“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cleaning the board: Local police use property law to rid drugs, crime - MyWebTimes.com

Cleaning the board: Local police use property law to rid drugs, crime - MyWebTimes.com

It would be comforting to know that Peru follows the lead of other cities but I have not seen it locally, have you?


Brian Foster said...

Lois - I have some issues with this law. There is potential for abuse.

Peru Town Forum said...

Brian, wisely used it would help keep a neighborhood clean and make irresponsible landlords much more responsible than they are. I look at the results of it not being implemented daily.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of cleaning the board are we ever going to get an answer as to what happpened to all the pool equipment and chemicals that we were going to sell or auction off? Remember, it seemed to disappear into thin air or fall apart when trying to sell it or auction it off. And remember those tables that were to have been distributed to all the parks? Has anyone ever found them? Why can't we get straight answers to simple questions? It is our tax dollars!

Anonymous said...

You can't get straight answers because because the cover up has been so poorly done all answers will now be embarrassing and crooked as the acts which appear to have been performed. Diogenes recommends a time clock, and a signing in and a signing out of all keys to city property. Appears someone has a very tight stranglehold upon someone who is supposed to be watching them.

Anonymous said...

who has a pool-that is probably where you will find the missing property