“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Illinois financial records database The Warehouse launched by Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka | abc7chicago.com

Illinois financial records database The Warehouse launched by Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka | abc7chicago.com

Very interesting


Justin Loger said...

Interesting and sad. People would truly have a stroke if they understood just how screwed we are when it comes to government spending us into a hole we can't get out of

Justin Loger said...

I'm surprised people haven't had a stroke already when they see the financial mess big government has put us in.

Anonymous said...

Oct 10, 2013 Todays News Trib's headline once again raises queston of Perus government policies and the honesty of those who have instituted these policies. To take a early retirement at a pension twice as large as the average annual income of the area and than play the same fiddle to make again how much, a sum per year which cannot be pinpointed from the article. No matter what the Supreme Court ruling is, when greed takes over it leaves man without pride. Shame, Shame, Shame on all involved. You can laugh all the way to the bank but you will have to make a effort to look at a another person eye to eye. I'd much rather be respected!

Anonymous said...

Pretty ignorant to say justin for people who have suffered a stroke

Anonymous said...

9:26 pm - Shame, shame shame, is right. This situation is a clear reminder of the blatant cronyism that permeated the Baker era. The sweetheart pension scam that Baker and Prazen pulled off on the taxpayers of Peru and the State of Illinois is another example of why the state pension system is insolvent. It's just an additional slap in the face of honest citizens when the courts uphold a pension scam like this. Prazen can laugh all the way to the bank, but at least he and Baker have been exposed for the way they exploited the system.
Now, the most important question I have is, who represented Joe Prazen in all those legal actions?
I hope the city council or mayor did not have the gall to assign representation of the city attorney, Mr. Schweickert, on behalf of Prazen. If the city defended Prazen we have just been taken to the cleaners on both ends of this stinky deal.

Anonymous said...

It goes to show you - government employees will take all they can get and come back for seconds unless they are scrutinized each and every day. I have not seen the print edition of the paper - only the on-line version. But it should have been on the front page with the man's name in extra large bold font declaring how much money the tax payers are giving him.

Anonymous said...

Maybe my recollection fails me, but I thought Prazen and Schweickert were partners on some type of business venture years ago. If so, would that be considered a conflict of interest in this situation for him to represent the city's interest?

Anonymous said...

Although I'm not supporting his statement it probably isn't that far from the truth considering the last financial crisis had people literally jumping out of windows

Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong with using the word stroke. No different then saying heart attack when referring to the
excitement of a haunted house or a roller coaster. Give me

Anonymous said...

Baker, Hogan, and Prazen partners in Westclox w/Schweickert being either a partner or attorney. Which newly elected alderman is "best-friends" with Joe Prazen and often vacation together? And you thought Ankwiecz's lost benefited the ward...?

Anonymous said...

If you had bad feelings about a newly elected 3rd ward alderman and had fact to support it why didn't you warn others. You also have a responsibility which you seem to have neglected.
The more that is disclosed about the candidates the clearer and the better will the final choice be of the voters. Also if one chooses to enter public life he must be prepared to account for his actions, past, present and future.

Anonymous said...

I agree 3:17. People need to relax and focus on the true meaning behind the statement

Anonymous said...

The front page of the Ottawa Time web page shows a child dressed up as a soldier for halloween! How can they allow this promotion of violance?

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:27 A soldier protects the United States of Americas beliefs and freedom.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:27 Where did you say the cave you are hiding in is in Afganistan?

Anonymous said...

Dressing children as soldiers promotes violance and bullying! Kids should not be allowed to pretend to be soldiers, police, or any other occupation that deals in death. We need to teach our children diplomacy and pacifism. If we teach them to be non-violant and non-confrontational the would will be a better place when they grow up. We also need to control their exposure to any sport that has winners and scoring. This leads to competition and that leads to violance and economic disparity.

Anonymous said...

Soldiers and cops are honorable professions that are there to protect your behind when there is trouble. I'm not overly fond of so much sports in school, but get rid of winners and scoring? Are you kidding? That is how they try to better themselves. Agree that coaches and parents need to teach better sportsmanship. That is the problem, not the sport itself. Even gymnastics,which is not a directly competing sport, is based on scores.

Anonymous said...

5;51 You seem to always oversimplify and use fake sarcasm to promote right wing agendas. You cannot make a statement of your case without mocking other viewpoints to do it. Have the guts to come out and say what you think.

Example. You say we should teach our children diplomacy and pacifism.

You lump them in like two qualities of liberals that are bound together. Diplomacy is something we are in desperate need of. Children need to be taught that. You should have been taught that.

Pacifism has varying degrees. There are times when most agree you have to defend yourself. Teaching children to turn the other cheek and choose peace was promoted by a Jewish Rabbi many respect, and I guarantee is a helluva lot better man or woman than you.

Teaching them to be nonviolent and non confrontational might cut into the value of your WWF doll collection, but I think most agree this society is far too tribal and violent.

And your real issue shows up in your disdain for those who let kids have fun, don't keep score, and encourage everyone to be their best. Kids get exposed to competition,, but need to be taught first and foremost they need to compete against themselves to get better, and to respect their opponent.

I wish you had learned that when little. Course you probably would rather just kick my ass.

Anonymous said...

The point is we need to condition the children to be passive and not to compete. That way, everyone will work together in harmony. Granted, those that are predetermined to have talent can be separated out and educated for leadership. But there are not many of them since we can only have a few in these roles anyway. They do need to be trained diffently so they know how to deal with the others and keep them in line.

Anonymous said...

5:51; China called, they want you to come home.

Anonymous said...

5:51 Hitler called, he wants to shake your hand in hell.

Anonymous said...

7:54 and 9:25

You always fall for that dude. He actually HATES liberalism and values winner take all completion.

Curiously, Hitler did believe very strongly that only the strong should survive. I am sure the hard core capitalists out there were happy that France and Poland and the Jews fell. Teach them to make better decisions next time right? But our government had to go bail them out, and then when we finally did win, we actually bailed out the enemy!

Can you believe it? The Vikings had the right idea, no safety nets... The strong pillage and win, they get the spoils... Let's teach our kids that. Church is just fer Sundays! Take it all, then give to the poor in a charity. But make sure its a raffle or 50 50 so we get a chance to get our money bask.

That is sarcasm by the way. Back woods conservatives are the most disgusting of all.... Big fish in a puddle who couldn't survive outside of their insulated little community where their names would mean nothing.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:39 It is ashame that your knowledge only comes from history books. If you ever could have had the opportunity to speak to someone who left Germany when they witnessed the start of Hitlers climb to power and the reasons he could accomplish this would startle you as they did me. The greater your knowledge of history the greater will be your appreciation of The United States of America and democracy. Keep up the good work, always explore today for better ideas for tomorrow and express yourself openly. Thank you and good luck in all endeavors.