“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, February 25, 2011

News Tribune - News - Local - 'MAPPING' the future of La Salle

Businesses stepping forth and taking an interest in development of their own town instead of waiting for your elected representatives to take things in hand. Good idea? News Tribune - News - Local - 'MAPPING' the future of La Salle


Anonymous said...

Isn't there going to be a council meeting Monday night? I don't see an agenda posted on the city web-site.

Anonymous said...

The city website has a meeting scheduled for Monday night posted. A agenda must be posted 24 hours before the meeting but not necessarily on the city web site.

Anonymous said...

The subject : "La Salle Mappping the Future"

This is just Great! Where is Peru ? As outsiders looking inward, the blog has received many a comments about how the city of Peru HAS GONE EITHER BACKWARDS OR HAVE STOPPED AND IS BEGINNING TO FALL APART.

Who do we contribute this problem? I say leadership lacking from Mayor Harl.

Peru Town Forum said...

12l19 pm
Evidently you have missed the point of the article. The impetus for the agenda of the news trib story was that it is being fueled privately. Donations given by the Hometown Bank, Illinois Valley Foods, La Salle Business Mens Association specifically mentioned. This is not a government operation so you are definitely off base with you viewpoint. Mayor Harl is taking care of city business. We need a cooperative effort of private enterprise in this town and we don't seem to be getting it.

Anonymous said...

The point for Peru has been missed in the 12:36PM response.

Peru has a DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, what is he doing ? Maybe he is more interested in the La Salle county Board rather then working with the city and the local business to generate a city structure we could be proud of today and in the future.(Is conflict of interest here or not ?)
And by the way , Mayor Harl named this person. That I would say is the Mayors involvement.
So lets not pretend the Mayor does not play a role in our city government. He DOES but does not show it , right ?

Peru Town Forum said...

I don't know why he remains in the background,perhaps because he is a volunteer (?) But we do pay his expenses just not a salary.
We appear to be more informed about Mr Alesky in LaSalle and what goes on than we are about what happens in Peru. When Vickery offered his services, I think it should have been made clear to him, that he would need to be more public than he is.

Anonymous said...

If Vickery needs to be more open of what he is doing for the expenses the city pays , "Lets not be bashful to make the issue known to the citizens of the city. Let's broadcast it from the steeples.
Why the silence ? Transparency is that what it was called during the election.

Art said...

Professionally I don't care if Mr. Vickery is on my front steps greeting me every morning or if I personally never hear from him as long as he is fulfilling the obligations that Mayor Harl has outlined for him.
Mr. Vickery is in the same envious position as a volunteer coach - no one is happy with him until he plays their kid more than any other kid on the team and he wins every game.
Corporate recruitment is a highly long drawn out competitive and very secretive profession without any room for error. Good Luck Bob I hope you bring a lot of jobs to the City of Peru.
High employment and a reason for our youth to stay in Peru would be a great achievement. I am saddened to continuously hear how many of our youth have moved away.