“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, August 05, 2011

Vickrey running for circuit clerk - MyWebTimes.com

Vickrey running for circuit clerk - MyWebTimes.com


Anonymous said...

Mr. Vickery's short term on the county board will enable the voters to judge his political voting history against his political promises. What was his pre election stance on reducing the number of county board seats and how did he vote? How did he feel about free insurance if a member of the county board and has he enrolled for free insurance since joining the county board?

Anonymous said...

Will he have to give up his Peru, county, and township positions or can he keep some?

Peru Town Forum said...

Not sure, but I bet he can keep his volunteer position in Peru and twp. position but will have to give up his benefited position with the County Board. He would be giving up the benefits he acquired with his County Board seat but my gain the same if he wins the circuit clerk elected position.

Anonymous said...

Yea, a volunteer position that pays $20,000 plus a year for exspences to get one new business in town what a joke