“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, March 14, 2016

Counties with largest decline in median household income in Illinois

Counties with largest decline in median household income in Illinois

La Salle is included as are many others in the nearby area.  Is 12% decline a large amount in your household?


Anonymous said...

Two things going on. The population is aging and the percentage of retired people in LaSalle County in exploding. That brings the overall salary down for most people. Next is our own local government doing concentrating all their economic development eggs on increased retail. Overall, retail jobs pay poor. The result is an increasing number of retailers chasing an older market that has fewer dollars to spend. This will end when the boomers finally drop out of the market. Retail will retract. By this time though, all of our current economic developers will be retired themselves and living out their days in Florida.

Here are the numbers for LaSalle County from the article.

2014: $51,205
2000: $58,456
Percent change: -12%
Most common employer: Retail trade

Anonymous said...

Very good article. It shows that the entire Midwest has need affected with the loss of manufacturing jobs. Illinois is clearly behind when it comes to manufacturing. Don't blame you local government for the loss. Actually, your local government has been able to locate some retail, that's better than most rust belt cities. The loos of manufacturing is much more than your local officials understand. When some local Joe politician or hopeful politician says "we need manufacturing jobs", its true, but you local Joe has no idea what the obstacles are. Worker's compensation in Illinois takes out a big portion of those manufacturing profits. New laws to protect employers need to be in place. Try out your local State politicians for that! Stopping trade to other countries is not the answer. Collective bargaining chases away some manufacturers. How would you like to own a business that takes most of your time and profits and gives it to a union. We bailed out a auto industry and they located to other countries. That was their answer to collective bargaining. Tax foreign goods 45% and your price hikes will cause high rates of inflation that will put 90% of us in a depression. Work with deals that will allow American goods to other countries without limits. Taxing those goods won't work. Educate our kids in sciences, math, business. Limit law schools, encourage medical professions and support those trade training education.
Your local Joes have nothing to do with bringing in manufacturing. They may have TIFS, free property, government help. those are only band-aids to a much greater problem. You need a change form the top of the federal level. Why are the Donald and Bernie so popular in ILLINOIS? Its because they understand the problem and we are looking for hope, just like Bruce Rauner gave us. With the division in America and the money, lobbyist, and numbers of free money programs we have very little chance of solving these issues.
If you local guys/girls are balancing the budget, providing basic services and keeping crime to a minimum than your ahead of most Midwestern cities. And if there not, don't blame them for all the problems. Its much bigger than local Joe.

Anonymous said...

12:21 PM, March 17, 2016 - that is exactly why we need to invest in regional economic development and support the efforts of Governor Rauner!

We certainly don't need Bobby V. looing for another dollar store to move in to town. That will take care of itself. We need a regional economic development team that can lobby state government to enact local Right-to-Work laws, reform workers compensation, reduce property taxes for large industrial employers, reform our civil litigation systems to prevent nuisance lawsuits and cap damages awarded in workers compensation cases.

We need to force Michal Madigan out of office!

Anonymous said...

I agree that the region needs to work together. A recent story in the local fish-wrapper reported on a presentation made to Peru chamber of commerce affiliate by a reprersentative of a regional group trying to gain a following of government and business leaders. Several positive comments were reported by business leaders after the presentation. However, the silence from city of Peru bigshots was deafening because they do promotion of Peru "in-house" through phony political operatives like Vickrey and the invisible Springfield lobbyist whose primary function (using Peru taxpayer dollars) is to arrange Harl's attendance at golf-outing schedule at political fundraisers around the state. Vickrey's taxpayer funded office, complete with a personal "administrative assistant" in Peru's government complex serves primarily as Peru's public relations office designed to promote Harl and Vickrey himself. Then there is the politically connected Peru advertising company we pay thousands a year to for internet advertising that provides nothing in return. Then there is the gaudy self-promotion public relations political magazine Harl uses to "con" the good folks of Peru on special occasions. Bottom line is, Peru elected and appointed officials do not play well with others on real and honest economic development efforts because their primary goal is to promote themselves and enrich friends and politcal allies instead of participating in a "joint-effort" of regional development.

Anonymous said...

Heard at the coffeeshop this morning. "The City of Chicago is in the process of hiring a new Chief of Police and have offered Peru Chief Bernabei the job. Bernabei turned them down because it would be a cut in pay". And, Harl is offering yet another raise to keep Bernabei in Peru. LOL!

Anonymous said...

8:09, I disagree with you, just like Lasalle economic development director Don Alexy, Vickery only is worrying about their own city as they should. You definitely don't have an understanding how the system works.

Anonymous said...

Peru does not want to spend their economic development dollars on getting new, higher paying jobs; unless you count new government employees. Peru wants to develop retail in order to get retail sales tax. They spend this money on connected contractors and in house employees. All fin and dandy - but the city is getting older. The county is getting older. Without a regional INDUSTRIAL development effort - there will be nothing here but "Tangled Roots". Tourism and Retail will not save this community. Smoke Stacks, Mining, and Logistics will.

Anonymous said...

8:33 AM, March 18, 2016 - I do have an absolute understanding of how the system works. I want to change the system to make it work for the all of the people and not just the connected contractors, certain individuals with "pull", and city employees.

Anonymous said...

10:32, you harp about everything being retail, how about
James Harding
Flint Hill
Meta Cote
Maze Nail
Old Dominion Trucking
Double D
United Steel Deck
O'neal steel
That is not all, why aren't 't you talking about what we have in the industrial market?

Anonymous said...

"You definitely don't have an understanding how the system works." - I think everyone understands how the system works. The "system" is made to transfer your money to the accounts of the current batch of cronies.

Anonymous said...

I see Peru's genius leadership is going to make yet another political patronage hire to arrest people for blowing grass clippings on the street. You have to admit the quotes in the paper from Harl, Lukosus and Bernabei are pretty hilarious about wondering if they should give the new "Grass Nazi" a gun while he is on patrol. Great idea guys. Why not just assemble a Grass Nazi Task Force fully armed in SWAT gear to rough up those notorious and ruthless grass clipping offenders. There will be STING OPERATIONS conducted to swoop down on senior citizens and teenagers blowing grass off their lawns and if they resist they will be handcuffed and arrested. If they try to flee they could be shot by an armed "code enforcement officer". These nit-wit Peru officials are really taking themselves way too seriously.
How long will it be before the Grass Nazi gets an office and an administrative assistant? These people just continue to amaze.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand about this new hiree is why alderman Lukosis was doing all the promoting for this position during a finance meeting. He is not a member of the finance committee.

Anonymous said...

9:20 AM, March 19, 2016 - everything you listed came to Peru many years ago. Before Bobby V. and Scottie started "developing the economy."

Anonymous said...

10:15 AM, March 19, 2016 - We definitely need a task force. The Peru Lawn Maintenance Enforcement Patrol. It will be fully funded by fines and no tax dollars will be used. We can hire off duty police officers from around the county to find scoff laws and issue immediate fines. Naturally, we will need to confiscate any money these private lawn maintainers have on them as well as their equipment. Peru has a new private judge that will rubber stamp stuff like this, so it will all be legal.

Anonymous said...

You bring up a good point 12:06 PM. Lukosus was douing the "prompting" because he was doing Harl's bidding by planting the political seeds at a Finance Committee meeting to create a new political position. Here is how it works. When these phony elected officials are spinning their little webs of corruption they initially have to creep out of the shadows to start the ball rolling in committee. They do that so they can later claim it was discussed openly if questioned about it. But the fact is if it's brought up anywhere it's already a done deal because it will have already been approved by most of the rubber-stampers before any official vote is taken. Now you will see Lukosus slink back into the shadows as another new political patronage position is created and a Grass Nazi is hired. The "bag-man" Lukosus delivers the goods for the "boss" Harl. He gets a pat on the head for the delivery and Harl's grubby fingerprints are nowhere to be found at the crime scene even though he is behind the patronage scheme. Besides creating a new politcal patronage position, Harl is also currying favor with Jeff King by lightening his workload which will in turn reinforce King's loyalty to Harl which will come in handy down the line when Harl calls in that debt from King. Pretty simple really. The insiders all win and the taxpayers of Peru are left on the hook to pay for their wheeling and dealing political crap.

Peru Town Forum said...

Off topic

Twice in the last few weeks someone (the same woman) from the U. of Michigan has been to our house and she is conducting a survey and wants us to participate. Has anyone else been contacted?

I don't know what she was going to ask and I surely was not going to invitee her inside my home. Certainly a little brisk to spend time talking to someone I don't even know.

Would she need to register with PPD or not?

Anonymous said...

Never ever ever ever ever answer your door when some stranger comes nocking. If she comes back again, call the police. If she insists on talking to you through the door - grab your gun.

I see no reason for any legitimate person or organization to "go door to door" in this day. That includes phony baloney politicians. If you want something from me - send a letter. Don't nock on my door and don't call.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who the newly hired "administrative assistant" is assisting? Is it Mr. Vickrey? If so, why does he need an assistant? He's only a part timer isn't he? It's almost like the part time mayor getting his own private bathroom. Ridiculous!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Peru Public, Library is about to become another political entity controlled by Fuehrer Harl. No discussion at any meeting, just an item on the agenda to create a Library District. This means the Library board members will now be elected and become their own taxing body. Therefore Harl has already started recruiting rubber-stamp candidates to back who will replace the sitting board memebers who choose to run for office. Political influence in Peru continues to permeate every aspect of the community including the Library. What's next, the Churches?

Anonymous said...

With all the presidential campaigning happening now, it makes me start to think of next April. Has anybody heard if Harl is running for reelection? Will anybody run against him?

Anonymous said...

1:05 PM, March 21, 2016 - Maybe our Local elected officials should keep up on current events and the state laws.

First, a Library District cannot be created without a referendum. The voters in Peru will defeat this in a heartbeat.

Second - A State Law was passed just a few months ago placing a 4 year stop on the creation of any new taxing bodies.

Public Libraries - as they are currently administered - are a thing of the past. They can be replaced with a table PC and Internet access.

Anonymous said...

9:24 i believe bernie knows the answer!!!!

Anonymous said...

1:51, if somebody does run we need to be sure that it is only ONE challenger. If you count votes for Harl and against Harl, he lost the last election.

Anonymous said...

well what is the name of the new hire and what is the connection to city hall?????????