I would check the record to see what was done about it if I thought records were even kept for those years.
I guess that the following might be a conundrum but we know that much has been made about the beer garden and the Fourth of July and I have to admit that I have been one of those cheering for a change but now I read that beer will be present for The Big Time Rush, a concert for young people to raise money for the swimming pool to be constructed in the next millenium and BEER will be allowed. So beer is ok at the airport but not on Water Street? And the difference is???
Until Ald. Perez went out with the group of GLOW kids from Missouri, this fire hydrant was hidden by overgrowth. If there had been a fire in the area there would have been chaos looking for it.

I would also like to know where the money generated by the water and sewer rate increase is stashed away. If we have it why will it be necessary to borrow with a revolving line of credit of 2.8 mil. Wasn't the increase mandated in order to have money to pay for the mandated water - sewer separation?
Yes, beer will be served at the concert for the pool but rest assured the liquor based cocktails have been eliminated.
If tax increases in the past have not been used for the purpose intended what makes you think the increased 1/2% sales tax will be used for streets?
We have got quite borrowing and digging ourselves deeper and deeper in debt.
9:41 PM
Was anything beside beer served on Water Street during the July 4 events?
The concerts usually have a full bar. It is my understanding that the vast majority of money generated from these events is the result of alcohol sales, not the actual ticket price. The entertainer gets most of that.
Good point 9:41. I commend Perez on his energy and the good things he's attempting to do, however, he's playing both sides of the fence regarding the beer thing. OK for concert, but not OK for 4th of July. Agreed...both family venues, the concert even more so, so why is it OK? Because Ms. Noonan wants to make more money? How is that any different than the CSO wanting to make money?
Who gets the profits from the selling of the beer? I'm sure that doesn't go to the pool.
Could I update your Aug 12, 1961 - 50 year ago column to Aug 12, 2011 to question Alderwoman Mayszack as to the present status of the missing products at the Peru Veterans Swimming Pool? When a product is paid for by the taxpayers it becomes a matter of public issue as when someone becomes a public official they become responsible to the public. Nothing can be done positively to correct a leak of 810,000 gallons of water in 1961 in a swimming pool which has been closed for two summers. Many things can and should be done to correct problems which have recently and are presently taking place.
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