the Rec. Board. I'm sure I need tell you no more, it appears that there is more than seen by the naked eye.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Topsy Turvy Agenda for Peru City Council
If the agenda printed on the Peru Web site is correct, there will be a closed session during the first minutes of the city council meeting Wednesday November 14.. Usually the council meets at 7:30 PM and there is no announcement that this will be any different. How long will the closed session be?
Will this discourage people from attending the usual meeting because they will have to wait until that meeting which is closed to the public is over for the council meeting to begin.
Other unusual aspects of this agenda are 2 notices of discussion on pickle ball. ???
(Recreation & Parks, Airport, Buildings & Grounds)
Authorize $10,000 contribution to the Recreation Board for the replacement of lights at
the Little League diamond
Motion to concur with the Rec board and continue Pickleball at 28th Street Park
Motion to relocate Pickleball to a location other than 28th Street Park
Boehm Brothers will be awarded the demolition of the Peru power house on Water Street
with a bid $155,259.
Will this discourage people from attending the usual meeting because they will have to wait until that meeting which is closed to the public is over for the council meeting to begin.
Other unusual aspects of this agenda are 2 notices of discussion on pickle ball. ???
(Recreation & Parks, Airport, Buildings & Grounds)
Authorize $10,000 contribution to the Recreation Board for the replacement of lights at
the Little League diamond
Motion to concur with the Rec board and continue Pickleball at 28th Street Park
Motion to relocate Pickleball to a location other than 28th Street Park
Boehm Brothers will be awarded the demolition of the Peru power house on Water Street
with a bid $155,259.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
How You Become an Alderman at large
The decision to make an alderman at large of Alderman Radtke after the redistricting is explained in information that came through the Office of the Attorney General through Frank Mautino.our state representative. I have foia'd a copy and it does not seem to me to be a cut and dry answer to the problem.
"after redistricting, the number of aldermen serving in a municipality may temporarily exceed the number generally authorized by statute based upon its population. Because a temporary increase in the number of aldermen following redistricting is expressly authorized by statute, it doe not constitute an impermissible change in a municipality's form of government."
Several options are rejected.
I was going to go through these papers and post but I believe it would be easier for you to do your own foia to the city clerks office or else you can email me, and I will forward my foia to you. Email is
The last comment on the paper is
This is not an official opinion of the Attorney General.
"after redistricting, the number of aldermen serving in a municipality may temporarily exceed the number generally authorized by statute based upon its population. Because a temporary increase in the number of aldermen following redistricting is expressly authorized by statute, it doe not constitute an impermissible change in a municipality's form of government."
Several options are rejected.
I was going to go through these papers and post but I believe it would be easier for you to do your own foia to the city clerks office or else you can email me, and I will forward my foia to you. Email is
The last comment on the paper is
This is not an official opinion of the Attorney General.
Ideas From Princeton and Citizen Volunteers
You may read the entire article by Craig Sterrett at the N.T. web site. Peru has occasionally discussed volunteer efforts for the city but it never gets off the ground. The city of Ottawa has successfully used volunteers and now Princeton is thinking about using volunteers in the beautification of the city in coordination with the H.S.
What about Peru?
What about Peru?
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Peru pickleball clamor still in play - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Peru pickleball clamor still in play - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
The city of Peru continues running around in a circle about many of the projects that they have undertaken.
The Public Property Committee chaired by Ald. Ankiewicz was more of the same and his continued controversial statements. First he states that he does not want to take the problem of pickleball noise to Sunset Park and then he reverses himself and states "if there is a problem" because only a few number of people have voiced complaints. Evidently he has a horse in this race and I believe he should remove himself from the issue.
When brought up to the council meeting, Ald. Radtke tries to make light of the matter stating those residents had the opportunity to clarify the issue previously back in May. Doesn't he know that the residents live in the ward he represents and he should be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
How long have we been preparing the closed swimming pool for demolition? The asbestos was removed, the equipment was sold. Now all we needed was someone to haul away the debris and out of the blue, we now find out that Chamlin Engineering are the parties going out bids on the lead paint possibility? Why did we give this to the engineering firm instead of seeking bids on our own?
It is no wonder this city accomplishes nothing, even the video recording of the meetings is not of good quality.
On the bright side there are some very bright, intelligent people running for seats in our Peru government and I am sure you could contact any of them for their positions on anything of concern to you.
The city of Peru continues running around in a circle about many of the projects that they have undertaken.
The Public Property Committee chaired by Ald. Ankiewicz was more of the same and his continued controversial statements. First he states that he does not want to take the problem of pickleball noise to Sunset Park and then he reverses himself and states "if there is a problem" because only a few number of people have voiced complaints. Evidently he has a horse in this race and I believe he should remove himself from the issue.
When brought up to the council meeting, Ald. Radtke tries to make light of the matter stating those residents had the opportunity to clarify the issue previously back in May. Doesn't he know that the residents live in the ward he represents and he should be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
How long have we been preparing the closed swimming pool for demolition? The asbestos was removed, the equipment was sold. Now all we needed was someone to haul away the debris and out of the blue, we now find out that Chamlin Engineering are the parties going out bids on the lead paint possibility? Why did we give this to the engineering firm instead of seeking bids on our own?
It is no wonder this city accomplishes nothing, even the video recording of the meetings is not of good quality.
On the bright side there are some very bright, intelligent people running for seats in our Peru government and I am sure you could contact any of them for their positions on anything of concern to you.
Saturday, November 03, 2012
2 Topics - Monday Peru Council Schedule - 1% Sales Tax Increase Vote Tuesday
Friday, November 02, 2012
If You Wish to Promote the Pickleball Game and Bash Others
For no reason at all, this topic has taken an ugly turn. I always sign my name to my opinions and a few of you have gotten your kicks out of insulting and denigrating me while you choose to keep yourself anonymous. The same goes for Linda and Jill you insult them and then hide behind anonymous.
I will also add Bob and Judy Quick another neighborhood family who has taken hits by rude and ignorant anonymous writers. No one has any respect for those who hide behind anon with insulting comments. Maybe it makes you feel good to hide but I don't like it and those neighbors don't deserve the comments you are making.
If you are so gung ho about protecting this group of pickleball players, you must sign your name or your post will be considered spam and into the round file it will be sent. I don't expect so many of your posts any longer
Posts that are unrelated to pickleball will still be accepted without your name.
The game was illegally put in place and the IL Atty Gen has the records to prove it. It was not on the agenda of the Rec Commission when it was approved back in January. Get to the Peru web site and look it up for yourself before you involve yourself in this fiasco.
Most of the elected officials have acted not only dishonestly but in a manner that is insulting to the residents of this city. If they believe they have no authority then I suggest they don't run for office again and the citizens will easily find others to replace them.
I will also add Bob and Judy Quick another neighborhood family who has taken hits by rude and ignorant anonymous writers. No one has any respect for those who hide behind anon with insulting comments. Maybe it makes you feel good to hide but I don't like it and those neighbors don't deserve the comments you are making.
If you are so gung ho about protecting this group of pickleball players, you must sign your name or your post will be considered spam and into the round file it will be sent. I don't expect so many of your posts any longer
Posts that are unrelated to pickleball will still be accepted without your name.
The game was illegally put in place and the IL Atty Gen has the records to prove it. It was not on the agenda of the Rec Commission when it was approved back in January. Get to the Peru web site and look it up for yourself before you involve yourself in this fiasco.
Most of the elected officials have acted not only dishonestly but in a manner that is insulting to the residents of this city. If they believe they have no authority then I suggest they don't run for office again and the citizens will easily find others to replace them.
Thursday, November 01, 2012
2012 Girls Tennis Players of the Year (WITH VIDEO) - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
2012 Girls Tennis Players of the Year (WITH VIDEO) - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Not sure but possibly the Gunther family may have roots going back to Peru, if they are the ones I went to school with, anyway it is nice to see that Ottawa continues to promote tennis.
Not sure but possibly the Gunther family may have roots going back to Peru, if they are the ones I went to school with, anyway it is nice to see that Ottawa continues to promote tennis.
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