“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Examples of Pool Problems


Anonymous said...

If the above three pictures are the extend of the troubles with the pool, anyone having a very minimum of skills could and can repair these issues. This looks like nothing more then normal concrete issues over the winter. Take 10 to 15 minutes, Fix it and move on to more pressing issue facing our city.

Peru Town Forum said...

You do realize I could not post a picture of every crack and failure in the pool and that the company could not and would have no need to take a picture of every issue in the concrete, there would be no point to that. The pictures were an example and I hope the readers of this blog understand that.

Anonymous said...

Some aren't smart enough to know. This is to 10;18, Wake up and smell the roses.

Anonymous said...

Put 10:18 on the council, shes the same type we have there now. They don't understand anything. What a stupid statement.

Anonymous said...

Lois - I surely understand that and what ANON 10:18 needs to remember is that Mr. Drennan said it would take him a minimum of 2 weeks to patch the pool. So, obviously it's a lot worse than the pictures indicate and obviously ANON 10:18 was not at the meetings.

Anonymous said...

Don't assume 10:18 is a woman.