“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, July 28, 2013




Anonymous said...

So, what do you think the chances are that sombody got over served? Lots a straws - that means lots of mixed drinks.

Anonymous said...

What is this the aftermath of and where was it taken?

Peru Town Forum said...

actually it was after the Trace Adkins concert last year. Someone directed me to it and we can only suppose it was no different this year. Did the city have to clean up or did the promoter take care of this? I would like to hear that it was her responsibility but I do believe the city had some also.

Anonymous said...

The volunteers and Noonan's employees do most of the clean up. I volunteered for one of these concerts and it is a lot of work, especially taking down all the tables and chairs after the concert after you're already exhausted from serving food non-stop for at least 6 hours, especially if it's hot out. Some volunteers only stayed part of the night, and the ones who were left had the extra burdon. Noonan's employees work hard too, but they are getting paid. I'm all for volunteering, but this was way too much to ask. If I ever volunteer for another concert, it will be for a set number of hours and that's all. She needs more volunteers. I wonder if anybody else who has volunteered feels the same as me. I know the street sweeper goes up on Sunday, and I believe that city employee gets paid overtime. The volunteers are not expected to come out on Sunday, but I don't think any would anyway.

Anonymous said...

My money is that the city cleaned up !!!!! she never cleaned up before !!! why this one !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You should have seen the airport after the Kid Rock concert lol. That was a mess. I don't know who all cleaned that up, but I do know the police were stationed there early next morning to make sure no one could get in there to film or photograph the clean up.

Why do you need security when an entire crew is taking down the stage. The stage that was placed in exact position to comply with the FAA requirements for the concert, kinda almost.

Anonymous said...

5:40 could you say why you volunteered? I would love to hear it. Did you know that Target gives 5 per cent of their profits to causes?
I wonder how many volunteers they have to work their each day?

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:40PM Is this heresay or did you really see the street sweeper in action the day afer the concert. Recently I heard that it is also used the day after the fireworks on Water Street. I didn't think that Peru had a street sweeper anymore because I have not seen it being used for years. I know it has not been on our busy street because many have asked about it.

Anonymous said...

This is 5:40. I volunteered because of the "cause" getting the money. The city employees put up and take down the temporary fences, but they do not clean up after the concerts, except for the street sweeper.

I also volunteered at the Willie Nelson concert, and the volunteers and Noonan's employees cleaned up.

Anonymous said...

So 5:40 you believed that by volunteering you would somehow increase the money given.
And you might go so far as to say that others there believed that they were volunteering for money to be given?

Was the breakdown of how the proceeds were to be given ever broken down, or did you like many other volunteers believe that all proceeds over cost were going to the cause, so your labor was helping to make that the biggest number it could be?

Anonymous said...

5:40 one final question, if you don't mind answering. Did you, or any other volunteer, ever assist by cleaning or any other job function, with any area or activity associated with the concessions operations of the concert?


Anonymous said...

5:40 here again. Yes, I believe by my volunteering, the cause would get more money. I never heard of the breakdown of how the money was to be distributed.

Yes, many volunteers helped with concessions. The employees kept the food coming, and the volunteers handed it out. I worked with the food and soda and also the alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 5:40. It has been suggested elsewhere in other blogs that it was clear to everyone that all concessions were NOT involved in calculating the profitabllity of the concert and it's ordinance mandated charitable donation, It has been suggested that somehow it is assumed that all profits associated with the concessions belong to the promoter exclusively.

Having people volunteer for the "cause" to raise money, then have them work unpaid to basically line the pockets of the concert promoter seems unethical in the very least. I commend your efforts to try and help.

Anonymous said...

The forecast for this Saturday calls for rain, which means fewer people will buy tickets at the last minute to stand in the rain. Plus it's not supposed to be hot, which means people won't be as thirsty, so alcohol sales will be down. I think Peru Little League will end up with zero donation from this concert.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the set up and take down of the stage. A stage company from out of state came in on Thursday or Friday to start setting up stage. . And the owner of that stage company showed up on Friday. FACT! Sounds like people have been volunteering with the assumption of all revenue going to charity and are now seeing that that is not true. I personally wouldn't volunteer for this misleading fundraiser for charity. I advocate volunteering however.

Anonymous said...

How much was a draft beer? Mixer?soda? At concert? What does the restaurant charge for same concoction? This will tell a story.

Anonymous said...

8:40 concessions at an event are always much higher than at a restaurant. Same as a ball games. They cost more because you can't go anywhere else to drink or eat.

It does not tell a story. It is an obvious fact.

At concerts, you can generally estimate between 15 and 35 per attendee, depending on alcohol availability. Country western is one of the highest alcohol consumption, followed by rock and pop concerts.

Anonymous said...

8:23 a professional stage company always sets up at these concerts. What's your point? Volunteers do not assemble a stage, professionals do it. The outdoor stages collapse enough as it is, you are not going to have volunteers do it.

Anonymous said...

Plain and simple: the concert promoter is personally getting a financial gain. The city should be getting the financial revenue! Or the charity should be receiving a larger amount of money. Our mayor and council has allowed this to happen. Will not attend any concerts.

Anonymous said...

Clear example of consumer fraud. I am aware complaints/inquiries have been filed with the Attorney General's consumer fraud unit. Individuals can file a complaint/inquiry with the consumer fraud division anonymously; the more concerned citizens who report concerns over these concerts the more likely the AG will investigate or forward the issues to the proper agencies (revenue, labor, etc.).

I also find it difficult to believe large event promoters or venues have not contacted the appropriate individuals/authorities in an effort to halt these questionable activities in Peru.

Anonymous said...

10:47 again your points are off. Yes business does operate in a climate that encourages financial gain. From ticket sales and parking the city has a profit margin. Your choice not to attend the concerts is a personal choice, not a requirement.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:47 It has been plain and simple that the concert promoter is personally getting a financial gain and it is plain and simple that since she is the risk taker she should be. The city is getting twice the amount that they have aked for. $1.00/ticket, so for every ticket sold your city representation bargained for $.50 and Christy M. bargained for $.50.
You believe that the charity should recieve a larger amount of money? Why? It is a charity and should be willing to happily accept what donation someone is willing to give. I do not remember any agreed to sum of money given that Ms. Nonnan was to donate per concert. She is also going to give to the Peru Little League which is not a charitable organization.
You suggest that the city should be getting the financial gain. Who of Peru city representation do you feel is even slightly capable of being in the position of promoter for the concert, and if you belive that they should hire a outside promoter who do you believe in the present administration is capable of making that selection. Do you think that Ms. Nonnan would be willing to accept a flat salarry rather than conduct the concert as she has historically been doing? I doubt it!
So lets start afresh. The only thing Peru has is location with a promoter who has experience and connections that can move fromm the best business deal offered to her from city to city. Who has put themseves in the position of having the upper hand?

Anonymous said...

The government should not be involved in the concert business. The airport should not be used for non-aviation events. The police should not be providing security service to a private business. Government owned crop land should not be converted to grass parking lots. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Anonymous said...

11:50. But you are missing the point. The city should not pay employees to help with set up or take down. The city took farmland out of production for these concerts. If the promoter paid these expenses, and the city incurred no expenses (because those are our tax dollars being spent) I don't think anybody would complain. Has the city said how much they made from the McGraw concert from ticket sales and parking?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:50 no one is saying that the promoter does not take rusk. No one is saying they should not get financial gain. They are saying the series has been falsely to the consuming public and volunteers.

You do not address that. Why?

Just because something is clear in the promoters mind does not make it clear to the consuming public, volunteers, or even sponsors.

The city would not be getting a penny to this day if the FA A had not insisted on it. Why don tyou address that?

There is no do ever, let's start fresh.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:50

Trust me when I tell you if I was in on the negotiations; the taxpayers would not have settled for a simple $0.50 additional or $1.00 per ticket reimbursement. Cost allocation should not be utilized for venue rent (possible AIP violation) and the ordinance technically states a minimum $2500.00 reimbursement from Ms. Noonan on ticket sales. The ordinances have been poorly written and one should ask who they actually benefit?

The administration DID NOT charge a venue fee/user or ticket fee for the concerts in 2011 (not even an ordinance per FOIA request). When Peru was not accountable to the taxpayers again in 2012 plus legitimate inquiries were being ignored by concerned constituents; I proceeded in contacting State and Federal officials and Agencies; I believe that is when Alderman Ankiewicz re-negotiated the additional $0.50.

Peru, I assume with expert legal and accounting advice, decided cost allocation was sufficient to cover the venue. In reality the tax payer is only guaranteed $2500.00 per the ordinance for ticket sales aka. venue charge.


Anonymous said...

The City of Peru has proven that it can no longer be trusted being in charge of an asset like the airport. We need to either turn it over to the county or crate an independent port authority.

Anonymous said...

11:50 few points worth mentioning. Peru Little League is a charity. Christy M? I doubt that Mayor Harl or anybody else had a outside person negotiating for the city. The city is receiving a financial gain with parking, ticket sales. Nobody has ever indicated that the city should be in the concert business. Nobody has indicated that a outside promoter will be hired on behalf of the city. Its a event held at the Peru Airport, that's all folks.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:48 You claim that the series has been falsely presented to the public and volunteers. How and what part of it has been falsely presented to these two groups?
If you have any idea of business you would have to know that Mary was making money on the concessions by the price and volume she was working at. The sponsors were 100% aware that she was making money as most likely they are whom she was purchasing the product from which she sold to the attendance at the concert.
Because the donation was somewhat smaller many are waking up to the fact that business ventures are not a guaranteed thing and no one is going to get up this morning to go to work for nothing. The CEO"s of United Way, Red Cross, March of Dimes are paid enormous bucks. Can you tell me what they donate back to their organization out of their pockets.

Anonymous said...

11:50 The charity should receive not only a larger share of the profits, but all of the profits because it has been promoted as a benefit concert, and the ordinance implies it. It also is implied by historical advertising and marketing and communication to agencies who approved the venue.

A charity should be happy to get what it is given? But the charity has been required to work for what is given! And to work for what is NOT given.

If you throw a benefit concert is both reasonable and assumed that the profits will be given to that charity unless it is clearly communicated to all parties involved, including the consuming public, that the charity will be given only a small portion of proceeds, or possibly no portion at all unless a certain profit is achieved. This should be communicated clearly in all advertising, every media release, on tickets and at the venue itself.

Anonymous said...

2:29 if you read these blogs , I think the reasoning as to how they have been falsely promoted is clear. I think you also know exactly how they have been presented as well and are rationalizing it.

The argument that consumers SHOULD know based on what business people can clearly see is interesting, but absolutely irrelevant not admissible. Standing before a judge saying these suckers should have known it was not a charity concert will not fly. It will get down to the number of misleading claims made, public statements made, ordinance and revue of revenue.

I personally know that some sponsors believed that profits went to charity, that many volunteers believed that profits went to charity, and that a great many casual consumers looked at the signs and assumed it was a charity concert.

It is my contention that is EXACTLY what the promoter wanted. The benefits and perks of a charity concert, without the need to give all the proceeds. Some people admire the ability to opportunistically use the city , mislead consumers, and even use charities to make money and create goodwill. Some don't.

Anonymous said...

the city should purchase Howard Fellows Stadium from the school and rent it out for concerts and booze parties.

Anonymous said...

When and how did this become a city government problem? This falls nowhere near what our government should be doing. I SAY IT AGAIN AND AGAIN - THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN ANY WAY !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my a mess after a rock concert....what did you expect the headliner to say "could everybody please pick up your mess"

Cry babies

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:50 In complete agreement with you. If you want to know how the city became involved with the concert ask Harl he was out leading the way before any aldermen know that a concert at the airport was being thought of.
Don't blame Mary the city had exactly what she needed and they offered it to her thinking they were biting a big fat hog in the a--. What Harls motives were no one has ever figuted out. However the citizens of Peru reelected him knowing that there were concerts at the airport and we know there will be more. On the positive side this should be a good lesson to any young person aspiring to become involved in politics. DON'T MIX PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ENTITIES.

Anonymous said...

Would somebody please find out what the city made from the concert? Alderman Perez, do you have that answer?

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:02 no one is rationalizing about the presentation of the concert and no one is that naive to believe that there was not some real money being made at Concerts for a Cause, I mean some real money. You have nothing to take before a judge nor are you going to stand before one on the subject of the concerts. Judges will not waste court time debating hypothetical situations and nether will I. Have a nice evening.

Anonymous said...

8:39 don't be ridiculous. There a great deal to take before a judge. I will not be arguing the case should there be one that is true. But judges do not "waste" court time reviewing matters brought before them. When lawsuits are presented they are judged on merit.
Class actions are not generally dismissed without review, nor presented without cause. Should the matter end up in court, I stand by my statement that your defense that everybody knew the promoter was making serious money and the Concerts were not true charity concerts will not stand up. It is the equivalent of saying victims of fraud or malfeasance should know better and accept that everybody gets some.
On the contrary, the promoter will need to clearly show how they made clear to everyone -consumers, sponsors, charities and artists, that the concerts were actually only a private for profit concert that may or may not make enough money for an arbitrary donation to be made, and that there was no marketing that misleads the public or others into thinking anything else. Myself, I would not name the Concerts , Concerts for a Cause, because I believe that single fact would influence consumers who know nothing about the Illinois Valley or these concerts to assume these events are primarily fund raisers. I believe an impartial judge would agree.

Anonymous said...

8:03 I believe the picture was to be a symbol of cleaning up the mess left by one private business, citizens cleaning up with their tax dollars and mislead volunteers cleaning up so a business does not have to pay workers to clean up.

Complaining about government waste is not crying. Complaining about the misuse of an economic resource like the airport is not crying. It is civic responsibility.

Name calling does tend to be reserved for individuals without the ability or desire to debate logically. It is usually a sign of frustration and narrow mindedness.

Anonymous said...

10:25, like most people on here you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Let's start your law 101 lesson by looking up the term "class action". Really.

This concert "controversy" is a "controversy" for the 25 people on this blog who talk back and forth to each other and spread rumors. Every year a donation has been made to a cause. Concerts like this are fairly common and of course some people will still make money as they have the risk, insurance, marketing and everything that goes on with something like this. The municipality is always involved with a major community event to some extent as it should be.

If you don't like it, then don't go to the concert and don't eat pizza at Lou's. Be miserable, complain and spread lies. I will join the vast majority in continuing to support our great community and businesses like Lou's LaGrotto that put on events like this.

You all keep coming here with the false impression that you are making a difference. How pathetic. How about getting out there and leading yourselves? Do something for your community as real community leaders do, whether out front or behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

Lois you don't have to post my comment. Just venting. Nothing against you, I just get frustrated with people who complain about everything and do nothing to help their community.

Anonymous said...

Does LaSalle County have an amusement tax?

Anonymous said...

7:18 I am well aware if the definition of class action. I have been personally involved in several of them. It would be the most likely action in this case, unless the Attorney General was moved to take action.

Concerts like this are fairly common is your satement presented as fact.. Please direct me to any other one that has occurred in the past 5 years in the US and I will be happy to personally point out the difference. Please , it would be a refreshing break from being accused of spreading rumor, when I never do anything but present fact and considered opinion, being clear to delineate each one. Please tell me what rumor I have spread.

Unlike you ,i am compensated to research such matters, and I do it thoroughly. No legal action has been taken or threatened, but concerns have been raised and the responses from people like you tend to
be attacking and irrelevant, ignoring the questions.

If you want it to stop, please stop participating in the 25 person blog making incorrect statements and marginalizing dissenting opinion. When my tax dollars are not being spent for private gain and our airport is not being used as private patty club I will be happy. Until then, please respect the fact that not eating pizza or going to a concert is not going to cut it.

When someone is wronged they do not need to "do something for the community" instead of fighting back. People get tired of hearing dissenting opinion because they want to continue to rationalize their own beliefs and behavior.

Anonymous said...

Where has the negativity in regards to the last concert come from. City council meeting, July 10, 2013 all city officials spent entire meeting slapping and patting one another on the back on what a great job was done by one another.

Anonymous said...

Want to stop others from sponsoring her? List their names repeatedly on the blog as businesses that believe city tax dollars should support private business profits. If they are sponsoring her activities, then they must believe what she is doing is right. Sponsors don't like a hot kitchen. Ask Paula Dean.

Anonymous said...

Check out the paper today. " Noonan plans to share some proceeds " from this concert.

And only 25 people read this blog. Right. You can see the changes in reporting over time, from charity and benefit concert, now to her only planning to share. They are Concerts FOR A CAUSE. Now they are only maybe sharing their precious proceeds.

Think about this. The city is guaranteed a dollar per ticket, but the "cause" may or may not get any portion of the proceeds. Here is a chariy concert that makes sure the city gets a facility fee, but only gives if the promoter makes enough profit to maybe kinda share?

Stop the pretend charity front and just have concerts.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:55 Many of the concert sponsors are the concerts vendors or vendors to the promoters pizza business. They are doing their sponsorships for their own profits therefore I doubt if publication of their names will stop their sponsorships. This topic has been dragged through the mud for so many years I would like to polietly ask why do you and others truthfully want this concert to be stopped?

Anonymous said...

9:34 I have noted that no one wants the concerts stopped. They want them changed. And if you want to know why , read all the reasons that have been expressed here.

Some past sponsors already have pulled out, and have been notified and asked to stop. Some have, and I can only believe it was because those higher up said it was a potential liability. The sponsors now seem to be more and more only those who directly benefit from the event financially.

The topic has not been drug through the mud. Only here on this blog read by 25 people. The newspaper raves, the council cheers, there has not been a whiff of negative PR.

The district attorney rocks out among the doobies and all is right with the world. Maybe our district attorney thought the medical marijuana bill had passed and the concerts were a hospital?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:34 The blog as usual has done a outstanding job of creating interest on this controversal subject (concerts at the airport, intermingling of public and private businesses, and ethical wording of advertising).
In fact the blog rather than the local newspaper has made the public aware of different viewpoints on the subject. The newspaper has simply reported news without conducting any investigative research on its own.
The reason that the one and only newspaper of our locality has not conducted any resarch on the concert is simple-the promoter is a high volume advertising account for many years, the paper does very little investigative reporting on its own and it also tends to sway with those in local political power. The newspaper would rather ignore investigative journalism and its 40,000 reading public than cause controvery with one account.
The newspaper knows that this dispute is growing but yet it continues to ignore it. Why doesn't the paper question those involved such as the Mayor, city council members, concert promoter with comments that have been discussed on the blog. I include the Mayor because he has made the city involved in a partnership with the concert and the council because of their recent congratulatory meeting. Since these individuals do not want to recognize the blog it would give them another source to respond to. Also it would give those mentioned above a fair opprtunity to express themselves and the newspapers readers another viewpoint of the concert. GET R Done News Trib!

Anonymous said...

News Trib is now calling Ms. Noonan a promoter...and stating some proceeds go to Peru Little League...and I believe this is the first actual mention in the paper of the City charging $5.00 for parking. Gee it sounds like someone from the City wrote the article for print?

Anonymous said...

I have not read the article calling Ms. Noonan a promoter but they are correct and she is a very good one at that. Possibly the mistakes she has made is that she has promoted in her hometown and did not move to different and distant areas for each concert. But than again everything was working so well here. By now she probably realizes that the lower ticket price is more adaptable to this area that the $70 - $75 range.
Sad to say the concert is going to have a overkill in competition for our area.

Anonymous said...

These concerts have become tiresome. They aren't something special anymore. Have become overkill. Every weekend is a benefit for something or the other. Absolutely ridiculous. I actually hesitated in blogging this, but it's true. Pretty soon the people who donate to all this are going to need assistance cor themselves. Next thing you know is college students are going to be having a fundraiser for tuition assistance for them. I personally have donated numerous times just so all who read this know.

Anonymous said...

@4:17 one needs a extra part time job to attend these concerts twice in a month.

Anonymous said...

10:31 GET SOME HELP. There is no conspiracy for the concerts. You are throwing out more of the same baloney that has been thrown out before. What type of dispute have we got? Nothing. What would the newspaper cover? Should they interview those "nuts" who are claiming falsehoods and would they come forward and be quoted for a article that will include their thoughts on the concerts, UfO sightings, Kennedy assasination, alien abductions, BB gun club, and more. Maybe a weekly piece from those profound individuals that come forward from "The Peru Conspiracy Think Tank."

Peru Town Forum said...

9:27 AM

I don't believe the people being discussed could put enough thought together or formulate a plan to understand what the word conspiracy is. Long term planning is not a goal of this city or the people who run it. The chain of command is weak at best, no follow thru. For heavens sake, this city couldn't even take a dog staton (like the one at Pet Smart) and install it properly in the dog park. It was taken apart and hung on a fence instead of being placed in concrete in the ground. Someone who isn't always thinks they are smarter and that is our story in Peru.

Anonymous said...

They messed up a dog station? What is the chain of command for the dog station?

Anonymous said...

I have reviewed every single post over the past week. No one but the pro concert posters say Comspiracy. The post you attacked pointed out a possible reason the paper has not investigated any of the points brought up on the blog. Most rational readers would review the papers coverage and see a strong pro concert bias. I believe the blogger even pointed out that an investigation could go either way? Might shut up the conspiracy folks as you call it. t might give the people in charge ability to explain why the concerts have been advertised as a charity concert. Why the city operated without charging? How the concerts actually economically do not cause leakage?why there was only a safety plan written and available last year? What the actual formula is for donation? Why the charity must work for the donation? How many visitors actually come in? What happened with the liquor license irregularities? Why there is no ticket audit system? Why there are No drug dogs at the gates? Why are there are no incidents reported with crowds this size?What laws are being broken or bent? What the FAA actually said and what the mayor told them?

Really, as al pacino said , I am just gettin warmed up.

But these things are generally investigated by news papers. They tend to be suspicious of charity concerts, given their reputations in the country. Newspeople tend to be the cynics, the diggers of dirt. Here citizens have to do it, because .... Well if you give a crap you have to talk about it.

Anonymous said...

Anons 10:31 & 10:46 Thank you both for approaching the subject of "Concerts for a Cause" with a open mind. Your comments, questions and suggestions of entertaining the opportunity for the Mayor, promoter and supporting council members is a refreshing step to the positive side. I would also invite the newspaper to reply and defend their reluctance to perform investigative writing.
Anon 9:27 what part of my comment or 10:31/1046's woud you consider a unlawful plot (conspiracy)?

Peru Town Forum said...

5:50 PM
To you and all others that question why the city is involved in the concert for profit at the airport. City workers only do what they are directed to do and I know without a doubt that they are now and have been directed to be involved in the set up of things necessary for the concert to take place.
This does not mean the stage or anything the bands bring with them. And when city workers are told to go to the airport, they do and we pay for it. Now I want the city to come back and tell me that not one city employee is involved in this profitable venture for a private Peru in business.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know where the garbage cans that were in our parks have been taken. Would anyone like to bet that they are at the airport for the concert? In the meantime our left over garbage cans haven't been emptied and because many are now missing from the parks garbage is already accruing all over the ground. As far as the doggie park which was mentioned somewhere on this blog two attempts have been made to erect the newly purchased doggie stations properly and in
the right location. We're getting closer but we're still not there. And, because they are improperly installed they are getting scratched and bent.

Anonymous said...

10:46 its time to get out your SS uniform in the basement. Bring the dogs out and go business to business requesting all the audits, licenses, drug test everybody, and ask the why they do something for a profit? Then get the Mayor to take your truth juice that you carry in your little black bag. Then post all of your investigative reporting. And please after you have the "real" facts,make mention that you would like to make a formal apology to those affected by your continued misplaced comments about a Peru business and Mayor.

Peru Town Forum said...

2:18 PM

And your proof is? I hope not in a comment by anyone municipally connected.

Anonymous said...

Curious why it appears pictures exists on Flickr from all Concerts for a Cause besides the Kid Rock event?

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of cover - ups going on at city hall and there has been since 09. FACT! One of these days there will be a whistleblower. Where is the transparency? Trust nobody but the man above.

Anonymous said...

2:18 you might want to consider apologizing to me for calling me a Nazi. I will not apologize to people who are in my opinion are taking advantage and refusing to operate transparently.

Answer the questions one time without calling out conspiracy, calling names or demanding apologies.

Answer the questions. Answer the questions.

Anonymous said...

One of the most telling facts about our local newspaper. What are number and subjects of their foia requests of Peru over the past three years?

What newspaper accepts the statements of politicians without doing an FOIA? Maybe our clerk could comment on that .

Anonymous said...

You really think the clerk is going to comment on that? Get real. People see through people needless to say.

Anonymous said...

6:05 I believe you can request a list of of al FOIA requests from the clerk, as they must keep a record of them and when they were completed. They have a limited amount of time to comply with each request I think.

Anonymous said...

I would be willing to bet that when anybody requests anything from the city clerk or city that is being questioned, the phone calls begin to pass on that one made a request. Especially when something being sought is questionable.

Anonymous said...

10:28 that is true and why the time has come for others to make those requests.

Anonymous said...

Probably because the lack of honest leadership 12:44. That's why also there are so many closed sessions at council meetings!

Anonymous said...

During the city council meetings their is one and only one person who sits next to the Mayor whose reputation in Peru City Government is unreproachable. This is Perus City Attorney, Doug Schweickert, does Doug attend these closed sessions? If he does and since most closed sessions if not all are pertaining to legal matters such as personnel, demolitions, contracts would it be more apropriate for him to judge the need of and announce closed session meetings.

Anonymous said...

What do taxpayers pay the city attorney a year on a base salary to attend meetings? How much more to represent the city on issues? What has his salary been over the last four years? And the previous 4 years? These numbers would be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:06 All numbers of the cities would be interesting. Last year it would have been interesting to be told why the city wrote off $25K of the concert promoters debt to the city. This year it would be interesting to know why it is taking longer than 14 days to pay the city from the Tim McGraw concert. Does anyone know why?

Anonymous said...

1:00 is this a blog rumor that the city was not paid for the 25 k owed? How are you calculating this?

This is an important thing and a serious allegation, for several reasons.

Anonymous said...

From Treasurer's Kid Rock concert report 7/13/12

Taxpayers total paid $22,809.06
Ms. Noonan paid $ 9,000.00

This report was also submitted to the Div. of Aero, FAA, Governor Quinn, Lt. Gov Simon, AG Madigan, Senator Rezin, Congressman Kinzinger, etc etc etc-who is protecting US taxpayers?

Why isn't the airport making a profit as an airport should be the #1 question asked followed with why does Chamlin consistantly overcharge for design phase engineering projects at the airport? Recall at the debate Mayor Harl specifically stated b/c of the concerts this will be the first time the airport will be in the black...because of concerts? Why not b/c it is an AVIATION facility?


Anonymous said...

It is what I thought. The city had openly invested these monies and justified it as an expense to develop the venue, saying they will be paid back in revenues over time.

It is a bs statement By the city of course, but I was just seeing if the city forgave an additional debt that had been required by ordinance. I do not for one second believe there were exactly 9000 tickets sold, but if that's how the city want to audit, the clowns at the FAA and IDOT are just going to look the other way.

Am I correct in assuming that the city will no longer require any expense re imbursements for fire, police, labor? Now they are just doing them for free and taking the venue and parking fees to cover it?

The failure to do as the FAA asked (make money) will not result in any action by the Attorney General, it is clear that the Mayor and promoter have been protected from that through dome kind of political agreement. But these facts do contribute to a citizen suit of blatant malfeasance, should anyone besides Kristy ever want to stand up and say stop this.

Relying on the politicians and the attorney general is an exercise in futility, unfortunately. But there are other courts.

Anonymous said...

Another problem I have is FMV (fair market value) is ONLY to be determined by a licensed appraiser (sure Beiderstedt would "cover" that) per the federal Revenue Use Policy for AIP grants; but Div. of Aero allowed the City to use per ticket/cost allocation as a FMV. Also speaking with local farmers it appears cash rent is up to approx. $400.00 in some areas which is less than what the City is charging/calculating.


Anonymous said...


Fair market value really can only be determined by surveying similar venues and determining what they would charge for hosting the concert. Most indoor venues provide security , parking and some utility. Outdoor varies much more. 5 to ten percent of ticket price , with promoter getting 5 to 15 per cent are norms in the industry.

Dollar per ticket is ridiculous compared to liability incurred, should be at least two dollars on every 50. The city may be saying they are not providing event management and security out of that, which is possibly a valid point. But the facility is also an airport with equipment that is being protected by a weak safety clause of distance. That clause was entirely broken during the evac preparation during the storm before the KR concert. The city liability is enormous, with drunks driving by exposed gas mains, out culverts not roads. It is ridiculous really. It is one concert disaster away from showing just how little risk the promoter bears and how much the city bears.

If that evacuation had occurred in the driving rainstorm, dark, with 9000 drunks on site, do you think the gas main would have survived? Yellow tape and temp fencing are not security. There is one way out to the cars and it is a damn maze.

Most people confuse event management and security with police and fire presence. Concerts of this size usually need both. Police are armed, allegedly trained in riot management and able to arrest and use deadly force. Event and stage security is rarely armed, although they can be equipped with non lethal weapons and cuffs. It is important to know how the city personnel are paid. If it is separate from the facility fee, they may be more in line with fair market. Either way, the city had to be dragged kicking and screaming into getting anything at all, and that is the real question.

Why is a for profit getting treated like a civic celebration or charity? All with our tax dollars. With due respect to the conspiracy screamers, there is something else going on here. Cities don't do this.

Anonymous said...

Then again Beiderstedt would have to have an appraisers license but then again that is commercial property!

Do people realize what Beiderstedt has done falsifying appraisals and if any of these commercial properties were in TIF districts... WOW


Anonymous said...

Falsifying documents is illegal, should go to jail. It will all catch up with him.

Anonymous said...

1:53 it already did, a little tiny fine. Something tells me he gets more from the people putting him up to this stuff, and he could care less about losing his license and a little fine.
I think there is some scary stuff going on here.