“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, February 28, 2011

Peru Volunteer Ambulance web site, please click here

Peru Ambulance web site continues to remains under construction for the past 2 years and perhaps longer. No history, no personnel, nothing but music and some pictures. I keep wondering what they don't want residents to know.But the city considers them a not for profit organization that they have little control over but if you need their services, well what choice do you have? I want to know how many ambulances they have, how many crews per shift? If several transfers are needed, how many ambulances remain ready for emergencies? Do they contact other local ambulance services to notify them, that they will be short a crew? How long is the average wait to answer a call? If an emergency requires several of their ambulances out on the highways around town, who covers the city of Peru for an emergency requiring ALS especially if they have one out on a transfer out of town at the same time? How many employees do they have and what is their training? Services

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put Lois. I would also like to know who mans the station when 2 of the ambulances are out eating together or out riding around together. That would be 2 units and I assume 4 personnel and why do they have to be together? Are they out helping the Police patrol our city?