While in the area take a look at the Peru City Cemetery. I can't say I have ever seen it so neglected.
This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Monday, July 25, 2011
Veterans Park Peru's Newest Neglected and Pool Equipment
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What is the Horluctis doing?
Even though these trees were donated, and apparently we accepted them, shouldn't someone from our city's payroll been responsible for their upkeep? What a shame and lack of responsibility by someone! Who planted these trees?
Confucius proverb: Do not give money to one who cannot even plant straight tree.
Ald. Potthoff mentioned this problem at a council meeting a few weeks ago and requested a solution. I don't know if this has been mentioned at the recent meetings that I have not attended. Looks to be a waste of good trees.
Please do not blame Peru's horticulturist. This was a management error by the SPW as a horticulturist is one who practices the art or science of growing flowers, fruits and vegetables. What was needed was a tree expert. SPW could use old Indian trick: send shortest injun to judge if trees shadow is straight at 12 o'clock high (midnight).
Planting trees would be a good project for some of the summer help with supervision who would instruct them on the proper method of planting a tree. A volunteer group such as boys who are looking for ways to achieve the status of Eagle Scout put in charge of a Boy Scout Troop. How about some of the high school team which plays on the field all spring donating some of their time to improve its appearance.
Oh, it's definitly a waste of good trees and a great deal of money. Shouldn't our horticulturist have been put on the job to tend to them? Why does a citizen have to report these things? Don't we have city workers who should be on top of things going on in our town?
Shouldn't someone who works for the city have noticed these conditions quite some time ago?
Why should citizens and groups keep donating their time to achieve things that our paid city employees should be doing? What are we paying them to do if we keep asking volunteers to do their work? Helping is one thing. Doing the work is something else.
Yes someone who works for the city should have noticed the condition of the trees quite some time ago and he should be embarrassed that it has been written up by the blog.
I understand that the cemetery is under siege today with city workers and summer help, cleaning up and mowing Thank you.
We judge our city not only for what they provide us with as utilities and fire and police protection but how well they take care of our public properties.Many of us have loved ones buried in the Peru City Cemetery and we trust and depend on the city to care for the grounds. This summer they fell down on the job, I hope it will not happen again.
When you see grass being cut that doesn't need cutting and then this kind of neglect I think it is unacceptable. When you see one garbage can empty and the one next to it overflowing I find that unacceptable. We worry about our roads and the condition they're in but I think we should also be concerned about the overall looks of our town. Too many things are being overlooked and neglected.
Funny how this works Lois,
You post and they scurry to fix. "Lois for Mayor"!!
The fact is the horticulturist isn't even qualified to be called a horticulturist.. No degree to justify that title. It was made up, for he is the nephew of the former spw. Just like the plumber.
Each department should be doing their part to keeping this city running and looking great and they should take pride in doing it right. If anyone is not doing that and is ready to retire, I suggest they do it and get out of the way for someone who does care.
We'll keep our eyes open and remind them when they are not doing their job. And all of you will be helping too.
This kind of neglect should first of all not even exist, second not have to be exposed by citizens, and third should be taken care of by those who are paid and in charge. I see a lot of city vehicles riding around town. Don't they report problem areas or neglect to those in charge?
I ride and walk the cemetery regular and besides some weed wacking, I did not think the upkeep was insufficient. What I do find to be bothersome is that it took 3 days for a vault to be covered! I imagine that is a problem with cemetery regulations not to mention moral issues with respect to the dead.
It appears this administration has a negative affect that has an impact beyond the grave...
It was bad last night and tonight we took a drive through and it looks so much better. I wasn't the only one who believed there was neglect there.
Maybe Kristy and Lois are both correct and the debri was aftermath from the storm early Sunday?
take a look around the city streets, is really sad how it has gone downhill, cars in front yards boats in front yards, why? if i lived next to that i would not be happy-appears all over this city, what a sad state of affairs we are in
Here is a summer help work assignment:
Three kids on the scene, one persons spraying weeds the other two walking behind making sure the weeds are dead.
Our tax dollars at work . Great decision by our loved (Ha) Mayor.
Anybody notice the latest census results . the past 10 years under Baker the city of Peru GREW BY 3.9 % LARGEST IN THE AREA.
What legacy will Mayor Harl give us ? anyone !
The city did advertise for a Code Enforcement Officer and they did get a number of resumes submitted to them. Our current Building Inspector is unable to handle all the duties included in the job description so hope he gets some help.
There is and always has been a problem because if neither you or I complain about the problems we see, nothing will ever come about. My neighbor has a violation but unless I call the police, the police do not take care of the problem, because they only act upon complaints.
This is the reason you see boats in front yards, unmotorized vehicles parked on city streets, damaged cars or old furniture is back yards.
Nobody wants to be at odds to the guy living next door to you. You can however call your alderman and see if he can get any results for you. That is about the only choice that exists.
To Those commenting on the vehicles in the yard etc.
Guess What, you can thank Mayor Harl for getting rid of the building code inspector who did the job.
It was HE that took care of these issues . No, our beloved Mayor had a grudge against him and got rid of him through a phoney excuse.
Now don't cry anymore just learn to live with it . Happy trails, Period....
What upsets me the most is that we want to implement a sales tax increase because we're short of money yet we seem to be wasting it in many areas. Citizens are reporting problem and neglected areas, questionable activity or lack thereof, instead of those who are paid to do this job. We're hiring assistants and giving raises because people can't handle their work load? It seems to me that we need leaders who will take control of the reins and make sure the work gets done. Didn't we just pass an ordinance regarding parked vehicles (trailers, boats, motor homes, etc.) in yards and on streets?
I know of no other company, that would keep, some of the people working for the City of Peru. If you don't do your job, correctly all the time, you should be fired. Even the summer help, What is the City teaching them? They get a real job, its not going to last. These kids think this is fun time. But I put the blame, on the adults that are supposed to supervise them. They aren't doing their job. But Oh wait till next week, when Senior states tournament is here, Everyon will be jumping through hoops to get things done. Its the only time Washington park looks good.
Right on ANON 9:36!
8:47 p.m. - Since you brought up the subject of a mayor's "legacy", I grabbed my calculator and did a few quick calculations. These are "approximate" numbers but I think even you will get the point.
Current city of Peru total debt obligation(accumulated during the past 50 years or so) is around $40,000,000. Divide that debt by current population of what was 10,000 at the last census but is now about 10,200 according to the most recent census and you realize that equates to each resident of Peru owing about $3,921.57.
How's that for a legacy 8:47 p.m.?
If the current assistant building inspector is unable to handle all the duties included in the job description is he receiving the full wage scale of the assistant building inspectors job description or only the portion for which he is able to accomplish. If he has reduced his job to mainly office work and still has a secretary to fulfill the telephone, letter writing and clerical functions of the department it is time to reevaluate why he is not getting the complete job done.
With the present economic downturn in the country and lack of building in our area as stated by a local developer in this weeks News Tribune I do not understand why the city has to add jobs on in the field which is presently a dead market. City government should and must adapt to the local economy the same as private business big and small have had to. Those business' which have not are either closed or are closing those governments which have not adapted should not be reelected. If a job has to be added on because it is definitely a completely different occupation and someone has been doing a partial job of it I would say they are to have their pay decrease proportionally in accordance with what the new adds onto the financial budget.
Has anyone else noticed the dead flower pots on rt 6 (downtown)? Are all the summer help related to people that work for the city, or have a connection to the city? Does the mayor have a grudge against the old building inspector because his excavating business is not union? Did anyone see the wage scale for the city workers? Almost $100/hr with benies?
Why would Peru a small city of 10,000 be in need of a code enforcement officer when it has a fully staffed police dept. of 26 officers, a Chief and a Deputy Chief plus shift commanders and sergeants. I believe that if a good look was made into what a code enforcement officer would do the police department should already be doing. Why add on when the system is already in place?
8:47 I hope you are not directly sighting Mayor Baker for increasing the population of Peru by 3.9% in the last 10 years. Even though he did accomplish a lot for Peru in 44 years and he is somewhat younger than Hugh Hefner I feel assured that this will not be his legacy. Now when it comes to fishing I am sure he can tell some real fish stories. Good luck Mayor and hope you are doing well.
What does the assistant building inspector get paid per hour for his part time occupation and what does his clerk get paid per hour?
Besides this wall of leaning, dieing trees take a ride on 4th street and witness our hanging basket display. What a waste of time, energy and most assuredly our tax dollars!!! Who is responsible for the upkeep of these costly projects that have obviously been neglected?
yet to see cold hard facts that the city is in debt-no one has been able to prove that, i for one dont believe it for a minute, the current adminstration is not doing anything about it then if it is true...
I learned today that the trees were not donated but were sold to the city for approximately $40 each and either some of the baseball parents or LP baseball may have helped with the payment. Does anyone of my readers have further info. .
They were planted by the department of public works and then it appears no further care was given to them and today you see their condition. My source thought we may have as many as 70 trees.
The PW department seems to have no plan for anything and I am including the horticulturist in that department. Our dried and uncared for hanging baskets on the main thoroughfare through Peru is testament to that. Doesn't anybody care?
I don't think our previous building inspector John Micheli had an excavating business. You may be thinking of Mr Michelini who does excavating and does work for the city.
I agree with you Lois 10:04. What scares me, and maybe the citizens of Peru ought to think about this, is if we can't maintain a wall of trees or a street of hanging baskets - what makes us think we can maintain miles of newly paved roads??? Garbage cans are overflowing, volunteers have to clean our streets, pool equipment is disappearing, and we are being asked to give more money to redo our streets? Again I ask - how can we believe they will be properly maintained??
As with any problem the history of the problem is to be utilized as factual basis for solving the problem. The future allows us from the moment we realize that we have a problem and want to do something about it to correct the problem.
The realization that the Public Works Department has completely dropped the ball has been reached. If this dept. or any other dept. creates a history of failure rather than success, its leadership should be interviewed and counseled by the Mayor and the appropriate Alderman Committee Members. Following this interview the responsible person should have to submit his policy of corrective action in a very brief period of time.
Each supervisor should have to keep a log book of what is taking place in his dept., the actions which are being utilized to handle the situation and what are the long range plans to follow up the situation. A yearly log book for 2010 would show when the trees were planted and what activities were scheduled to check the growth of the trees. At the same time The yearly log book for the year 2011 would have a notation made into it of the first month of the year that was determined to check on the state of the trees. This book should be reviewed at the weekly Alderman committee meeting and weekly by the Mayor.
The log book and its weekly presentation to the committee meetings and to the Mayor is a very good method of follow-up. Documentation, follow-up, short and long range planning are all a must to reach success.
My suggestion:
Lets "Out source the Public Works Department".
We will save money on salaries, benefits, and will get the jobs DONE MORE EFFICIENTLY AND AT A LOWER COST.
I say bring in an entirely new person to be SPW.
A person not connected at all with the city workers. There is entirely to much nepotism between the workers. I mean if your close to the SPW, you can get away with anything. The weeds in along the curbs, could be done by summer help. But no Summer help has to be rideing around town on lawnmowers, burning up gas. Who is in charge of these kids. Put them to work cleaning the weeds along the curbs, and catch basins. I would like to be in charge for one week, things would get done. Gary get on the ball. Our city is in an awful state.
What is going on with our work crew here in Peru? Kids are riding in the back of pick-up trunks (illegal - definitely not safe) and weeds are being cut down on one side of the street but not the other? 3 in a truck weed eating the same location? Driving the trucks into the parks? It's good to see the work being done but there still seems to be a lack of instruction and leadership.
obviously the Public Works Superintendant and Foreman aren't doing their jobs . They need to lose their jobs and get someone competant in there . They ride around all day wasting gas and can't see this stuff going on . Or is it that the workers are their friends kids and they dont want to say something to them . These kids ride around with no seat belts , texting , talking on the phone , and riding around in the back of trucks ... All which is ILLEGAL !! These kids , most of them are under 19 and there are new laws that limits all cell phone use while driving . Our police look the other way or are too busy texting while they drive also to see any of this . A supervisor is suppose to be able to discipline anybody , no matter who they are , and do whats right . A superintendant is suppose to check to make sure the work is getting done . not sit at home all day . and since when is the superintendants exempt from paying to have branches and limbs chopped up at their houses . every other week there is a pile at his house and gets chipped for free . good use of authority . And how come the same kids come back every year and get hired back . This is suppose to be for kids 16-20 or so years old to make money for the summer on a very low pay scale . anything older than that they can get a fulltime job . Or are these someone special kids waiting to slide into a permanent position with the city ?? And there is no need for a bldng inspector anyway , you can build what you want , where u want , or not do something as required by ordinance and nothing will happen to you . things are reported that are illegally built and nothing happens . There are pools with no fences around them and noone cares . Southwest corner of 11th and Putnam , and Southeast corner of 11th or 10th and Prospect both are examples of pools with no fences . 1500 block of 9th st. and northwest corner of 8th and pulaski are 2 examples of illegal fences . Nothing is done to fix or make safe .
the kids that work for the city in the summer have no supervision what so ever ... They come in late , leave early , break property , and get to leave work for classes at IVCC in the afternoon and stay on the clock . And the Foreman allows this !! They need new leaders and they need time clocks !! I work with a time clock and get paid per minute i work . Not the honor system , which seems to not be working with the city employees . You never know when their day starts because people come and go as they please . And when they have a lunch break , it consumes more than an hour a day for them to do a a 1/2 hour lunch , because they drive around and pick up and drop eachother off then stop at a gas ststion before actually returning to work . Not to mention when they actually leave the city barn they all head to a gas station for a break ,usually hyvee , and waste 30 minutes right at the start of the day . Talk about a waste of Tax Payer money !! They have no list of daily jobs to do so all they do is ride around and wait for something to break or another break or lunch .And where are the foreman and the superintendant , the foreman is hiding and the superintendant is at home working or riding around . And that's another thing , how come neither superintendants city vehicles have the city emblem on the door !!! ??? That way all the citizens can see when they are riding around on days off , holidays , and can be noticed when they are out of town for dinner on our gas !!!! How come none of the City Alderman see this or the mayor never notices this . We all do !!
Noone wants to get involved in city politics because noone wants to fight THE MAN !! All it does it make people angry at you because you try to fix things and make it right . I praise Alderman Perez for challenging the old crusty alderman and do what the people want !! And for making changes for the better . Alderwoman Mayszak knows a leader too , he follows Perez around like a lost puppy . The other Alderman seem scared of Perez because he's rocking their cushy boat and asking what we want done in OUR city instead of doing what each of them want done personally . Good job Perez , we need more concerned people like you running our city .
Alderman Perez, please come into Ward 1 and see the weeds, grass clippings in the catch basin, along the curbs, almost 2 feet high. I'm talking about Prospect Ave., everyone cuts their grass and leaves it on the street. The catch basin on 9th and prospect if full of crap, you wonder why, they don't drain. This city is a mess, Wake up First Ward Aldermen.
3:05 PM I don't know who you see following Alderman Perez around like a lost puppy but I'll guarantee you it isn't Alderwoman Mayszak because he is a she! Oh Boy!!!!!!! Oh Girl!!!!!!
3:05 pm Your gender error is totally justified and excused because of the many years of the good ole boys holding all the cards in the City of Peru. The city council, CSO and local deli political hob nob have been all male for so many years that Sherry is a true example of the glass ceiling . She is only the second alderwoman in the history of Peru and we all wish her a lot of luck. Sherry you have started off ready to go and have a lot to be proud of. Congratulations!
shocking that the other alderwoman was in office when mayor baker was so i guess those old boys weren't that bad afterfall, you people really need to get off of it-the new administration has done nothing to impress anyone yet so perhaps you should back down on the remarks somewhat and thank the former aldermen for their past service.
Former alderman and some of the present Thank you for your past service all $43,000,000.00 of it. Thank you for taking action on the swimming pool 20 plus years ago when it should have been replaced, thank you for the great roads and the continuous water main breaks. Thank you for the great PVAS, and the fantastic short and long range planning which each of you instituted as members of you aldermen committees. Thank you for creating a city payroll which is outdoing Peru's retail sales tax. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
If you see someone blowing grass in the street call the police ...223-2151 . Hit *67 first and the caller id will be blocked . This is a ticketable offense . Or call your alderman , remember they all have jobs to so they can support their families and don't see all .
Why would you need to use the *67 feature? For what reason would you need to remain anonymous?
Have you checked out the parks lately? The trees at Veteran's Park are tied to stakes and getting straightened. At Washington Park, Russ made 6 cement benches that look great. Then he had an idea of using the umbrellas from the swimming pool to give shade to those benches. They are colorful and add alot to the park. He fixed the stall door in the ladies restroom and added a soap dispenser. New sand has been put down around the playground equipment. Everything is weeded and weed wacked and mulch has been put down. He has done an excellent job. If you go to watch the Central States games and you see Russ, please tell him "thank you" for his efforts. We can criticize when things look bad, so when things look good, we should be able to say thanks.
Thanks Sherry for your much needed comments. As a volunteer many years ago when we first conducted the Central States tourney, I am greatly saddened by the fact that Washington Park diamond has been refurbished and looks great but according to the NewsTrib half the games are to be played in Oglesby. I can only hope the paper is wrong. This tourney must be played in Peru.
Sherry what has been done at Washington Park is no more than everyday responsibilities. This is exactly what the Public Works Department is getting paid for. Since when should the citizens get asked to thank someone for doing their job. Fixing a stall door in the ladies restroom and adding a soap dispenser, putting new sand down, weeding, weed wacking, and putting mulch down all of a sudden seems like catch up not like normal procedure which should be continuous all summer. This the citizen of Peru's park and theirs to enjoy not only visitors from a baseball tournament. Updating the park is also part of the SPW's responsibilities. Incidentally Alderwoman what is your plan of action in regards to the missing items at the swimming pool? Being outdated is not a good enough excuse to not make a effort in finding what truthfully transpired. Who has keys for the swimming pool facility and why was a Marseilles truck at the pool not long ago? You are now in a city officials position which calls for follow up and answers to such situations. There is only one way to stop this and it is to take immediate action. If it was done at a private concern it would not be dropped and forgotten because the product was outdated. I as many other citizens expect answers to this situation or more embarrassing questions will be coming.
2:13PM Cecil
The NT is correct, 1/2 the Central States games will be played in Oglesby and it reportedly has a very good baseball diamond.
Anon 2:25
There are 10 parks in the City of Peru and they are all taken care of by Russ and his team. He did a great job getting the diamond and the park ready. I look at it as if I was having a party at my house, I do the extra things to clean and make it look nice over and above the normal cleaning that has to be done. Russ maintains the park throughout the summer, but he went over and above the normal maintenance and it shows. Did you see the benches he made and the umbrellas he repurposed from the pool? When I work extra hard at work to get a project done, my boss thanks me. I don't think taking a moment to thank Russ is too much to ask.
In regard to the missing pool items, I spoke to both Dave Potthoff and Chief Bernabei, and they agreed that there was no need to file a police report because the chemicals and PA system were old and not worth it. The YMCA still gave us the $1,500 for the items they purchased without the chemicals. Filing a police report would not do any good because most likely those items will never be found. Many years ago, my son's bicycle was stolen, and I filed a police report. We never did get that bike back.
Why should we thank someone that is doing his job that WE pay him to do ?? Its nice that the parks look nice now , BUT THEY SHOULD ALWAYS LOOK NICE !! Damage done in the bathroom , thats his job to fix it !!! I refresh my mulch every year , are you gonna come to my house and tell me thank you ?? The missing pool equipment needs a police report filed to claim it stolen to the INSURANCE company , duh !! WE pay an insurance premium with our tax dollars so when incompetant city employees lose pool equipment or someone steals it , it can be replaced , DUH !! Someone had to unlock the door to take ALL that stuff out !!! Process of elimination leads to the people who have keys . Come on , don't be dumb , use your brains . This city is more corrupt now than it ever was . Noone is in charge , everyone does what they want , and it's not just current employees and supervisors , it's the retired ones too that are doing what they want . Can i take my appliances down to the city lot and toss them in the rolloff dumpster ??? NO I CANNOT !! But retired and current employees can .The pool chemicals should have been advertised for sale by bid like everything else . Why sell them to the YMCA , because Potthoff works there ? Come on . Alderwoman , you won't get elected by US if you don't wake up and expect more with OUR tax dollars !!
Over $200,000.00 per year paid to a police officer and a attorney combined and their response to missing swimming pool equipment and chemicals is they were old and outdated and not worth it. The mayor asks the alderman if he doesn't trust the department heads when the alderman wants to get estimates for a city employees time clock. The mayor also states that the boys are not going to like this Alderman Potthoff. Could this blog investigate if the city officials have a code of ethics and publish it if there is one and the oath which each official takes upon being sworn in. Seems some revisions need to be made because they are not working out as intended.
10:50 I agree completely!
The point is it is stolen property. Does not matter how old. What is so hard to understand?
This morning I'll go to church, a church which believes and follows the 10 commandments. One of these commandments being "Thou shalt not steal". This morning I'll walk to church in the greatest country in the world where I was raised to believe crime does not pay. I am a citizen of Peru, does this make me a hypocrite?
I have but one question to ask and that is how did the "thieves" get the dangerous chemicals over the fence and why would they want pool chemicals? Seems unlikely to me unless they knew of someone who wanted to purchase them. I also would like a straight answer as to what happened to the remaining 6 or more concrete tables and benches (we were told they were distributed throughout our parks yet none have been located). There is no way I will believe they all got broken. Did someone profit off them too? Curious because things just do not add up!
No sign of a break in-best to start with who owns a key to the door. Than who owns a swimming pool or has a good friend who owns a swimming pool. Also anyone who would have access to the chemicals who is suspected of selling the pool supplies. If the person is caught stealing from the city charges should be pressed. Of course when you have a alderwoman, a alderman, a police officer and a city atty.who are uninterested Ally Bama runs free. What is the Peru City Recreation Board's position on this, and since Peru is so loose with the taxpayers money has the Recreation Boards budget been decreased because Peru no longer has a swimming pool to budget for or is it the same as if the pool was still open? Also where is the money which would be saved by not having a pool going? Or should The question be the money that should have been saved? You know saving of 56,000 gallons of water per day, chemicals, decrease in manpower, decrease in administrative costs, food stand which did not turn a profit etc.
The mayor needs to take control! The buck stops with him.
I cannot understand why the city of Peru is allowing cars to drive and park in their parks. Rode past Washington Park today and counted 9 cars. Centennial Park only hosted 2. I remember at one time when we took pride in our parks and no vehicles were allowed in them. I have also witnessed many cars in Baker Lake Park. Someone needs to take control.
Can't the present Mayor realize why people elected him? Now the question being asked by everyone is why with all the qualified individuals who wanted the council seat why did he choice the person he did? Nowhere can it be found why he choice her rather than the other candidates and nowhere are her qualifications cited. The Mayor and the councilwoman (who is on the Peru Recreation Board and whose aldermen committee is public property) are the two who have to take action to stop the pilfering of city property - pool benches, pool chemicals, public address system and what has not been discovered yet or not revealed yet if discovered. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, taxes are high and fearfully becoming higher, people are tightening their belts and politicians are going to have to be responsible to their constituents. It appears that doing nothing in this case is not going to be enough as people are becoming impatient.
With all the supposed "missing" equipment from the "locked" and "fenced" in pool why would we leave the refurbished 6 umbrellas laying on the ground overnight?
Here's another question that has come to mind - wouldn't the supposed stolen chemicals have been locked in the basement of the locked pool house? Was there any sign of breaking and entering? There had to be if the articles were stolen. How could you not file a theft report?
Alderwoman Mayszak would like us the thank R. Schmidt for doing his job. I find it difficult to accept that he's doing his job when I see 5 kids putting a roof on a small shelter. When I see branches that were cut last week still laying on the grass (and probably killing the grass) at Baker Lake. We've had no rain so grass doesn't need cutting. Now would be an opportune time to bring out the weed eaters and do the trimming that has been neglected. Also, the ditches along Progress Blvd. could stand to be cleaned out again. And, there is widespread garbage in our parks and on our streets. 5 KIDS FOR ONE LITTLE ROOF - RIDICULOUS!
Anon 11:15 Your comment is the 7th to mention chemicals and the 3rd to mention keys to the door of the locked pool house. This is now becoming one of the all time interest topics of the blog and Lois has now started a new comment on the subject as has Brian with his blog. The interest raised on the chemicals and loss of the p.a. system proves there is a need of a format which the general public can express itself on public issues and how they are being managed. Thankfully Peru has two very good outlets. Anon:11:15 your feedback and the feedback of others seem to be the only reason something may get done. Thank You!
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