“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, June 09, 2014

I Think Peru Needs a Change of Pace


Peru Town Forum said...

This is a 2012 concert in Kewanee IL. Part of their summer concert series that looks to have a very large turnout of people enjoying a concert minus buying tickets.

Anonymous said...

This would never fly in Peru. I don't see a beer tent, nobody is selling tip boards, and I don't see any Pizza. It looks like many people parked on the street for free! And what is this... lawn chairs! How can they possibly allow lawn chairs?!

Anonymous said...

We already have that with the maud powell concerts. Why is this so different?

Anonymous said...

Whers's the Beer? Where's the Pot? Where's the Pizza for heavens sake?
This simply will not fly at IV Regional Airport's "Concerts for a Profit".
No room for these "Oldsters" and their Hover-Rounds at Peru's Booze-Fest for profit.
We don't have Geritol on tap or Whale-Bones full of Milk of Magnesia. This type of event looks better suited for the Liberty Village crowd.

Peru Town Forum said...

6:57 PM

I can't believe anyone would make that comment. No comparison. This video was one event in an entire summer of music events sponsored by the city of Kewanee. What appeals to people who come to the Maud Powell concert is very different than this fun event on the video.
What comes to mind immediately is location and second the genre of music is totally different.

Anonymous said...

What you see here is a true government sponsored event. Not a for profit event hiding behind charity and comparing itself to government festivals, using city resources and planning and volunteers to make a private individual rich.

Does Walmart ask for volunteers to run its cash registers when collecting for childrens hospital? Do they call themselves Walmart charities as they fund raise? It makes me sick, all the fools around here licking that pizza shops bootstraps, no aldermen with the guts to call this sham out.

Art Giese said...

Lois, Thank you for enlightening us to such a wonderful city function. Yes this is very different than the Maud Powell Concerts or the entertainment that performs at Concerts for a Cause. Each has its own characteristics and place in today's society.
I have often questioned what glues the concerts held at Maud Powell to the present site they are held. One of noise, traffic resulting in exhaust fumes, and heat when it would take so little to move to the grassy, shaded City Park.
In conclusion I firmly believe if another city can do it so can Peru. Contacting the Mayor, City Council, proper Aldermen's Committee and the City Recreation Board with sound reasoning, and a positive approach would create a winning environment for all.
I acknowledge that there are many opinions and that some may be better and others equal to mine but a change of entertainment and location once in a while would result in a worthwhile effort.

Anonymous said...

I hope some of you can remember the concerts that were held in Centennial Park a few years ago. Some with Johnny Kaye and other bands, and guess what? The attendance was disappointing and it was free. You just can't please everyone.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:06 PM

True you cannot please everyone but the events currently in place also have the same small local attraction. The difference may be that these are scheduled events all summer June thru August and not something occurring once and not again. Peru never sticks with anything. Instead of trying to see why attendance is low and how to improve it, they just say, oh well, it doesn't work and that is the end. No problem solving abilities might be a way to look at it.

Upon clicking upon a few more links, I found out that the Kewanee events are sponsored by the Local Chamber of Commerce (do we have one?)
This is the link

Anonymous said...

12:06 Did you look at the bands Ottawa gets? Johhny Kaye? Really?
I give Concerts for Pizza credit. They know what entertainers will draw a crowd. The type of crowd may not always be welcome, but there sure is a lot of them.
When she did a family friendly one, she got a pretty good head count. But she makes her money on booze, so country western and rock are the way to go. No chairs, so less weapons and fights...and more trips to her concessions. Pizza is way more salty there too.
I wonder now that concealed carry is ok if they STILL are gonna just let everyone in without screening for drugs and weapons. The police seem to think 5000 plus drinking and pot smoking brings all angels here lol. Gangs only are in the suburbs and Chicago, not here. Its only a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

NOT IN FAVOR OF CONCERTS. CHILDREN AND FAMILY'S WOULD ENJOY A SWIMMING POOL DAILY. Fire department open house? Trucks can be touched at that event if there is still an open house.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine who lives in Yorkville goes to morris every year for a music festival. It's amazing the events that other communities have at no charge that doesn't involve alcohol. I'm not against alcohol and I do partake in my share of it. There was an article regarding this in yesterday's Morris Herald Neespaper . We were talking about this last weekend. And I think it's a crock of crap that there are no festivals in LaSalle/Peru that have a carnival. Baker Lake would and should have been the location for the Taste of the Illinois Valley to have continued. Who remembers being in grade school/junior high/high school and highlight of the summer was to go to a 5 day carnival/festival?

Brian Foster said...

2:28 - Legal concealed carry will is prohibited at these events:

You should read the law sometime. Here is the relevant section.

"Any public gathering or special event conducted on property open to the public that requires the issuance of a permit from the unit of local government, provided this prohibition shall not apply to a licensee who must walk through a public gathering in order to access his or her residence, place of business, or vehicle."

One could also argue that more than 50% of gross "sales" are from alcohol. This also prohibits legal concealed carry.

In addition to this, all the buildings on at the airport are owned by the government, so legal concealed carry is not allowed.

You have nothing to fear from concealed carry license holders anyway.

Anonymous said...

A few comments on this one:

- Brian besides the fact that people don't care what your think, in most of the recent nationally publicized shootings, the shooters were legal gun holders. The crazy dude in California was a perfectly legal owner. I am a believer in the second amendment but most of us are in favor of reasonable gun control. You always say people have nothing to fear with legal gun owners but just because they pass a stupid class and have a background check does not mean they are not crazy. I will brace myself for your five page response.

- No offense Lois but judging from your picture this looks like a Lawrence Welk concert. I am not saying that to be mean, but really?

- What is it with the bloggers waiting for the city council and mayor to organize the entertainment? Why is this their job? What I can tell you is in some of the communities mentioned it is not organized by those people and nor should it be. It is grass roots or some community organizations.

- Lois you said do we have a chamber of commerce? That would be the Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce and while that works in most communities where the chamber is for only one town, here we have a chamber that stretches across a number of communities and I don't think their mission is organizing events like this.

- Sadly I think whatever is done people here will bitch about it. There is zero appreciation for anything positive that is ever done. You make it sound as though there is nothing positive that ever happens in our community. I wish there was more sometimes but how sad that you miss out, or don't try to make it better. Criticize the "pizza lady" all you want but don't criticize her hard work and effort of making things happen. Why not try to do it better?

A carnival? Okay that truly says it all. NO thanks! Lol

Anonymous said...

2:57 - We don't want carnival folk in Peru - unless they have their camp well outside of town. The last time we had a carnival, they where giving baby chickens to kids as "prizes." They also created quite a few after hours disturbances around the park.

Anonymous said...

I went with my kids maybe about 10 years ago to the silver slipper in ottawa for an outdoor concert with a big name venue. There were several big name concerts there. Those concerts were not promoted for any benefit or charity if I remember right. The owner of the slipper promoted them for his personal business.

Peru Town Forum said...

5:43 PM

I am certainly old enough to know who Lawrence Welk was but way before my time there was something called Dixieland Jazz and that is the type of music this is and it has quite a following and many masters of it also. Most people of all ages do enjoy the jazz that this typifies. Sorry that you don't.
Or course I know about IVAC after all we do pay them big bucks every year as some other cities do and others do not.
This city has absolutely zero vision with regard to what community is and I want to say that loud and clear. We are absolutely stagnant. Get out read the internet and read about what other cities are doing about it. it is not about 8 people getting together twice a month and agree on whatever is put before them as agreed upon before the meeting even began.

Brian Foster said...

5:43 - This is Lois's blog and the Second Amendment is off topic. I only commented because someone else said that concealed carry permit holders will make the airport concerts more dangerous somehow. My point was that the people holding the permit cannot legally carry their weapon at those concerts.
I will not debate you further in on this blog unless Lois has a post specific to that issue. I will simply state that at one time we locked up crazy people - the people you referred to should have been flagged in the system - but for whatever reason, the government and the medical professionals did not follow the rules and did not report them.

Anonymous said...

Lois, did you ever think about getting the mainstay of your bloggers to organize a Jazz concert yourselves, look for a delightful venue, just to see what you can come up with instead of complaining constantly about every little thing within the city. It is easy to point out how much better other cities are, organize the concert yourself!

Anonymous said...

Well now. If it comes to a choice between Lawrence Welk and somebody like Miley Cyrus, I choose Lawrence Welk. And I'm not even 50 yet.

Anonymous said...

Do not confuse making things happen with progress, any more than activity equals accomplishment.

Many criminals are quite industrious, and very hard workers. The ends do not justify the means. If you get the stars out of your eyes about the concert, then once they give money to charity off the top, stop advertising as a charity, stop using our tax dollars, stop using the charity for free labor, start preparing safety and security like a real paid venue on their own- well then I'll pat her on the back. Thats if I can move her own away long enough to do it.

Anonymous said...

5:43 PM, you are just plain rude. You are obviously a Peru elected official or somehow benefiting from the corruption in our town. Why don't you sing your name? Huh? Rude, rude, rude. Must be an Alderman.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:43 Indirectly the taxpayer is paying for the same weekly entertainment and if some would prefer more of a variety than presently scheduled they have every right to do so. This entertainment does not include a admission fee.
Indirectly through taxes paid to the city and the use of city departments and location, and the write off of debt the taxpayer is paying for the Concerts for a Cause also.
Anon 5:43 You complain of Lois and other bloggers and state they are too negative in attitude but I find your comment to be the most negative of all.

Anonymous said...

The hanging baskets and planters downtown look fabulous!

Peru Town Forum said...

8:47 PM
I hope you know how ridiculous your comment is. You want me one individual to organize and pay for something the city should be doing. They certainly have no problem investing our taxpayer dollars in some events that shall remain unmentioned because we all know them by name. Would you like to restate why I should do and will you give me the funding to do it. Sorry I won't pay for your pizza too.

Anonymous said...

5:43 pm, You make an interesting point about community events and who should organize, fund, etc.
I agree that elected officials, especially Peru elected officials, cannot and should not be relied upon as event planners per se'.
As a staunch critic of the current mayor and most of the aldermen, I will explain why I beleive there are so few community events in Peru. While it is "Not" the duty of elected officials to plan festivals, concerts, farmers markets, beer gardens, etc, it is in my opinion the duty of all elected officials to encourage, accomodate, support, and promote ALL appropriate events brought forward by anyone without bias, discrimination, or favoritism playing into it. THERE LIES THE PROBLEM WITH PERU AND ITS CURRENT ELECTED OFFICIALS. All you have to do is look at how the mayor and council decide what group they will open the checkbook for and which group or individual will get lip service and a kick in the ass. The back-room deals and negotiations that have spawned the concerts at the airport reveal city leaders with absolutley no clue what the hell they are giving or what, if anything the community is getting from these concerts. Consider the fact that the general public finds out about a concert schedule only when it is made public in the damn newspaper. We are not notified as a result of any City Council public discussion or a detailed presentation in open meeting by the promoter. The deals are cut and dried and all decisions have been made behind closed doors by the time the public hears about it. Then, after each and every concert the public has no idea what the financial cost to taxpayers is because there is never an honest accounting or financial report provided by either the city or the concert promoter. NEVER!
The point is, in Peru you will recieve the encouragement and support of the mayor and city council based on who you are, and how well you are politically connected, not on the viability of your plan, or the uniqueness of your idea for an event. In Peru, if you are not an INSIDER, you are an OUTSIDER, and you will be treated accordingly. Therefore, the mayor and city council continue to fail when it comes to fairly promoting, supporting, and encouraging community events. When politics dominates their every decision, only politicians will be allowed to participate. We are not all connected politicians. That is a total lack of quality leadership.

Anonymous said...

Comments like "people don't care what you think" are a typical elitist response. Instead of using an "I" statement (as in "I don't care what you think), the Anonymous 5:43 PM, June 10, 2014 commenter uses the tried and true elitist tactic of evangelizing his or her opinion as if it was fact or at least the commonly held belief of society in general. The commenter does eventually meander back to stating an opinion correctly in the final paragraph with a correctly phrased "I" statement. The reason for this change is apparently based on the topic. Does the commenter feel more confident about the last statement?
Finally - the "Crazy Dude in California" had issues that where known by the authorities, yet they did not do anything to prevent the tragedy. It can be argued that this persons family, doctors, and the law enforcement all failed this individual. He had multiple mental problems - chief among them was the inability to feel empathy for anyone other than himself. He perpetrated his crime with multiple weapons including knives, hammers, and an automobile.
The most incident in Las Vegas shows that a concealed carry permit holder can make a difference. After the husband and wife team of killers finished in the pizza parlor, they attempted to continue their rampage in a near by retail store. However, a man legally carrying a pistol confronted the man. Unfortunately for him, the killers wife shot and killed him. However, the killers called it quits after being confronted by armed resistance and killed themselves.

Anonymous said...

I still am not sold on how the city of Peru is paying for a concert. The promoter reimburses the city for all of the concert costs, and the city profits from parking. Its like those that complain about construction on Shooting Park road, the same ones that complain about the potholes on shooting park road prior to the construction. Your city should provide you with the entertainment of your choice? Consider I enjoy cable TV, will they city pick up my cable bill? I enjoy a good UFC fight, should the city provide me with a live UFC event? Think about how ridiculous some of the posts are.
Between the Concerts vs Pickleball, which comments have been more insane?

Bob Quick said...

Morris hosts the Gebhard Woods Dulcimer Festival. It will be held June 7 & 8 at Goold Park in Morris. You can Google the festival for a check of the activities. It's a great two days of traditional music, workshops, and concerts.

Anonymous said...

Peru needs a festivals and events committee comprised of private citizens. Committees like these are often called "Boosters." City employees should not be used a free labor for events unless they volunteer and do it on their own time. City funds should not be used for any particular event, rather a budget should be provided to the Boosters and the remaining funding generated through their efforts. Finally, facilities like the airport should never be used for other than the intended purpose - airplanes landing, taking off, and parking.

Anonymous said...

To 7:58 am - You can't be taking yourself seriously. You state, "a concealed carry permit holder can make a difference". Are you serious? He made no difference. NONE! Him having a gun made NO DIFFERENCE! He was gunned down with his concealed weapon.
The killers called it quits because thwe killers planned to call it quits. Not becuase they killed some guy who thought he was safe carrying a concealed weapon learned the hard way that he was actually no safer at all.
Get real!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a bunch of blue haired free loaders too me.

Anonymous said...

If peru had a park district we wouldn't have all these problems. There would be a park board with a superintedent of parks and recreation. The mayor/alderman wouldn't have much say so. The park district would have concert venues if they chose to and the $$$ would stay within the taxpayers pockets so to speak and not into an individual persons pocket. I believe the reason peru doesn't have a park district is because of the YMCA. Feathers would have been ruffled.

Anonymous said...

7:50 AM....your making alot of noise about issues that you have no facts to evaluate. Honest financial in what area?...The concerts look to be very simple, you add the city costs and subtract the revenue the city receives. The city has a cost report....get it from the freedom of information act--at the office of the city clerk. You will find a simple report. If you want a concert or another thought, go to youe local city and see if you can host the program. Who you know is a candid statement and utilized as a excuse for NO Factual information exists that can verify any example you may have that validates that you have been mistreated by your government. Lets get details before we call FOUL BALL!

Justin Loger said...

The idea of privatizing the airport exists. At least it would do away with the nonsensical arguing between residents who want it and residents who don't.

Anonymous said...

Some valid points above on both sides.
Some state that the city forgave agreed debt from the promoter, some say that is a lie.
Some say that the promoter is responsible for the safety plan, some say thats a lie and the city is responsible. The safety plan alone for that event costs 40 to 50 k on the open market.
Some say the airport insurance covers these events with a rider, some say they dont.
Some say the event generates sales tax revenue, some say it bleeds out of the community.
Some say the FAA was mislead, some say thats nonsense.

If it is all readily available information from the City clerk, why doesnt some blog owner publish those facts, not saying it has to be Lois. Or why doesnt some newspaper investigate it and show the facts? All this going back and forth here does not do much either way.
I think a good place to start would be a link, or publish here the concert ordinance, for all the concerts. Then we can see who is responsible for what, and when they were first held responsible.

Anonymous said...

10:49. You are wrong. In almost every instance of spree killing, the perpetrator did not stop until confronted by an armed response. Typically this is police many minutes after they start. However, it is often a citizen. We don't hear about that in the news very often. In this case, news reports acknowledge that it would have been much worse if the permit holder did not attempt to intervene. This has been reported in major news media including USA Today, CNN, NBC. The Las Vegas Police even stated that if this person did not try to intervene many more people would have been killed.

Anonymous said...

i favor a park district so we can have more concerts at the park. big deal more taxes

Anonymous said...


No one said concealed carry law would necessarily make the concerts more dangerous, just there might be more likelihood they would be in the parking lot or on the persons involved. You correctly stated that the law prohibited them at this type of event. Not all firearms owners may be as diligent in their knowledge as you.

Many professional concert venues have controlled entry with dogs and metal scanning, which according to Lois is considered unnecessary by our chief at the Concerts for a Cause. Stating on the tickets no firearms allowed, and possibly even in the parking lots considering the alcohol level and number of disputes reported at past concerts (never in police reports of course, only on facebook ), could be a prudent safety reminder. Communicating clearly that weapons scans and drug sniffing dogs, in all advertising , also would be a prudent and professional safety reminder. From a marketing standpoint it might reduce sales.

Gangs make money selling drugs, and they look for low security , non professional venues with low levels of law enforcement and big crowds with A list entertainers.
I think that it is more likely that both legal and illegal firearms may be more likely in the event perimeter and the safety plan needs to address it.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:39 PM

Your comment may be the general concensus of the majority of the residents of Peru and that is why we never will have a park district in Peru, although I would favor one. Most cities that are doing well do have one for the reason that the elected members or a Park District generally take care of parks and activities.
You may think that the Recreation Board takes care of that so why should we change? My answer is to attend a couple of Recreation Board meetings and see how dysfunctional they remain. They are the group who put us thru the pickleball fiasco.

I say that no one in Peru government really has a commitment to making our parks the best they can be and as far as recreation, it only matters if the recreation is some activity played with some type of ball. We actually do pretty good for those 16 and younger with regard to activities and that is where most of the money goes. That is good but it should not be all we are about as a city. Do you remember the BB gun club and how easily that happened? In one years time, I believe the number attending was reduced by about half. Please correct if that is wrong.!
Since a vision is totally missing in the city, those in control cannot see what needs to be. Unless and until that changes, we as a city will continue to consider things like the Airport Cancerts a benefit and activity for the residents.

Brian Foster said...

I support metal detectors and other security measures at any event like this. The parking lot is a safe haven though, according to the law. I think we should also have a metal detector at our municipal building also.

Anonymous said...

Lois, you can't put the whole rec board in the pickleball fiasco. That was before a few of them got on the board, and did you notice that only the Board President and the Board Secretary and the newbie (who is best buds with the president) showed up for the last Public Property committee meeting and council meeting. It's really only two people who are forcing pickleball town our throats.

Peru Town Forum said...

5:55 PM

That is true and I went to the mtg last night and found that 3 or 4 dominated the discussions and the others were not included. This is the reason term limits need to be enforced and more so when there are more applicants than positions to be filled. Mayor Harl in my opinion should no longer fill positions with the same members when terms expire but reach out to new when available. It is similar to term limits for elected officials. It makes for a better community.

Anonymous said...

My opinion is than Mayor Harl or any Mayor should have the authority to appoint people for city jobs or to be on any board or committee. The should be a fair process with jobs advertised in the paper. And anybody who should like to be on a committee should have a fair opportunity to do so. Being a deadline for their names to be put in a hat and draw names! Fair and square! Is Peru an equal opportunity employer? I'd say NO!

Anonymous said...

Funny story Today while attending the legislative luncheon sponsored by IVAC ( you know Lois Our local Chamber) I found it pleasing that when our legislators were asked about "right to work state" and one representative said "no" he garnered applause from one table of BA's while the entire group erupted in applause when the obvious was stated = get with the program and dump unions or become an obsolete state. Pretty much happening before our very eyes but lets worry about pickelball and private car washes please This blog has created the laughing stock of the IV with useless content No I am not elected nor do i support Peru pretenders but this BS is doing more damage then good Make a difference if you want to keep this in place Go get involved and lead or honestly just please be quiet and get out of the way

Anonymous said...

Here's the perfect way to end the Airport concert controversy. Peru should annex Dalzell and then there will be concerts in the woods.

Anonymous said...

6:06 what would be the difference from the airport or the woods. I think you mean public vs private venture.

Anonymous said...

10:26 if you're not happy reading the blog, don't.

Do you think Lois has it in her power to do away with unions?

What are you doing to make Illinois a right-to-work state?

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how many times I've made a comment on this blog 10:26, and I will tell you that my blogs are
100% the truth. And, I'd be willing to bet if people took my comments serious, thought about them and did some research on what I've blogged they would be truthfully informed. My opinion is that people who don't like this BLOGSITE are hiding something, lying to people, or covering up for someone. Anybody can put up a fake facade, but to get the truth, ask somebody who knows the truth. THIS BLOGSITE IS THE BEST THING THATS HAPPENED TO PERU! Some skeletons have been let out of the closet, and there is more to come out I'd say.

Anonymous said...

What's the status of the FBI investigation? Will the results of this investigation be disclosed to the public at a council meeting? Or will It be secret in closed session?

Anonymous said...

Involuntary annexation just results in dozens of lawsuits for "taking"; resulting from reduction in property values. Any successful annexation would be a very messy and expensive business for the city.
But they will risk anything for free pizza and pictures with celebrities.

Anonymous said...

Still no video of the 6-2-14 council meeting on the Peru website.

Peru Town Forum said...

4:35 PM

I asked the city clerk that question, why no video? He said that Connecting Point is having problems with it and is working on it. He also said that Princeton has the same issues with Connecting Point and there are times when their videos are not posted for the same reason.

Anonymous said...

well lets see, a 13 year old can post a two hour video on YouTube in about ten minutes. Why do we insist on hosting the video's on the CP server? Lets see, who knows more about the Internet? Google or Connecting Point? Yah, lets go with the yokels so we can spread some of that good ol' taxpayer money around.

Anonymous said...

This is a perfect example of why, when the government contracts things out around here, it should be a requirement to use a business THAT IS AS FAR AWAY FROM THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AS POSSIBLE! This area will never develop if we reward mediocre businesses with government contracts just because they are local. At a minimum, we should be clawing back money from this contractor for every hour the service is not being provided per the contract.

Anonymous said...

1:01 you seem very disturbed by my comment Sorry i hit a nerve if i was to read between the lines. The blog is good watercooler fodder so its worth the read just to see how simple minded some people are. I didnt attack Lois i simply pointed out our Chamber does things too, referencing one of her earlier posts. Honestly i would bet you a paycheck i am doing all i can regarding involvement for a right to work option for the people. The intimidation and threats of unions are just as horrific to some individuals as they are to business growth, so i was simply pointing out the obvious. If you dont like reading my comments ignore them don't take it as a personal attack. The blog while well intentioned strays off course to simple subject matter instead of people investigating and finding solutions to points Lois makes. I believe her intention at one time may have been to communicate the things she knows to be wrong in hopes of proper and real discussion of potential resolutions and to get people involved (like i am). That said my wish would be for a more meaningful engagement by people instead of all the name calling. Have a good day

Anonymous said...

Alderman Sapienza represents the Public Health and Safety Committee which is responsible for the cities business with Connecting Point. Alert him to this problem and see what he can get done with it.

Anonymous said...

Well said 8:18.

Anonymous said...

To 8:18 pm, The chances of Illinois becoming a Right to Work state are essentially non-existent. If you choose to waste your time and the time of any elected official in Illinois with talk of making Illinois a Right to Work state that is up to you. If you were an informed and intelligent person with at least a clue about the true political reality of what you are suggesting you would not be wasting your time or anybody else's with the ridiculous notion that it could ever happen in Illinois. Stop wasting your time and choose a cause or a crusade you might be able to influence, because to be honest with you, "Neither you nor anybody else is ever gonna change Illinois to Right to Work".
Maybe you should try to join a Union cause if you can't beat'em you better join'em. And you can't beat'em.

Anonymous said...

10:26 & 8:18; what bothered me about your comment was your insinuation that pickleball and free car washes for city employees are trivial things. Free car washes for city employees is a waste of taxpayer money, a small waste, but a waste. Pickleball, while it didn't affect many people, it did greatly affect some people.

Anybody should be able to come on here and have freedom to say what they want. It's called freedom of speech. I didn't appreciate you saying if a blogger didn't have something important to say, then they should get out of the way and be quiet. Who is to determine what is important then? You?

Brian Foster said...

9:24 AM, Maybe you should do a little research on the topic yourself. I’d like to draw your attention to the case of Harris V. Quinn which is before the US Supreme Court. If the court rules in favor of Harris, which many believe is likely, Illinois will no longer be able to enforce the mandatory payment of union dues by public sector employees. The ruling on this case is expected this month. The public sector in Illinois is the largest union base. Hopefully, the court will do the right thing and the workers will stop paying AFSCME and others.
When you say “Neither you nor anybody else is ever gonna change Illinois to Right to Work" I remember hearing the very same comment regarding Michigan. Last year, Michigan became the 24th state to enact right to work legislation. Yes, Michigan, home of the United Auto Workers, realized that forced unionization was hurting them. It is no coincidence that CAT closed their plants in Dixon and Sterling IL and moved the operations to Menominee Michigan. How many more plants will CAT move? How many companies refuse to expand in Illinois? Eventually, even Madigan and his cronies will figure out that the unions are eroding the tax base.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 10:39 I thought so then 9:24 (BA) and 9:26 weigh in with the name calling. As i said good watercooler fodder. You can't change anything if you don't try. Everything is important as is freedom of speech, so since i am a newcomer (post) i'll slide in a few more comments for the Business Agents to swat around and hope i'll not offend taxpayers like me who agree to disagree. Lets move on to the next topic before someone breaks a finger slamming down to hard on their keys in a fit of rage trying to respond how clueless i surely must be. And yes 9:26 i agree with your comments about waste i am simply confused on why the more simple approach isnt used which is to cut the lock and lock the hose. I was not diminishing those issues rather seeing how easy they are to resolve by being a leader. Thus, lead or get out of the way. Leaders dont worry about votes because of a little noise they let their actions speak louder than their words . To answer your question more specifically -no i am not that full of myself to think i determine what is important to others, so sorry if u wanted to think so. Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

9:26 did not do any name calling.

Anonymous said...

The word at the Coffee Shop is our protectionist city council and mayor have finalized another back-room, sweet-heart deal by selling city owned property to another well connected local company without any public input or a comment period. A lucrative deal for the connected company at the expense of the Peru taxpayers. Call your alderman and thank them for selling your property for bargain basement prices.

Anonymous said...


Thank goodness this kind of thing NEVER happens in the Illinois Valley charity pizza concerts.

Thanks Chief!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:56 If you are referring to the 47.7 acres sale of city property this has been going on for quite some time. If it is disturbing to anyone from the second guessers, do nothings but complain they should attend council meetings to voice their opinions. This entire group would rather let the cards fall as they come and just keep dealing.

Anonymous said...

Here's what happened at a concert at the airport. I did not go to any of the concerts due to the fact of how they were promoted and how we taxpayers have been used in a manipulative manner regarding them, and the city should not be involved with the concerts what so ever! Back to my first sentence. There was pot being smoked, passed around. Police officers were walking around and this was happening and was possibly being purposely overlooked so there would be no press release over arrests that would give concerts a bad name (hear no evil, see no evil). Several people who attended these concerts told me they witnessed this. The smell of pot doesn't smell like a red rose.

Peru Town Forum said...

2:14 PM

There was opposition by 2 aldermen on the public property committee but it still passed 6-2. The numbers on the council currently don't favor doing things the right way.
But I believe the blogger is referring to another transaction which might be voted on tomorrow. Not sure on that one.

Anonymous said...

To anon 2:43, the key phrase you mentioned was I wasn't at the concert, so you are basing your statement on hearsay and not fact. That is the biggest problem with the blog. My friends told me or my dog mentioned it etc etc, if your going to make statements on subjects you don't know, bite the bullet and go see for yourself or stay off the blog!

Anonymous said...

Lois do you expect this blogger to attend the city council meeting tomorrow and represent himself at the initial public comment? I'll give you 5 to 1 odds that he isn't and another 5 to 1 odds that he is busy complaining while buying his ducats and playing cards with his coffee Tuesday morning. The blog as used by some is a great informative medium but as used by others is nothing more than a "bitch session of a bunch of non progressive wastes of human flesh" who's only belief is as long as I enjoy and practice the subject it is OK to include in a community. This is one of the main reasons the area is as non progressive as it is. To those who want to prove me wrong, the city council meeting starts at 7:30 PM Monday night. Enter through the front or back entrance, I'm sure there will be plenty of parking.

Anonymous said...

There were plenty of posts by eye witnesses about drug use and rowdy behavior. They even signed their names. You didnt need to look far.

They were on La Grottos facebook page. And they live forever, and have already been recorded.

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:16 pm, "Non progressive wastes of human flesh?"
You have just definitively described the current Peru City Council better to a "T".

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

2:43 If you didn't attend the concert...how would you know that the weed was being passed around in the presence of law enforcement? your reaching on for anything negative. maybe they had a perscription. I was at a concert in Chicago and I had the scent of the wach weed in the crowd. Who cares, is it worst than alcohol? Probably healthier than pizza!

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:35, my friends aren't liars and are in their late 30's early 40's just so you know. Also, I could have lied and said I attended concerts, in which I did not. So, maybe you should be respectful in the fact I stated facts/truths and I would be able to support my comment with those people/friends who did attend concerts.

Anonymous said...

2:41 Dude! Are you for real? You saying that there is not drug use at major concerts? Come on.
These are no different, and Peru is the perfect location. We look the other way on so many things.

You are bustin that dude for saying he had friends there that saw it. I think the real news story would be this was the first Kid Rock concert in history without pot and other drugs. Unless you are one of the old church ladies that think La Grortos are saints, just chill.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody think that if people who were considering moving here read this blog they would think peru has a mental health issue. I am considering that stance

Anonymous said...

Is that former road commissioner and twp sup sitting on right side )?

Anonymous said...

831 What are you referring to? I notice whenever anyone brings up normal concerns there is always someone who then comes on here and instead of factually debating, just says everyone on here is paranoid or crazy.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with smoking pot? Everyone does it. Sort of like booze during prohibition. It will be legal for recreational use in Illinois soon, mark my words. The State Legislature is drooling at the prospects of taxing it. Yup, nothing like keeping the lower class stoned and gambling. Keeps them passive and in-line. That's why the government likes to keep the kids in school on Ritalin - keeps them nice and obedient.

Anonymous said...

@6:55 PM Simple question "What's wrong with smoking pot?"
Simple snswer "It's illegal".

Anonymous said...

Hell so is serving underage kids, which many say went on at the concerts. But it is of course hearsay evidence, and videotaping is strictly prohibited.

Peru is the leader of the Valley, used to be industry and retail,
but 6:55 wants us to be the leaders in legalizing drug use, probably gambling... anything else against the law you think is dumb we can just start breaking?

Anonymous said...

Illegal gambling has been the reason many taverns stay in business and everybody knows it goes on and nobody does anything to stop it. Why not get tax money from gambling?? At least somebody besides the tavern owners will get a benefit from it.

Anonymous said...

Pot will be legal in Illinois soon. They passed the medical thing. I guarantee they will legalize recreational use in the first legislative session after the election.

Anonymous said...

To all those dissatisfied with the same o-same o City concerts roller skating music you have Mary from the La Grotto to thank for the opportunities to enjoy soimething different this summer.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Thank you La Grottos for taking my tax dollars and getting rich off your charity concert scams.

Could they bring in strippers and feed christians to lions please? That would be different too.

Anonymous said...

I vote for strippers! We could have pole dances in Maud Powell Square - of course, a portion of the proceeds would go to "charity."

Anonymous said...

Merry asked Kid Rock not to bring his stage strippers, because people were giving her such a hard time.
Pothoff felt so sorry for her.
Rock Rave and non stop drinking for the kids! Pothoff is so proud!
Maybe you could get a 3 x 5 card to suggest the Maude Powell bikini stripper pole?