100 full-time jobs coming to Peru? - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
The changing world of economics presenting itself to Peru and the face of new medicine. Is this something we should welcome? Have all the bugs been ironed out of how this works within a community as an acceptable avenue of employment? I as many certainly have mixed feelings and believe it will lead to the acceptability of using the product. considered to be a gateway drug by many to use of harder drugs. To a certain extent this is an experiment because no one knows what the long term results are of legal community development and use by many more residents in a legal manner.
This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
News and Investigations You're Under Arrest…
News and Investigations You're Under Arrest…
Wow a citizens arrest because the board did not allow public comment.
Wow a citizens arrest because the board did not allow public comment.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Where and When did you find out about the City Council meeting today?
Late this afternoon, I found out that a City Council mtg was going to be held at about 4:30 PM. This was to be a regular city council meeting like those held every other Monday at 7:30PM. City council meetings require 48 hour advance notice to the general public and even if you post on the doors of city hall, that is not enough because if you maintain a city web site you are mandated to also put the notice on there for the public to view.
I only saw it this afternoon, evidently the aldermen were notified on Friday. But I have heard from reliable sources who monitor the city that it never was posted on the city web site for the public.to see. Am I surprised, absolutely not because this is the way the mayor likes to conduct city business.
So my question is: Did you know and when and how did you find out?
I only saw it this afternoon, evidently the aldermen were notified on Friday. But I have heard from reliable sources who monitor the city that it never was posted on the city web site for the public.to see. Am I surprised, absolutely not because this is the way the mayor likes to conduct city business.
So my question is: Did you know and when and how did you find out?
Sunday, June 22, 2014
What Happened to Special Concert Requests?
We have no clue as to whether the concert date has been changed and another stage added. According to the site, tickets were being sold for August 16 so I suspect it is the same day. As to the additional stage, it remains a question mark.
This just adds to the questions regarding the special needs and waste of time of our elected officials. Consider this, City Clerk Bartley has always been the point man to coordinate the city with the concert and as far as I know we pay all of his salary, so time spent taking care of these details is time spent doing what he should be doing in the City Clerks Office.
Friday, June 20, 2014
City of Peru to IL Valley Green LLC Summary of Ordinance
On May 19 there was a vote by the Peru City Council to sell 44.723 acres of real estate to IL Valley Green with the vote being 6-2 with Ald. Perez and Ald. Mueller voting against because they felt it should have gone out for bids.
The ordinance is No. 6002 and this is a brief summary:
Whereas the City of Peru owns the 44,723 acres of real estate generally located at the soutwest corner of N. 2551th Rd and IL Rt 251 .
The City and and IL Valley have agreed to the purchase price for the property with easement for ingress and egress, of $75,000.
Whereas the property is not useful or profitable to the City, is an expense to the city to maintain and sale of the property will promote commercial and economic growth of the city and
Whereas the sale of the property and easement to Il Valley Green will provide needed revenues to the City, will increase the economic development of the City, will promote the employment of the residents of the City, will increase the real estate property tax base of the City and will remove the blighting influence of stacked reinforced concrete decking on the property.
Whereas the property is zoned M-2 Manurfacturing
*Whereas on October 17, 2012, Douglas O. Biederstedt, then a State certified Appraiser, opined the value of the Property to be $75,000.
There have been many questions thru the years about that stacked concrete with rebars within and the value of them and also the gravel from the crushed concrete when it is crushed.
Possibly enough to cover the cost of the property? I am not aware of any public discussion or explanation regarding this or if an engineering report or assessment of their value was ever done. Was the appraiser able to give a stand alone value of this commodity?
This ordinance leaves more questions than answers given.
The ordinance is No. 6002 and this is a brief summary:
Whereas the City of Peru owns the 44,723 acres of real estate generally located at the soutwest corner of N. 2551th Rd and IL Rt 251 .
The City and and IL Valley have agreed to the purchase price for the property with easement for ingress and egress, of $75,000.
Whereas the property is not useful or profitable to the City, is an expense to the city to maintain and sale of the property will promote commercial and economic growth of the city and
Whereas the sale of the property and easement to Il Valley Green will provide needed revenues to the City, will increase the economic development of the City, will promote the employment of the residents of the City, will increase the real estate property tax base of the City and will remove the blighting influence of stacked reinforced concrete decking on the property.
Whereas the property is zoned M-2 Manurfacturing
*Whereas on October 17, 2012, Douglas O. Biederstedt, then a State certified Appraiser, opined the value of the Property to be $75,000.
There have been many questions thru the years about that stacked concrete with rebars within and the value of them and also the gravel from the crushed concrete when it is crushed.
Possibly enough to cover the cost of the property? I am not aware of any public discussion or explanation regarding this or if an engineering report or assessment of their value was ever done. Was the appraiser able to give a stand alone value of this commodity?
This ordinance leaves more questions than answers given.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Letters to the editor: Proud to be living in the Illinois Valley - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Letters to the editor: Proud to be living in the Illinois Valley - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
I was not aware of this before it happened so thanks to the writer in the open forum. This is definitely something I am also proud to see and something long needed in this area for families. I don't remember seeing it promoted but nice that so many people did. Thanks to all the churches and businesses that participated and if you went I would love to hear from you.
I was not aware of this before it happened so thanks to the writer in the open forum. This is definitely something I am also proud to see and something long needed in this area for families. I don't remember seeing it promoted but nice that so many people did. Thanks to all the churches and businesses that participated and if you went I would love to hear from you.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
This is the letter sent to City Hall re: Circus and is just a FYI
We live in a time when background checks are necessary to protect children and the public from harm. Merely taking a business license at face value and a copy of an insurance policy would not reveal crimes, fines, violations, broken laws, etc.
Carson & Barnes Circus has a long documented history of public endangerment and beating animals. (USDA C License Number: 73-C-0001) http://www.bornfreeusa.org/facts.php?more=1&p=420
Communities all across the country are banning wild animal in circuses. Huntington Beach, CA, Santa Ana, CA, Los Angeles, CA Fulton County, GA, Margate, FL, Miami Beach, FL Dane County, WI and Ketchum ID. In June 2014 Plymouth will join Braintree, Quincy, Revere, Provincetown, Weymouth, and Somerville, Massachusetts in banning wild animals. http://plymouth.wickedlocal.com/article/20140415/NEWS/140417407/?tag=3 http://ketchumidaho.org/DocumentCenter/View/1893
If all these communities recognized animal cruelty when they looked at the science and facts of wild animals in traveling circuses what reasons do we have for dismissing this proof without first looking at the evidences? http://www.federalcircusbill.org/news/10-reasons-support-traveling-exotic-animal-protection-act-teapa/
In April 2014 three of Carson’s elephants at a circus in St. Louis MO were spooked by the crowd noise as they were preparing to give rides, they rampaged through a parking lot out of control and damaging vehicles for 45 minutes. http://kplr11.com/2014/03/22/elephants-damage-4-vehicles-on-family-arena-parking-lot/
How many families would let their children ride elephants if they knew how dangerous it is? Look at all the violations. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/foia/enforcement_actions/2012/September/Animal%20Welfare%20Act%20%28AWA%29/Stipulations/OK10026_AC_sa_Carson%20and%20Barnes_072612_Redacted%20Final.pdf
This is a sobering reminder that the use of stressed and traumatized elephants in circuses presents a grave public safety risk. Since 1990, at least 14 human deaths and more than 120 human injuries have been attributed to elephants. http://docs.burningbird.net/circus/elephantlist.pdf
“In a 2010 internal audit, the USDA itself said, “In 1995 and again in 2005, we reported that the monetary penalties were often so low that violators regarded them as a cost of business and that APHIS reduced the stipulations by making them basically meaningless.”
This leaves the public with the impression that the circus is innocent of any animal cruelty violations, when in fact the opposite is true. As long as the circus pays their civil penalties they can keep their USDA C-License active.
The circus does feed, water and provide shelter. But they cannot hide or stop these wild animals from displaying “Stereotypical Behavior”. Elephant experts say this behavior has never been seen in the wild. It is repetitive, abnormal behavior regarded as an indicator of poor welfare, stress of living in an unnatural environment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq1Yw2ebE0o
All I am asking is that you educate yourselves on this subject so that you can make a more informed decision about the risk and safety to the community before inviting wild animal’s circuses back.
Jane Myers
Carson & Barnes Circus has a long documented history of public endangerment and beating animals. (USDA C License Number: 73-C-0001) http://www.bornfreeusa.org/facts.php?more=1&p=420
Communities all across the country are banning wild animal in circuses. Huntington Beach, CA, Santa Ana, CA, Los Angeles, CA Fulton County, GA, Margate, FL, Miami Beach, FL Dane County, WI and Ketchum ID. In June 2014 Plymouth will join Braintree, Quincy, Revere, Provincetown, Weymouth, and Somerville, Massachusetts in banning wild animals. http://plymouth.wickedlocal.com/article/20140415/NEWS/140417407/?tag=3 http://ketchumidaho.org/DocumentCenter/View/1893
If all these communities recognized animal cruelty when they looked at the science and facts of wild animals in traveling circuses what reasons do we have for dismissing this proof without first looking at the evidences? http://www.federalcircusbill.org/news/10-reasons-support-traveling-exotic-animal-protection-act-teapa/
In April 2014 three of Carson’s elephants at a circus in St. Louis MO were spooked by the crowd noise as they were preparing to give rides, they rampaged through a parking lot out of control and damaging vehicles for 45 minutes. http://kplr11.com/2014/03/22/elephants-damage-4-vehicles-on-family-arena-parking-lot/
How many families would let their children ride elephants if they knew how dangerous it is? Look at all the violations. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/foia/enforcement_actions/2012/September/Animal%20Welfare%20Act%20%28AWA%29/Stipulations/OK10026_AC_sa_Carson%20and%20Barnes_072612_Redacted%20Final.pdf
This is a sobering reminder that the use of stressed and traumatized elephants in circuses presents a grave public safety risk. Since 1990, at least 14 human deaths and more than 120 human injuries have been attributed to elephants. http://docs.burningbird.net/circus/elephantlist.pdf
“In a 2010 internal audit, the USDA itself said, “In 1995 and again in 2005, we reported that the monetary penalties were often so low that violators regarded them as a cost of business and that APHIS reduced the stipulations by making them basically meaningless.”
This leaves the public with the impression that the circus is innocent of any animal cruelty violations, when in fact the opposite is true. As long as the circus pays their civil penalties they can keep their USDA C-License active.
The circus does feed, water and provide shelter. But they cannot hide or stop these wild animals from displaying “Stereotypical Behavior”. Elephant experts say this behavior has never been seen in the wild. It is repetitive, abnormal behavior regarded as an indicator of poor welfare, stress of living in an unnatural environment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq1Yw2ebE0o
All I am asking is that you educate yourselves on this subject so that you can make a more informed decision about the risk and safety to the community before inviting wild animal’s circuses back.
Jane Myers
Peru What's In The News
The Peru City council held 2 meetings last night, one was the Committee Meeting of a Whole and that was followed by the regular city Council Meeting. I know there were only a few people attending the meeting plus the news reporters. Since I was not there and hardly anyone else was, I looked to the local news sources to find out what took place.
It was reported that the Mayor said we are continuing to receive more requests for more video gaming licenses. At this time we are getting $9,000 per month as the cities portion of the allowed return. Perhaps we are going to become the Las Vegas of Illinois. There are 2 possibilities for all the gamers and that is they just enjoy the activity and no matter what was available they would be taking part in it. Or are people so bored and gas so expensive that they must stay in town and that is what is available and they use it.
But wait, I just read that Hard Rock is coming to the airport on August 16. Will this be handled as all the others have been with no drug control? Are there more likely to be drugs at a concert as this? Is this something that a very large percentage of Peru residents will be drawn to?
Well personally I am off to the Farmers Market in La Salle today and Oglesby is working on their summer fest.
You might like to ask your aldermen about the letter sent to the city by someone that claims the circus coming to the airport does not have a good safety record. I have done a foia but I have not heard back yet. Also waiting for information on the recent land sale made by the city.
It was reported that the Mayor said we are continuing to receive more requests for more video gaming licenses. At this time we are getting $9,000 per month as the cities portion of the allowed return. Perhaps we are going to become the Las Vegas of Illinois. There are 2 possibilities for all the gamers and that is they just enjoy the activity and no matter what was available they would be taking part in it. Or are people so bored and gas so expensive that they must stay in town and that is what is available and they use it.
But wait, I just read that Hard Rock is coming to the airport on August 16. Will this be handled as all the others have been with no drug control? Are there more likely to be drugs at a concert as this? Is this something that a very large percentage of Peru residents will be drawn to?
Well personally I am off to the Farmers Market in La Salle today and Oglesby is working on their summer fest.
You might like to ask your aldermen about the letter sent to the city by someone that claims the circus coming to the airport does not have a good safety record. I have done a foia but I have not heard back yet. Also waiting for information on the recent land sale made by the city.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Summer concerts amp up drug screening after 'Molly' deaths
Summer concerts amp up drug screening after 'Molly' deaths
Someone sent in this link as a comment which I have posted but for morre visibility, I thought in the matter of public safety, I would make in a posting by the blog.
Someone sent in this link as a comment which I have posted but for morre visibility, I thought in the matter of public safety, I would make in a posting by the blog.
Monday, June 09, 2014
Sunday, June 08, 2014
Caterpillar to close plants in Sterling and Dixon « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO
Caterpillar to close plants in Sterling and Dixon « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO
This hits a little too close for comfort and leads to the question "why". Does the fault lie with the state or the local cities? Illinois continues to bleed industry with no end in sight.
This hits a little too close for comfort and leads to the question "why". Does the fault lie with the state or the local cities? Illinois continues to bleed industry with no end in sight.
Saturday, June 07, 2014
Sign a petition and help the towpath - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Sign a petition and help the towpath - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
If IDNR has no money, why do they accept grant requests like the one we recently sent in for swimming pool funding? This sounds like a legitimate safety request affecting a city's ability to respond to grass fires? Lets watch this one and see if our tax dollars in Illinois are being spent wisely.
If IDNR has no money, why do they accept grant requests like the one we recently sent in for swimming pool funding? This sounds like a legitimate safety request affecting a city's ability to respond to grass fires? Lets watch this one and see if our tax dollars in Illinois are being spent wisely.
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
Monday, June 02, 2014
Peru City Council "Straw Poll " Committee Mtg of the Whole
Ray Zborowski is the speaker at the beginning of the meeting, President of the ineffective Peru Recreation Board.
Note Mayor Harl's tone of voice.
This council is not impartial and the mayor is showing his cards about who he favors and who he dislikes intensely.
The mayor chooses what areas he takes an interest in and who he works against and he does this time and time again. Remember that Ald. Ferrari has a brother who plays pickleball.
Meeting Night at Peru City Hall
There is bound to be some news coming from city hall this evening even tho I am not going to observe it. I have already been informed about the Public Property committee mtg and more to come on that.
Not sure about the committee meeting of the whole because part of that will be closed session. The regular mtg is in session as I write and I know I will have access soon if anything of real news is talked about.
Not sure about the committee meeting of the whole because part of that will be closed session. The regular mtg is in session as I write and I know I will have access soon if anything of real news is talked about.
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