“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Streator to present first drafts of comprehensive, downtown redevelopment plans - The Times: Local

Streator to present first drafts of comprehensive, downtown redevelopment plans - The Times: Local

Topics are something to think about.  Peru has NO plans that I know about so some of the ideas put out could also apply to this city. All are food for thought even though our cities are very different.


Anonymous said...

when will the ice rink at McKinley be ready?

Anonymous said...

For crying out loud, peru can't even take care of its roads with a little over an inch of snow. At 8:30 this morning you would have thought we got ten inches. It stopped snowing at about 10 or earlier last night. I would love to see time sheets on this one!

Peru Town Forum said...

I just called city hall and McKinley is not ready for ice skating, they are adding another layer to it. They could not tell me when it would be ready for the kids to use.
You might check with Oglesby as the last report was that on Saturday, it needed one more day for the ice to harden so it should be ready by now.

Peru Town Forum said...

And from the Oglesby FB page, they are collecting gently used no longer needed ice skates to give to kids who don't have a pair to allow them to be able to skate this winter. So if you have some laying around that your family does not needed, call the Oglesby city hall and find out where to take them or maybe if enough people call, they might possibly pick them up. I just added that they did not say that.

Peru Town Forum said...

Verifying that the Oglesby ice rink is open as of 1 PM yesterday.

"Lois, yes, the rink was ready yesterday at 1 pm. Just make sure the big green signs says it is open."

Anonymous said...

The only alderman who has spoken in favor of Comprehensive Planning for the city has been Perez. Each time he has brought it up, the other aldermen and mayor have ignored him. His ideas are not allowed to be considered by the others because he does not "Play Ball", when it comes to the status quo decisions like Test and Chamlin. He needs some help. He needs other aldermen with a sense of ethics and morality.
One out of seven aldemen wanting to do the right thing is a sorry state for our city.

Anonymous said...

Latest Peru book is 2 to 1 that the Cubs will wina a World Series before Peru has a pool and 3 to 1 that Peru has a pool before they have a ice ice skating rink. Peru has more baseball fields than they have leagues to play on them and will lose the high school when its complex is complete but still insist on having Chamlain design another diamond at Veterans Park. Engineers, Remember parking!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:19 are they really bringing that up again?

Anonymous said...

Here it is the start of another winter. Last year 4 to 6 city employees disappeared to the basement of city hall for 4 to 6 weeks every day for the entire work day to build a BB Gun Club. When one alderman (Mike) was questioned he said this was a good thing since we didn't have much snow over the winter and it gave the guys something to do. Another alderman (Bob) said this is what in politics is referred to as a work in kind.
This project was so necessary that $1600 of merchandice was ordered by a employee which never reached the job and resulted in the employee being retired many years early.
If there is not alot of snow to work on how will the manhours of city employees be scheduled this year? Layoffs with department reduction in hours to what is needed, scheduling of split shifts and a increase of shifts from one to two or three to eliminate overtime. Does the union contract maintain that Saturday and Sunday are premium time days or does a employee have to work more than 40 hours in one week to achieve premium time pay? If so proper scheduling calls that the city no longer pays any premium pay.
Most workers have learned years ago that their are good sides and there are bad sides to belonging to a union and there are good and bad sides to not belonging to a union. A union being a dissending organization is managed strictly by the contract whereas a non union facility is much more friendly and family orientated.
FDR, the working mans President was the strongest backer of unions that we have ever had, often stated that government employees should not be organized.

Anonymous said...

Is any military unit in the world union? They are very similar to civilian government workers. Too much organization of government employees in small towns will lead to outsorcing.

Anonymous said...

FDR was not referring to the military when he made his statements about public sector unions. He was referring to government civilian workers.
You are correct regarding outsourcing. I personally believe that there are very few local government jobs that can't be outsourced.

Anonymous said...

Quoting 6:51 "FDR, the working mans President was the strongest backer of unions that we ever had, often stated that government employees should not be oganized".

Quoting 1:12 Is their any military unit in the world that is union"?

Quoting Anon 3:58 "FDR was not referring to the military when he made his statements about public sector unions. He was referring to government civilian employees".

3:58, 6:51 and 1:12 are two seperate coments and comments of two seperates should not be combined to reach the conclusion that one wants instead of what was meant.