“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Peru library officially can tax - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Peru library officially can tax - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

I don't intend to paraphrase this article which has a lot of changes happening in Peru. What are the advantages to the residents of having a Library District and how much will taxes increase? Anything else in this write up catch your attention?


Anonymous said...

What catches my attention is the cowardly behavior of most of Peru's elected officials who are only concerned about being blamed for Library taxes, so they push for another taxing body to wash their hands of the issue. They are cowards first anmd foremost. What also stands out is Lukosus voting against it, but not having balls enough to speak up and say why he voted against it. Then there is good ol' wishy-washy Ferrari who never met an issue he could speak about with any knowledge or conviction. Finall, we get a glimpse of a passing of the torch from one generation of self-serving Peru city attorney's to another with the emergence of "Scott" Schweickert stepping into the limelight to start running up billable hours for the firm. Finally, it's clear that Harl was behind the cowardace that brought this about as was revealed by the Library Director's statements at the meeting. Peru dirty politicians doing dirty Peru business as per usual.

Anonymous said...

So, what about the State Law that says there will be no more taxing bodies for at least 4 years?

Then there is the whole thing about a mandatory referendum to create a Library District.

Anonymous said...

As a tax payer I applaud the city council for letting the Library stand on there own. So when they go to tax us they will have to have a truth in Taxation hearing and explain why they are taxing us.
When the tax bill comes do you know it will look the same as always just a line on your bill.
Not doing dirty business, again go back and read the law they are with in their right to become a district. Blame Springfield for this.

Anonymous said...

2:39 PM, March 22, 2016, without the City taking care of business, the a new Library District will have quite a few additional expenses. They will be responsible for the aforementioned truth in taxation paperwork and hearings. They will need their own legal council. They will need additional accounting and clerical staff. They will need additional insurance. They will need additional staff for human resources. All of this will drain the existing budget without doing anything to accomplish the primary mission of the library. So, the first order of business of the new elected board will be to double or triple the tax they are currently reaping. Then they will go into debt by issuing general obligation bonds.

But, alas. It is against the law in the State of Illinois to create any new taxing bodies. Than you Gov. Rauner!

Anonymous said...

With the new tax district you will be able to elect those with your same ideas---more or less- taxation. How it was set up your city council had no legal authority to lower the rate requested by the library board. And the library taxed at the highest levels for the past several years. I doubt anybody would run for the library board and if they do they won't care about how high your tax rates will go.

Anonymous said...

6:06 PM, March 22, 2016, the current board of Elitist Liberals will run and be elected to the Library Board unless a dedicated group of people stand up to oppose them. I for one will vote for ANY individual that runs on the platform of shutting down the institution. It is NOT needed. It serves no purpose.


Anonymous said...

Umm, 6:06 PM, Or, people may run for Library Board because they "will" care about our taxes. Duh!

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of misinformation because the council haters will blame them and say they somehow want this. "because they just want to raise taxes" which if you know most of the council members, the opposite is true.

Either way, the city council was strongly against the library forcing them to raise taxes as they did, but the council had no choice. It is my understanding that two of the council members voted against this on the principal of the matter, while the others decided it was best to get the library off of the city's shoulders and let them function on their own. I can totally see both side of this.

This is not the council's fault. I think they are trying to deal with the library situation the best they can, but their hands are tied. It is now up to the people who run for the library board to determine how this will go.

As for people like 5:43, statements like yours will build more SUPPORT for the library than anything else. There are people in and out of there all day long. It is a good library and many benefit, even though I don't think they need their own taxing district.

Anonymous said...

They are taking the gutless way out. They should just pass an ordinance to disband the library. It is not vital to this community. It is redundant.

Anonymous said...

While Waldorf "is" a joke as an alderman, that does not mean he can tell a joke.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some people have tried to be appointed to the Library Board. But Harl did not want anyone that did not fall in line with his views (aka a fiscal conservative) on the board. Now he wants to create a whole new taxing district which may or may not be legal.

The institution is not necessary and should be dissolved. Turn the building into a community center.

Anonymous said...

3:04 Conservative? Are you kidding me? If those people feel he is a conservative they are not bright enough to be on the board.

Anonymous said...

8:49 AM, March 24, 2016 - reread the statement. It is meant that he did not want a fiscal conservative on the board.

I agree. We don't need a library in this day and age.

Anonymous said...

Going District means the Grabby peru city officials will not be able to handle the money for the library. as a tax payer the amount will not change. The library will obtain the money directly from the state.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:43 PM

The library of today is not the library I grew up with where I would check out my allotted 4 books for 2 weeks and repeat that scenerio again in another 2 weeks.

I can still check out books and maybe buy a used book in their sale room. I can use their computers and I can also have them order a book through them which they get through their association of other Illinois libraries, when the Peru Library has not purchased that particular one. This I have done many times.

They have print books and audio books and I believe they have cd's that you can check out.

They have programs for the patrons of the library, many for the young and also for the teen ager. Speakers come in and the public is invited to come for the event. They have allowed the use of the library for political question and answer sessions during local elections.

Please feel free to add things I have missed.

A town without a library is a sad place to live. Think about all that Peru offers our community beside the library to enrich their life. It's bad enough that much of what I want has to be purchased online and now you want to take away the library.

Anonymous said...

4:27 PM, March 24, 2016 - the money comes from Property Owners, not the State.

Anonymous said...

The good points of the library are fine but creating another taxing body means spend and tax, spend and tax, spend and tax. There will never be an end.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Lois. I'm proud of you! I support the library and its many programs 100 percent. There is not a community worth living in that does not have a library.

You have some strange company on your blog, but on this I agree with you. We absolutely need the library!

Anonymous said...

In the coming years we need to reevaluate what the government is supposed to do for its citizens. We have grown to accustomed to the government providing us everything from medicine and food to entertainment and retirement. People need to take control back from the government. Libraries are just one thing. If the government shuts down the library and there is a legitimate need, somebody in the free market will find a way to open a private one and make a profit from it. Wait... they already did. It is called the Internet, Amazon, etc. We don't need government controlled entertainment.

Anonymous said...

For those of us who know and understand the total lack of management ability and incompetence of Peru government officials it is great to see that the overbearing and dysfunctional behavior that permeates every aspect of every Peru department will no longer have any influence on Peru's Public Library and its operation. The Library and a newly elected board will stand on its own. The only problem they will have to overcome will be the inevitable politcal meddling from Harl and other phony Peru elected and appointed bigshots. Every Peru government department remains dysfunctional for lack of qualified and and credible leadership and it is refreshing to see the Peru Public Library will now be able to break away from Peru's long legacy of a bloated, self-serving, and totally inefficient method of operation. Go Peru Public Library. Show em how it's done!

Anonymous said...

7:35 nicely said. but I would like to add....that since the library demanded what was rightly theirs a few years ago, they have been showing em how it's done! Go Peru Public Library.

Anonymous said...

7:35 According to the news and Library Chief the Mayor was supportive of the library and the tax rates. Prior to Harl there was no tax rate for the library and Baker allocated the library funds. I think the library group got tired of the conservative right wing alderman group that tried to tie their hands with finances. Ask any library staffer and they will tell you that the Mayor was helpful and played a important part in giving the library the funding they deserve.

Anonymous said...

the city attorney told the mayor and council to give the library what was theirs, or the same situation that happened in Streator would happen in Peru

Peru Town Forum said...

12:09 P.M

I think I remember that as happening a number of years ago early in the Harl Administration. Did Streator get sued?

Anonymous said...

The news article said the library spent the tax money on higher wages. That is great for the library staff but what does it do to improve the library programs?

Anonymous said...

11:08 Your right and its cost the homeowner more than ever. Nothing like a tax and spend Democrat from the union hall.

Anonymous said...

You are correct 12:09 PM. 11:08 AM is attempting to give credit to a mayor who is just as much a coward as any of the aldermen. The truth of the matter is shortlym after being elected, Harl and the entire council tried to strong-arm the Library Board and Director the same way that Baker used to but the previous Library Director stood up to Harl and the rest of the phony rubber-stampers and reminded them what happened to the city of Streator when they tried to intimidate the Streator Library Board. When she stood up to them the city attorney told Harl and the council to "back off or get sued and you will lose". I know this because I heard him say it open meeting. Harl is no friend of the Peru Library or anything intellectual in nature. If he can't wield political control over something he will step aside as he just did.

Anonymous said...

yes Lois the city got sued and lost.

Anonymous said...

What everyone is forgetting is that the city has the power to dissolve the library by a simple majority vote. If the library becomes its own government with the power to tax, borrow, and use eminent domain, all this will change. Peru voters are not the sharpest tools in the shed, so they will elect the same people to serve on the board. Then watch out... they will tax and borrow to the max.

We need to disband this unnecessary government service before it has a chance to grow. Nip it in the bud. SHUT DOWN THE LIBRARY NOW!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love Rodney Perez' volunteering efforts for the city of Peru. He's still organizing clean up days and teaching little kids the importance of volunteering. I don't see any other city officials out there helping.

Peru Town Forum said...

I just want to know why.

Today the day before Easter Sunday is usually the day when Most cities host an Easter Egg Hunt and according to the N.T., most cities did. Oglesby had one last week, this week was La Salle, Ottawa, Granville, Echo Bluff (Spring Valley), Ladd, Tiskilwa, Rural Sky Dive Ottawa, Henry and probably a few others.

This is not an immediate problem for me or you or probably no one living in Peru because we are defintiely becoming an older community. So I see it as a symptom of once again forgetting that maybe some of the young families would like to live in a city that gives a hoot about Holidays and celebrations. After all no one can forget about how city hall bent over backwards to accomodate the Concerts for a Cause . at the Airport. Lest I be reminded a yuge celebration is being planned at the Peru Mall for July 3 which falls on a Sunday this year and we can conveniently have it happen on Mall property after closing hours. What happens next year when July 3 is on a Monday and the mall is open until 9 PM.
Considering all the expenses being incurred at City Hall for the residents whom occupy it in unknown numbers to most of ust. I get the distinct feeling that the city is moving further and further away from the general populace unless it is election time and votes are needed.

Anonymous said...

11:17 March 26th
What do you have against those who serve on the library board? Have you ever voluntarily served on any city board? These people give their time and energy to all the citizens of Peru, both young and old, and they do it for "FREE". They provide both young and old with knowledge, entertainment, services, a relaxing atmosphere, and a safe haven to read, study, or use their computers. They provide these services free of charge but how do you expect them to pay for the books that fill their shelves, the computers, electricity, heat, lawn service (which they now have to pay for because the city quit providing that service), the librarians, office supplies, phone service, etc.? Can you think of another local town that doesn't provide its' citizens with a library? Eliminating it would be another devistating and harmful blow to the city of Peru.

Anonymous said...

9:34 AM, March 27, 2016 - nobody does anything "for free" in Peru. One way or another everyone involved in the library is being compensated somehow. That is the nature of government. Even the uncompensated board member gets something. Perhaps it is influence over who gets the HVAC contract, or who puts the new roof on. Perhaps it is who gets the lawn mowing contract or maybe the Internet connection. Believe me, anyone that does anything for the government, including the library, gets paid somehow.

Anonymous said...

9:19, you are a paranoid person, you probably never leave your house and for sure never used the library. Your whole life seems to center around your computer and coming up with nonsense conspiracies. Sad life!

Anonymous said...

9:19 I know for a fact that while your statement is true in many instances, it is not without exception.

Anonymous said...

12:36 PM, March 28, 2016 - I get out plenty. I just don't trust our local governments. They have given us no reason to trust them. They are always perpetuating some sort of SCAM. Therefore, I demand proof that anything they say is on the up and up. If they say the sky is blue, I'll get a third party to verify it. They are just not trustworthy.

Anonymous said...

Well written, well informed open forum letter in tonight's paper with regards to this topic - the Library. A must read.

Anonymous said...

1:42 If this is truly how you feel do you attend council and committee meetings and ask for the proof that you mention? If you truly feel they are not trustworthy do you ask for the verification you mention?

Peru Town Forum said...

6:29 p.m.

Residents are not allowed to ask questions at City Council Meetings and committee mtgs are held at times most people are at work and they don't like questions, especially the Public Service meetings. It is kind of crowded in Finance meetings because most of the aldermen also attend that mtg.
Ald. Potthoff might answer your questions but not sure about anyone else.

Anonymous said...

6:29 PM, March 28, 2016. Our local governments do not entertain such requests in private. What makes you think they will during a public meeting. In fact, they passed a rule, "no questions during council meetings."

Anonymous said...

Even if you do get a question in, they dismissively answer it and will not allow you to follow up using the "five why's".

You never find the truth with a single question.

Anonymous said...

Here you all go again that "we can't ask a question Waa Waa Waa I have been to the meetings and the Mayor has asked does anyone have a comment or question.
You know if you weren't so confrontational or whiny you might get a better response.

Anonymous said...

12:58 PM, March 29, 2016 - Our government officials need to realize that they are mere employees. Junior grade ones at that.

Anonymous said...

12:58 You are wrong. The mayor does not ask if anyone has any questions. He asks for comments only and Lois is right because he has come right out and said "comments only - no questions".

Anonymous said...

No the last 4 meeting that i attended he asked for questions also. So I take it you were not there.
I WAS and you and Lois are WRONG.

Anonymous said...

That's funny 7:53 AM. If Harl is asking for questions I guarantee you that he is scanning the crowd before he asks. If he is soliciting "questions", he is doing it "selectively" when he sees only the usual "cheerleading meatheads" in the gallery, aka people like you. The last time I was at a meeting he arrogantly refused to answer direct questions from Steve Weberski as well as Mike Hart. Anybody else remember that proud night of Peru's version of "open and honest governemnt".

Anonymous said...

7:53 I was at many a meeting and the mayor's exact words at the end of each and every meeting are "is there any public comment"? not "are there any questions"?

Anonymous said...

I do remember when the two gentlemen you are referring to and if I recall that was over 2-3 years ago. I'm not sure as to what the questions were, however I would have to guess they were not strait forward questions. Setup for this blog to bash the elected officials.
I would wonder if they asked the former alderman or Woman would they get the answer they wanted. I think not.

I watch the videos and attend meetings when I can usually once a month and find that the committee as a whole to most productive,and informative.
You may call me a cheerleader but I disagree with some of the decisions that are being made but I also have voiced my opinion and have not been treated poorly. I try to address each person I speak to with respect. Maybe you and the other bloggers should give it a try.

Anonymous said...

11:19, if that was the last time you were there, that was years ago, things might have changed a little, Harl does ask at the end of the meetings.

Anonymous said...

11:19 Those questions were geared toward the political campaigns of those mentioned. Funny thing is that they are no where to be seen since the last election. They must have a deep concern for the residents of Peru, during election time. Its a shame that the former Mayor HARL campaign manager has turned on the Boss. I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

There is a gentlemen's agreement between the NT and the City of Peru. The NT only reports what is said in the Council Meetings. They don't report on the Committee Meetings. Mayor Harl has also set it up so there is no discussion during the Council Meeting. All they do is vote because all the discussion happened in the committee and at the bar down the street. Actually, I would not be surprised id the Alderman received a sheet of paper in their package that told them how to vote.

Anonymous said...

12:05 PM, March 31, 2016 - along with their envelope of course.....

Anonymous said...

To 3:17 PM,

Maybe it's because after being elected Harl renegged on every "reform" campaign promise he made and violated the trust, loyalty, hard work, and dedication of each and every person that worked to get him elected. Well, at least that's why I "turned on him" as you so poorly describe it. When I asked Mr. Weberski if he was "fooled" by Harl in the beginning he laughed and said, I was never fooled by him. I always knew who and what Harl really was. For the sake of Peru Baker needed to go and Harl was the best way at the time to get that job done. Now that Harl is demonstrating the same dishonest tactics and corrupt policies it's time for him to go too. Pretty simple really. I really think it's the dedicated activists that are the true drivers of change in any community. Like all the activists in 2009 who worked to rid Peru of Don Baker. Good people working together to better the city will eventually oust Harl as well. It's inevitable.

Anonymous said...

9:45, then what, you will be saying the same thing about the next mayor, idiot the only person that will make you happy is yourself, but your a chicken to put your hat in the ring so you will claim about every candidate.

Anonymous said...

8:23 pm, Chill dude! Are you related or just on the payroll?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:23 the only one he will be happy with is him or herself.
Then this blog will turn on them it is the nature of the beast. The whole group that ran on the negative ballot will try again and loose again because they don't have a platform. Do not think that if 9:45 runs it will be a non-negative campaign it will get dark quick and the rumors and name calling will be rampant.

Anonymous said...

Some of you people sure are conjuring up what sounds an awful lot like "conspiracy theories" about some non-existent "negative group" of people or bloggers. To try to classify anyone who does not support current elected officials as a "negative group" is just silly. You sound cynical and ignorant of the reality of politics. That reality is that elected officials are public figures that should be scrutinized for what they do and how they conduct public business. Personally, my observation is the Peru electorate is so disconnected and unaware of who their elected officials are and what they do or do not do that voter turnout will always ensure encumbents re-election anyway. Negative or not, politics is a tough and dirty business and if it's just too traumatic for some of you to see the incompetent friends at 4th & Fulton called out for who and what they are you should immediately delete your link to this blog and continue to keep your heads planted firmly in the plentiful local frac sand.