“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Free Concerts in the Illinois Valley

Concerts for a Cause which is actually a misnomer have overtaken other sources of fun, enterntainment and yes there are concerts that are free to the general public. If you interested in a few hours of fun and music, it is not necessary to spend the big dollars of attending a LaGrotto concert at the airport and have to put up with not only the expense but the hassle as well.

Certainly not referring to the big time stars, Ms Noonan brings in but many times, families and retired people do not even have the funding for those events. I guess the problem is that most of the local events throughout this whole area don't get much publicity because publicity in the newsprint because it costs money. Every small to tiny town or village in the Illinois Valley has had a "summer event". Every weekend nearby cities have had an "event". Just a few days ago, I remember reading about Ladd Daze and last week it was Lostant and Oglesby had a week long festival the week before. This week is the Depue Boat Races which included a concert by the Guy Lombardo band at Lakeside Park last night and I will testify to the enjoyable evening and saw many local Peru people there.

The events on the whole are very family friendly, so if something is still to come in the next few months, feel free to post for the rest of us to know about and perhaps attend.


Anonymous said...

How much was a ticket to the Tim McGraw concert? Someone said it was more than the big one last year that almost got rained out.

Anonymous said...

Lois, well done and nice comments. I am glad the city has free events like the local municipal band, affordable entertainment like Stage 212. Many festivals also a variety of free music. A little bit of every style of music is available if you look. It's also nice that people have opportunities to see big name acts close to home. If you look at the prices of the airport concerts you will see that the price is much more affordable than going outside the area for the same artists.

Anonymous said...

2:37 the Kid Rock ticket price was vary comparable to the rest of his tour. So was the Tug concert.

It's less gas, but not less for the ticket really.

Anonymous said...

Lois this isnt a comment but a topic for discussion.
The spring valley fireman were at the finance meeting tonite trying to get a decent pay for themselves and their chief. The news trib was supposed to be there to get the story.

Anonymous said...

Has the Peru PAC ever published its evaluations of the present city administration and aldermen as to the quality of job they are doing?

Anonymous said...

PAC? what is that? Oh yeah, I heard that was brought up at Mike Hart's campaign for mayor by some constituents. Apparently it never went anywhere because people are too scared to actually join a cause that could get something done, there is always some excuse. Also, why is everyone ripping on lagrottos for their donation? How much have YOU donated to a cause this year? Probably a lot less than she has.

Peru Town Forum said...


There was a PAC for a short time and the people that were involved are still involved but decided to find other ways to make a difference. It certainly wasn't people who were afraid to get involved. Every one of them is still working but a few unfortunately became a part of the status quo.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the present mayor was or is a member of this group? I do think that the first time he was elected was because he was not part of the status quo.
What would his PAC report card look like after 5 years in office and the Harl Tax which he voted in with his own tie breaker vote.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:30 PM

The present mayor had many supporters that were looking for change but never involved in a PAC for him. Most of the people who were in the PAC which actually never got off the ground found out that Harl was no longer the person they thought he was as he became so involved in only what he wanted and enjoyed.

Anonymous said...

8:00 because LaGrottos is not donating. It's the saps that support her concert, the city that pays for for it, the taxpayers, the concert goers that go to support a cause, the people who THINK they are supporting a charity concert.

Are you gonna say now she doesn't HAVE to give that money? Has it gotten that wacky? You throw a self proclaimed charity concert, then are supposed to get kudos because you share some of the proceeds with a charity?

Yes, if they give money from the pizza shop, like other businesses do, the you can say what a nice thing. But if they put up a jar for the veterans, have city workers and volunteers empty the jar and take it to the bank then take 80 percent for themselves for all the trouble, do you think people might have a problem?

Put it this way, if you rob a bank and on the way down the street you toss a few grand to some kids, are you gonna stand there and say... Well that bank robber gives more to charity than you do. Why you rippin on them?

Bank robbers for a cause... That has a nice ring to it .

For years this has been promoted as something its not. And before you get all hot and bothered, nobody is saying they are bank robbers. Just saying the ends do NOT justify the means, and that's why lots of people rip on them.

Anonymous said...

11:22. And how much did you give to charity this year? How much was that again? That's what I thought. You're so quick to throw stones, yet so slow to come up with actual solutions. "Bank robbers for a cause"?? Gimme a break. No wonder no one takes this blog seriously, bunch of radicals with nothing to do but bitch

Anonymous said...

12:05 you are missing the whole point. You still keep sticking to the fact that if you give money to charity it does not matter how it's raised, and unless someone gives more than the concert promoter they can not complain about the waste and malfeasance of their tax dollars.

It is an irrational argument you make. But what else can you do when faced with us hippie radicals lol.

Anonymous said...

What has what I gave to chaity this year has nothing to do with whether I am honest or dishonest, or whether I have mislead someone or it they were so greedy that they mislead themselves.
Remember their is a sucker born every minute and normally that sucker is self created on account of greed. I do not remember Mary claiming that 100% of the profits from concerts was donated to charity.

Anonymous said...

12:05 the solution of using the promoter to set up the concerts , paid of course, while having a 501c3 organization throw the concert has been presented. You can get a lot more support when you open up and are transparent in a charity event.

Thats not throwing stones.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:05 PM

What's your point? If you don't want to be a part of this blog and what is discussed, please don't annoy us with your smarty pants comments. Undoubtedly you are a part of the government of this city or a part of the receiving end of the concert. So many of the comments are so much more intelligent that what you are offering.

Anonymous said...

446. She does NOT need to be set up as a 501c3. She is GIVING donations, NOT receiving.

Anonymous said...

5:52 I am only stating what would make sense from a legal and liability standpoint. Using volunteers, getting special treatment from the Municipality... These are all consistent with a non profit. Almost all Charity Concerts form a 501c3 to sell the tickets and run the concerts. I believe the FAA was told that these were such concerts.

A non profit does not only accept donations. Ravinia is a non profit, Farm Aid is run as a non profit, the list goes on and on. It is a form of organization and business that is geared for fund raising , which the term Concerts for a Cause clearly implies. It is a form that is fully transparent and accountable, and the board could easily pay the promoter a reasonable fee for time and trouble. It could allow more businesses as vendors as well.

No one is saying that the current business must form such an organization. Many simply wonder why they have not. They can continue to operate as professional fund raiser and file the forms showing what the campaigns generate.

The other solution is to have a fixed amount per ticket. I brought it up as solution, since someone said stones were easy to throw but they wanted solutions.

Anonymous said...


In order to GIVE a donation she must first raise funds by promoting the concert. Ms. Noonan is a fundraiser not a promoter.

Anonymous said...

12:05 No one likes this blog? A bunch of radicals who like to bitch? Who do you think you are? Many readers and contributors to this blog are concerned citizens who aren't happy with the way their city is headed. Nor are they happy with the way city officials tend to bully citizens who dare to ask them
questions.Because there is no other way to report issues that occur in our city on a regular basis citizens use this blog as a means of communication. It has been reported by many citizens that they have e-mailed or phoned their aldermen with no results whatever.

Anonymous said...

4:08 I have no idea what you are trying to say? Are you saying that people are suckers for thinking Concerts for A Cause was primarily a fund raiser? How could anyone make that mistake when they saw the giant ads by the highway with the words CONCERT FOR A CAUSE.

And they think that because they are greedy? Or that the charity is greedy? All those greedy suckers wanting more money at the orphanage.

As far as the proceeds from the concert, read what the Mayor told the FAA. Read the ordinance. There is only one I think. Before that, there are only all the ads and stories calling it a chariity concert, benefit concert, saying the proceeds benefit the charity, etc.

Maybe she never said it, but somehow it sure got out there.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:12 PM I've said what I am trying to say. Don't make a effort to analyze it and just take it for what is said. You are treating my comment exactly in the same manner as people are treating the "proceeds from the concert" termnology.
"Concert for a Cause" specifically means what it says and that is what is happening. The donation is put together from the profit accumulated from the concert (ticket sales-expenses=donation).
What revenue is netted from all other activities riding along with the concert have been the business of the promoter. The promoter has possibly made a fortune off of the sales of punch bowls, beer, water pizza etc. This situation was impossible to hide and was not hidden, it was done visibly in front of all.
Have you ever heard the saying, "If it sounds too good to be true it is". I am not trying to side with either pro concert or anti concert but believe that you have to do your research or contact experienced personnel before dealing with knowledgable business people when dealing in their field. I also do not believe in most intermingling of private and public investments. Especially when tax dollars are making more money for an individual rather than the government entity. At that rate all retail establishments can expect government assistance in any "fundraising" endeavor. Wouldn't that be wonderful!!!!!

Alonso Quijana said...

Peru is home rule. The mayor and the council should charge a special "gathering" tax for all gatherings of more than ten peple. Maybe five bucks a person.

Anonymous said...

1:42 I believe a very solid case that the public would perceive the entire event was for charity could be put together from advertising, the ordinance and public statements. The belief that all concessions were magically exempt does not hold up.
I am stating that the events were promoted as charity and fundraising, and they have been much more a private concert with a variable donation.
Again, you make assumptions as a wise and astute business person who looks at the facts and says surely the Concerts for A Cause are really a for profit event with a small donation of the proceeds. The consumer does not assume that at all. The consumer should be clearly told what they are supporting and how. That is the respnsibiltyi of the concert organizer and the city.

Anonymous said...

Alonso Quijana, Do you live in a cave in a far off land? Buddy your ideas just don't fit in the U.S.A. Peru is home rule and a democracy not home rule and a dictatorship!
I don't understand what your anger is against other "peple" and groups but there has to be some institution which will help your unbalanced attitude.

Anonymous said...

Noonan is making money off these concerts. Look at her house! She would not continue these concerts if she wasn't making good money.

Anonymous said...

We have freedom of assembly alfono. If 20 people are at a council meeting are you supposed to pay to attend?

Alonso Quijana said...

My quest is to see that the government has enough money to operate and do the good things that only government can do. The government is better at spending money - I have made it my quest to see that the money is distributed to the government so they can pay the workers and give it to the more deserving poor.

Anonymous said...

5:46 I have argued hard against her concerts for years, but even I get angry when these posts about her house show up. I think the concerts are potential fraud, and think they are a bad risk for the city, but I do not begrudge her making money or building her darn house!

Focus on the issues that are wrong. They have a very successful business and have money, but that is not a crime!

She has a nice house. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

7:45. I'm not against her for having a nice house. I'm simply stating that she is making good money from these concerts or she would not continue having them. And only $5,000 to the charity? Her pizza joint does well, but not good enough to have a house and pool/pool house like she does.

Anonymous said...

Alonso Quijana, Don Quixote or whatever you got on the wrong plane and landed in the U.S.A. The U.S.A. is a capitalistic country not socialistic and our hope is to stay with that form of economics. The majority of us are fed up with the thought of some that believe everyone should have the same whether they work for it or not i.e. 2 years of unemployment without any advancement in job skills and permitted cheating on welfare. We need more people who think they should be given everything without working like we need a hole in the head. This type of person is breaking America and we don't need more of them. Years ago when someone said you could be anything you wanted in America he meant you could be anything you wanted to be if you were willing to work hard for it. You can also be a bum in America doing nothing waiting for a free hand out but don't expect anyone to feel sorry for you if you have nothing not even a piece of bread.

Anonymous said...

I think Alonso is a jokester. Lois shouldn't post his ridiculous comments.