This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
News Tribune - News - Local - La Salle works on tiny downtown park
Great idea "green space" down town.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
To the women who continue to work against intense odds in Peru to make a difference in our city, one we can be proud to call our home. Some of the "gentlemen" members of the city council don't seem to understand that it is not their town only but ours also and it belongs to our family and friends and we are all entitled to voice our opinions whether you happen to like it or not. And we hope that Mr Waldorf gets the point one of these days. And Mr. Ankiewicz also.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Peru Volunteer Ambulance Report July 2011

Please excuse my pencil lines but this is one of my work papers. This type of report comes out monthly from PVAS to the city of Peru. For some reason it is read at the City Council meetings. The one item that caught my eye was the fact that they (PVAS) have an ambulance on standby at the La Salle Speedway in spite of the fact that LaSalle does provide emergency care and transport if needed to/from the Speedway. So why are we there with an ambulance? I should not say we because this is a private not for profit corporation that the City of Peru generously donates $4000 to each month. It is truly a donation because although their board consists of elected or previously elected city officials, the city has no none input into the organization and how it is run. No one other than the board sees their books. It is time for the city of Peru to get into or out of the ambulance business. If we continue to support a service, why are we not doing like La Salle, Mendota, Princeton and Ottawa for starters. They all have their own Fire Department Paramedic service that are run well and even make a profit for their respective cities. If we can't do that, then let the service learn how to manage their finances and run as a truly private corp. and not a half way, partially supported by the city organization. Enough is enough.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Cleaning the board: Local police use property law to rid drugs, crime -
It would be comforting to know that Peru follows the lead of other cities but I have not seen it locally, have you?
Friday, August 19, 2011
Naplate considers national volunteerism program -
Alderman Perez hope you are reading this and also Steve. We have frequently discussed the need for volunteers in our city. A link is included in the story.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Streator firefighters to assume code enforcement duties -
Interesting article especially since the City of Peru just hired a Code Officer that will be part time and seasonal.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
News Tribune - News - Local - Peru to invest in upgrades to attract employer
Please draw your own conclusions, I have and feel we are being deceived.
News Tribune - News - NCI - Princeton council bans 'designer drug' bath salts
This City Council seems to have come up with a well thought through ordinance for their city. Smart move.
Monday, August 15, 2011
An Example of What a CDAP Grant Can BE
The link I posted is how it helped a small city in Illinois get the grant to help develop 25 jobs and is similar in scope to the Peru Project.. Casey is a southern Illinois community of 2942.
I think it would have been more informative to direct us to web sites than to waste our time in a public forum with no information.
Thoughts on the Concert vs The Fireworks
I would like to clarify my stance in regards to the water street celebration and the difference between the recent concert.
As you recall my quote " water street is one big beer garden"
Meaning; beer tent, 5 pubs, coolers of alcohol, and open containers allowed throughout the public streets. Although our P.D. Does a great job responding to incidents It is impossible for the police to monitor the full stretch of a street that has open alcohol. This venue makes it easy for teen and binge drinking. " I do not blame the CSO or pubs for allowing this"
This is a simple fix that is our responsibility as a city to correct. I have never stated I oppose beer drinking, but it must be a controlled venue.
The current venue does not allow for more family activities or an opportunity for the city to generate donations or revenue to fund the nearly 30,000.00 festivity.
I would like to see the pubs contained with a fence around their outdoor beer garden.
The beer tent moved off of water street and no open containers allowed on public streets.
This will allow room for more family events and an opportunity for the city to save the taxpayers from all, or some of the costs of this event,
Along with helping make the celebration a safer place for all.
Concert- Concert for a cause is " not a city funded event" This venue was targeted for families with many family activities which included a carnival. Yes alcohol was served Which was contained to that fenced in area. No coolers were allowed, and anyone that was in question was carded. I bar tended from open to close, we had some regular customers and at many times we stood around with no customers.
The difference between the concert and the water street festivity " was Huge"and a great success!
Please contact me anytime for questions or concerns @ 815-245-7566
Thank you! Rodney Perez
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Peru's Only City Park on Route 6
Recently while coming home, I noticed a park bench towards the back of the park and I began to wonder why would you have a bench that is blocked by high shrubbery. I have seen people sitting there who would not want to be seen but maybe that is a good place to hide. It looks like there have been attempts to make it more attractive in previous years but this year it seems to be rather bedraggled. Of course no baseball games could be held here.
This leads me to the question of who plans our landscaping in our parks and sees that they are kept up. We do have a horticulturist who even lives in this ward. Maybe some of the plants at the green house could have been placed here instead of dying from neglect.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thoughts From My Desk
I would check the record to see what was done about it if I thought records were even kept for those years.
I guess that the following might be a conundrum but we know that much has been made about the beer garden and the Fourth of July and I have to admit that I have been one of those cheering for a change but now I read that beer will be present for The Big Time Rush, a concert for young people to raise money for the swimming pool to be constructed in the next millenium and BEER will be allowed. So beer is ok at the airport but not on Water Street? And the difference is???
Until Ald. Perez went out with the group of GLOW kids from Missouri, this fire hydrant was hidden by overgrowth. If there had been a fire in the area there would have been chaos looking for it.

I would also like to know where the money generated by the water and sewer rate increase is stashed away. If we have it why will it be necessary to borrow with a revolving line of credit of 2.8 mil. Wasn't the increase mandated in order to have money to pay for the mandated water - sewer separation?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
"Closed Session" meetings are a necessary "evil"
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Peru storm sewer seperation project on hold after contractor pulls out « AM1220 WLPO News
Seems to be a news story but not sure if the city might have more information than they are releasing. Why would a company that is being paid by the state as the money came from Springfield decide to leave the city in a lurch with a half finished project?
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Youth Who Smoked Potpourri Product: ‘I Thought I Was Going To Die’
And we thought "bath salts" were gone and everything was OK in Illinois. Not so, please read this changing scenerio and its dangers that still exist. I hope our Police Department is checking Smoke Shops and other known convenient stores and/or gas stations where this might be sold.
Monday, August 08, 2011
Honesty in Government
Friday, August 05, 2011
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Excavation cave-in results in "Near miss" incident
The excavation in question was more than four feet deep(which requires shoring by OSHA regulation) but did not have "shoring" equipment in place at the time of the cave-in. Ironically, the employee in question has been very vocal for a very long time in requesting that proper shoring equipment be purchased by the city. Even more ironic is the fact that less than 24 hours before this "near miss" took place, the Peru city council finally approved purchase of OSHA approved shoring equipment, also known as a Trench Box. There is no question that city officials were negligent by failing to provide the proper equipment and training to its employees and failing to enforce the proper procedures for working in and around excavations. Some time ago, I asked Gary Bleck why the city did not have the proper shoring equipment. Gary informed me that he had been pricing new equipment for purchase and that employees were told to "borrow" shoring from local contractors when necessary. I asked who or what was causing the delay in purchasing the equipment. Mr. Bleck said he could not tell me who or what was holding up the purchase. I believe there were aldermen who were totally indifferent to the critical importance of purchasing this equipment and that is unacceptable to me. It is clear that we have some city officials, elected and otherwise, who have very little practical sense of how to provide oversite to a public works department, let alone an entire city. To say that the city of Peru "dodged a bullet" in this situation is a monumental understatement. We are so fortunate that nobody was seriously injured or killed. When you consider the fact that after this excavation began to fail there were no less than "three" workers in a life threatening situation. I had recently advised a water department employee they should refuse to enter any deep excavations until the city purchased a ditch box. The employee expressed to me the fear of repurcussions to he and others if they refused to repair main breaks. City of Peru employees have been risking life and limb for a long time repairing these ever-occuring water line breaks and they deserve better than this from city officials. This will be another example of "re-active" leadership.