“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Koehler upsets McFadden, Happy's owner wins in SV - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Koehler upsets McFadden, Happy's owner wins in SV - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Belated congratulations to our neighboring city of Spring Valley upon electing so many new faces to their city council.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes they deserve congratulations. If you have reviewed the recent increase in property taxes you will wonder why anybody is still in town. The only topic in town is when will the Asian carp mill open? I do enjoy the 120 bars in town and the restaurant.

Lois said...

1:23 PM

You have no clue what I care about. I care about community and the people that live there. My grandparents lived in Spring Valley and I spent a lot of growing up time there and made life long friends.

You are not even funny and the words of RUDE and IGNORANT come to mind and I hope the readers can judge you for what you really are.

My name will be on this post and of course you don't have whatever it takes to do that.

Anonymous said...

The new people are good people. What we need all over the Illinois Valley is NEW people involved. But, the problem is, the OLD peopled don't like NEW ideas and NEW people.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

It nice to see new people become political representatives. But this could be a Pandora's Box when they are not as qualified or have the desire of the previous incumbent. Sadly the recent election in Peru was a perfect example of why the city needs a alderman at large program. Some wards have no one interested and those who do run are not qualified and other wards have many interested and qualified. Because a ward could possibility be without a designated representative they will still have better representation.

Anonymous said...

Spring Valley has a mayor who is not interested in recruiting "yes-men" as Harl strives for ion Peru. SV Mayor Walt Marini is a man of the people who knows how to lead men.
Harl is incapable of leading and unable to operate or cope with differing opinions. Therefore he must construct a political machine made up of only rubber-stampers who have little or no initiative who are willing to be manipulated by Harl and the Peru establishment. There is no room for a true democracy in Peru government.

Anonymous said...

8:21 - what is "qualified"? The last time I looked, the only "qualification" is to be a citizen. "Opening up a Pandora's Box when they are not as qualified as or have the desire of the previous incumbent." That sounds like a rather elitist statement to me. Weather or not a person is "qualified" to hold office - beyond the basics of being a citizen in good standing - is purely up to the voter. Are you suggesting that they only people "allowed" to run for office hold some sort of degree or other certification? Are you suggestion that only lawyers or engineers be allowed to represent the people? Are you saying the average citizen should just rubber stamp a candidate that is selected from the elite few?

No sir. I do not like that attitude.

Anonymous said...

8:21 A.M.

You might be on to something with your comment. Makes me wonder whether the division of a city by wards does more harm than good. Does it literally divide the city?
An at large alderman could possibly look at the whole city as a place where he could put good ideas into practice instead of limiting himself to what is good for his ward.

Anonymous said...

Who are these so called yes men that are recruited by Harl?

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:52 AM Don't you realize that you have not answered 8:21's comment but have taken and completely made one up of your own. Than you follow up saying you don't like that attitude. The attitude you don't is all yours no one else.
Has it ever dawned on you that the voters are electing the majority of new alderman that have acquired college degrees.
Since you are so smart I have to inform you that your not using the proper spelling for the context of several sentences for example you used weather incorrectly, proper spelling is whether.
Your best approach to joining 2015 would be a fresh start and a change of attitude. Possibly read a newspaper once in a while.

Anonymous said...

8:00 PM - you try typing on a cell phone. This is an on the fly format - no time for proofreading. Now to the point. There is an attitude by some - not necessarily around here or even on this blog. But the attitude has taken traction. That attitude comes from the liberal elite. The attitude is that "day to day go to work people" don't know what is good for them. They need some guy or gal with letters after their name to tell them what is good and what is bad. All to often, these lettered people have a particularly left leaning view of society. They are the ones rewriting US history. They are the ones that create "fee speech" zones the college campus because they don't want their little snow flakes exposed to opposing views. They believe that "individualism" is a bad thing.
So, that is the point of the post. The statement "But this could be a Pandora's Box when they are not as qualified" said it all. It sounds as if this person is opposed to the common man holding office and that the people are incapable of deciding who is best to represent them. That my friend is the only Pandora's Box that I desire to keep shut.

Anonymous said...

"Has it ever dawned on you that the voters are electing the majority of new alderman that have acquired college degrees." - that is just fine and dandy. I believe the 10:52 post was stating that the only true requirement to run for office is to be a good citizen. The 8:21 comment implied that we are opening up some sort of Pandora's Box if unqualified people are allowed to run for office and they get elected. The 8:21 commenter was not specific. But, reading between the lines it sounded as if he believed only certain people should be allowed to run for office. That is rather elitist from my point of view. I for one am a firm believer that a college degree stops carrying any clout beyond a person's 30th birthday. I think as a person gets older, the college "experience" decreases in importance and what a person has accomplished in life and their career is more important. So, if it really came down to it, I'd say that a person with technical training that has had a full carrier which offered him a broad experience in life and work is much more qualified to hold public office than someone with a BA or even an MA degree without actual life and work experience.

Anonymous said...

The at-large referendum was defeated in Peru.

Anonymous said...

Lets see...

Bill Gates, college drop out,

Abraham Lincoln, 1 year of formal schooling

Andrew Carnegie, elementary school dropout

George Eastman, high school dropout.

John D. Rockefeller, high school dropout

Ray Kroc, high school dropout

Steve Wozniak, college dropout

Anonymous said...


All above have IQ's that are well above average intelligence!

Anonymous said...

10:56. You are correct. But allowing them to hold public office would "Open a Pandora's Box". You see, we have some elitists in the Illinois Valley that think you need letters after your name to sit on the council.

Anonymous said...

11:27 Many of them would find public office to be boring. Many would find public office a pay cut. Lincoln was a office holder and a Attorney by trade. Most of those who hold public office in the Illinois Valley have no letters after there name and many that hold city office have very little formal education. The key is that they are willing to run and have enough voter confidence to get elected. They don't stand on the sidelines and complain about not getting elected or appointed.

Anonymous said...

You nailed it right on the head 12:12. No Pandora's Box. Just real people willing to do real work - usually for low or no pay.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:50 AM Do you realize that your list of 7 people is spread out over more than 100 years. What idea are you supporting?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:48 When the at large referendum was defeated in Peru so was efficiency and a opportunity for obtaining the best representatives.
It seems you have a firm grasp on the current political events happening in Peru. Could you please tell me why it appears that there is such a lack of interest in local government and what little interest there is appears to be 60 and older.

Anonymous said...

You got that right. 12:12 is spot on. No one gives a crap about letters after someone's name. No one also cares what someone's last name is. Almost all of the council has changed the last few years and I had not heard of most before they ran. No one will vote for people who cry things are unfair. Suck it up and run for office or support a candidate but quit whining that things are unfair and Peru is so different that anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

4:47.... that many smart people don't go to college. Somebody implied that to be a qualified candidates for Alderman a person must have a college degree and that electing people that did not opened a "Pandora's Box."

Anonymous said...

The value of a traditional college degree is decreasing exponentially. At the same time the arrogance of those involved in the education industry is increasing exponentially.

Anonymous said...

What is a Pandora's Box? Is Pandora's Box opening the city revenue to no bid spending and overinflated prices because spending is limited to a few agreed upon businesses and firms, or is it unqualified nepotism compensating political wages.
I have to say that having a few letters after a persons name are very important when hiring someone for a professional position such as city administrator, lawyer, doctor etc.
If a position calls for certain qualifications it is up to those in charge to hire someone with the educational background friend or no friend. The failure of many jobs are that unqualified are hired to occupy it. There are many instances of the Peter Principle
in all levels of government that the person cannot becomes incompetent and indispensable.

Anonymous said...

9:51 the national data shows the exact opposite. Of course there are always individual exceptions but there is a very strong correlation between educational attainment and household income. This is completely undisputed data that you can find in a minute. It's also just common sense. There are countless professions that require various degrees. Denying this is pretty sad and you clearly have some real resentment towards educated people and those involved in the profession but that's your problem. The data speaks for itself. Look it up.

Anonymous said...

I'm talking about relevance not income. The college degree is not an exceptional thing. It is normal. It does not set one apart from the crowd. Unless of course you are competing for a job at a coffee house.

Anonymous said...

A good plumber makes more than a crappy lawyer. Sometimes more than a good lawyer.
We have a generation of kids that don't really work. But, we have so much work that needs to be done. Can't even hire a qualified factory worker any more. We have two levels of people in the market today - the educated that can't physically do anything. And the uneducated that can't figure out how to turn a screw. Nothing in between.

Anonymous said...

WE don't need any more lawyers! ha ha. turn them into plumbers.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if that goofy Christmas lights thing at the airport is going to happen?

Anonymous said...

When has a plumber made more than a good lawyer when ambitions and comparative qualifications are the same?
I know what a top notch plumber makes and I know what a hot shot lawyer makes and I know what each can make. Your kidding yourself to state that a good plumber can out earn a good lawyer.Time limits the earnings of a good plumber. Very little limits the earning of a professional attorney as his earnings multiply upon themselves.

Anonymous said...

4:18 If you're opposed to the "goofy christmas lights thing" at the airport attend a rec meeting and voice your opinion. They are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30.

Anonymous said...

The agendas for Monday's meetings are online. Looks like it will be a packed house with the swearing ins and sand vote. Looks like it will be a long meeting with all the closed session topics. And now the closed session is after the regular meeting!!

Anonymous said...

5:22, you might be right. The good plumber needs to dump his union and go into business for himself. That is when he starts making real money.
Lawyers are a necessary EVIL.

Anonymous said...

What happens when the number of lawyers is on par with the number of non-lawyers... meaning there is one lawyer for every person? The schools keep dumping more and more into the market - they need to cut back a little. Maybe make it a little more difficult.

Anonymous said...

Don't need to go to some stupid meeting about Christmas Lights. I'll just send a carefully worded letter to my representative - you know, the one paid to go to stupid meetings.

No Christmas Lights Festival at the airport!

Anonymous said...

8:26 If you don't want to attend some stupid meeting then don't. However, if you do seriously oppose Peru's copycat version of La Salles Rotary Park xmas display being held at the airport please do write your alderman. If you sit back and do nothing things will progress rapidly.

Anonymous said...

FYI; Spring Valleys economic director, aldermen, and mayor were amongst those who helped to clean up their town. Let's see what kind of criticism this topic will bring from some of our readers. I think this is a wonderful thing that other towns leaders pitch in, roll up their sleeves, and volunteer for work duty. It's too bad we can't copy-cat that!

Anonymous said...

Personally when anyone volunteers for any cause in a town I think it is a wonderful thing. I do not think it is a obligation of what you referred to as town leaders to clean up the town and this is surely not a reason I vote for them. I live in Peru and there are more than enough man hours paid out that the Mayor, alderman and economic director do not need need to clean up the town. Possibly some who do not have their hours tied up already for the city and that are interested in a clean up would volunteer their time.
Why do certain people continuously keep bringing about city officials cleaning up the town? Next someone will think each city official should be selling 100 chocolate candy bars for fireworks on Water Street.

Anonymous said...

10:14 PM

The same reason we have our children do their fair share at home, shared responsibility. There never are 2 many people cleaning up because the number of irresponsibles that keep throwing their beer bottles and Mc Donald's wrappers is increasing. It also shows community pride and is an encouragement for others to join in.

Anonymous said...

Amen 10:34. Am I saying that city officials are obligated to take pride in their city and walk the streets picking up trash - NO? Do I think it's a refreshing gesture and one that needs mentioning - YES? I was under the impression that our city officials ran for office because they cared about Peru and wanted to make it better. Isn't it making Peru better by cleaning it up? Whether they walk the streets themselves or come up with another plan that will get the trash off of the streets, then I will recognize them as I do other town's officials.

Anonymous said...

10:34 you have it exactly right. Having community leaders pitch in encourages others to join in. Apparently Peru voters don't care that our community leaders are not out in the public. I say let the town go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Does a town that has $5M in sales tax, a abundance of manpower hours and a overload of city equipment need its city representatives bend over acting as vacuum cleaners walking their beat. If this is what you need as encouragement to join in forget about it. Apparently Peru does not care when only 20% vote, which is a much bigger worry than a councilman or mayor physically cleaning up the town.
The Mayor and council members are in charge of those who are to clean up the town as long as it is being done they are doing this phase of their job. Anyone who believes a city representative doesn't have a long list of responsibilities before he/she are to grab a litter bag is to lacking to understand what city representation stands for.

Anonymous said...

Ok 5:38 lets talk about something different than picking up garbage. How about some type of summer festival or family fun day? Or a fall event? If the mayor or council don't have the ability to plan something like this for the citizens, then they should form a committee to plan events.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the purpose of the Peru Rec Bd a committee formed by the mayor and council to plan events. Why would the state make it mandatory for the city to supply them with $50K and the city gives them $25K extra if this wasn't there purpose? Are the fireworks paid for out of this $75K, if they are have the people who wanted them moved to a different location speaking to the wrong level of command?

Anonymous said...

Nowhere can I find a agenda or minutes for the ad hoc Rt 6 committee on the city web site but yet the city has given them certain support and possibly financial backing. How is this legal when the citizenship is the start and end of financial backing?

Anonymous said...

It is noticeable that a closed session is on the agenda of the Task Force for the city administer.
When started this task force was to have all meetings open to the public. Has this been changed and if so why? Is it even legal for this group to have a closed session for any reason?

Anonymous said...

Since when did the state make it mandatory to give the "rec board" $50,000. I think that is a misconception. The city chooses to divert much needed tax revenue to entertainment instead of using it for something useful.
This is typical of Peru. No discussion of serious issues. Great commotion over "entertainment."

Anonymous said...

11:03. It is a boiler plate agenda... they all have a closed session listed. There is no business listed underneath, so I doubt they will go into closed session. Also, their charter does not support any of the legal reasons to go into closed session.

Anonymous said...

The fireworks are a waste of time and money. Time to do away with Peru's poorly planned, poorly executed, and poorly located fireworks event. Give the money to LaSalle and have a joint display at the new park or some other location that does not have a train running through the middle of it. It is only time before drunk gets run over by a train or falls down the embankment and busts his skull open before rolling into the river!

Anonymous said...

9:00 - I'll tell you what I care about and that is community service without public recognition. We have many good people who do things without putting it on Facebook or having the newspaper show up. One day of picking up garbage is nice but debating this is silly. Our "leaders" are in public, they just don't seek publicity.

10:53 - Are they supposed to have a referendum to ask your permission? Illegal? Are you serious? This is their job to make these decisions.

11:03 - They are not a public body so their is no such thing as open or closed. They can meet in private all they want. I'm not saying they should but OMA does not apply to a task force and there may be many cases in which they would rightfully want to not have the public there for a discussion. The final decision will lie with the council.

5:44 - Peru does not discuss serious issues? I think you are confusing blog talk with the actual business the city does. The blog is where pickle ball, fireworks and concerts are talked about. Not at the city. But of course they do discuss some entertainment issues. All cities do. It's not "typical of Peru." Our city discusses many more important issues but it does not mean they do not discuss these things from time to time as well. Get a clue.

Anonymous said...

11:03 Listing a closed session on a meeting agenda is protocol and does not mean they are definitely going into closed session. As a matter of fact, if they were they would have had to list one of the required fields for having "closed sessions".

Anonymous said...

11:03, they can go into closed session if they are discussing possible candidates for the position. Possible future names have to be protected when they are employed by a different entity now.

Anonymous said...

9:59, no they can't because this commission does not have the authority to discuss candidates for the position.

They are simply charged with determining if a City Administrator should be hired and what the requirements for he position would be. They are NOT discussing who or when. That part of the rubber stamp exercise will be conducted by our actual city council - probably already has with a nod and a wink.

Anonymous said...

8:59, I was referencing the typical citizen of Peru, not the government. The citizens and the voters don't care about actual issues. They only care about beer gardens, fireworks, and little league baseball.

Anonymous said...

The Task Force outcome is determined and it will be finalized with a "Wink and a Nod".

ATTENTION: Ther should be a nice turnout tonight to recognize the honest and ethical representation from Rodney Perez for the past four years. He has been without question the moral and ethical comnpass of the city of Peru for the past four years. His contribution to honest governing will be sorely missed by the people of Peru who want elected officials with integrity and the courage to stand up for what is right. Thanks Rod. You never compromised your standards as the other council members have. You are a better man than any of them and they know it.

Anonymous said...

10:55 am

If only the voters of Peru had you same viewpoint. Unfortunately nearly 60% didn't agree with you.

Anonymous said...

The task force is made up of volunteers and are not elected officials. They have a right to meet without the distractions and negative publicity aimed at them. Those who are opposed to the work or upcoming recommendation are within their rights to take objections to the city council floor. The elected are the ones that made the choice to run for office and make the decisions not the task force. Task force is advisory.

Anonymous said...

That is how Boss Halr works. He want's somebody else to say we need an Administrator.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Tomato Guy is putting up signs in the triangle again. Are these temporary commercial signs legal in Peru? I thought they where forbidden.

Anonymous said...

12:18, I don't care if they are volunteers. They are a board appointed by the government, and are therefore required to follow the open meetings act. I wonder if they have had the mandatory training and if the city clerk can produce the training records.

Everyone involved in government needs to be held under close scrutiny by the public. The government gets away with enough as it is. Just because they "volunteer" doesn't make them above the law and above public scrutiny.

It pays huge dividends to have a healthy distrust of government!

Anonymous said...

1;36 I totally agree. With all the complaining about signs I cannot believe Peru allows these huge, multiple, various sized signs to be hung in a very busy intersection. I guess once again it proves that in this town it depends on who you are as to how you are treated.

Anonymous said...

The task force was organized for one purpose and that purpose is whether or not a administrator would be advantageous to the city.Initially all meetings were to be open meetings and being a advisory group this should not be changed.
The legalities are such that this group would in no way be permitted to have a Executive Session.
Why has the process of interviewing city employees being utilized and what experience do present city employees have to determine whether Peru should have a city administrator? I do hope that this group is not interviewing city employees to justify a in house promotion which very few want. If Peru is to pay for a city administrator lets get a real one who has the education and prior experience of the position.

Anonymous said...

3:05 sorry but you are wrong. NOTHING requires them to get training in OMA. They are not elected officials and just because they are appointed to a talk by the council does NOT require them to do this. They have no authority to act. They don't even have to call a meeting to order without council members as part of it. Their recommendations would be considered by the council, which would of course be under OMA.

Again I am not saying it's good if everything is closed off to the public but I am saying OMA does NOT apply.

Peru Town Forum said...

6:21 PM

This came up at the first meeting of the Task Force and some of them had already taken OMA test and had papers to prove it and the others were in the process. A very sharp bunch of people and only wish they were not being hampered and used for the purpose of the mayor wanting to be able to name an administrator and I somehow believe most people who know what is going on in Peru know what his wishes really are.
They have the capability to openly discuss all types of city management including city manager but that is not what Scott Harl wants.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that briefly after the city hires a professional to do what the city has never had before these professionals need a assistant? How has the city survived without them for so long?

Anonymous said...

6:21, you are wrong. They are an appointed board and fall under the Open Meetings Act. Maybe you should take the training.

Anonymous said...

6:21 It's a fact that this task force committee was informed that they needed to be certified and follow the OMA process, post an agenda, and take minutes.

Anonymous said...

12:00 Sorry but this is not a board or commission. This is a task force with one objective. They fall under no open meetings act and have no voting power.

Anonymous said...

Call is a sewing club if you want. They where appointed by the government. They fall under the OMA.

Anonymous said...

10:00, you really need to read the Illinois Open Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act because you don't know what you are talking about. All public bodies are subject to these laws. The OMA defines a Public Body as: "all legislative, executive, administrative or advisory bodies of the
state, counties, townships, cities, villages, incorporated towns, school districts and all other
municipal corporations, boards, bureaus, committees or commissions of this State..."

They need to publish minutes and they need to post an agenda.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with 12:00. The intent of this group is to hold discussions and make decisions without being subjected to constant public scrutiny. The council has their hands tied and can't really discuss anything in private. This group can and they will let the council know how to vote on this matter. That is the whole point!

Anonymous said...

@11:29 I meant to say I agree with the 10:00 post.

Anonymous said...

ok you can go to the task force meeting and you can ask questions and attempt to derail the process. And you can subject those serving on the committee to personal attacks. And you can misquote them and disagree with the decision. And you can do whatever you want. The main question IS WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH?

Anonymous said...

12:24, sounds good to me... Absolutely!

Anonymous said...

11:16 You are absolutely right and so once again I want to know why doesn't the Rte. 6 committee (that gets city money) have to post an agenda, publish minutes, and tell us who is on it? Come on finance committee. You allocate them money give us an explanation as to why they are not following the OMA.

Anonymous said...

there in lies the rub 1:54. They are not doing anything for the government. They are not researching government policy, they are not making a recommendation to the government. They are an association of merchants that got a gift from the government, to do with as they please. No different than the car club or other organizations that Peru donates to.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:49 The IML meetings which city representation claims to have learned so much from but has never claimed to follow the advice of make one wonder how they can justify such a large expense account to go. This has to be the town in which to be on the right side of the fence. How does the City of Carpetbaggers sound instead of the City of Peru.