“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Peru Recreation Summer Fun

Download the brochure from the city of Peru website. This link will take you directly to the location. Peru Summer Recreation


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how much summer help we hired this year as opposed to last year? I also hope we hired previous experienced summer help over those who worked strictly at the pool.

Anonymous said...

Two years ago there was a huge amount of summer help on the payroll. Last year, because of the pool closing and keeping those employees on the payroll we once again had a lot of summer help. That's why I would like to know what our count is this year compared to last year (especially because of the economy and excess help we had in the past).

Anonymous said...

I also heard kids bragging at LP because they are going to work for Peru Summer Help. They were bragging about starting at $12.50 an hour.
What is the matter with minimum wage for the young people? Most adults out of work, won't make what they do. I think its wrong to pay them so much, especially a lot of them just goof off.

Peru Town Forum said...

Lois said...

Seems to be a lack of supervision and the kids have great fun as they race through town on the mowers or play tag. I'm going to make a guess and say that the kids getting 12.50 (which is way to much) are returns from last years group.
I remember that happened last year. New hires got one wage and returning summer help got more.

Anonymous said...

Certainly not $12.50/hour? I thought it used to be that way but that the new mayor changed the pay scale. Not sure - does anyoe know the answer or could an alderman give us the actual pay scale?

Anonymous said...

9:21 Apparently $12.50/hour is a fact for some of the summer help since no one who is in the know has denied it.