“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, July 14, 2011

News Tribune - News - Local - Peru fireworks revamping, relocation begins

News Tribune - News - Local - Peru fireworks revamping, relocation begins


Peru Town Forum said...

Be sure to read the comment by Kevin Caulfield N.T. reporter..I believe he is a Peru resident and has a right to express his ideas but I am happy to say this July 4 celebration will move forward and Peru will have an event that is for families and if you don't like it stay home. After all for years families have had to stay home because of the "adult behavior" on Water Street which they did not want to expose their children to. Their time has come.

Anonymous said...

Another Rodney idea without any thought! Have you been to Ottawa or Streator? Yes, they have alcohol and lots of it. Relocation is not solving the preceieved problem. The CSO is not the the reason people drink at outdoor events. As a parent you have the resposibility to act in a manner that sets a example for your children. Go to a Cubs game and you have alcohol and tatoo bobbleheads that spew 4 letter words. Moving the fireworks because a Alderman wants the added publicity seems a bit extreme. Washington Park has very nice ball fields and on a wet day those fields will be destroyed. In addition you have a cell tower and a library to contend with. Baker Lake is also in a residential area that will have to contend with issues like dry weather and homes. The airport looks to be another location but you have regulations with a airport. The cost of Police protection and cleanup will still be a factor, why would this go away. Water Street offers riverfront views with boaters and plenty of space to protect property owners, you have a few businesses that benefit and capatalize on the celebration. Its America and we celebrate. To say that the city didn't get a bang for the bucks is again a misstatement, compare before you speak. Many on waterstreet said this year was the best! Please have options before you decide to remove the fireworks or a solid plan before you proceed. Think also about the raifications of not having the confined sales and wristband ids that the CSO has for alcohol sales. Most of all a few council members need to just think.

Anonymous said...

Another fundraiser is on the horizon. Thanks for your help Ald.Perez.

Anonymous said...

Pool fundraiser, fireworks fundraiser, next will be the Alderman fundraiser!

Anonymous said...

Like the newstribune reporter mentioned some forethought Rodney.

A disappointed citizen said...

Enough is enough Peru. There is just way too much idle time regarding the summer help. Grass is being cut regularly even though it hasn't grown at all. Where ever you go you will see groups of them together visting, riding around,. or watching. I do not blame the kids. I blame the lack of supervision and work for them to do. I see garbage cans overflowing yet apparently those who ride the lawn mowers and cut the grass aren't allowed to empty them? Weed eaters could be put on lawn mowers and used at this time yet apparently that is another no-no. I just don't get it but I do get that our tax dollars could be put to better use. With all the city vehicles on the road on a daily basis are they each only allowed to perform certain tasks as dictated by their union contracts? Can we only empty garbage on Saturday?

Anonymous said...

Watched a truck load of summer help stop at Baker Lake at about 7:00 a.m. one day last week. All 4 of them walked into the women's restroom, took a brief look around and immediately left. It takes 4 people to do nothing?